You Pretend You're Gay... Why...

By thelionftw

70.6K 1.2K 755

Airlia Ambrosia has had a crush on Lawson Wilde for years. But everyone thinks the reason why Lawson doesn't... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Author's Note
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Ten

2.9K 49 20
By thelionftw

Everyone at school was trying to get me to spill about what happened in the restroom. I didn't feel like telling anyone; I felt that by telling people, I was betraying Tristan. Tristan had left for the day, as with Oliver, Lawson, and Wiley. 


My heart hurt just by thinking his name. I suppose my hurt was apparent in my face, for Adeline, who for some reason asked me to walk with her to ice-skating, asked, "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing," I muttered. No way, even if the world depended on it, was I about to confine with Adeline about my feelings for Lawson. She would open her big mouth to Oliver immediately. "Stomach aches." 

Adeline gave me a sympathetic glance. "Time of the month?" 

"Nah.. It just hurts." 

We proceeded onwards to the ice-rink. Excitement rushed through my body. Ice-skating will help take Lawson and Oliver out of my mind. I wanted to cold rink to freeze any thoughts of today. Thinking about the whole incident made me laugh, though. Was Tristan really masturbating? Or were the guys just saying that?  

"What's so funny?" asked Adeline.  

I shook my head. "Nothing." I couldn't shake of the grin from my face. 

Adeline didn't seem it was funny. "You've been acting really sketchy these past few weeks. What's up?" 

"Nothing." God! I felt like a robot! 

"Nothing can just make you laugh and ignore everyone." 

I stopped walking. "I haven't ignored anyone!" 

"Oh yes you have." Adeline crossed her arms, ready for battle. "You didn't even go to Mandy's party with Oliver." 

Shit! I forgot about her party! "So? You know I don't really like parties." 

"But wouldn't you go just so you can keep an eye on Oliver?" 

"What do you mean?" 

She rolled her eyes dramatically. "You know what I mean. In case he decides to have a little fun with someone." 

I shrugged my shoulders. "If he wants to have fun, he can have fun. I don't need to be trailing after him all the time." I knew what she meant about fun, but I couldn't care less about it. 

I watched with humor as Adeline's jaw dropped. "You're so crazy! What the hell is wrong with you? Do you even care about Oliver? Or do you still love Lawson? 

I kept my face content. "I think that's none of your business. Now can we get on to the ice-rink? I don't want Coach to eat my face off." I began to walk. "Coming?" 

Adeline sighed. "Yes, mother." 

We walked the rest of the way in silence, not even speaking when we arrived at the ice-rink. Once there, we parted out separate ways to change. Stumbling a little on the ice when I was dressed, I began skating in small circles, watching my feet as I made little marks on the ice. Skating didn't take my mind of Lawson and Oliver like I wanted it to. I still thought of them.  

I really want to break up with Oliver, but I wasn't sure how to. Should I send him a text? Or should I say it to him, face to face? 

And was Lawson really telling the truth, or making this a joke? It would be so typical of him. Imagine his face when I fall for his trap. 

Coach skated up to me and interrupted my thoughts. "Ambrosia, are you okay?" she said roughly. 

"Peachy," I replied sarcastically. Coach detected it. 

"I suggest you watch your mouth, before you regret it." 

"Can I just go home?" 

Coach was surprised. I didn't mean to come across as whiny. I just didn't have the strength to skate. Coach seemed to understand. "If you're not feeling up to it, then it's okay for you to go home." She put a hand on my shoulder. "Is everything all right?" This is the Coach Natalie I loved. The hard, no nonsense master, yet has a softer, almost motherly side. There are times when I feel like hitting her, but I understand that she's just very passionate about her job and skaters. She wants the best for us, even if we're lying skanks who like to lead on guys. 

I nodded. "Everything is all right. I've just had a really interesting, tiring day." 

Natalie nodded, her blonde hair bobbing around in her tight ponytail. "Sleep it off, whatever it is." She awarded me nice smile. "Now, get on going!" She pushed me towards the entrance of the dressing room. "Before I change my mind." 

I silently thank God for making Natalie go easy on me. I also made a reminder to bake her a giant flan, her favorite dessert. Swiftly I dressed into my street clothes and called my mom to pick me up early. 

When my mom picked my up, she asked frantically, "Are you sick?!" 

"No, mom," I said tiredly, closing my eyes and resting my head against the seat. "I'm just really tired. Coach let me leave early because she didn't want me to lose concentration while skating." 

Mom nodded and kept her eyes on the rode. Then she turned to me, her eyes betraying she was about to say something embarrassing. "Are you sure you're not... I mean, you and Oliver seem very-" 

"Stop!" I knew where this was going, and I did not want to have this discussion. "It's nothing like that! I'm honestly tired!" 

She placed a hand on my forehead. "You're a little hot. Have you missed your period?" 

"Mom!" I threw her hand off my forehead. "What made you think about something like that?" 

"It's just that... I don't know. I guess I've been on edge these past few weeks." Ever since the economy has gone south, mom has been in constant fear that her family restaurants will start to lose business. Her family business is her first child. To lose that would mean heartbreak, and moving to the poor house. 

"Yeah, but that doesn't give you an excuse to go assuming that." 

She grinned. "I'm sorry, but Oliver is a good-looking guy and I know how girls get when-" 

"Did you hear about how well the King's Speech is doing in the box-office?" I asked as we drove by the cinema, trying to steer the conversation away from sex as we got closer to our home. "I think I'll go see it. It sounds really interesting." 

Mom laughed, knowing what I meant. "I'm sure it's a wonderful movie." To my relieve, we got home in record time. I immediately jumped out of the car and ran into my room. Mom laughed behind me and said, "If you ever want to have a talk, don't feel embarrassed!" 

"I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon," I said sarcastically from my room. I flopped onto my cozy bed and stared up at the sealing. There was still that purple paint mark that has been there for five years. Katerina got made at me for stealing her art supplies and threw a fit. Mom made here clean it off, but there were some traces of it left.  

My attention was kept on the purple for a long time. That was when I made my decision: I will break up with Oliver tonight. Not because my mom nearly had the Talk with me, but because it wasn't right to keep leading him on. After I got some much needed sleep. 


I woke up to the sound of something sizzling on the stove. Curious to what was being cooked, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. My dad was turning food around in a pan. 

"Hello darling," my dad greeted warmly in his Greek accent. "It's good to see you've finally woken up." 

I smiled at him lazily. "I still feel like sleeping, though." 

"You better not. We're having dinner soon." 

I looked around. "Where's mom then?" 

"Here," I heard her voice call out from behind me. She had on her jacket. "I'm going to the store to get something. Want to come with?" 

Nodding, I said, "Actually, can we stop by Oliver's house? He still has my Chinese notes and I really need them back for the test tomorrow." 

"Surrrre," my mom replied, winking. My dad grunted. He despised Oliver with his whole heart. "I'll drop you off at his house, Airlia. Don't pay any attention to your stubborn father." She shoot him an annoyed look. Dad grunted again and began stirring the food with more vigor. "C'mon." 

Mom drop me off at Oliver's house and sped off to the store. I walked up the beautiful stone steps and rung the door bell. I heard a voice call out "I'll get it!" before the door open. It was Olivia, the retched sister. 

"Oliver!" she called out, giving me the stink eye. "Your whore is here!" 

"My whore?" I heard Oliver's voice call out. Footsteps followed. "Since when did I have a whore? Or is this my early birthday present?" He reached the door and smiled when he saw me. "Sorry about my bitch of a sister. She's just jealous." He ruffled his sister's black hair in a brotherly way. 

Olivia scuffed. "Jealous of this?" She regarded me, head to foot. "Hmph. I'm more jealous of a hobo." With that, she left. 

Oliver rolled her eyes. "She's something, isn't she? Come in. We just started having dinner." He grabbed my hand and led me inside to the dinning room, where Mr. and Mrs. Oliveri were eating. Mrs. Oliveri smiled at me warmly. 

"Airlia! It's so nice to have you here!" she said. I smiled politely and returned her warm greeting. "Are you staying for dinner?" 

"No," I replied. "I'm just here to pick up my notes that your son has held hostage." 

Oliver smacked his free hand to his forehead. "That's right! Sorry. I haven't been thinking, as you know." He gave me a knowing smirk. "It's upstairs. Follow me." 

"Nice seeing you, Airlia!" Oliver's dad called after us. I replied back to him, but I don't think he heard me. 

Oliver's room was your typical boy's room. He had posters of Megan Fox all over his dark blue walls, along with sport posters. Clothes and papers covered his a good majority of his floor. There were a lot of trophies in his trophy case from various sports. 

"Sorry it's not the most cleanest room," he said, grinning. Holding my hand still, he led me to his bed. "Sit and I'll get you your notes. I also have something to tell you." He went to the corner of the room, where his backpack laid. 

When I was seated on the edge of his bed I said quietly, "I also have something to tell you." I was surprised I was sticking to my plan. Would his parents think I'm a bitch for breaking up with him in the household in which I spent more of my time growing up? I shook that thought out of my head. Oliver's mom was like my second mom. Surely she would understand if I do. Besides, if I don't do it now, I'm afraid I would never. 

After digging around through his backpack, he retrieved my notes. "Sorry that I crinkled them. As you can tell, I'm not the most well-kept person." 

I smiled. "It's okay." Wasting no time, I repeated, "There's something I got to tell you." 

He nodded. "Okay, but I've got to tell you the most righteous thing ever. You won't believe that I convinced my parents to do it!" 

His boyish joy got to me, so I said, "You go first." 

Holding my hand and looking me in the eye, he said, "You know how my family and Lawson's family always for Winter Break go snowboarding?" I nodded. He went on. "Well, Lawson suggested a while ago that you and your family should go with us this year! It's not like it's anything new, since your family has gone with us before. But since we're dating, my parents were skeptical about us going. But I convinced my parents that we wouldn't do anything like what they were thinking, since all three of our parents would be there." 

My mouth dropped. Crap, I can't break up with him now!  

"That's amazing!" I said with fake enthusiasm. Thankfully, he didn't pick up on it. "When did you make these arrangements?" 

"Hmm... About two days ago." 

"Aren't your parents pissed about your suspension?"  

Oliver laughed. "Oh yes they are. But when Bellamy called, he explained how I was honest and all that crap, so my parents thought I still deserved our trip." He smiled broadly. "It's gonna be so fun! Especially that you're going." He tipped my chin up and lightly kissed my lips. When he pulled away, he said, "Oh, wasn't there something you wanted to tell me?" 

I gulped. "Uhh... It's about Tristan." I silently cursed. Damn Oliver for being so honest! And damn his parents for allowing me to go on their trip! 

Oliver sighed. "Airlia! Are you here to give me a lecture? I already got a lecture from my mom. I don't need one from you!" 

Despite myself, I laughed. "No I'm not giving you a lecture. I'm just a little mad that you would do something like that. I expect it from Lawson and Wiley, but not from you." 

"I know," he nodded solemnly. "And I feel like shit about it." He kissed me again, but with a little bit more passion. "Do you forgive me?" he whispered. 

Dumbly, I nodded. He was working his charm on me. Knowing he was victorious, he grinned.  

"How long are you staying?" he asked. 

"Not long," I replied. I slid open my phone and read the text message from my mom. "I actually got to go now." I stood up and said, "Talk to you later, Oliver." Oliver got up too and hugged me goodbye. I dug my face into his shoulder, trying to memorize his scent. Since we were going to spend a whole vacation together, I better get all thoughts of Lawson out of my mind. Maybe if I fill up my mind with all things Oliver, Lawson will finally take leave of my mind. With one last kiss, and biding his family goodnight, I was in the warmth of my mother's car, mentally slapping my forehead for playing this game too long. 


Not my best chapter... I need something to satisfy my readers haha. And to give the story more pull to the ending. I know it's rushed, so don't say anything!  

We're getting to the end of this :\ I'm guessing there's six more chapters left? After I'm done with the whole thing, I'm going to go back and edit. You know, put more description where it needs it, add more info, yaddie yaddie yada lol.  

Vote, comment, fan! 

Not necessarily in that order haha.

Song of the day is "Chasing My Tail" by Fox Avenue. These guys friended me on Myspace years ago (obviously when Myspace was cool lol), and I've been in love with them since! If you have time, check out more songs by this fabulous Irish band(: I want these guys to be more well known haha.

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