
By nicolewroteit

63.8K 1.6K 227

"And in the middle of my chaos, there was you." More

7 ; new beginnings


3.6K 103 12
By nicolewroteit

Kamari T'amir Hightower | 17 | Kam
2 weeks later...

After the first date was over, Tavo rescheduled and they all went on the double date. It went okay besides them being at opposite tables and Kamari and Trezz who didn't talk much besides her and him talking about Amber and Tavo.

Kam broke up with Rashad one week later, because she felt as if he didn't care about her anymore. And because of school, she wasn't able to process her emotions so she didn't feel anything about it. She just didn't wanna talk.

After the awkward situations they all got closer , especially Tavo and Amber. A new friend group and Kam wasn't even mad about it.


Kam stood in the line of the ice cream shop with Amber.

"My man texted." Amber smiled as her phone dinged.

"We don't care about yo man." Kam joked as she reached the counter.

"Girl my man said fuck you." She rolled her eyes playfully.

Kam laughed as she looked at the woman at the cash register,

"What can I get you?" The woman asked with a smile.

"One Cookies n' Cream, one Chocolate, and one Mint Chocolate Chip." She stated and the woman tapped it in. "Okay card or cash?"

"Card." Amber blurted as she gave the woman her card.

"See, I hate you." Kam glared at her, knowing she was about to pay.

The woman swiped the card and then gave it back to Amber. After a few moments she came back with the three ice creams and they grabbed them and walked out the shop. Kam held them and as she made it out there, they sat at the table with Tavo and Trezz.

"Uh, you wanted mint chocolate chip." She handed Trezz his as Amber handed Tavo his.

"Youn' eat ice cream?" Tavo asked as he took a bite of his.

"She do, she just ain't want nun." Amber shrugged answering for Kam who smiled at her friend who had ice cream on the side of her mouth.

"Why not?" Trezz asked.

Kam shrugged. "Ion know."

"Okay so I got an idea." Amber smiled , putting down her ice cream and clasping her hands together.

"It's about to be sum stupid." Kam grumbled and Amber took a deep gasp making Trezz and Tavo chuckle.

"So like, I was thinking we should throw a party." Amber smiled as Tavo and Trezz eyed eachother and Kamari's eyes widened.

"No." Kamari knew what she was talking about.


"For what?" Tavo asked raising a brow.

"Kam's birthday." Amber said proudly and Kam shook her head.

"When ha birthday?" Tavo asked.

"November first." She stated.

"Man what? Her birthday one day after Halloween, people gone be tired, taking down decorations , and sum mo." Trezz said making Tavo laugh and Kam glare at him.

"Not funny Tavo." Kam rolled her eyes at him and he instantly stopped laughing.

"So we can throw it Halloween night, and then spend her actual birthday with her." Amber shook her head.

"Ohhh okay." Trezz nodded his head slowly

"Ohh okay" Kam mimicked him making him glare at her and she smiled.

"Where tho?" Amber asked.

"Ian agree to this." Kam spoke and they ignored her.

"Uh, can't be at the trap, we hold to much shit there." Tavo explained and Amber nodded.

"Ou! The clubs! One of the clubs."

"Y'all not twenty one yet, not even eighteen." Trezz spat making Tavo bust out laughing the girls glare at him.

"For yo information, Trezz, I'm eighteen. It's Kam birthday. Plus, if y'all run the clubs, and we go as y'all dates, why should it matter?" Amber spat as she pushed Tavo's head because he was still laughing.

"Babies." Trezz spat.

"See shut up, you stay throwin shots. Say sum else imma rub that ice cream in yo face." Kam and him glared at eachother, eye contact.

"Not gone do shit." He spat.

"Wanna test it out?" Kam smirked and he rolled his eyes and turned back to face Tavo.

"Man, I saw Lou ass earlier." Tavo smiled and Trezz chuckled. Just then as Kam was on her phone , a ringtone came through causing everybody to look at her. She read the contact name and her eyes widened.


She stood up and instantly walked away from the table. She answered the call.

"Kamari T'amir Hightower, where the fuck are you at!" She heard her mom's scream through the phone making her heartbeat race.

"At the ice cream sh-"

"Bring yo ass home now! And I mean it!" She yelled before hanging up and Kam felt her breathing speed up. She paced a bit as she tapped her phone against her palm.

She shook her head and then went to the table and started rubbing her hands together. "I need to go home." She blurted and Amber looked at her, her smile instantly fading.

"Why what's wrong?" She asked and Kamari looked at her friend hoping she would understand.

"I'll take you."

Amber did a low gasp and nodded. "Okay."

Kam walked to Trell's 2019 Black Dodge Charger R/T Scat Pack.

She waited as he unlocked the door with his key and then she got in . He got in after her and they pulled off. Kam was trembling as she typed away to Amber.

He noticed and eyed her.

"You igh?" He asked and she nodded not looking at him.

"You shaking." He spoke with his deep voice as he used one hand to turn.

"Oh." Kam put her phone down and looked out the window.

He picked up his phone with one hand and then started typing something, he then put it down and looked back at Kam.

"Why you act like you can't answer?" He asked and Kam groaned.


"Why you such in a rush to go home?" He asked started to get irritated with Kam's voice that was attitude filled.

"Since when do you ask so many questions? It's nothing about you." She deadpanned him and he shook his head.

"Then why you ready to go home?" He kept his eyes on the road.

Kam hesitated not sure if she wanted Trezz in her business. She took a deep breath.

"It's my momma." She sighed and he raised a eyebrow.

"What? She back or sum?" He looked at Kam who nodded slightly.

"So, what you going home for?" He asked and she shook her head.

"She told me to come home so that's what I'm doing." She shrugged not adding details.

"You can make up yo mind. You bout to be eighteen in a few weeks right?" He kept his eyes on the road despite talking to her.

"Yea. But she my momma, I'm not just gone do that to her." Kam started biting the inside of her mouth and playing with her fingers.

"She do it to you." He spat and she instantly looked at him.

"Look, don't disrespect my momma. I didn't call yours disrespectful." She watched as he sat back in his seat and kept his eyes on the road as he shook his head.

"I was just saying. I just thought-" he got cut off by his phone ringing. He shook his head and picked up.

"Yo?" He positioned himself in the seat as Kam watched. She thought it was attractive how he carried himself.

"What?" He asked with a more worried tone.


A few seconds later you could see his emotions in his face, and it wasn't happy.

"Fuck!" He yelled before hanging up and sat up twisting the wheel making the whole car turn and hit a big ass u turn. Kam's head hit the windows and her heart started racing.

She heard the pipes as he pushed the gas and they were going around cars. She closed her eyes hoping it was bad dream. After 3 minutes of unstopped spinning and turning the car came to a hard jerk and she flew forward hitting her head on the dashboard.

"Ouch!" She yelled as she heard the door close letting her know the he got out. She looked up and they were at this big suburban house, with ambulances in the driveway and he ran up to the house. She was confused.

She got out the car slowly holding her head that started to slightly throb. She grabbed the key and then pushed the button making the car cut off. She got back out the car and walked towards the house.

She walked in the house and there was paramedics around a lady on the floor. She looked ahead and saw a group of guys in the kitchen along with Trezz. Then on the staircase there was a girl who looked Kamari's age along with a little boy.

She had tears in her eyes as the boy was on her phone and her and Kamari looked at eachother. She sat on the steps behind the girl. She laid her head on Kamari's leg.

She watched as they put the woman on the stretcher and she heard the girl sniffle. "My momma.." she got out in a whisper and Kamari's eyes widened.

Their mom.

After about 4 minutes she was put on a stretcher,  and rolled out the house. The paramedics came back with a clipboard.

"An overdose. Can you tell us how this happened?" The white man asked and Trezz pointed at his sister.

"You! You did this shit Miyah!" He yelled and she stood up and went to where Trezz was.

"I didn't do anything!" She yelled back and the little boy instantly crying. Kamari grabbed him and sat him on her lap. He was still but e hugged her with his little arms. She rocked him as the argument continued.

"You did! You been feeding her this shit! What you give her? Huh!" He walked towards her and she was crying heavily.

"Trezz stop! I didn't feed her anything! That's my momma!" She yelled at him with tears going down her face. Kamari gave the little boy her phone and ss at him back on the stair case.

"You lying Damiyah!"

"Deontrez listen to your fucking self!"

Trezz punched the wall and his fist went straight through making everybody in the house jump except Miyah. The baby started crying again.

"FUCK." He yelled

"Trezz, calm down." Kam looked at him as he started pacing with his jaw clenched.

He looked at her and then over her back at Miyah.

He started walking towards Miyah and Kamari jumped in front of him and pushed him back.

"Trezz stop! He can't get information outta her if you keep yelling! Calm down!" She yelled at him and his eyes shifted to hers. He stopped for a moment.

"Can you start now?" The white man asked and Miyah nodded wiping her tears.

"I-I sent my baby down to ask my mom to fix him some food. And she didn't respond when I called her the first three times. I came downstairs and she was on the ground, not moving, I called her again and she wouldn't answer. He eyes were rolled to the back of her head, s-she wasn't answering. I called the police." She explained and Kam watched as Trezz shook his head.

"Uh okay. Has she did drugs that you are aware of?" He asked and Damiyah looked between Trezz and the man. She turned her back.

"Heroin , maybe some pills." She sniffled and the man nodded.

"Okay how long has she been doing these things?" He asked and Miyah took a deep breath.

"T-Three Years." She said with a shaky voice and the man nodded. " Alright Ms.James, visit the hospital she will be there." He started as he closed the clip board and walked out the house.

Just then as he left the door bust open. Tavo came In the house in a rush. He stopped at Miyah.

"Miyah what happened?" He asked and she started crying in his arms.

"Three years." Trezz whispered in disbelief. He went up the stairs and Kam followed behind him. He went into the bathroom and rubbed his hand through his dreads. Kam stood in the door frame and watched him as his breathing got heavier.

"Trezz, calm down." She grabbed his shoulder and he looked at her and took a deep breath.

"Three years. Three fucking years." He said and his head hung low as he spoke.

She grabbed his chin and lifted it up and his gaze shifted to hers. Her stomach was hitting cartwheels.

"Stop getting so angry. It'll be okay." She told him In a soft voice and he looked at her. She waited with him for a moment until Tavo came upstairs and cleared his throat.

"Kam. Ian know you was here." He spoke and she looked at him and nodded.

"I can take you home, I'll be downstairs." He announced before leaving and going back downstairs. She nodded and looked at Trezz.

"She's gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay." she tried reassuring him. She slighly smiled admiring his face.

"Yo head." He commented about the cut on her forehead and she looked in the mirror examining it.

"I'll be alright, imma just put a bandaid on it."

"Ard." He spoke rubbing his thumb over the cut slightly.

"See you later, I'll text you." She gave him a slight side hug and walked out of the bathroom going went downstairs.

"I'm ready." She informed Tavo and he nodded opening the door for her. "Igh."


Kamari waved bye to Tavo as she walked up towards the door of her house. She opened the door slowly trying not to make a sound. She crept in and close the door behind her.

"Girl why you sneaking in?" Her mom spoke making her jump and turn around facing her mom.

"Hey momma." She spoke as she caught her breath.

"Look, I went in ya room earlier and found three hunnid' and I needed it to buy Mon some shoes."

"Ma you don't have to go snooping, you can ask." She rolled her eyes taking off her shoes and then starting to go the stairs.

"Yea, whatever, you weren't here. And yea, you roll yo eyes again, imma hit you so hard they stay. Don't play T'amir. Now gone in that room, Mon coming over." She puffed her cigarette.

"What happened to Dylan?" She asked loudly as she was referring to the dude her mom as away with for a whole month.

"Mind yo business!" She spat and Kam went into her room about to take a shower.

When she got out she checked her phone and saw Trezz had texted. She sat on her bed and opened the message.


What happened to texting me later?

Ian think you was gone want me to text...that was a in the moment typa thing lol

Mmm, I appreciate you today. You ain't all that bad when you not mad.

Can't say the same about you, you ALL that bad when you mad, act like you can't calm down. But after too long you did.

Yea. I fr appreciate chu for being there tho.

Your welcome

How'd it go with yo moms?

It was .. something ig.

Oh ard

I'm going to sleep, bye Trezz, goodnight.

Goodnight Kamari

Kamari wanted to not text anymore considering she was smiling at her phone with all thirty two. She wasn't supposed to be smiling this hard at these messages. What is going on!


Anyways, I want this book to blow upppp, cus I like when people comment and stuff, but now I just waiting for like 4 views or something. I'll update again after I get about a few views. Most likely a hundred or so. I got like 10 chapters on standby lmao

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