Old Hopes & New Boots (Kelsea...

By UnnervedXD

1.1K 51 31

Y/N L/N is a 26 year old, small-time country musician from Tennessee, who's just trying to make it big doing... More

Obsession with Music
Crash Into me
At War With Myself
Risk Takin'
Mystery Woman and Record Labels?
Dive Bar Romance
The Fair and Fallin' Hearts
Mornin' Afters
Deals and Divorces?!
Layin' It All Out
First Ex/ First Single
Who to Trust...
Anger, Hurt, and Deceit

Dates and Secrets

71 3 1
By UnnervedXD

Kelsea's POV

I woke up to muscular arms wrapped around me, I turned around and took my time admiring the man I'd become quite fond of. I take in his sharp jawline, his lips that gatekeep a heart-stopping smile, and how his eyebrows scrunch up while he's dreaming, the freckles that run across the bridge of his nose and dance along his cheeks. As I'm admiring him, I run my fingers down his jawline, making him wake up. "You know it's creepy to watch someone sleep" he rasped out, sleepiness in his voice, as he rolls over pulling me on top of him. "Then call me a creep, but I was admiring not starin'," I said.

He laughed as he rubbed his eyes, stretched, and said, "I take it you slept well darlin'," "Of course I did, you're like a giant teddy bear at night, all you wanna do is cuddle.." I said sitting up, straddling his lap, and moving my hair out of my face. "Can you blame me for wanting to keep a pretty lady like yourself safe?" He said placing his hands on my hips, looking up at me. "I mean when you put it that way, I gu—" I didn't get to finish my sentence because Chance came barrelling into Y/N's room like a bat out of hell.

"Y/N Du— OH!" Chance said, turning around quickly as if he walked in on something he shouldn't have. "Dude what have I told you about just entering my room," Y/N said looking at him. "How many times do I have to tell you to lock it!" Chance said still facing the hallway. "Like that would stop you, your worse than a bull in a china shop, you would've run through it like the Kool-Aid Man," Y/N said, making me laugh. "Chance you can turn around, we were just talking," I said chuckling. He turned around and smiled shyly, "Sorry about interrupting yall's conversation." "It's all good, I was telling Y/N that he's a big ol' —-" My sentence got cut off when Y/N put his hand over my mouth and stared at me. "That your a big ol' what Y/N?" Chance asked, teasing in his voice. "None of your business Chance Scott. Right, Darlin'?" Y/N said looking at me. I nodded and he removed his hand, "He's a big ol' teddy bear!" I shouted as I ran down the stairs so Y/N couldn't catch me.

 "Run Kels! I'll hold him back!" Chance yelled from the room. I heard scuffling and grunts, coming from upstairs, making me run faster. I quickly ran into a guest room and hid in the closet, trying to be as quiet as I could be. I heard footsteps approaching the guest room I was in, "Oh Darlin' where'd ya go?" Y/N's voice echoed through the semi-empty room. I put my hand over my mouth as he got closer to the closet, I was hiding in. I heard a thump and a grunt, "Chance get off of my back! You need to lay off the BBQ, dude!" Y/N said. "You calling me fat?!" Chance said, sounding offended. I couldn't hold in the laugh anymore, I laughed loudly and full-heartedly as I stepped out of the closet. Y/N dropped Chance to the floor and grabbed me, "Gotcha, darlin'". "Yeah don't worry about me, my ass and I are fine!" Chance said, from the floor.

"Get up you big baby," Y/N said as he threw me over his shoulder, carrying me to a part of the house. "Put me down!" I said as I smacked his ass, laughing. "Nope! You aren't allowed to walk, 'cause you ran away from me," Y/N said as we entered his office. The office was also a home studio. "Is this where the magic happens?" I asked as he put me down. "Well, that's usually the bedroom sweetheart," He said with a sly grin. "Y/N Y/LN, you know what I meant.." I said slapping his shoulder. "Ms. Ballerini, did you just assault me?!" He said placing a hand on his chest, feigning he was hurt. I laughed and watched as he set up his studio. "Are you gonna sing for lil ol' me?" I asked as Chance walked in.

"Well I got a text this morning from our label, and they want me to record some songs," He said looking at me, Our Label, I'll never get used to that. "The song you sang that night at the bar or a different one?" I asked. "Well the one from the bar is already recorded, so a different song." He said. "Chance, what did you need to talk to me about?" He asked Chance while turning on the switchboards and lights. "Bro you sure you want Kels to hear this?" He said. "I ain't keeping her in the dark bud, so what is it?" Y/N said. "Steph is in town, she's supposedly looking for you." Chance said. "Okay let her look for me, why is that what you are so worried about?" Y/N said, moving the microphone to where he wants it. "Just wanted to give you a heads-up cause she looked like she was back on a drug binge." Chance said. Y/N stopped what he was doing, grabbed Chance, and pulled him into the sound booth, so I couldn't hear what was being said... I wonder what he's hiding...


"What do you mean she looked like she was on drugs? I got her clean. She went to Rehab and all. She said she would never do that shit again!" I said looking at Chance. "I don't know but she was down by the old hangout spot asking for you and for Damian, her old dealer..." Chance said calmly. "What happened to not keeping Kels, in the dark Y/N?" He asked. "She doesn't know about my past, If I tell her about Steph's drug habits, I have to talk about my issues, and I'm scared she's gonna run," I said looking out at her on her phone. "Y/N that woman cares about you, more than anyone you've ever dated, and I can tell you care about her too." Chance said. "She has me wrapped around her finger dude, it's crazy..." I said smiling at her, as my phone went off with an Instagram notification. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw that she had posted a picture.

I liked and commented on the post, I even laughed at the comments from her fans. "Whatcha laughing at?" Chance asked. "Kels posted a picture of the back of me, from our first date, and her fans are going nuts, look," I said as I showed him the picture. "An don't worry I'll tell her about Steph, when I'm ready or if she asks," I said, walking out of the booth. "So you just like to cause your fans to go nuts?" I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Hey, I gotta keep 'em on their toes, especially since they are hounding me for a new album," She said interlacing our fingers. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm okay, I'll tell you later about it, I promise," I whispered and kissed her head. "Okay, handsome... Are we recording this song?" She asked.

"Chance you trying to record a lil something?" I asked him, pulling his attention away from his phone. "I'm ready when you are," He said. I cleared my throat, kissed Kelsea's forehead, and walked into the booth. Chance pressed the microphone button, "Play the file called "Baby I Am"," I said through the microphone. "Gotcha bud, let me know when you're ready." Chance said. I cleared my throat and adjusted the microphone and headset. When I was ready I gave Chance a thumbs up and looked at the lyrics on my phone. Once I heard the guitar and snare drum, I started singing,

I could tell somebody broke your heart

I could see somebody told you lies

You ain't even gotta say the words

I can hear 'em looking in your eyes

You can live behind the walls you built

And never look for love again

You can just let me in

Baby I, baby I am

Fallin' even deeper in love

With every single kiss from your lips you're driving me crazy

Every time you touch me

Baby I, baby I know

You're the only one that I need

And if you wonder if I'ma be a love you 'til the day I die kinda man

Baby I, baby I am



We can call it anything you want

We can fly or we can take this slow

Long as you're here holdin' my hand

Then I know all I need to know


Baby I, baby I am

Fallin' even deeper in love

With every single kiss from your lips you're driving me crazy

Every time you touch me

Baby I, baby I know

You're the only one that I need

And if you wonder if I'ma be a love you 'til the day I die kinda man

Baby I, baby I am

Baby I, baby I am

Fallin' even deeper in love

With every single kiss from your lips your driving me crazy

Every time you touch me

Baby I, baby I know

You're the only one that I need

And if you wonder if I'ma be a love you 'til the day I die kinda man

Baby I, baby I am


Baby I am

I finish singing and look out at Chance, he gives me a thumbs up, "That was amazing bro, your vocals are amazing." "Thanks, bud," I said through the microphone, taking off my headset and walking out of the booth. "When did you write that?" Kelsea asked me. "Uhh... like 2-3 days ago, after the run-in with your ex-husband..." I said looking at the floor. "Is it true?" She asked. "Is what true darlin'," I asked, slightly confused. "That your a "love you 'til the day you die" kinda man?" She said smiling at me. "For you darlin' I'll be whatever you want," I said kissing her softly. "So if I said I want you to be a dog...?" She said, sarcasm in her voice. "Then I guess I'm barkin' and shittin' outside with Sobek and Dibs," I said making her laugh.

"Chance, put that song on this USB drive for me, I'll have to take it to the label tomorrow," I said. "Gotchu bro," He said. "And you darlin', go get dressed, I'm takin' you out," I said pointing at Kelsea. "Where are we going?" She asked. "Just dress comfy, we are gonna go have some fun," I said as she walked out and headed to my room. "Bro, she knows the song is about her, you basically told her you are in love with her," Chance said looking at me. "Is it a bad thing if I am?" I said. "No bro, not at all! I'm glad, she's good for you." He said. "I'm gonna get out of your hair, so you can take that pretty woman out." He said giving me a hug and leaving the house.

I turned everything off and walked up the steps and into my room. When I walked in, Kelsea was all dressed and ready to go. "You ready handsome?" She asked me. "Let me just get dressed quick," I said rushing into my closet, looking for jeans and a t-shirt. 

I walked out of the closet and grabbed a hat. "How do you look so damn good in anything you wear," Kelsea said, looking me up and down. "You should ask yourself that question darlin', you'd look good in a damn trash bag, if need be," I said taking in her outfit,

(^This minus the beanie)

"Thank you handsome, now let's go, I'm excited!" She said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of my room. I allow her to pull me along, I watch as she grabs my keys and rushes us out of the door. "Keys, darlin'..." I say pulling her back. She hands them to me and I open the truck door for her. "Thanks, handsome," She says, I close the door and make my way to the driver's seat, getting in the truck, and driving us to the nearest bowling alley.

"We're going bowling?!" She said looking at me, excitement in her eyes. "Yes ma'am, you ready to lose?" I said, helping her out of the truck. "You said that at the fair and I think I won, sir." She said as we walked into the bowling alley. We went about getting a lane and our bowling shoes, as we walked to our lane, she was often stopped for photos or autographs. "You interacting with fans is amazing," I said as we got to our lane. She ran to the screen and set our names, I looked to see what she set mine as, Handsome, was on the screen. Her name was set as, Darlin', and I smiled at her, "You are too damn cute," I said as I hugged her. She smiled and grabbed her ball, "You say that now, but your gonna be mad when I beat you," She said, trash-talking me.

"We'll see darlin'," I said, watching her bowl. We bowled for about an hour, we were tied and on the last frames of our last game. "If I win, you tell me your life story, start to finish," She said looking at me. "Okay and if I win, you have to call your mom and tell her about me, on speaker," I said. She grabbed the ball, and threw it down the lane, getting a strike. She did a little celebration dance, "Beat that!" She said, laughing. I grabbed my 12lb ball and threw it down the lane, but as I threw it, she scared me, making the ball go into the gutter. "That's cheating," I said looking at her. "Never said we had to play fair," she said. I laughed and shook my head, she had a point.

She threw the ball down the lane and got another strike, I knew I was gonna lose after that. I grabbed my ball and threw it down the lane, getting a 7-10 split, "This game is rigged," I said. I heard her laugh behind me. I grabbed the ball and threw it blindly down the lane, missing both pins. "Ha! I win!" She said jumping on my back. "You definitely do darlin'," I said holding her thighs so she doesn't fall.

We turned in our shoes and made our way to the truck. We climbed in and made our way to the house. I pulled into the driveway and helped her out of the truck. "So you want to know my whole life story huh?" I said looking at her as we make our way to my room. "Yes I do," She said, while we were changing into some pajamas... "Well...." I said...

OOO Cliff Hanger! Only cause my laptop is dying...

Morgan is coming back?!

Y/N's life story?!

What do yall think?!

-G <3

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