
By Ayanokoji-Kyun

39.4K 1.7K 588

(Ayanokoji x Kushida Although romance is not a prominent aspect of the story) Instead of emotionless koji who... More

V1 - Chapter 1: Façade
V1 - Chapter 2: The First Day
V1 - Chapter 2.1: First Day Part 2
V1 - Chapter 3: Popularity Boost
V1 - Chapter 4: Club Fair
V1 - Chapter 5: Swimming
V1 - Chapter 6: Investigation
V1 - Chapter 7: Surprise Test
V1 - Chapter 9: Failed Threat
V1 - Chapter 10: Study Buddies
V1 - Chapter 11: Work
V1 - Chapter 12: Mid-Terms
V1 - Chapter 13: Arisu Sakayanagi
V1 - Chapter 14: Plan NM
V1 - Chapter 15: Clash of the Horikitas
SS: Horikita Suzune
V1 - Chapter 16: One Step Ahead
V1 - Chapter 17: Trial Day
V1: Chapter 18 - The New Class C

V1 - Chapter 8: May 1st

1.7K 89 21
By Ayanokoji-Kyun

May first.

A day in which most in my class were beaming in excitement for.

That excitement quickly diminished.

The first thing I had done in the morning was check my account balance.

Unsurprisingly, to my class's dismay, the total amount of zero was credited to my account minus the 150,000 I get from being a student council member.

In other words, I was right. There would generally be no universe in which I was wrong on that hand.

With over two million private points, my worry was that of none. I was fine, potentially for my whole school life here. Unless something were to happen that is, I mean, who knows? (A/N I do)

I did my daily morning routine which consisted of going to the gym, showering and then eating breakfast. I cooked the simple but tasteful dish of eggs on toast.

Time passed and I sat in class looking as 'nervous' as the rest of my peers.  In reality, it was just an act. Looking calm in this situation would get me unnecessary attention.

Sensei walked with her usual cold demeanour, her vibe screaming 'Don't fuck around with me.'

I raised my hand,

"Yes, Ayanokoji-kun?"

"We didn't receive the 100,000 points this morning." Her eyes turned almost into that of a snake. She must know some of my capabilities, no?


I've never heard silence quite this loud. (A/n Taylor Swift reference if you get it.)

She sighed at my question, seemingly ashamed of me.

"I'm quite certain that every class received points this month without fail." She responded after quite some time.

"B-But Sae-chan-sensei-!" Yamauchi had sweat visibly dripping from his forehead.

"I will not repeat myself." She cut him off, "The school has judged you of your worth and your worth is nothing but zero. In other words," She creepily smiled at us, "You received zero points."

Almost every one breathing stopped. People were unable to comprehend what had just happened. To live happily in bliss for one month, positive that you'd continue to the next only to have your thoughts crushed in front of you. This class isn't even worth my pity.

"You're all defective."

I looked towards my neighbour and her face stiffened whilst she clenched her fist. Obviously angered by the insult that she had just received.

Chabashira-Sensei unrolled a large piece of paper and pinned it on the wall, there it read the classes and their rankings:

Class A: 940 CP
Class B: 640 CP
Class C: 490 CP
Class D: 0 CP

All but Class D managed to retain more than 0 points which had the term 'defective' truly sink into their heads.

"The total of 98 absences and tardies and 391 incidents of talking and cellphone usage in class. Every single infraction that you've made I've counted. In this school, your performance is reflected in the number of points you receive. The 100,000 points that could've been yours went down the drain due to your stupidity. How do you feel Class D? Ashamed? Distraught? Pathetic? If I were you, I'd feel the same."

Sensei talked mechanically, like a robot, without any expressions painted on her face, crushing the hopes of the students of class d.

I raised my hand.

"Sensei, as it's our fault for not behaving like we've been told for the nine years of compulsory education we've had, may we be told the situation in how points are increased and decreased?" I asked.

For the first time today, since she walked into class, a subtle smile appeared on her face, "That I cannot. We are forbidden to divulge the details of the assessment of merit towards the students. When you enter society and find a job in business, most wouldn't tell you how you're going to be assessed. This is such a pitiful sight to see."

To pinpoint the number of points taken away from each infraction would be nearly impossible so we'll just have to not lose more points, not that we have anything.

For gaining points, since there is a class hierarchy system, I highly doubt that there's not going to be some type of special exam or such to gain points.

"Let me indulge you all with a piece of information; for argument's sake, if we say that you all stopped showing up late to class and stopped talking, your deduction would be zero, but that doesn't mean you'll get more points."

In other words, she's also saying that the amount of points we'll be receiving for next month is also zero.

"The class points you receive aren't just an inductive to the number of points you get per month, but also your class standing."

There it is. My theory.

In different wording, she's explaining that if class d managed to keep 491 points, we'd be promoted to class c whilst those of class c moved down.

"Lastly I have one more piece of important information to give to you."

From her desk, she proceeded to pull out another piece of paper slightly larger than the latter.

The names of every single person in the class were listed, as was there a number next to each of them.

She smiled slyly, "From what I can see, the majority of you are idiots and I can't even sugar coat it from these test scores."

Except for the top students in my class, including myself, everyone scored below 60, "Seriously, what the hell were you guys doing in middle school?"

"If this test was recorded seven of you would have had to drop out this minute."

"D-drop out...?" One of the handful of people who got below 30 asked, frightened at her words.

"Did I forget to explain? Anyone who gets a failing mark in any midterm or final exam in any subject has to drop out immediately. On this test, that would be anybody below a 30."

An argument between Ike and his friend group with Sensei started, them going back and forth but failing against Sensei's words.

"Haha! You're all fools!" Another voice emerged over the idiots that were speaking.

"Shut up Koenji! You're in the reds too!" Yamauchi exclaimed, pissed off that he was getting made fun of.

Koenji raised an eyebrow, "Check again."

There he was, taking the second top spot underneath me, Yamauchi was in no doubt pure disbelief. He was in even more disbelief when he saw the name above Koenji with a score of 100.

I took my phone out and began playing a recording I had saved. Of course, it was the bet Yamauchi and I had made.

"Yamauchi, I expect you to be wearing these for the rest of this month," I said, throwing the items at him, he looked down in defeat.

I looked over to Kikyo and blew her a kiss, "I told you I wouldn't lose." She just rolled her eyes at me.

"Sensei I have a question." I raised my hand once more.

She nodded at me.

"There's a catch to this whole thing isn't there? I believe I know the answer."

"Indulge me in your answer Ayanokoji, I have reason to believe it's correct."

"The 100% college and work expectance rate. It'll only be received if we graduate from class A. Am I right?"

The whole class gasped at my words, hoping that I was mistaken.

"You're indeed correct Ayanokoji."

Everyone's head, including the prideful Sudo, hung in shame.

It was their fault, no?

Personally, I have more than enough points in the world.

"Ah! Before I forget to mention!" Chabashira said before she left,

"You should all congratulate your classmate Vice President Kiyotaka Ayanokoji for becoming a part of the student council." She left the room right after.

Heads instantly turned towards the back row, looking at me. I smiled at them with closed eyes.

"I was hoping it would be a surprise~!" I said.

"Eh~! Kiyotaka~! You didn't even tell me!" Kikyo turned her head away from me.

"I did say I wanted it to be a surprise."


I received a lot of congratulations from the rest of my classmates until they remembered that they would probably now get taken the piss out of for being in class d and having zero points.

The first half an hour of my school day was quite fun, wouldn't you say so?

"Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, please report to the faculty office as soon as possible, I repeat-."

Now this is even more amusing.

Before I went, I walked up to Kikyo and whispered something to her, "Let me borrow your phone real quick, I have a feeling I might need another one."

She complied almost instantly and handed it to me,

"I'll be going now. See you in a bit~." I said.

"Bye-bye ~!" She replied.

Now, Chabashira Sae, what do you have in store for me?

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