
Від Aylz_F

925 29 36

One of many Time loops Og Penny had to go through. Більше



207 10 7
Від Aylz_F

As she continued to play with the candle, her mind wandered to other things she could set ablaze.  the endless possibilities of what could happen if the last string of her sanity got cut. The thought both excited and terrified her, but in that moment, she couldn't bring herself to care. She had been holding on for so long, and the idea of finally letting go was liberating.

Her eyes fixed on the dancing flames of the candle, and she felt herself slipping into a trance-like state. The warmth radiating from the wicks wrapped around her, and she couldn't help but feel as though they were speaking to her in some foreign language.

She couldn't resist the desire and lowered the candle sluggishly toward the curtains. As the flame grew closer to the fabric, she watched it lick at the edges of the curtains. She could see the threads starting to turn black and curl away from the heat. Soon enough, the fabric caught fire and quickly grew larger; it held onto the curtains like a predator holding onto its prey, devouring them with fierce intensity. Then it slowly shifted to nearby furniture, the wood crackling and popping as it caught fire and was gradually consumed by the flames.

The flames spread quickly, filling the space with a cozy orange light in the pitch-black night and her nostrils with the acrid smell of burning cloth.

She knew that there was no turning back now.

Despite the chaos around her, she remained surprisingly calm. She was aware of what she had done and felt satisfied with the result. The flames danced and flickered, illuminating the room in a way she had never seen before. She couldn't help but feel a sense of power and control as she watched everything burn. In that moment, she knew that she had unleashed something within herself that she couldn't contain. The fire had become her obsession, her new addiction. She simply gazed at the masterpiece in front of her while her chamber, her own hell, was being demolished and reduced to ashes.

What love was left for this dreadful family was burned along with it.

She took a dark blue amulet from her pocket and clutched it tightly, feeling the coolness of the gem against her skin. It held teleportation powers that she had never used before, but now seemed like the perfect time to try them out and escape this chaos.

For a brief moment, she glanced at the amulet, a sad mocking grin on her past self's pitiful attempts to reconcile the nonexistent father-daughter bond she had with the Duke.

She gritted her teeth as tears began to well up in her eyes. Back then, she thought maybe if she tried harder and loved more, things would be different. So she bought the amulet and intended to give it to him before the hunting festival, hoping it would somehow bring them closer.

but instead, she was falsely accused of insulting and trying to hurt a noblewoman during a social event.

Quickly, everything went wrong from there...

The accusation was a huge blow to her when she realized it was all a set-up by Gloria Kellen, who wanted to tarnish her reputation and make a joke out of her.
Her older brother put her on probation without again taking her justifications into account. Despite her attempts to clear her name and prove her innocence, the damage had already been done. She felt betrayed yet again She couldn't help but wonder if anyone would ever believe her side of the story or if she would forever be seen as the villain in these situations. The weight of the false accusations and mistrust felt heavy on her shoulders. but she kept hoping that her father would eventually believe her innocence and help her. So, she waited..

What did her devoted father do to defend her?

Absolutely Nothing.

He prohibited her from participating in the upcoming hunting competition and ordered her to remain confined in her room until he said otherwise so she could think about the blatantly false accusations, despite having no evidence to support them. Then, from the little words going around the maids in the duchy, the Duke gave the 'victim' a fucking large amount of gold as compensation for the damage.

The situation left her feeling helpless, betrayed, and alone She hoped that her father would have stood up for her and believed in her innocence, but his lack of support shattered her trust in him. It was a difficult lesson for her to learn that sometimes even those closest to us can disappoint us.

She stopped calling him father again after that incident and decided to distance herself from him. Because in her eyes, he was no longer worthy of being called by that title or anything close to it.

The amulet was forgotten in the midst of the chaos and placed on her room's dresser as a symbol of her lost freedom and shattered trust, since no amount of effort could compensate for the brutality and neglect imposed on her. She resolved, though, that she would never allow anyone else to make her feel powerless again.

She attached the amulet to her chest, held her little bag tightly, and sat on the couch in the back of the room, loving how the warmth and light from the fire filled the space and made her feel at ease.

The heat emanating from the flames stood in stark contrast to the frigid air that filtered through the windows. She took a long breath and exhaled gently, attempting to relax. She knew she had a long road ahead of her, but for the first time in a while, she felt like she had the power to overcome any obstacle that came her way.

She glanced at the fire once more as she rested her head on the back of the couch, humming a tune while the flames danced, appreciating its supportive partner. As of yet, nobody is aware of the fire. She considers calling for help and pretending to be stuck, but quickly dismisses the thought, realizing that it is not necessary, and ultimately chooses to savor the moment. Feeling her body's tension slowly release, she relaxed and exhaled a happy sigh.

The amulet's power would do the rest, teleporting her to safety when she was ready. All she has to do is recite the incantation inscribed on the back of the amulet. Or perhaps the smoke will suffocate her just enough to make it work. It didn't matter to her whether it was this or that. It was all the same.

What mattered was that she was free from the constraints of her mundane life and free to explore the depths of her own desires and passions. She closed her eyes and let her mind wander, imagining all the adventures she could have and the things she could see. She portrayed herself as a free spirit, wandering aimlessly without any obligations or responsibilities, enjoying the simple pleasures of life, and basking in the warm sun without a care in the world.

She longed for a life without fear, where she could be herself without having to hide behind a mask of conformity or societal expectations. Perhaps she could travel to distant lands, meet new people, and experience things she never thought possible. Or maybe she could become a designer, creating beautiful and innovative designs that would captivate the world, with her imagination as her only limit. The possibilities were endless, and she was filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation. But for now, she will enjoy the peace and solitude of her little bubble.

As the fire steadily devoured everything in its path, it seemed as if the flames were turning her life upside down, replacing all the evil with good.

The heat was becoming unbearable, and she could feel sweat starting to bead on her forehead. The smoke made it difficult to breathe, and the once nice room was now nearly unrecognizable, filled with smoke and ashes.

She got up off the couch and gave the room, which was engulfed in flames, one last look.

''Anakar'' She whispered softly the incantation as a dazzling light gradually emerged from the amulet with a warm glow, encircling her. "Goodbye," she muttered, shutting her eyes as she felt a sudden jolt as she was pulled through space and time and transported to a different location.

When she opened her eyes again, she found herself surrounded by lush greenery and chirping birds.

Confused and disoriented, she looked around, trying to make sense of where she was. The air was thick with humidity and the scent of flowers and damp earth.
Soon enough, she recognized the soldiers' training camp's grounds. But everything seemed different somehow—the trees were taller, the air smelled fresher, and there was an eerie silence that hung in the air, maybe due to the absence of the usual sounds of clanging swords and shouting soldiers.

She reached for her chest and took off the now-burned amulet. Her brows knotted in a deep scowl. She had been warned that it could only be used once, but she didn't think it was not powerful enough to teleport her a considerable distance, thus she was still inside the dukedom.

Penelope was disappointed that she was not transported to the location she intended, but she knew that she had to make the best of her current situation.  However, one thing worked in her favor—she already knew the way out.

She hurriedly looked for the dog hole that she usually used to sneak into from outside the dukedom to go and watch the nighttime festivities during her childhood. She crossed her fingers and prayed that the guards hadn't discovered it and sealed it off. It was her ticket out of here, so she hoped it was still there.

After a few minutes of searching through the bushes, she finally found the hole covered with leaves and twigs. She carefully removed them and crawled inside, hoping not to be discovered by anyone who might be lurking nearby. As she crawled through the narrow passage, she could hear the distant sounds of guards patrolling the area. Penelope tried to move as quietly as possible, not wanting to draw any attention to herself. She was aware that there would be serious repercussions if she was caught, so she had to cover her tracks and make sure no one could trace her steps. She could not imagine the duke's wrath if he learned about this. He'd very certainly sign her death warrant.

Finally, she emerged on the other side, outside of the dukedom walls. She took a deep breath and looked around, relieved that she had made it out undetected. She knew that she still had a long way to go before reaching her destination, but at least now she had a fighting chance of getting there without being caught. She took one last look at the towering walls behind her, knowing that she could never go back there, before setting off toward the night market.

The market was located a little far from the duchy, but Penelope had no other choice. She needed to find someone who could help her get out of the country, and this was her best shot. She walked cautiously, looking around to make sure she wasn't being followed, and eventually reached the night market. The aroma of street food and the sound of vendors haggling filled the air, but she couldn't enjoy it as much as she wanted to because her anxiety was still lingering.

She carefully made her way through the stalls, trying to keep a low profile while keeping her head down and her hood up. She hoped that the market's bustling atmosphere would help her blend in and avoid any unwanted attention, but her nerves were still on edge as she couldn't help feeling like everyone was watching her. She had always taught herself to be cautious and aware of her surroundings, and now more than ever, she had to be extremely vigilant.

For the time being, she was out of trouble, but she didn't know for how long, as she was a magnet for danger and always seemed to attract trouble wherever she went. She picked up the pace, trying to put as much distance as she could between herself and the duchy, walking cautiously and keeping an eye out for any guards or patrols.

As she walked deeper into the market, she searched for a ride out. She knew that a carriage might draw attention to herself, but it was her best chance to get out of the city quickly.

She cursed herself for not learning how to properly ride a horse. As she approached a carriage rental station, she hesitated. She didn't like the idea that much, knowing it could draw unwanted attention, but she had to find one that was willing to take her without asking too many questions. She decided to ask around discreetly, hoping to find a trustworthy driver with a heavy mouth.

She scanned the area, looking for any signs of danger or suspicious activity, and approached a few potential drivers, carefully gauging their reactions and demeanor, but none seemed honest or reliable enough. Frustrated yet undeterred, she let out a deep breath, telling herself that she would not give up until she got out of the capital.

After a few attempts, she spotted a horse carriage near the end of the street. It was a bit worn down, but it seemed to be in decent condition. She cautiously approached the driver, who was leaning against the carriage and smoking a cigarette. He looked up at her and raised an eyebrow, clearly wondering what she wanted. She sat up straight, speaking to the man without letting her nervousness show.

"Excuse me, sir. Do you happen to be a driver for hire?" The driver nodded slowly, sizing her up with a keen eye. "Depends on where you're headed," he grunted. "I need to leave the capital immediately, and I'm willing to pay well for a fast and discreet journey." The driver's initial skepticism turned into interest as he listened to her request. He took another puff of his cigarette, considering her offer. After a moment, he put down the pipe and leaned forward, his eyes meeting hers as he spoke in a low, serious tone.

"I can take you to the border of the neighboring country in two days, but it won't be cheap," he replied, his eyes scanning her for any signs of hesitation. ''And we'll have to travel through some dangerous territories, so you'll need to be prepared for anything.'' The woman nodded, understanding the risks involved. "Money is not an issue," she said firmly. "I need to leave as soon as possible, and I trust you can get me there safely."

The driver smirked and flicked his cigarette onto the ground. "Get in," he said, gesturing to the carriage. The woman stepped towards the carriage, taking a deep breath before she climbed up the steps and settled into the strangely comfy seat. The carriage driver cracked the reins, and the horses began to move, their hooves clacking against the cobblestones as they made their way down the street, leaving behind the hustle and bustle of the night market.

The woman leaned back in her seat, taking in the sights and sounds of her surroundings with a sense of wonder. She couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty as they continued on their journey through the dark and winding roads. She knew it would be difficult, but it was preferable to the life she had behind her, where danger lurked around every corner. She knew that once they crossed the border, she would be safe, but until then, anything could happen. She clutched her belongings tightly and prayed that they would reach their destination without any trouble.

The sound of the horses' hooves and the creaking of the carriage wheels filled the air as she gazed out the window and watched the landscape change to rugged hills and thick forests passing by in a blur. She tried to keep her eyes open, but the exhaustion was overwhelming. She knew that sleep would eventually take over, and she hoped that when she woke up, she would find herself in a better place.

If only she knew what the future held...

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