
By Aylz_F

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One of many Time loops Og Penny had to go through. More



346 10 17
By Aylz_F

The still room resonated with the sound of water drops falling from the ceiling. In the dimly lit room, the flickering candle cast eerie shadows on the walls, and soft moonlight filtered through the dusty windowpanes, adding to the mysterious atmosphere of the space. The scent of death and decay lingered in the air, as if no one had been in the room for years. The abandoned furniture and cobwebs covering every surface suggested that this room had been forgotten and left to rot. It was as if time had stood still in this desolated space, frozen in a moment of neglect and abandonment.

The shadows danced along the walls as the drops of water continued to pitter-patter onto the stone floor. The eerie peace was almost captivating, as if inviting the curious to explore the secrets hidden within the walls. But the overwhelming sense of dread and foreboding kept most at bay. The still room remained a mystery, a forgotten relic of the past, waiting for someone brave enough to unlock its secrets.

A frail-looking woman leaned against the old chair worn out by time, her eyes fixed on the window where the raindrops were hitting the glass pane with a steady rhythm. She seemed lost in thought, oblivious to the sound of the clock ticking away in the background.

She seemed lost in her own world, her eyes fixed on a distant point, staring blankly up at the gloomy night, seemingly seeking answers to questions that she couldn't even put into words.

The sound of the water drops matched the rhythm of her breathing—slow and steady. The woman's mind was wandering, lost in memories of a time long gone. She wondered if she had made the right choices in life and followed the right path.

She appeared so empty, much like the echo of water drops; both were unable to find anything to fill their existence.

The young woman's face was etched with lines of sadness and despair, giving her an air of melancholy that was hard to ignore. The heavy bags under her eyes proved that she hadn't slept well in days. Her mind was consumed with worries and anxieties, and she couldn't seem to find any peace or rest despite her exhaustion.

Her magenta-like hair, once shiny and full of life enough to make heads turn, now looked dull and lifeless while it hung limply around her shoulders, mirroring the lack of vitality within her. Her eyes, once bright and full of life, now seemed dull and empty, staring off into the distance with no sense of purpose or hope. It was as if she had given up on life, resigned herself to her fate, and was waiting for the end to come.

Her dark purple dress, a stark contrast to her pale complexion, was hanging loosely on her frail body and became loose and wrinkled, as if it had been worn for days without care. She couldn't help but feel like she was wearing her exhaustion for all to see. She had been going through a tough time lately, dealing with issues that seemed to have no end in sight.

Her mind was a maze of thoughts and emotions, each one leading to a dead end. She tried to stay positive and hopeful, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. She knew she needed to find a way out of the maze before she lost herself completely. The sound that kept repeating was that of a clock ticking away the seconds, reminding her of the passing time. She wondered if she would ever find meaning in her life before it was too late.

As she focused solely on the sound, her turquoise eyes closed while her body swayed gently with the rhythm of the falling raindrops. She was lost in a sea of memories, reliving the moments that had brought her to this point of hopelessness and despair while trying not to drown in the overwhelming emotions that came with them.

She had always been a fighter, but lately, it seemed like the weight of the world was too much to bear. She struggled to keep her head above water, but the current was getting stronger. She needed a lifeline, a way out of the maze of her thoughts and emotions.

She wondered if anyone would notice if she just disappeared and never came back.

"Definitely not.'' She thought "Not after her return." Then added with a scoff.

It's been a little over a month since the apparition of Eckart's true daughter. The girl, who had been missing for years and was presumed dead, suddenly reappeared, which was also the biggest scandal of the year in social circles and the main reason for her wrecked coming-of-age event.

The reappearance of Eckart's daughter not only caused a scandal but also shattered the dreams and aspirations of the young lady, who had been looking forward to it. Her disappointment was understandable, given that it was an event she had been preparing for months in advance, to shine brighter than any star and welcome her transition into adulthood. To finally be noticed by them.

It was a sad twist of destiny that her long-lost sister's arrival had to fall on her special day, taking away all the attention she was supposed to have. The girl was compelled to feel inferior to and resentful of the sibling she barely knew. The same sibling, she wished she could be—the one who had the love and attention of her father and the admiration of everyone around her. Despite her envy, the girl tried to hide her feelings and maintain a cordial relationship with her sibling. However, the constant comparison and unspoken competition between them made it difficult for her to truly connect with anyone, so she merely became a shadow who never lost the sense of being a fraud.

Her special day turned out to be a bittersweet reminder of her lack of belonging, the void that existed in her life, and the relationships she had lost and the ones she had failed to build, leaving her feeling isolated and alone even in the midst of celebration.

She couldn't help but wonder if things would have been different had her sister not shown up on that day or never returned, and if she would have been able to impress her family.

''No. Stop! Nothing would have changed.''

She tried to push away these thoughts and focus on the party, but the anxious feeling in her chest only grew stronger.

"But what if I...?"

She felt trapped in her own thoughts and unable to break free from the cycle of self-doubt. She wished she could escape the constant comparison to her sister and find her own identity. But she couldn't shake off the feeling of being an imposter, living in a world that wasn't meant for her. The constant scrutiny and judgment made her feel suffocated, and she longed for a place where she could just be herself.

Yet, every single time the little flame of hope got close; it was quickly extinguished by the overwhelming feeling of despair that consumed her with every passing shattered expectation to be loved one day by her foster family. She had learned to put on a brave face and hide her emotions, but deep down, the pain and hurt continued to eat away at her. She knew she needed to keep fighting, but it felt like an endless battle with no end in sight.

So, she just gave up all together...

Just like that.

No more trying to be the perfect daughter. No more referring to her stepbrothers as brothers to avoid conflicts or dealing with their constant abuse with her head lowered. No more complaining to her father about anything or making problems to get his attention. She was tired of being the only one making an effort and getting nothing in return, as if all her efforts were in vain. It was a tough decision, but it was a well needed break from her toxic family dynamic, and she was determined to focus on her own well-being and happiness for once.

Pulled out of her thoughts, she peered out the window and noticed that the rain had ceased. The gray clouds had started to clear, and a full moon was peeking through the clouds, casting a silver glow on everything around her. As she gazed at the moon, she realized that, just like the clouds, her own doubts and insecurities would eventually clear.

After all, the only person she needs is herself, no one else.

"Yeah, I guess it's time!" she said. "Enough holding onto something that is not meant to be. I didn't belong here to begin with. It's time to leave this cursed place and start anew." She rose from the old chair and gazed all around the chamber. Taking a look at the familiar surroundings where she had spent so much time, she felt a sense of nostalgia and sadness wash over her. But she knew that staying in this place would only bring her more pain and regret. With a deep breath, she gathered all her jewelry and personal belongings in a small bag, then switched into the regular clothing she wears whenever she sneaks out of the duchy.

She passed by the mirror and paused for a moment She hardly recognized herself, with her hair dull and messy and without the fancy dresses she was used to wearing, her eyes tired, and her face pale and gaunt. She noticed she had been ignoring herself for far too long, so she used the scissors in the side drawer to cut her hair short and chopped off the long, elegant locks that had once been her pride and joy and defined her beauty. She looked at her new look in the mirror and felt a sense of liberation, as if she were shedding her old self and embracing a new, stronger version of herself.

She couldn't help but smile at her reflection for a moment, feel a sense of nostalgia for the carefree days of her youth before life's harsh reality took over, realizing how much she had grown and changed since she first arrived in this chamber. Her old little self, who was once so naive and innocent, is now long gone.

She turned away from the mirror, gathering the loose strand of hair and placing it next to her pillow in bed. Her old, worn-out purple attire was placed on her bed as well; the hair strand was on the pillow, giving the impression that she was dozing off there. This will be used to fake her presence in the room, making it seem like she never left. If not, it will be a good distraction for everyone until she's out of this nightmare.

She knew that this was a drastic measure, but it was the only option she had left, or she might lose her sanity. And frankly, she didn't have time for anyone's judgment. She had little time to waste and an escape plan to execute before anyone noticed her absence. She only hoped that it would bring some peace to her troubled mind.

"What if they tried to track me down and drag me back to that dreadful place?" A sudden thought crossed her mind, and her smiling face turned into a frown.
Once again, her fears catch up with her.

"Worse yet, what if they track me down and force me to return against my will?" She whispered to herself, feeling a cold shiver run down her spine. She couldn't bear the thought of going back to that dreadful place and losing her freedom again. She took a deep breath and pushed those thoughts aside. She needed to focus on her escape plan and take things one step at a time. She reminded herself that she had planned this out meticulously. She had covered all her tracks and left no trace behind. She was confident that she could pull this off without a hitch.

''But will they be concerned about my disappearance?" She wondered if anyone would notice or care that she was gone, or if she would simply become a forgotten memory, another missing person whose fate would never be known.

An annoying voice in her head kept telling her that she was making a mistake and that she should stay put. She tried to ignore it, but the voice grew louder with each passing minute. She couldn't shake the feeling that leaving was a bad idea, even though she knew it was necessary. She tried to push the doubts aside, reminding herself of all the reasons why she needed to go. She knew that staying would be an even bigger mistake.

After all, it's only a matter of time before they kick her out; she'd been nothing but a burden to them, constantly causing trouble and never fitting in. But was she really to blame for her circumstances, or was it just a cruel twist of fate that had led her down this path? She couldn't help but feel a sense of bitterness toward the world for treating her so unfairly.

Perhaps this was better... She knew she had to leave, even if it meant being alone and facing the world barehanded. She needed to find her own path and make a fresh start, away from the judgmental eyes and suffocating expectations of her family and society.

Free off the name Penelope Eckhart...

She carefully considered her next move as she moved to the little table where the lit candle was flickering, casting shadows on the walls. She cautiously lifted it up and gave it a close inspection. The flame flickered in the gentle breeze, as if it were trying to communicate with her, whispering sweetly.

A wicked little smile slowly creeps its way into her face.

The way that fire seemed to have a life of its own had always captivated Penelope She reaches out to touch the flames, feeling the heat on her fingertips, and wonders if it's possible to tame something so wild and untamed. She couldn't help but feel a thrill every time she played with it, even though she knew the danger it posed. She watched the flames dance and flicker as she held the candle in her palm. She felt like she was holding a piece of that untamed power, and it made her feel alive.

She knew that it could destroy everything in its path, everything that she once held dear, but at that moment, she couldn't resist the temptation to play with it, to see how far she could push the limits of its dance. She couldn't tear her gaze away, aware that with just a flick of her wrist, she could snuff out the flame and plunge the room into darkness.

Better yet.

Set everything ablaze until there is nothing left...

And that knowledge gave her a sense of satisfaction like no other.

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