The Double-Agent family (Quir...

By mustard-cream2356

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Ochako Uraraka is a 21-year-old lady who works hard, earning money from the dojo she inherited from her paren... More

Ep1: A Wicked Day For Everyone
Ep 2: The Match Made In Hell
Ep 3: Face Mask part 1
Ep 4: Face Mask part 2
Ep 5: Face Mask part 3
Ep6: Tokyo Newbies
Ep 7: Living Normally
Ep8: What A Lovely Family
Ep9: The Same People, Different Places
Ep10: Kanatoen Camping
Ep11: Mission SCATTER!
Ep12: Can You Face Death?
Ep13: Heroes And Villains
Ep14: It's Going Down!!!
Ep15: A New Era
Ep16: Meet The Kaminaris'
Ep17: Hunt Down part 1
Ep18: Hunt Down part 2
Ep19: Hunt Down part3
Ep20: Young World
Ep21: Earth To Uravity
Ep22: For Myself And No One Else
Ep23: Different Feelings
Ep24: It's Begun
Ep25: Count-Down
Ep26: A New Year
Ep27: I Hate You
Ep28: Well....That Escalated Quickly
Ep29: We Need To Talk
Ep30: The Worse Kind Of Foes Are Your Friends
Ep31: Eri's First Day
Ep-32: What's The Worse That Could Happen?
Ep33: Where's your Alfred?
Ep34: The Unordinary Life Of A Spy
Ep35: Where Are The Good 'Ol Days?
Ep36: The Shadows are smiling
Ep37: Slowly, Slowly, Those Walls Are Crumbling Down
Ep38: Operation-RedHOUSE...
Ep39: Beyond The World There Is A Light
Ep40: The Night Party
Ep41: As Simple As A,B,C
Ep42: Blood-Stain!
Ep43: Familiar Faces and Circumstances
Ep44: Face To Face With Lies and Deceit
Ep46: An Unexpected Rescue
Ep47: Mission... Accomplished?
Ep48: The First Rain
Ep49: Before The Day breaks
Ep50 : Bad News
Ep51: Slowly, Slowly, Those Walls Are Rising Back Up
Ep53: Eye-Spy
Ep54: Do You Like Papa?
Ep55: Deja Vu
Ep 56: A Possible Lead
Ep57: Something's Not Right
Ep58: Lost Days Part-1

Ep52: Best-Friend

113 4 0
By mustard-cream2356

"Eri?" It was Kota, he had just awoken when he saw her out there. She hadn't been around all of yesterday, where could they all have possibly left to for that long?

"Ah!" She jumped back, a bit startled as she stared at him. Though he remained silent, "" it's like he was trying to say something but couldn't really think of anything. Well like her dad's been broadcasted on the news and has been reported a criminal... What exactly could be had said to her at this moment?

They were both at loss for words, none could really say anything...I mean it's not like Eri expected him of all people to do so. "S-see ya later." She muttered before shutting her window glass and turning around.

The black haired boy's gaze lingered on her window frame before he heaved out a sigh. That was awkward.

The white haired girl sat on her bed, the small animal yawned beside her... Waking up from slumber. It's been really tired especially since it was stuck in the little girl's purse since the last mission. She rubbed it's fur as she thought lightly....

Eri didn't really feel like talking to anyone right now. She may have avoided Kota today but she wouldn't be able to do so tomorrow, since the following day would be school.

"I don't wanna go..." She muttered under her breath with her small palms resting on Cheetah's head as it looked up to her confused... She's been down for a while now.


Ochako's POV

It seems we finally reached the HQ again, the journey was a bit shorter this time though... Maybe it's because they've already changed the location.

"So who're these people you said would be a lot of help?" I turned to the two of them and asked, I might as well know the people I'm going to be working with. Both of them just gave each other a glance before facing me and responding, "You already know them..." I did?

I raised a brow as me, Hagakure and Melissa strode through the building's passageways supposedly looking for the right room and trust me when I say there were a LOT of rooms, it somehow even felt a bit more than when I last came here. That was when I caught sight of that one room... My gaze landed upon it, it wasn't fully open, only a little...but still a bit more than the last time I saw it. I saw the pictures of people hung like tapestry around the room and melted candles under them as if they were lit before. Only one wasn't really melted and was still fresh and new, the tapestry of this person wasn't hung yet and was rolled up... I didn't wanna admit, but I believe I already know who that person is. The place looked like it was representing a cemetery.

I let out a heavy sigh as we walked forward... The last time I was here, I was here with everyone. Somehow I felt the only two people who were with me vanish and only found those I'd normally see at home. Gran Torino would be leading ahead and Eri was normally bouncing around behind him, Sero tailing behind her and Izuku beside me. Mineta would some how be annoying Sato and Shiyo would be walking behind everyone of us as if taking time to observe her surroundings.

It didn't take long for the illusion to wither away and I was once again walking behind my two accomplices.

Suddenly Blondie stopped infront of a single door and knocked. The sound echoed throughout the passageway way as she did so.

"We're here?" I asked and Hagakure nodded. I then heard a faint "come in." And I'm sure they heard it too. Melissa turned the door handle and the door opened up with a click, allowing us to walk into the room... There were a few people in this room, but they were all familiar, well apart from one person at least. His purple hair pointed upwards as if he was hanging upside down but he wasn't, I don't know what kind of gel he must have been using but it was surely strong.

"You're here too Shinso?" I heard Hagakure ask to which the guy responded with a nod before letting out, "I have my reasons."

No kidding! Todoroki, Aizawa, Momo even Kendo was standing in here. I feel like there's someone missing though-

The door swung open and all heads turned to see Bakugo walking in with a huff, bandages heavily attached to his arms... Though it was hard to see under his sleeves. "You're late Bakugo." Melissa stated to which he scoffed. "By two minutes. I seriously don't need another Lida in here." At least he wasn't screaming, he seemed too tired for that now... I thought it was impossible for him.

"Well, I got a call this morning saying that you've got something important to share?" Yaomomo was seated as she said this while staring directly to Melissa, before her gaze fell to me... She raised a brow slightly as if being puzzled why I'm here before staring back to Blondie silently. Her demeanor feels a little cold now compared to how warm she felt at the governor's mansion.

"Well yeah, we wanted to do something important and we want you guys to be a part of it." Melissa said, clasping my back lightly... I was a bit surprised as everyone's gazes turned to me and the other two. Hagakure clasping her hands together when she asked. "Will you be joining us?"

"Well, it depends on what you're asking us to do." The dual haired male responded with arms crossed, he too felt a bit colder than usual. Maybe everyone was just stressed.

"We wanna go investigate Izuku's case ourselves." Their eyes widened as both Tohru and Melissa said this, they looked genuinely surprised. Though it didn't last long.... At least for some.

" ourselves?" Kendo asked with raised brows. Her orange hair kept down and not in a ponytail like it usually was.

"Mind telling me why?" When Aizawa asked this, Blondie and Crystal hair both turned to me as if expecting me to answer... No, as if wanting me to answer and then I did. "It's so we'll have the right information in our hands and so everything will go by a lot quicker than waiting for officers we're not sure about." They were completely silent as I spoke, even Bakugo listened quietly for some reason... But I took a deep breath and continued either way, it was good they were hearing me out, Hagakure and Melissa really wanted to add them cause they'd be big help. And I need that help.

"I don't think it's safe for all of us to leave everything for the officials. If someone could have framed Izuku it's most likely they played around with the evidence as well and for the police force of the double agent commission... A lot of them probably have been convinced by the news report and may settle their grudge on him by refusing to cooperate with what they find and not paying too much attention to the risk at hand."

"What if Izuku ends up to not be framed at all? what if this is actually his doing?" Everyone was appalled to hear the dual haired male ask this question, though I doubt he meant it, he looked a bit more puzzled in what my answer would be. I stood still for a while, before furrowing my brows determined. There's nothing in my mind that makes me believe Izuku would do something like that. "We won't know if we don't try." I answered and he gave me a long stare before facing to Melissa and Hagakure.

"Both of you are in on this?" The two nodded firmly, I'm not gonna lie I did grow a bit nervous...I really wondered what was going on in his head before he just let out a sigh and said. "I'm in."
They all turned to him when he answered but then turned back to us as if they expected that response from him. "It's going to be a bit dangerous...but I guess I'm in on this too." Kendo scratched the back of her hair softly with a raised brow and a smile. Momo nodding after her, I guess that was her approval. "What about you Bakugo?"

"Whatever." He answered, a vein almost popped in my head once he said this... Here everyone was thinking deeply and he just looked frustrated but maybe that was his way of caring? I kind of felt his response meant to approve so instead of scowling at him like I usually did I let out a smile subconsciously.

Everyone then turned to Shinso and Aizawa. "Father and son you in to?" Tohru asked with a smirk on her face which only seemed to annoy Shinso. "Stop joking around...." He then paused for a while before thinking and then continued. "Yeah I'm in, I was kinda thinking about this for a while anyway." I almost thought I saw a glint of frustration in his face as he said this but it was washed away as quickly as it came.

"Then if everyone's going I guess I have to keep my eyes on you all." I felt relaxed when I heard them all agree to joining in. Thank goodness.

"Well then..." I started while clasping my hands together. "Since we've all agreed, let's head unto the second most important part of this meeting... The plan."

Well all that was discussed yesterday, today is a new day and now I'm sitting in the backseat of a car driven by a random driver, I'm sitting with literally everyone I discussed with in that office yesterday.

We were heading to the abandoned building Izuku was in before disappearing... If we were going to get some info, we should probably start where he went missing in the first place... I glanced to my side, Momo was sitting in place beside me with her eyes closed as if thinking about something.... Just then she opened them and her pupils slid to meet mine. I didn't avert my gaze though, I don't even why...

"Are you nervous?" She asked. "Um... I don't know?" I don't know hour to feel about all this, all I know is... Get in there, get information, get out.

"Like I told you yesterday at the meeting... Izuku is in a lot more trouble than you think." I nodded remembering every single word she told me yesterday, they replayed in my head like I was watching an old video tape.

'Midoriya is in a lot more trouble than you all think you know. As we all know, there are only really three rules in the Double Agent Commission.'

She said this with her gaze on me, it's like she was talking to me directly, I knew so.... I mean it made sense, since I'm the only one who didn't know these three rules as she had mentioned.

"The first being to pledge loyalty to the spy commission and swear to never reveal the secret. The second is to eliminate anyone who would be a threat to the future of the agency and the third being to kill or eliminate any traitor found in the spy commission. You do know what this means right?"

"A lot of people thinks Deku is the traitor, but they can't kill him... He's in prison."

"Not yet."

"If Izuku ends being actually found guilty by the court he'd be sentenced to death maybe in five years or so... But the agents here won't wait that long."
Aizawa chimed in the conversation.

"So you're saying he could get assassinated?" I asked and she nodded before Aizawa spoke up. "Yes, the members of the HSC had a heavy discussion about this earlier this morning and that's what everyone agreed on. To wait for the results, that's what determines whether he lives or not."

I let out a heavy breath as Momo let out a smile. "You care a lot about him huh?" She muttered to me, at that instant I thought I felt heat rising to my face...that statement almost made me jolt from my seat. "I- I--

"Let's work well together." She cut me off with a calm smile, honestly i'm glad she did. I was probably about to say something stupid, her presence was once again warming, a lot more than cold and I couldn't help but smile back. "Yeah." I responded feeling a bit more at home ease, though what she said did ring in my head for a bit.

"You care a lot about him huh?"

I leaned my head on the car's window and thought about that statement for a while. I mean, I guess I did care about him to be worried this much... My gaze then fell to the black ring on my ring finger, there was still a bright green glow on it that got me thinking. The heat my face felt was still there, even though it should've calmed down by now.... I can't really describe what I'm feeling right now...

"Do I like- No!" Everyone turned to me as I said that. "Are you alright?" Kendo asked me with an arched up brow, she looked a bit concerned and I responded with an awkward smile on my face. "Yeah, sorry about that." I turned to face my front and leaned my head on the window again with a sigh... this time my eyes watching the buildings go by with slightly furrowed brows. My mind immediately fluttering back to what I was thinking about before, It can't be that...what am I even thinking? I shook my head lightly to let go of the thoughts. I should just focus on getting him out of prison. I forced my thoughts away from him for a while, till I remembered Eri.

That didn't make me feel any better, we didn't talk to each other the entire day yesterday... Even when I came back from the meeting. Any time I try to remember any one of them, I never feel happy about the current relationship between us. I wonder how she's doing now, she should be at school by this time.


Narrator's POV

Eri stared worried at the school building before her, Sato had to be the one to bring her to school today because of the absence of her two parents. She really didn't wanna go in there, she heaved out a long heavy sigh and made her way closer to the inside of her school.

The place was bustling with students as they were about to be attending their classes, very different from when she first came here when it was just quiet and empty. She squeezed through the herd of people to reach her locker, though she couldn't lie.... She caught a lot of them glancing her way and the murmurs they shared with each other reached her ears.

"Hey, it's that girl..."

She tried blocking out their whispers as she arched closer to her locker and when she finally got there, she took a long uneasy stare at it before opening it up.

Her eyes widened when she caught sight of the inner parts of her locker. A few ruffled pieces of paper flew by her as she stared on, her entire locker was roughed up, some of her textbooks torn, with pages ripped out, dirt was smeared all over and different scribbles around the entire setting. She couldn't even figure out what it was saying but she'd take a good guess that these were all insults.

Suddenly, she began to pick up on everything people were whispering about when they passed her by. She could feel them staring her way uneasily and all the hurtful words that came out of their mouths started swirling around her, each were saying different things all at once and they all echoed deeply in her brain. These were those wicked comments she read on the internet all over again, except this time, instead of just reading behind a screen... She's a playing character living the situation.

She clenched her trembling fists and furrowed her brows as she then shut her locker and walked away.

"Hey isn't that the kid of that guy that was part of the bloodshed in the Governor's mansion the other night?" A male student probably two classes above her let's out as he watched the white haired girl walk further and then his other friend responded...

"Shh, but yeah."

"Isn't that kinda scary? To be living with some deadly criminal..."

"It probably was, hell knows what her mom's doing." He snickered, before pressing his index finger to his lips and cupping his hand beside his cheek to make his voice seem louder.

"Hey!" He called out to her but she hurried on quickly and started heading in the direction to her classroom. "Tch! She ran off!"

"Why tho? I just wanted to ask her some questions."

"Maybe she would tell us the next terrorist attack so we'll report to the police and get badges."
The boys snickered on as the white haired girl sent a glare their way... but they didn't get to see it, they were already heading unto their own class. She faced to the ground with a scowl but her expression softened when she remembered she was standing right in front of her classroom. She hesitated at first, but then turned the door handle and walked in soon enough.

"Good morning." She greeted with her voice low as she stepped in.
Across the room, she caught Goka glaring at her but instead of flaunting like he always did. He just scoffed and turned away from her, she was a bit taken aback...that sneer felt personal.

Monoma was surprised to see her there, infact everyone was a bit taken aback with her presence and the homeroom teacher just responded, "Oh! Good morning Eri...go take a seat." He just quickly faced to the paperwork on his desk, arranging the notes he was gonna give the class this morning as she headed to her seat.

She and Tenshi locked gazes for approximately two seconds before they both averted their gaze and faced elsewhere. A nervous sweat ran down Tenshi's face as Eri took a seat right beside her.

Kota stared at the back of her head for a while before drawing his attention to the board. He didn't really think she'd be coming to school today with everything going on. 'Maybe I'm underestimating her too much, she's a strong person after all.' He thought with half lidded eyes as the first lesson began.

Time passed by rather slowly, everyone was really quiet this time around and no one said anything. Well apart from Monoma of course, who was going through his lecture and also a bit of side stories with throwing in the word 'elegant' in his narrations slightly here and there. He seemed the same, not much really changed with him.

They were already through their third period and it was nearing lunch time when a female teacher knocked on the class door. "Yes?" The blonde haired man answered a bit irritated, not even letting her come in.

"The principal's calling for you." A frustrated sigh escaped his lips as he walked towards the door and turned to his students. "Don't make too much trouble." After saying this, he was completely out of the class.

It only took a few more scribbles before some dropped their pens and even few delve into conversations. "Hey, my uncle's taking me to a new water park tomorrow. The place is awesome! You wanna come?" Takuto asked Sho with a beaming smile, who lazily stared back at him and replied. "I mean yeah sure, why not?"

"I-I finished your maths homework Tenshi..." Mai nervously handed her 'friend' her notebook and the kid swiped it up from her lackey with ease. A pleasant smile on her face. " could've been faster though."

"Your welcome." Mai shyly responded until the white haired girl then asked. "You got Mai to do your homework for you again?" She furrowed her brows lightly as she looked to Tenshi, while Mai herself was a bit taken aback. All the time Mai had been 'offering' Tenshi help the white haired girl had never said anything, but I guess it was beginning to become too much.

"So what? I asked her for help and she wanted to help me. It's none of your business really." Tenshi gave a snarky response, folding her arms and staring away. Eri just kept silent and glared at her before her gaze fell to Mai, who just glanced away nervously and spoke up. "Tenshi's my friend, I'm just doing what friends do...besides, I don't... think you're in a position to say anything regarding what's right or wrong right now."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Eri asked with a hitch of annoyance in her voice, anger was felt behind every word. Mai quivered under her glare and Tenshi just looked at this and rolled her eyes. "Tch! Come on, You know what she's talking about."

"Oh really? Enlighten me."

"The news is enough enlightenment for everyone in the entire school, stop acting like you don't know what happened." The little brown haired girl sneered as Eri's eyes turned a bright shade of red, it did make Tenshi flinch a bit... But, the girl still stood her ground.

"You guys should stop, don't escalate this." Violet chimed in firmly with furrowed brows, it was awkward but it was better when everyone was quiet.

"Yeah, I'm not one to be fund of drama and I think I agree. If no one has anything nice to say, everyone should just shut up." Takuto stepped in taking Violet's side but Tenshi just glowered at the two of them.
"So you two are just gonna keep quiet and pretend like nothing's happening huh?!"

"Everyone knows what happened! We don't need you to respell the broadcast out loud." Kota chirped at the girl with a scowl who just scoffed at him and arrogantly stated. "Says the friendless loser that never knows what he's doing."

"You're the only one here that doesn't know what you're doing."

"Oh please, of course you're gonna take her side. She's the only person that even dared to talk to your lonely butt." The black haired boy's eye twitched as he glared at her. "Gosh it's noisy in here." Sho let out a tired sigh as he watched all the drama unfold.

"Sit down Tenshi, Mr. Neito's gonna be back soon anyway." Violet retreated trying to end this peacefully but the other girl wasn't really taking the hint. "I'm your friend Violet and I  can't believe you're trying to defend her, especially after knowing what happened to your uncle."

Appalled by the mention of her friend's uncle, Eri glanced to Violet who averted her gaze with a nervous sweat rolling down her face. "Why don't you tell her? Or should I?"

"What're you talking about?-

"Violet's favorite uncle was at the party that night and he almost lost his life thanks to people like your dad."

Though ticked off with the way the mention of her dad came out of Tenshi's mouth, she didn't say anything...she just looked to Violet for a while who then tried her best to ignore all of them present there, a serious expression covering for her pain.
A dark shadow hooded over Eri's eyes as she remained silent.

Looking frightened by the white haired girl's appearance, Mai assumed it was best she talked with her friend and tell her to stop.
"Tenshi, I- I think you should-

"Why would I? When we have a potential criminal studying with us."

"HE'S NOT A CRIMINAL!!" The white haired girl yelled out loud with her glare suddenly scarier than before, she gasped a little as soon as she finished though, she never expected her voice to be raised that high. It sounded like something she's wanted to scream out for a while now, but she didn't really let it out in the right place and not in the right way. The tone caught all of them off guard, the act frightened her classmates even more so than they already were.

She took some worried glances around her classroom, the concerned gazes of her classmates caused her to stop moving, a shadow hooded over her eyes and soon after, the bell rung.
Even from within the classroom, they could hear the outburst of students practically jumping out of their classes as they headed out to enjoy their break period.

Monoma then entered the room and sighed. "Shit, stupid meeting took all my time-
He cut himself off as he realized the state of his classroom. With everyone silent and different expressions on their faces, he wondered why they were not out of the classroom by now. Normally when it hit recess hour, they all just blitzed out of the class disregarding the notes they probably left incomplete.

"What's going on...?" Was what he asked but no one really responded, Eri just turned around and walked out of the classroom. Violet and Kota sent worried gazes to the door she just walked through and Tenshi just scoffed as Mai looked to the ground awkwardly. Sho and Takuto heaved out a sigh, did this really need to happen? And Goka didn't really care what they were all doing, he just got up, planning to head out as well.

Eri walked through the school hall of busy students, walking in the opposite direction of where all the children were moving towards. A few bumped into her, but she paid no mind to them, she kept walking until she reached the girl's restroom which was about a few feet away from the boys.

When she got in... it was dead silent, the only sound was from the dripping tap of the sink by the side. she closed the gap between herself and the sink. Slowly turning the tap on, the water gushed forward, then she reached her hand into it and rinsed her face. Just about she was done though... She could spot three people standing some distance behind her.
Upon being surprised with their appearance there, she whipped around with brows furrowed in confusion.

"What are you doing in here?" She firmly asked.

These three people were all male students and they were all in classes above hers.

"Well look what we found here." One hummed with his arms folded across his chest with a smug grin on his face. Another stood beside him with the same expression on his face but his fist clenched as he raised his left fist to his right palm, cracking his knuckles in an annoying manner and the last standing a bit behind them all whilst holding his phone up, his finger hovering over the record button.

Eri stared at them confused for a while but after thinking for a bit, she remembered these people. These were the boys Goka bribed to pick on Kota close to the time school would end, that was when she first attended this school.

"Haven't had enough huh? Goka paid you to look for trouble again..." She let out with a growl as she stayed on guard, the boys just smirked pleasantly until their leader spoke.
"Trust me, we're gonna have more than enough and don't worry, we don't follow that brat's orders any longer."

Suddenly, she felt a hand ruffly tug unto her hair from behind, someone was back there...well it wasn't just someone, it was two more boys who were standing behind her. She started to feel surrounded. "Hey!" She let out, 'these guys were waiting for me to walk in here?' she thought, until the certain camera-boy stated. "You thought we were just gonna let you walk away after disrespecting us like that?! We've been looking for the perfect reason to gang up on your tiny ass and one just fell into our palms. Quick hold unto her!"

At that moment, the two boys behind her gripped unto her two arms tightly, she rigidly squirmed around, trying to jerk them off and it was about working, they were having a hard time keeping her in place. "Ow!" One of them let out as the white haired girl kicked his leg from behind, but instead of letting go, he only held unto her tighter. "Get off me!"

"I'm coming to help." The boy that was at the leader's side rushed up to help his friends hold her down.

"You may have gotten the best of us that time by catching us off guard, but we're well prepared now." Their leader balled his hands into a fist as he got in a fighting stance and the recording begun.

"The daughter of the current famous terrorist is gonna get her ass handed to her today! Watch till the end, leave a like and subscribe!" The boy behind the camera snickered as the group leader raised his leg and pushed it forward, kicking her hard in the stomach.

She coughed up a little, that was a little harder than she thought it would be. "Where's all that power puff girl  strength now huh?!" He kicked her again and again, for some reason it always felt worse than the last time. They all hurled insults at her as they abused her physically. Why couldn't she fight back? Why didn't she? She was beginning to question herself, was it because they seemed more prepared this time or because there's more of them than when they last met....or maybe, because she was starting to believe their wicked insults might actually be the truth.

"Ack!" The boys suddenly let her go as their leader sent another attack her way, knocking her off her feet.
She fell to the ground with a loud thud...but unlike how she struggled before, she didn't anymore. Her face was expressionless and her eyes dull, she really began to wonder.....she was starting to have a literal battle in her head.

The boys neared her with grins, they had really thought they were teaching  her a lesson...but her mind wasn't even on them anymore and soon out of nowhere, the camera was smacked out of the boy's hand.

The device fell to the ground, shattering the screen as it slid across the tiled floor. "Hey! That was my brother's phone!" The boy who was previously holding the device yelled aloud in panic as he turned and landed a straight blow to this person, who staggered back upon the impact.

"What the hell's wrong with you?!!!"

"Kota?" Eri muttered a bit surprised upon seeing him there. "Well guess who dropped by!" Their leader let go of Eri and the boys turned to face him. "What're you even doing in the girl's restroom anyway?" They asked him with smug grins.

"Maybe I should be asking you the same question?" The black haired boy glared at them as one of them grabbed unto his collar. "Back off!" He jerked his hand off and that just led them to straight up attacking him.

"Kota!" The white haired girl was drawn out her thoughts and was about to get up until she felt an aching pain in her abdomen. She clutched unto her stomach as she winced at the pain, but then heard the boy's words.

"Don't! Don't fight back! Just go hide...I know what I'm doing." She was taken aback upon hearing this. Why wouldn't he-

She stopped thinking when a female teacher walked into the restroom with all of them, she quickly hid behind a toilet door as she heard the woman say. "You guys again?!"

"Oh shit!" One of the boys let out as the teacher closed the gap between the boys and herself looking way more than pissed, even more so disgusted.

"You're coming with me. Now!"


Some time had passed and now the boys were just walking out the principal's office. "Next time you do such heinous acts you'll be suspended!" Their principal yelled at them just before they closed the door.

"Man this sucks." They were stuck in there for a long time and they were stuck there with the principal's hard lectures. Forget suspended, next time they're up to some mischief, they will surely be expelled... There's really no hard proof that they went in there themselves to beat up Eri and Kota but there's also no proof that they didn't. Besides, being in the girl's restroom alone is well deserving of a punishment. "Just great now we're gonna use our remaining time for recess to clean the school's backyard." One of them stated heaving out a sigh in frustration, and all the boys then glanced angrily towards Kota, who just ignored them.

Of course the boys were the less injured ones and even brought a phone to school, so Kota wasn't as punished as they were.

The black haired boy walked in the opposite direction from them, frustrated their leader called out to him. "Hey!" But he was stopped just as quickly as his friends pulled him away from getting them into more trouble.

"Not literally in front of the principal's office!"

"Come on dude, if your mum finds out you were nearly suspended today there's no way you'd be able to survive in that house."

"We can always get them back another time."

The boy grunted before walking along with his friends, till next time I guess.

Izumi now walked alone in the student hall and now up the stairs,   everyone else was probably at the cafeteria...well almost everyone.

"Why're you following me?" He asked with half-lidded eyes as he turned around, where he saw the white haired girl standing a few feet behind him. "....Why'd you do that?" She asked him, not paying mind to his question and he just sighed. "Do what?"

"You me?"

Well, Eri was the only person who didn't really get into any trouble. Being an actual girl in the girl's restroom and was nowhere to be seen by the teacher at that time. She herself just came back from the nurses office.

"Nothing really."


"Your welcome." He responded sharply and then continued on his way.

The white haired girl furrowed her brows at his quick response before thinking for a while and then letting out. "Hey, maybe I should tell the principal I was in there and he'd release your-

"Shh! No! Don't do that! You'd just get yourself in trouble. And you'll get me into more questioning, I can't stay in there any longer. If you really wanna repay me, just help me finish my punishment."

"...Ok?" Eri grunted as she followed behind Kota, they walked up the stairs and the white haired girl began to look around. "Where are we?" She hasn't seen this part of the school before, "You'll see." Once they reached a certain door, the black haired boy turned the doorknob and walked in.

They were now standing at the top of the school's building, where the wind was blowing ferociously. "Hey! It's windy up here!"

"It's better than sweating down in that smelly school."

Apart from the wind though, the view of the sky from up there was really pretty and the place itself was not really that dirty, she could argue that it was very manageable. "This place is mostly clean."

"Yeah that's because I'm the person that's always here. Just try dusting around a bit, I'm gonna sweep."

"Well...sure I guess." Eri picked up the duster not too far from her and began wiping around. She sneezed and then turned to Kota asking. "Why can't we just tell the principal I was there, you never know maybe they'll get their karma."

He was silent for a while but he responded eventually.
"You don't know this school all too well." He started before continuing, "They'll never get punished for what they do." He then gripped unto his broom a little tighter as he swept around. "I'm a walking example of that." Eri was silent for a while after this until she asked again.

"Why'd you help me?"

"I thought I already answered that."

"Well it wasn't very convincing." The black haired boy just grunted before turning away from her with gritted teeth as if trying to hold back the words, he took in a deep breath then he just sighed and let out what was on his mind instead... "You said we're friends."


"You.....called me your best friend, remember?"

The white haired girl then started to think and then remembered what he was talking about, recalling what she said that day...

"But we're best friends!" - (Chap 37)
That was the same day they went to the Spy HQ for the announcement of their latest mission.

"Oh, that..." She trailed off as she glanced in Kota's direction. She could barely see his face because he was turned from her, but she did notice the tip of his ears were a bit pinker than they usually were.
"Well that's it...and also,you know... about your dad and everything. It wouldn't be nice if the people in the school found out you were roughed up in the girl's restroom cause of all that news stuff, you'd just be dragging more attention to yourself."

The white haired girl remained silent this time, she fell into heavy thought...her expression soon becoming solemn as she then asked. "So, do you think they're true too?."

Kota just sighed, looking for the right words to put in place. "Well how do I say this...." He rubbed the back of his head thinking with furrowed brows, messing up his hair a bit. "To be honest... I'm never sure about anything when it comes to your family, sometimes you feel clear as day, but other times it feels like there's something big you're all hiding in there." He paused for a second, before continuing, "but to say all those things said in the news is true is a big stretch. You're all kinda crazy but you're all kinda happy in there somehow... I don't think a terrorist would have helped save a camping ground from the weirdest thing I'd possibly seen."
Eri's eyes widened a bit when he let out that last line but then he went on.

"I don't think a terrorist and his family would support a good concert of their neighbors either or help with some other stuff around and have a good time together while they're at it... So yeah, I don't really believe all that said on TV. You guys are weird,  but not that weird." And once again it was only quiet after this. There was really no response after what he said and the black haired boy was soon starting to think there wouldn't be one.

He stopped for a while and turned to her, "Are you ok?" He asked a bit worried now, but still the white haired girl didn't say anything back to him...she just stood still with her back turned to him, sniffling as silent tears rolled down her cheeks, her mouth squirmed shut.

It was only after a few seconds of this that he realized that the girl was actually crying. Upon finding this out, he was driven into quick panic. "Wait, did I say something wrong? I'm sorry!" He quickly apologized nervously, he's never really seen a girl cry before...or at least has never been the reason one would.

"Thanks." Eri let out a watery piece of gratitude, raising her hand to wipe her running tears...since this whole thing started, she had never heard someone outside of her family say anything supportive towards her side, even though Kota still partially called them weird and crazy, she'd take those light insults any day compared to what she's heard from other people.

The young boy didn't really know what to do, so he just responded awkwardly with..."Y-your welcome."

The little white haired girl then heaved out a sigh and then stated. "While I was in there, in the restroom, I was actually starting to think... What if everyone's saying the truth? what if dad really was a criminal?... I hate myself for thinking that at the time."

"...Well you shouldn't, everyone else was speaking their mind and that indirectly tried to bend yours to their will. At the end of the day, you stuck to what you believe and I actually kinda respect that, besides, your dad's kinda cool in his own way...well at least to me." She then felt a pat on her back and turned around to meet his gaze. "Now stop crying already! you're making me feel weird."

The little Midoriya was quiet for a while until a light giggle escaped her lips. "Nah, you're just lame." She teased before adding. "But I guess that doesn't matter, since we're besties now!" Eri was only teasing the time she even told him they were friends maybe even now, but you know, it didn't really sound that bad. Kota however almost choked on his saliva once he heard her say it again, it was painful enough to hear it from her mouth the first time and even more painful when he quickly realized that she might be using this word more than often in the long run.

"It's easy for you to go back to being annoying huh." Somehow, he'd wonder why he'd even poke his nose into her business in the first place, it only normally got him into more nuisance. Though, he could say he didn't really regret doing it this time, besides, Eri seemed to have needed that a lot just a moment ago. The girl's gonna be his first friend in a long time, having someone to keep around and open up to wouldn't really be that bad.

"Hey Kota." She called out, to which he answered as got back to sweeping. "Yeah?"

"How'd you even know those guys were in the restroom with me anyway?"

"The male's restroom is literally only a few feet away and you guys didn't really hold back when it came to being loud."

"Oh, ok." Well that made enough sense.

Chapter End.

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