Operation Medea

By airsoftal01

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During a Dark night at Hogwarts, the Goblet of Fire begins to show a word of magic and war. More

Operation Medea Trailer 1
Teaser Trailer 2
Teaser 3
Trailer 2
Official Video Trailer.
Wheres the next chapter ?
What is Operation Medea ?
December 2022 Update
May 2023 update
July 2023 Update
The Day of Portals
Learning The Truth
From Death to Rebirth
Dawn Of A New World
Americas Secret History
Sicut diabolus vult
Prometheus Spark
Sparks Before the Embers
Power of Knowledge
Embers Rise
Wolf Hunters

WereWolves In London Town

1.2K 18 18
By airsoftal01


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Rita Skeeter, a woman who made her living by digging up dirt on everyone in power, even going as far as to blackmail politicians and lords alike, now yes she has been known to make some 'outlandish' claims in her day when she use to work for the paper before the portals.

Now though? Post portals what is the great Rita Skeeter doing? Well for once she changed her last name from Skeeter to a much more public freindly name of Jones, much to the request of her agent, which made her known as Rita Jones BBC's most respected investigative reporter and host of not only the Rita Report but also her late night talk show 'the late night Rita show!' Such chances were given because she was a proud and loyal citizen of the crown and 'reported' on the corruption of the wizarding government and its many crimes.

Good times aside, Rita was getting a touch up on her makeup as one of the crew members soon talked to Rita who was now standing infront of the cameras "Ok were on the air in Five! Four! Three!" Mouthing the last two numbers he points to Rita as the lights come on as well as the red lights ontop of the cameras showing that she was on the air and her loving viewers and fans were tuning in to see her.

"Hello Everyone and welcome to the Rita report" Came the greeting of Rita, "We have a fully packed show to show you tonight, from scandal's from the top of the wizarding world to the latest in crime!" She finished with a flourish, her teeth in a wide show-woman grin as she starts her show.

"Now the latest from the wizarding world is this, its official the most wanted werewolf Fenrir Greyback has officially bitten off more than he could chew. As the latest in a long line of attacks, he and a few of his followers attempted to forcibly turn a young child, unfortunally for Greyback, the child in question was the child of a member of the House of Lords, and as such the Police are treating this as an attempted Terrorist attack on a member of the Nobility, and as such the Lord in question today in a conference with the BBC said that 'The Greyback threat needs to be stamped out once and for all.'"

She paused and the thought that the greatest Criminal of the Wizarding World bar Voldemort would finally be put down didnt seem real. She shook that thought from her head as she continued with her report, "Now the latest scandal from the Wizarding World, apparently a couple of wizards didn't get the news and they have been caught trying to send the queen and the court wizard a cursed object, the pair in question Silvannus Selwyn and former Unspeakable Augustus Rookwood, have been caught and will be sentenced for their crimes at a later date. We will continue after this commercial break so stay tuned." She gave a jolly wave at the camera as they cut to a commercial break.

During the break her makeup was touched up again as the techs show the break is over as Ritas face soon turns serious, "tragic news from the far east in the communist ruled state of China as those of the magical community came out and peacefully protested against the recent arrest made by the Chinese Communist Party against what they called 'Mage Radicals that were a threat to the state.' Of course what the communist wont tell you is that those who they deemed as radicals were in fact members of the newly formed progressive party which is made up of the majority magical citizens for whom wished for better reform and even basic rights as people who have been blessed with magic."

Soon images appear over Ritas shoulder as the sight of massive protest is seen. "in response to what is clearly a disregard of even the most basic of human rights, the people came out in the thousands to protest this move by their government in hopes of having their voices heard." Her face becomes sadden as the images are now replaced with the peaceful protestors being attacked by state police and even PLA soldiers in full combat gear. "However, much like that of Tiananmen Square in 1989 the governments response to this peaceful protest was that of what all vile authoritarian socialist communist dogmatic regimes do to their own people when they believe their power is being threaten." Ritas face changes to that of determination as she says towards the camera, "unlike before, the world leaders are not being quiet as the UN has condemned the Communist Chinese governments actions and even has threaten sanctions, however the United States as well as our British government have already begun placing heavy sanctions on the communist Chinese and even are going as far as to say that Hong Kong shall be considered a permanent British territory in the wake of these events."

Rita then turns to Camera two as she goes on to the next story, "of course the communist arent the only ones who Magical community's are asking for equal treatment, in the middle east it is a hot bed of religious fanatical zealots who have been reported to be in a localized conflict between those of al qaeda and the Afghanistan's Magical people. Of course those around the region have offered their support as not the Iraqi government but also Iran, Pakistan, Tajki, and even Turkmenistan has pledge support to their magical brothers and sisters in the form of refugee status as well as allowing them to flee to their borders for protection. Yet from what many are seeing at the borders of these nations is massive military build up, leading many to believe of another middle eastern conflict is on the horizon."

The sound of the channel being changed could be heard as Tonks, the cousin of Sirius black, wearing a new Scotland yard uniform of black pants, white button up shirt with her constable rank which has a 'mage' insignia attach to said rank showing she was a magical officer. "bloody tart, how she got her own bloody news show on the telly ill never know." She said from her desk as she sits down giving a huff as she returns to her paperwork.

"If i had to guess, she gave so much information to the crown that she was given a reward in said form of her news program Mage constable Tonks." Said a man of African decent with the rank of Sergeant on his uniform with the name tag of 'Shacklebolt' while the name on his desk reads out 'Kingsly Shacklebolt' who is just finishing up his paperwork.

Tonks scoffs as she says, "i bet ya she got that reward on her bloody knees, seems the type." She then looks towards Kingsly as she asks "also how the bloody el are you a Sergeant while i'm a damn constable. I put my time in with the Aurors! I should at least be a higher rank!" She groans as Kingsly is now seen putting away a file in the cabinet behind his desk.

"Its called Seniority, Constable Tonks. Good ol' Seniority." Kingsly said as he turned around looking as Tonks.

Tonks huffs, "seniority he says. Load of bollocks if you ask me! I mean look at me cus! A bloody inspector and i bet the only reason he got that rank is because of his girl being a major and working close to the government!" Tonks rants abit as she leans back in her desk not noticing said cousin, Sirius Black, standing in the door way wearing instead of the standard inspectors uniform, a black suit with no tie as the top buttons are undone. Looking at Tonks with a mischevious look in his eyes.

Kingsly who listen to Tonks small rant had a rare smile as he looks behind her desk towards the door to their offices. "Mornin Mage Inspector Black." Which caused Tonks to jump abit before her knee bangs her desk which causes her to hiss, "morganas frozen cunt!" Holding her knee in pain abit as she trys to stand to show respect to what amounts to their departments one of many superiors.

With a rather roguish grin on his face he looked at his cousin. "Oh" he said "I only have my job, because my wife is a Major hmm, Constable Tonks" he said.

Tonks froze as she heard her cousins voice, 'Oh I'm right Bollocked I am' she turned around and with a small "Siri" she said "How uh how long have you been standing there."

"Oh" he said "Long enough."

Tonks just chuckles abit as she soon says, "ill uh....ill uh go get you some coffee!" Tonks limps out of their office towards the area with a coffee machine and not anywhere close to Sirius while Kingsly just shakes his head in good jest, "How goes it today Sirius? Heard you were apart of a drug bust recently over in the east end."

"Ehh, I fine," Sirius said "and yeah a right couple of complete Bellends tried to combine Cocaine and of all things Nundu Breath to create a super drug, the Lab boys ran their tests and the drug is completely toxic to humans to snort and your brains apparently will melt through your nostrils,"

"Holy Merlin" Kingsly said, "That was completely insane, they really were complete idiots."

Before anymore could be said Tonks returns with a tray full of coffee as she sets it down on her desk. "ok! Coffee is here!" Kingsly nods to Tonks as he puts a couple of sugars in his black coffee while Sirius adds cream and sugar to his. "Well i will say that you should be getting the credit Kingsly, i heard about you and your bust at the docks, over a hundred kidnap spanish you saved from trafficking you and your team did?"

Kingsly just shrugs with a smile as he drinks his coffee before remembering the raid with not just his fellow Mage officers, but also were-folk officers, and Armed Police.

The docks were dark and cold as the Police strike force geared up "Alright people" came the voice of Strike leader MacMillan, "We know our jobs, we strike fast and strike hard as to not let the bastards get a defense up, remember anyone who puts up a fight they go down hard and permanent, alright lets move out"

All the strike teams grouped up as they moved their way towards the Wearhouse, with a couple of air units providing air support.

"All teams are in position" came the call from one of the air units,

"All units engage, I repeat all units engage" came MacMillan's order, the ram units smacked their doors open and the units entered the Warehouse, "POLICE!! PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!!!" was the call all around the Wearhouse most of the trafficker's, chose to not surrender while some did, all in all 15 people were arrested, including the boss of the operation.

Kingsly bringing his cup down just smiles, "all in a days work is all inspector, thats all." Sirius just laughs abit as he says, "All in a days work he says! Kingsly they'res talks of you getting a promotion for that bust."

Tonks listening in couldn't help but feel like she needed to do something to get her chance to become more then just a 'simple constable' and do something good, only for Sirius to be heard calling out. "alright ill be off on patrol, Tonks! Your my driver today!"

"OH DEAR SWEET GOD I MADE A MISTAKE!!!!" Sirius yelled out as Tonks drove about as well as a blind person.

One seat change later both are now driving around London as Tonks asks, "so being so high up, you hear anything of interest?"

"Ehh nothing that interesting, just some rumors out of America, from Utah of all places, about a string of disappearances at a place call Freddy Fazbears, I think its called, Amelia heard about it something involving suspected murder's of children." Sirius told her

Tonks just looks at Sirius as she says, "the yanks are a weird bunch aren't they." She said as they pass by Big Ben only to stop as they see a centaur with a traffic cop uniform directing traffic due to a signal light being repaired. "So how are our furry friends doing? Last i heard from the news they got proper towns being built with walls that will keep them in during the full moon along with panic rooms for non-turned folks." Tonks comments as the centaur waves them on.

"Hopefully they put an all you can eat buffet of meat." Sirius said, chuckling while making a turn. Tonks looked at him in an inquisitive look causing him to shrug. "You never had the missed pleasure to be with him on a full moon."

Tonks just nods as she says, "well aside from them being apart of the police service, military, as well as search and rescue, i heard customs got some to help them with finding contraband and drugs....honestly that gotta be boring if you ask me just standing around an airport all day sniffing luggage." Tonks of course was only half right about such a statement for the were-folks who are employed as customs agents and or officers.

"HA" Sirius laughed "To true, sounds boring."

Heathrow International Airport

London, England

Ever since were-folk, which was the politically correct terms for those who transform via the full moon and or a certain time of the month, got full rights as anyone else they slowly started to become integrated into modern society, or into certain 'special' areas of the filming industry which is best not talked about in polite company.

However the two main areas where the were-folk shined were military as more aggressive shock troops or snipers and law enforcement.

Which is why Sabrina Hal is an officer attached to Heathrow's current security as a 'plain clothes' officer who was giving subtle sniffs to people who pass by her and if one smelled of drugs or any sort of contraband. Well then she flashes the badge.

Of course the reason why so many were-folk are outright scouted by not just the military but also first responders is because of the fact they are good if not better as the K-9 units thanks to their senses being better then a human and even slightly better then a police hound. "Possible mule just passed by gate two coming from Barcelona, any foot units in the area be advised. Male of Spanish decent, roughly in their 30's carrying a leather satchel, wearing colorful top and khaki pants with loafers and shades." Sabrina began scanning the crowds for the suspected drug mule as she reports in her ear piece, "this is foot unit 22 at the cafe near gate two, i copy dispatch."

Of course all Sabrina did was calmly drink her cheap airport coffee as she scan the crowds for the suspect, finding him was easy as it look to be a short fellow who matched what dispatch had said. Of course using her enhanced sense of smell she gave a quick sniff of the air and caught the unmistakable smell of drugs, to be exact cocaine. "This is foot unit 22 at the starbucks with eyes on the suspect, confirmed drug mule. Say again confirmed drug mule requesting back for detainment."

Standing up she walked calmly to the man as her ear piece went off giving her the locations of her fellow officers and airport security, approaching the man she calmly says "excuse me sir, im wondering if i could have a word with you?" The man just looks at her as he says in a clearly confused voice, "que?"

Sabrina gave a small smile as she flashes her badge as she says in Spanish "soy un oficial de policía" This caused the mans eyes to go wide as he sweats abit, before finally he bolts from her as Sabrina sighs, "why do they always run."

Pulling her radio from her belt she "Attention" she called out, "We have a rabbit, I repeat we have a rabbit, going down the main concourse, looks like he's heading for the parking garage, be advised it is unknown if he has a concealed weapon in his briefcase, approach with cation."

Of course the drug mule wouldnt get far as he would be intercepted by two more were-folk plain clothed officers as they chalk up another arrest under their belts.

Back with the BLACKS!

Sirius currently is drinking a cup of coffee as Tonks drives him, "alright so todays first stop is off towards a little magic village near Wales for a dispute between neighbors." Sirius says as he reads from his notepad in the other hand that doesnt have a cup of coffee.

"Wales?" Tonks said "Well we will need one of the K9 units help then."

"Why" Siruis asked

"Ever been to the deep country in Wales, we will need it." came Tonks reply

Sirius grins as he says, "nah i got one better! Moony!" Tonks looks at her cusin curious and says in an almost unsure tone "Moony?"

"Yeah" Sirius said "Moony spent sometime in Wales, in our childhood."


Remus was not sitting in the back seat of the patrol car looking at a carefree Sirius with a deadpan expression as he says, "you know i had work to do today right? You cant just keep coming to me every single time you need someone to translate Welsh."

"Dont care" came Sirius's flippant response

Tonks just stayed silent as she drove towards the wales countryside before arriving at the address of the dispute, only to be met with two things. One the old hogwarts caretaker retired to said address and two, well two was the fact he is VERY VERY Welsh.

'Oh God why' was Sirius's thought at seeing old Filtch as they pulled up; he could only hope the old man had forgotten about him.

Soon the two officers, plus Remus walked up to Filtch and after some introductions they explained the reason they came and of course what came next neither of the two officers could prepare for as Filtch said to them in his deep welsh countryside accent. "Ahedgeisahedge. Neeonlychoppedetdowwncozeespoltseeviewwhashemombo?"

"Uhh what" Sirius said confused

Remus translate as he says, "he said a hedge is a hedge. I only chopped it down because it spoilt the view. What's Reaper moaning about?"

"Well he does know that he just cant go around chopping hedges down, and the like." Tonks said

Filtch nods as he says, "aaayyyeeeesupposseee" Remus translates "yes i suppose."

Tonks looked at the Shotgun Filch was holding in his arms and asked "Hey do you have a license for that weapon Mr. Filch"

He nods as he lifts up his arm abit "ayesdosfoorsthisen" Remus translates "he said he does for this one." Sirius nods before he pauses writing in his note pad, slowly looking up he asks "what do you mean for that one?"

Filch nods as he motions for them to follow to him as he leads them to an old shed behind his house, he opened the door, and flipped on the light switch revealing row after row of old Lee-Enfields, Martini-Henry Rifles, and other such things.

"By the power of Greyskull." Came Tonks shocked response at seeing all the weapons.

As they looked around the shed Sirius saw a metal object in the corner and he started to walk towards it.

Sirius looks around the shed as he says, "holy mother of...Filtch this is insane! people would have reported you as a member of the IRA with this amount of guns!"

The old man just shrugs as Tonks pulls off a tarp and stares in shock at what shes looking at as she calls out, "uh...guys!"

Sirius came around at his cousins call "Yeah what is...." she stopped dead at seeing the object, he turned and looked at filch and asked "Filch is that a fucking sea mine!"

Filtch just shrugs as Tonks says, "uh....maybe...maybe its not live." She said with hope as Remus adds, "maybe you should call for the bomb squad."

"Ahh" Filch said as he approached the mine. "Itsjustahunkofjuck" he then proceeded to hit the mine with the butt of his shotgun with Siruis, Tonks, and Remus collectively shitting their pants as they heard a click and a ticking sound start.

Sirius yells at the top of his lungs, "MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!" As all four clear out of the shed with both Sirius and Tonks making a b line for the car as both either slide over the hood or vault over the rear and take cover, waiting for the kaboom of the sea-mine.

Of course the Kaboom never came as now Sirius is on the radio to dispatch as he says, "No its deactivated but im requesting a bomb disposal unit to my location over."

In the background Tonks lightly kicks the seamine while FIltch just yells out "AYESIGHT! DACTIVATED!" Bashing the seamine with the butt of his side by side shotgun which causes an already pale Remus to be even more pale. "10-4 mage inspector a bomb disposal team is in-route to your location over." Sirius nods as he just lays his head on the hood of the patrol car groaning in frustration at the amount of paperwork he'll have to fill out when he and Tonks return to the station.

As the officers of law and order handled those of the day to day, off in the highlands of Scottland one Draco Malfoy was currently in his dorm setting up a small shrine as he prepares to offer up a prayer to the war gods.

'After all, if god is real then the others must be real as well right?' Lighting a match he sets the candles wixs a flame as he brings his hands together and begins to pray, not knowing the chaos he is about to unleash in the afterlife.

After-Life Upper management section.

At a round table sat the war gods, with Ares sitting with his legs crossed holding a dog for whom he is lightly petting on its head as he listens to his fellow war gods with mild interest.

When coming from the hallway they all heard something "Stubby!, Where are you Stubby."

They heard a man calling from the Hallway, and the dog in Ares lap looked up at his name being called and barked.

They then turned to the door and saw coming through the door was a man wearing a suit, "Ahh" the Morrigan said "Young mister Conroy, tis good to see you."

The man Conroy gave a nod of acknowledgement at the War goddess greeting. "Hello Miss Morrigan, it's good to see you as well, have you seen Stubby. We were supposed to meet up with Olson, Schroeder, and Gaston, but he ran off for some reason."

He looked around after he stopped and his gaze fell on a frozen still of Tanya's world, even after all these years he still sometimes found himself back in the trenches, back in

Chemin des Dames and at Seicheprey, those battles still haunted him even in the afterlife. That is when he felt a snout in his hand he looked down and saw Stubby trying to comfort him.

Conroy chuckled, "Hey Stubby, thanks buddy." He looked at the War gods and nodded at them and then looked at Stubby "So what do you say to the nice gods for looking after you boy."

Stubby gave a barking thanks. "No buddy" Conroy said "The other thing."

Stubby, realizing what he meant, got on his hind legs and just like he was trained to do, gave a salute to the war gods.

That got a chuckle as they all waved as the two left, leaving the war gods back to meeting at hand. "Now back to what we were talking about." Said Montu.

Tyr reminded her fellow war god, "well we were talking about for whom Tanya shall be the patron of and i said it should be me!" Of course this started the shouting match again, all while Ares just sat back and enjoyed the chaos with a tub of popcorn.

That is when of course they all heard it as a prayer. A prayer addressed to a War god, it causes all the shouting and CHAOS to calm if only for a moment. They all looked at each other and to everyone's surprise it was Ares that spoke first.

"Okay" he said "Now before this escalates into an Old timey cartoon sketch, I just want to say this first. Good luck." he paused for a moment before a manic look overtook him and he yelled out "I HEARD HIM FIRST!!!"

Ares jumped into the air as he tried to reach the prayer which took the form of a bubble, only for his ribs to feel two high heeled feet of Athena as she flying kicked Ares mid air as she yelled, "NO HES MINE!"

Athena now went towards the prayer bubble with a huge smile on her face.

"OH NO YOU DONT" she heard as she felt a rope wrapping around her leg and pulling her back into the table and she looked and she saw Tyr now leaping towards the Bubble

As Tyr was about to get close to the bubble, he heard a mighty war cry, turning around he found himself being clothes lined by Morrigan who was laughing as she ran full speed towards the prayer bubble. "OUT OF THE WAY LAD! This one be mine ye cunt!"

Freyja, seeing what happened to Tyr, swung her flat part of her sword at Morrigan's legs making her fall flat on her face, Freyja wanting wanting revenge for her fellow Aesir, decided before she reached the bubble to do get her revenge on Morrigan, jumping into the air she decided to do one of her favorite mortals signature moves and when Ares still recovering from the two heels to the chest saw the move he called out in amazement "SHE GONNA DO THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW!!"

When the elbow connected Morrigan groans in pain, Standing up Freyja grins as she brings her arms up and yells a victory cry, only to feel two arms wrap around her midsection, next thing Freyja she was being given a full nelson by Montu.

The last thing Freyja heard before she lost consciousness from Montu doing a German Suplex on her was God coming into the room and yelling "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, WHATS GOING ON IN HERE!"

Everyone froze in place as they looked at God, Ares is heard saying "I just want to make it clear. It wasn't my fault this time."

God just looks at all of her family present and just sighs, "ok. Here's what we're gonna do, you are ALL gonna sit down and your going to ALL listen to the prayer and then you will ALL discuss how to respond to it LIKE THE ADULTS YOU ARE!" She stays silent for a moment as she looks at all the war gods now back in their chairs. "Good. Now let us see what this person's prayer is about." She says waving her hand as the prayer bubble gets bigger for all present to see.

Soon the room filled with an image of Draco's voice along with the image of the young man praying, "oh great and powerful god of war. Know that this humble one prays to tee in hopes of being blessed to be as great a warrior as my knighted cousin of Prussia. I pray to tee to bless me with the same wisdom of not just a warrior but as a proper British officer. Amen."

There was a silence in the room which was caused by God's glare as she raises her finger and points to each of them as she says sternly, "no fighting. No fighting. No fighting. NO! FIGHTING!" Turning around she left the room as the war gods did as their mother/ grandmother/ boss told them.

God breathes as she straightens her dress, hair, and even makes sure her makeup is alright as she returns to the tea party she was hosting with her sister, the goddess of the moon, Loona the were-folk god.

Sitting at the table was a woman of dark skin, lean defined muscles, silver hair, and wolf ears with a tail who was currently drinking her tea, "let me guess, the children were acting up again?" She asks in her new accent which is from queens because she spent a few years vacationing there while on earth.

In a long suffering type of voice "Oh like you wouldn't believe" she said

Loona chuckles as she pours god another cup, "girl i'm telling you. You're being too nice to them, ya need to give them a firm hand. I mean look at my children." she makes a motion with her hand as she says, "the moment one of them gets out of line WHAM! They get a firm pop to remind them who's really running the place."

God gave her sister a look that said I don't believe you before she replied "Oh really" she started " one name Fenrir Greyback"

Loona looked at her sister scandalized, "I'll have you know that I'm having that boy punished as we speak."

"I would say so" God said "all the suffering he has caused and all the little ones he has sent to my comfort he deserves no less"

She picked up her tea cup and took a sip from it, while she didn't say it aloud she knew that deep down everyone was worried about Tanya, and while she knew Tanya would be fine she still worried for her

Loona nods as she drinks, "Speaking of children, how goes it with getting that poor girl from the other world?" She then adopts a far away look and shows one of the many habits she picked up from queens, "oh i would be beside myself the moment one of my girls was sent to another world or even worse! JERSEY!"

An angry look came upon God's face, "That Snake put a lock on the world, and while Germania is making Headway because it's her world, it will still take some time before we are able to break through it."

Loona sighs, "and what of our Yettas? The Fates. They decided to chime in or are they staying quiet?" Loona then leans in as she asks in an almost hopeful tone, "they are staying quiet aren't they? Please say yes." Her wolf ears were sticking straight up.

"Did someone say my name?" Both God and Loona looked towards the source of the voice which was fate, an older woman with large gray hair and even bigger rimmed glasses as she walked in to join them. "Yes Yetta we were talking about you!" Luna says in a raised voice that Fate could hear her "Where have ya been?"

Yetta waves her hand as she sits down. "Well I was visiting father time and let me tell you he may be older but he's still got those magic hands and." Both God and Loona shout at the sametime in disgust "YETTA!"

Yetta looked at both of her granddaughters as she asks, "what?" God sighs as she asks, "we were talking about Tanya and that me damned prophecy you made about her and Tom Riddle." Yetta just nods as she drinks a cup of tea. "Don't worry about that, your Yetta has it handled."

Both God and Loona looked at her as they both asked "and?" Yetta looks at the two again as she asks confused "and what?" Both God and Loona just groan in exasperation at their grandmother.

Hurricane, Utah Police Holding cell

As the cell door opened the line occupant of the cell looked up and Amelia Black née Bones walked in eyes blazing with anger at the Thing in front of her. He looked normal with his fluffy brown hair and piercing blue eyes, but Amelia knew the truth: the thing in front of her was a monster.

"I'm only gonna ask you nicely one more time" she said to the man "What did you do with the children's bodies." The last part was said with such venom that the officers waiting outside shock with fear "William Afton"

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