Last of the Belmonts (A Castl...

By WinterPhoenix123

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Alyx and Trevor are the last of the once-famed Belmont family. Now scorned and disgraced, they wander the lan... More

Chapter 1: Wrath of the Vampire
Chapter 2: One Year Later
Chapter 3: The Exiles
Chapter 4: Speakers
Chapter 5: Sypha Belnades
Chapter 6: The Coffin
Chapter 7: Aftermath
Chapter 8: We're Never Doing That Again
Chapter 9: The Belmont Hold
Chapter 10: Night Falls
Chapter 12: Blood Red Moon
Chapter 13: New Dawn
Epilogue: Departure

Chapter 11: The Attack

308 12 0
By WinterPhoenix123

The Belmont Hold began to rumble, dust falling from the ceiling as the dinosaur sculpture on chains began to rock back and forth unsteadily. We all looked up. 

'See? God hates me,' Sypha remarked.

'That's probably not God,' Alucard replied softly. Trevor and I put our hands on our weapons, keeping an eye on the ceiling. 

'Can we get that magic mirror working?' Trevor asked. 

'I think so,' Sypha called out. 'But I can't do two things at once here.' 

'I know some Chaldaic. I know how to operate a distance mirror,' Alucard replied. 'Which shall I do?' 

'I can't do either of those things,' Trevor blurted out. 

'Come on, Belmont,' Alucard growled, stalking towards him. 'Time to choose. You're either the last son of a warrior dynasty or a lucky drunk. Which is it?' The Hold rumbled again. 

'Okay. Get the mirror working, Alucard,' Trevor commanded. 'Get me force numbers, species and weapons count. Sypha stays on her job for now. Alyx and I will fortify the point of entry.'

'I think we're going to see the size and disposition of the attacking force fairly quickly with our own eyes,' Alucard remarked, using his vampire claws to carve out the runes for the mirror. 

'I'm forced to agree,' Trevor replied, sheathing his sword. 'Do you have a further suggestion?' 

'Are you asking my advice?' 

'We're working together, Alucard. You're still a bastard. But you're the bastard I chose to fight alongside back in Gresit. And you're the bastard that cares for my sister. Do you have a problem with any of that?' 

'None at all.' 

'So what do you suggest?' 

'Using this to find Dracula's castle. Now. We're trapped in a box down here. We will eventually be overwhelmed. Unless we change the nature of the battle.'

'Agreed,' Trevor said. 'Sypha!' 

'I'm close to getting it!' she called out. 

'I'll protect you for as long as I can.'

'I know,' she called back.

'Alyx!' Trevor exclaimed. I jumped off a high point near the entrance, rolling and standing to face Alucard and Trevor, giving them a sharp nod. 

'I'm right here, you annoying little shit,' I sniped. 'You don't need to yell.' I saw Alucard reward my jab with a soft smile. Trevor then used his chain to launch himself to another point of the building. I unsheathed my blade, brandishing and spinning it with ease. 

When Trevor fell through the door of the building, he successfully killed more of the night creatures. Sypha was working on more of the spell and jumped back in shock when the last night creature fell in front of her, snarling. Trevor kicked it, sending it reeling into another shelf. Sypha ran to Alucard and me. 

'You see the castle?' she asked. 

'Take a look,' he said, gesturing to the mirror. 

'Where's Trevor?' I asked. 

'Fighting a particularly nasty monster,' Sypha replied. 

'Good. I'll go help him. Just make sure that locking spell works - Alucard, Sypha - or God help us all.' I scaled the bookshelves with ease and ran to find Trevor and the night creature, Alucard turning to stare at me for a moment before returning to the mirror. 

'Good. Keep focused on it. I have to be able to see it to put my intent on it,' Sypha said, unfolding the pages of the book she had with her. 

'Your intent?'

'That's all magic is, Alucard. Changing things in accordance with my intent. And my intent is to drag that grotesque thing here.' She clenched the piece of paper in her hand, setting it on fire until it dimmed to a small blue ball in her hand, and then dividing it into two large blue balls of power, she directed it into the distance mirror, towards Dracula's castle. The night creature suddenly began to hurtle down towards us, but then Trevor threw his whip towards it, exploding the creature into a ball of flames as I practically dove from the balcony, landing on the ground with a grunt, standing and sheathing my sword. Suddenly, Sypha reeled back. 

'I did it,' she said in awe. Alucard turned to her. 

'Where did you land the castle, Sypha?' he asked.

'Right on top of us.' Her face fell once she realised. 'Oh. Yes. I landed the castle right on top of this underground space that's probably only held up by wood and dirt. Let's go.' She ran off, and Alucard stared at the castle in the mirror, then walked off to join Sypha. 

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