By Aurora_dawn_66

133 4 0

"I hate you!!!" were the next words that came out of my mouth, even as my whole body burned in pleasure. "No... More



44 1 0
By Aurora_dawn_66

“You are married?” I screamed into the phone, wincing when the harsh sound reverberated through the room but continued speaking anyways. “You are fucking married?”

“Watch your language with me Hannah-”

“The hell I will." I scoffed, folding my arms as I glared at my mother. "How on earth did you get married and your only daughter doesn't know shit about it?

“Hannah….” She trailed off and I could just imagine the sheepish look on her face. I stood in my living room, holding my phone to my ears, my brows furrowed in anger. I could imagine how I looked. My caramel brown hair was tied up in a bun, and bright brown eyes filled with concern.

“A whole week Mom! You've been married for one week and you're just telling me now?"

“Baby," She said soothingly, "You have to calm down. Panicking won't do you any good, okay?.”
I frowned at her words, forcing myself to breathe in and out. She was right though. I was panicking. I could already feel the walls closing in on me.


“Listen to me baby. Hannah," She sighed, her voice heavy with emotion. "I wanted to tell you. Really I did."

"But?" I could sense the 'but' already and honestly, I had a niggling feeling why she had held out on me for a week.

"I didn't want to burden you with the news. I thought it would be easier if you found out gradually."

Even though I expected it, her words stunned me nonetheless. Gradually? What the hell did she mean 'gradually'? Who finds out about a marriage 'gradually'? My hands gripped the device tightly and I closed my eyes to steady my heavy breathing.

"You should have just told me" I finally managed to mumble, trying to ignore the voice in my head that encouraged me to lose my shit. It felt like a betrayal.

"I didn't want to overwhelm you, sweetheart," she replied gently "After everything you've been through, I thought it was best to ease you into it. I-I wanted to protect you, Hannah. I did not know how you would take it, considering…you know what, I'm sorry. I made a mistake."

I sighed heavily, my hands trembling as I eased my grip on the phone. I understood her. Her first marriage did not exactly go well for me… or any of us, so it was quite normal for her to worry.

"I appreciate your concern, Mom," I said, trying to find my voice amidst the swirling emotions. "I need some time to process everything. I promise I'll visit soon and we can talk more about it."

"Of course, Hannah. Take all the time you need. I know it's hard for you but I would really love to see you again. I love you, okay?"

“I love you too mum," I murmured in reply, slowly feeling pacified. "I will be back as soon as I can."

“Well you better. I cannot wait for you to meet Alexander," She gushed.  "He is the best and he is excited to meet you,”

I could swear I heard my heart pounding wildly in my ears and once again I closed my eyes, chanting in my head.

Not every man will be like Nathaniel, Hannah. Not every man is Nathaniel.
Breathe in. Breathe out.

“I know this will not be easy for you” Mum’s voice interrupted my racing thoughts. "And I am so sorry that you have to go through this. If it were up to me, I would have avoided it completely, but the moon goddess always has other plans.”

Sure she did, I almost snorted in reply. Instead, I swallowed down my retort and tried to speak as calmly as possible.

“Seriously mum, please do not worry. I will be fine. I am healing and I cannot exactly ask you to put your life on hold for me, right?"

“I know, love. You are strong Hannah. My strong baby”

“I wish you would stop talking to me as if I were a child,” I grumbled halfheartedly. I imagined her rolling her eyes at that. She always knew when I was bluffing.

“Whatever. You are my baby. Doesn't matter that you're a strong Alpha living all alone in the human world. I still worry like hell,"

“It is not that tough mom," I replied with a shrug. "I have a cage in my apartment for every full moon.”

I giggled when she gasped in horror.

“That is so horrifying,” My mum whispered and she indeed sounded horrified. “How could you decide to sacrifice the joy of staying so close to the wild and letting loose? Your poor wolf might one day abandon you,”

Yeah right, If she had not considered that already.

“I have to meet with my Therapist in the next twenty minutes,” I informed her, ready to get the conversation over with.

“Oh, okay. How is the therapy going? How are you doing?”

“We will talk about those when I get home okay? I am almost late. I have to go” I tried not to sound impatient. Key word, 'tried'.

“Okay. Stay safe, alright? I have been hearing rumors of wolf hunters in Chicago." She said,

She was not wrong but I did not tell her that. Neither did I inform her that I had killed two of them in my home a few weeks ago.
Mom would be on the next flight to Chicago if she heard that I was in any danger.

“I will be careful mum." I promised. "Stay safe too. I love you,”

As I set my phone down, I took a moment to think about the man who had entered my mother's life. Questions swirled in my mind, each one clamoring for attention.
What would he be like?

Probably like Nathaniel.

Ah crap, it wasn't healthy to think like this. Not every man was Nathaniel.

Years ago, My mother  had introduced me to Nathaniel and he had looked so innocent too.

“Nathaniel is simply the best and I know that he will totally love you.” She had gushed on and on about him as if he was all cotton candy and gummy bears.

Guess who found out the hard way?

Brushing the thoughts aside, I picked up my purse and left the room.

"Hannah, how about we focus on how you've been coping with your emotions today?" Dr. Peterson began gently, her soothing voice washing over me. She was a woman who looked like she was in her late forties, dressed all prim and proper with blue eyes hiding behind a pair of glasses. "I know the healing process can be overwhelming, and it is important to acknowledge your struggles."

Here we go again, I thought as A heaviness settled in my chest. I recalled the emotional rollercoaster I had been on and felt the corner of my eyes burn with tears that threatened to spill over.

I took a deep breath, however, to steady myself, determined to confront my pain.

"I've been trying, Dr. Peterson," I confessed, my voice shaky and vulnerable. "But on some days, it feels like I'm drowning in my own thoughts. The memories, the fear, they haunt me. They encircle me and it feels like I can never escape."

Dr. Peterson nodded, an understanding expression on her face. “It’s completely normal to feel that way, Hannah. Healing takes time, and believe me, you've made incredible progress. However, it is also important to find moments of respite amidst this journey."

I looked at her, confusion scrawled all over my face.  “What do you mean, moments of respite?"

A compassionate smile played on Dr. Peterson's lips as she reached for a small envelope on her desk. "Hannah, I want you to consider taking a break from the weight of it all, even if it is just for one night."

A break? Really?

"How exactly do I do that?" I mumbled, my stomach feeling queasy when she stretched the envelope towards me.

"Here, I've got something here that might help."

She handed me the envelope, and I opened it with a mix of intrigue and uncertainty. I stared at the card I had just unwrapped then back at my therapist.

"Uhm,... What exactly is Elysium Nights?

"It's a nightclub," Dr. Peterson explained. "I was invited by a friend. It's a new club and they are having a party tonight. I thought it might be beneficial for you to immerse yourself in a different environment, surrounded by people, music, and positive energy. It could provide a much-needed distraction and a chance to enjoy yourself, if only for a little while."


This was new. Why on earth was my therapist recommending a nightclub?

“When was the last time you really took a break outside work?” Dr Peterson asked, taking off her glasses.

A few months ago? A year? Hell I couldn't remember.

I glanced again at the card in my hands, feeling both hesitant and hopeful. Perhaps this was what I needed. Stepping out of my comfort zone both excited and scared the crap out of me. But perhaps it was time to try something different. Maybe allowing a little fun into my heart would allow light to pierce through the darkness that had cloaked me for so long.

"I'll... I'll give it a try," I finally replied, nodding as I tried to fight against all the voices in my head that told me it was a terrible idea.  "Thank you, Dr. Peterson, for this…opportunity, I guess?"

Her gentle smile warmed my heart. "You're welcome, Hannah. Remember, you deserve moments of joy okay? Enjoy the process, enjoy your journey towards healing. Take this invitation as a sign that there's hope for brighter days ahead."

“Okay,” I mumbled, feeling both inspired and terrified.

“If that is settled, I believe that is all for today. I just felt you needed this.” She explained and I tried my best to smile in appreciation.

We bade our goodbyes, and I left her office with the invitation clutched in my hand and my heart racing with anticipation.

After hours of careful contemplation, changing into several dresses, deciding to go and then changing my mind over and over, I finally found myself, standing before the building of Elysium Nights.

My stomach rolled in anticipation and the queasy feeling was back. Shit. This was a mistake right? I thought as the cold air whipped against my legs. Maybe I should have worn something longer? The short black dress was beginning to seem like a bad idea. Hell, me coming was beginning to look like a bad idea all together.

Maybe I shouldn't have come at all.

This was a mistake.  A big one but hell it was too late to go back now. From the sidewalk, I could hear the rhythmic thumping of the music spill out onto the street, beckoning me closer. Vibrant lights bathed the entrance in a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of colors, reflecting the pulsating energy that emanated from within.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Taking a deep breath, I drew closer and had almost stepped through the doors when a short, sturdy man stopped me.

“Can I see your invite ma’am?”

I fumbled through my black purse for the invitation, giving the man a nervous smile when I eventually pulled out the invitation and handed it to him.
He looked at it, then looked me over from head to toe, before giving me back the card and stepping aside.

“I hope you enjoy your night ma’am. I see you did not come with a partner.”

“Uhm.. ah yes… No. I came alone." I stuttered.

“Ahn, the watchers. That is okay. Have a nice evening." He grinned and stepped aside.

Confused, I stepped in, walked through the short hallway that led into the club and was completely thrown back.

What in the world?! This was definitely not your regular club.

My eyes widened in surprise as I took in my surroundings.

First thing that caught my attention was the couple in the middle of the hall, completely naked and having sex while a small crowd cheered them on.  The lady was bent on all fours while the man, who must be in his fifties, was driving into her from behind.

All over the hall were many people who were locked in a passionate and intimate embrace. Two girls kissed as they fingered themselves by the wall. A man leaned back on a cushion while another naked girl rode up and down his shaft.

The realization hit me like a jolt of electricity. It was an erotic club. The loud thumping music was all an illusion. The atmosphere shifted drastically, the air heavy with a heightened sensual energy that permeated every corner of the room.

My heart raced, I could hear it loud and rushing through my ears, as I looked around, feeling a mix of curiosity and discomfort. The explicit performances happening on various stages left little to the imagination.

“Yeah, baby." Someone grunted.

"Ride it harder. Come on, you are so tight, you whore,"

My ears and eyes burned in embarrassment as I watched them but I could not seem to tell my legs to move.

Gently biting my lower lip, I took a deep breath, trying to ground myself amidst the whirlwind of sensations. My instincts urged me to retreat, to escape from the unfamiliar environment that stirred conflicting emotions within me. Yet, a spark of curiosity held me in place.

“Hello beautiful, are you here alone?”
I turned around to see a very elderly man, grinning at me. “If you are, what do you say we go into one of the rooms and have the nights of our life? I have a VIP pass”

The stench of alcohol from his stomach made my stomach turn. My head shook quickly before he could even finish speaking.

“Uhm…no. No, I am not alone. My boyfriend is right here. Thank you,”

Please be gone. I want fun but not that kind of fun.

“Well I don’t see him around." The man disputed, a leer that made my skin crawl had found its way into his eyes. "He could join us if he wants, right?!"

“No,” I croaked out, trying to hide my panic as he stepped closer to me, “He will be here in any second. In fact, I was just about to go look for him. Thank you.”

I turned around immediately, almost running as I rushed blindly towards a door which I had assumed was the bathroom.

My heart pounded in my chest as I made it to the door, then relaxed when I realized the old man hadn't followed me.
I pushed the door open and frowned when I saw a passage instead. A narrow dark passage.

Welp, there's got to be a bathroom in there, somewhere right?
With a gulp, I stepped inside, hoping my thoughts were correct.

There were locked doors on both walls in the passage.
I opened the first one I came across and A gasp escaped my lips as my eyes took in the scene before me.

Definitely not a bathroom.

On a large bed in the center of the room, a woman was intimately engaged with three men, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace.

What the hell?

Shock coursed through my veins as I struggled to comprehend the sight laid bare before me.

The girl was laid naked on her back, like a sacrifice, in the middle of the bed writhing and moaning in pleasure as the men pleasured her. One of the men had his mouth around her nipples, the second one was between her widely open legs, thrusting in and out of her, and the third man had his eyes completely shut as the girl opened up and took his large dick in her mouth.

I swallowed hard and watched them, too shocked to move. What the hell was this place? Fucking Sodom and Gomorrah?

Their sounds of pleasure mixed together, filling the room with a melodic sound.  I do not know if it was the atmosphere of the whole club, or what I was just seeing, but I felt my thighs burn and slowly grow wet, my clit throbbing in desire.
For a minute I imagined swapping places with her, sandwiched between three insanely hot men.

The man with his mouth on her breast lifted his face and our eyes met. Startling electric blue eyes that mesmerized me and held me in place. He pulled away, releasing her nipples and grinned.

“Seems like someone else wants to join in the fun.” He muttered and the others looked in my direction.

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