Fame and Misfortune (GirlxGir...

Por mcdonalds_hashbrowns

9.2K 474 956

Hollywood's hottest young actress, Lux Dalton, is on the cover of every magazine and the headline of every go... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 13

629 30 57
Por mcdonalds_hashbrowns


"Good morning," Ava said when she entered the trailer. She spun my chair around on its wheels to face me away from her and began to massage my shoulders. "Are you alright?"

No. I was not alright. I was petrified, about to do a sex scene with Tony Frazier right in front of Ava. "No."

She leant down and placed a few pecks on my shoulder and neck. I watched her in the mirror. "What's wrong?"

"I have to pretend to enjoy being fucked by Tony Frazier while you watch."

She smiled. "You know...we could turn this whole thing into a game."

"What sort of game?"

She leant down again to nibble my ear and whisper, "Pretend I'm the one fucking you. The louder you scream the more I know you want me."

I turned around to face her, our noses touching. "But what if I accidentally say your name?"

She smirked, as if it pleased her to know I might slip up in her honor. "Let's hope there will be no accidents."

I was about to kiss her when she backed away and went to get some makeup from the vanity. She came back and began spreading foundation.

"I'm almost done with Jane Eyre," I told her.

She looked shocked. "Really?"

"Yeah, and it's really good."

"That was fast."

"Well, you know, living alone, not able to go out, allows lots of time for reading."

She kissed me briefly on the lips before there was a knock at the door. Ava went to answer it. "Hi."

It was Jessie—the fan girl. "I would just like to inform you both that during filming of the intimate scene today we will only have the necessary people on set today—that includes you, Ms. De La Cruz."

I smiled. "Thank you, Jessie."

She lit up. "Yeah, of course. And Mr. Bradford expects you both on set in twenty minutes. He also advises Ms. Dalton to come dressed in only a robe."

I nodded. "Okay, thank you."

Ava closed the door and resumed her makeup a bit faster. "She's like a kid in a candy store around you."

"Understandably so."

She rolled her eyes and then adopted a very different expression. "What's wrong?" I asked.

She avoided eye contact. "I kind of forgot that you were going to be naked."

I smiled. "That's kind of how sex works."

"I was just hoping the first time I saw you naked we would be...you know..."

My eyebrow raised. "Well, I am going to need to undress to get into that robe."

Her face went red. I rather liked this side to her.

When she finished my makeup, we had about five minutes before we were required to be on set. I stood up, close to her. But before I was able to begin undressing myself, she reached for my top and pulled it off. I was taken by surprise but allowed her to do so. When that was off, she reached for the button on my jeans and began pulling those down. I was soon only left in underwear. She reached behind me and let her hands linger on my bra strap. Our chests were almost touching. I leant over to kiss her briefly and she let my bra drop to the floor. Suddenly I felt incredibly vulnerable. After pulling my underwear down she looked over me.

I usually had no problem showing anyone my body as I was quite proud of it. But for some odd reason, with Ava looking at me like that, I wanted to cover every part of me and get as far away as possible from the trailer.

I reached for the robe—a soft purple one—and quickly covered myself up. Then I awkwardly shuffled around her and out of the trailer.

I was in no mood to film a sex scene—no less in front of Ava. I felt insecure for the first time in a long time and I hated it.

When I arrived onto the set—a classically boring bedroom—I noticed there was barely anyone there. Just a few cameramen, Tony's makeup artist, a sound technician, and Elliot. That put me at ease a bit more.

Tony stood—also in a robe—by the bed and I made my way over to him. Elliot then waltzed over to with a huge grin on his face. "How are my favorite movie stars? Did you guys read over the script?"

We both nodded.

"Good, good. So we're going to have you go through the whole scene. And it will probably take a few tries, but if either of you needs a break or anything let me know."

He returned to his directors chair and told everyone to get into their positions. I noticed Ava had entered the set and was standing off to the side, observing an ugly modern painting on the wall.

"Lux and Tony, you may remove your robes and get into position on the bed," Elliot yelled out.

It wasn't my first time filming a sex scene, and when I did those I had nothing but confidence. But now, I wanted to run away and change my identity.

I swallowed hard and dropped the robe simultaneously with Tony, both of us getting under the covers of the bed.

"Are you two alright?" Elliot asked.

I wanted to scream "no" and run out of the studio, but instead agreed along with Tony that everything was fine.

"Okay, good." He pointed to a few people and told us to get into position then shouted, "Action!"

We kissed each other savagely, just as the script had said. He then moved to be on top of me and kissed down my neck. It was like a reenactment of the previous night. I ruffled my hands all throughout his hair while he kissed down my body. Then—according to script—I pulled his face up and said, "Michael, I love you."

He smiled down at me. "I love you too, Michelle." Then he was back to the action. Since the blanket was covering us—mostly—nobody could see how his dick had actually grown hard against my leg.

I let out a couple of whimpers and then Tony started making thrusting motions—not actually inserting anything anywhere. I dug my nails into his back and screamed "Michael" over and over again. He started grunting and I was immediately disgusted. I wanted to cry.

Then Elliot shouted "Cut!"

Tony rolled off me to the side of the bed.

"Restart the scene. I need more explicit words coming out of you, Lux."

Tony's makeup artist rushed over while Ava took her sweet old time. When she finally got to me, she looked worried. As she began to apply some bronzer, she asked softly, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I lied.

She continued to apply things that most likely didn't need to be applied. Then she said, "Remember our little game?"

I looked up at her and smiled. I'd completely forgotten about it. Before I could respond, however, Elliot did some more shouting to get everyone back in their places.

I felt better almost instantaneously.

"Action!" Elliot shouted.

This time as we ran through the actions, I started shouting in a more sexual way. As Tony began his thrusting motions again I started yelling all sorts of inappropriate words, imagining the sort of thing happening with Ava.

I opened my eyes at some point and managed to catch a glimpse of Ava's stare. It was rather shocking as I'd expected her to still be staring intently at the wall or potted plants. But no, she was staring—very intensely—at us. I decided to give her a good show and began moaning as sensually as I could.

At some point Tony made the move to fake his orgasm and I did the same, coming down with heavy breathing and kissing each other some more. I turned onto my side and fed him lines.



We ended up filming the scene six times total, and each time I got louder and louder. By the time we finished, Ava wasn't on the set anymore and I was a bit worried.

I retied my robe and quickly made my way back to the trailer. Ava was seated on the couch, staring into space.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." She didn't look away from her blank spot on the wall.

I sat down beside her. "Are you sure? You don't seem like it."

She looked to the ground and hesitated to speak. "I guess I didn't realize how hard it would be to watch you fuck some guy. Even if it was fake."

I couldn't help but smile. "Is someone jealous?"

"No, shut up."

I chuckled. "In case you didn't notice, I was screaming for you. It was your idea, remember?"

She turned her head to look at me. "Really?"

I laughed. "Yes, duh. Did you really think I could act that well? No. I was picturing you in my head the entire time."

Then, out of nowhere, she grabbed my face and kissed me, pushing me back against the couch. Within a fraction of a second my robe was untied and she had her clothed body up against my naked one. I wrapped a leg around her back and deepened our kiss.

Then she touched me.

I pulled away from our kiss. She looked worried and drew her hands off me. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

I shook my head and closed my eyes out of embarrassment. "No. I just...When you touched me..."

Sensing it wasn't anything too serious, she kissed along my collar bone. "Spit it out."

"My skin burns and it feels like I'm burning alive. But the way it feels makes me suicidal. Like I want to die, but only if you kill me."

When I finally opened my eyes I was met with her wide ones. She stood up from the couch and went to collect her things. I quickly tied my robe again and went to her. "What's wrong? Was that stupid? Shit. I knew I should have just shut up."

She turned around. "No, no, you didn't say anything dumb. In fact, it was quite the opposite. I actually can't believe something so poetic came out of your mouth. It was wonderful, really."

"Then what happened?"

She sighed and looked to the ground. "I-I don't..."

I tilted her chin up to look at me and took both of her hands in mine. "It's okay, you can tell me."

"I don't deserve that," her voice cracked. "I mean, what you feel—I presume—I don't want you to waste it on someone like me."

My brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"You're better than me." A tear ran down her cheek. "You're a lot better than me."

I pulled her into my arms and she started crying. "You're a good person, Lux. I mean, you're a world-class supermodel slash actress, and what am I?" She sniffled into my shoulder. "I'm just some weak failure who's constantly mad at the world."

"First of all," I said into her hair, "you're anything but weak. You're the strongest person I know. Second, you're working with the most high-class celebrities in Hollywood; in my eyes, that's anything but failure. And you're not mad at the world, you just have a hard shell. I've seen the way you look at things when you think no one's watching."

She shook her head and hugged me tighter. "I was supposed to be a pro soccer player, but I was too weak."

"What do you mean?"

She shook her head again and backed up. "Never mind."

Then she started collecting her things again and I took her hand. "You know, a wise person once told me that I'm human too, just like you. My fame, as you always like to rub in my face, doesn't mean shit. I mean, if you took that away, I'd just be a dumb blonde dropout with parents that could give less of a shit if I was alive or not. I like you, okay? So get that through your thick-ass skull."

She smiled for a moment then frowned. "Your parents..."

I waved her off. "It's whatever. I've dealt with being 'the accident' all my life. That's why I think your family's so great."

She reached her arms out and pulled me into her embrace. "I'm not a baby," I mumbled.

"You don't like it when I call you baby?"

I shook my head ferociously. "No, no, that's not what I meant."

She chuckled and kissed my cheek, returning to packing her stuff up. "Do you want to give me a ride home?"

"Yes, please."


When we began the drive to her house, she turned on the radio. "What type of music do you like?" she asked me.

"I listen to everything."

She groaned. "Come on, you have to give me something."

"Okay, I like classical."

She turned to look at me in shock. I tried to stay focused on the road.


I chuckled. "Yeah."

"You do not seem like the type. I always thought you listened to Taylor Swift or some poppy shit like that." She changed the channel a few times until it landed on a classical one. They were playing Liszt.

"I like classical too," she said, looking out the window at the flashing murmurs of landscape.

"You seem like the type."

She snapped her head at me. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nerdy book worms tend to listen to classical music."

She rolled her eyes. "Who's your favorite composer?"


Her eyes widened.


"He's mine too."

"Aw, we have the same favorite composer. We could go on a date to the orchestra to see that Chopin special."

"We're not a near-demencia eighty-year-old married couple."

I reached over and took her hand. "No, but we could be."

"Are you offering to time travel sixty years into the future?"

"Yes, I am. In fact, this very car is a disguised DeLorean."

I don't watch movies, so I have no idea what you are most likely referencing."

I glanced at her in shock, still holding her hand. "You haven't watched Back to the Future!?"

"I already told you I don't watch movies."

"But it's a classic," I whined. "Next time we have a movie marathon we're watching all of the movies you need to see before you die."

"I don't think I'd last very long. Have I ever told you how nice your fancy razor blades are?"

"We'll watch The Notebook and Elf and Titanic and Forrest Gump and-"

"I'll watch them on one condition."

I perked an eyebrow in her direction.

"It has to be a sleepover and we have to watch them in your room and I want a bunch of CVS gummy worms and I'm going to be the little spoon."

"That's four conditions."

"Tomato, tomato."

I looked over at her to notice her smiling out of the window.

"From the numerous times we've cuddled you've always been the little spoon, so I've assumed that it will be the default from here on out."

She leant over to kiss my cheek, nearly causing me to crash the car.

When we arrived to her apartment's lot, I finally let go of her hand and turned to face her. She smiled at me before grabbing my face and shoving her tongue down my throat.

A few minutes later she pulled away and reached for the door. "See you tomorrow," she said, leaving me completely soaked.


I'm moving in six days, does anyone have any advice on that sort of thing?

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