Osea in our world

By nacolitomahawk

18.2K 723 263

A few days prior to the attack of Kingdom of Erusia on the Osean Federation,the entire Osea was gone in an ey... More

Chaotic Morning
Carrier Strike Group
Angel Birds
First Impression
Chinese Encounter
Pacific Tensions
Gathering of Aces
Unplanned Battle
Battle of South Japan Sea(I)
Battle of South Japan Sea(II)
New Approach
Su-47L Berkut
Secret Weapons
Surprise Attack
War declaration
First Strike
Sword of Justice
Golden Eagle
Big stick diplomatic
Peaceful day
Sky of Felon
Zone of Endless
Yellow Terminators
Preparation stage
Coastal city(I)
Coastal city(II)
Coastal city(III)
After the battle
Marine Destruction
Snow Rainy Day
Wall Breaker(I)
Wall Breaker(II)
Joint Operation
Experimental Unit
Mach 3.5
White Wings Angel
Flickering Nation
Economic Crisis
(Side story)-Escape from Vladivostok
Osean Coup d'etat
The Song of Sirens(I)
The Song of Sirens(II)
Capturing Oured
At Other Sides
uNGreeted Aerial Dominator
Above a War
Belkan Impression
Osean War
Global Shift
To Belka
Europe Air War
Battle of the High Sea(I)
Battle of the High Sea(II)
Before the Journey

Open fire!

302 11 6
By nacolitomahawk

UN Headquarter,New York,USA

"The Osean Federation sank a submarine within our water border,violating the sea territory treaty of the UN!"

"The PRC funded a rebel group in Japan!The Japanese government has the authority to request us to destroy it!And they did!"

Two hours ago,the UN Security opened an emergency meeting from China request about the Osean problem.At first,the Chinese send numerous of proof telling that the ODF has sent their force to attack a PLAN ship within Chinese's sea territory,which Osean retaliated that the China support a rebel organization,and the ship China claimed to be their are in fact belonged to the JFWM,along with the proof from the spy.The council soon turned into a debate,as neither want to step down to the other.

"That's Japanese problem,not Osean!You have no responsibility dealing with it.Beside,this is not the first time,many of our warship was sunk by Osean force,your country clearly want to threat China and our allies in the Pacific!"

"Enough"-the UN secretary shout through the mic,but neither of them stop.In contrast,they began to stand up and continue,some others nations even take side:Russia,N.Korea,Belarus and Iran,along with many African countries stand for China,while NATO and Far East Allies backed Osea.The hall has split into two group,with neutral countries's representative lower their head to avoid misfire.

"The Osean Federation is not yet in the UN,the nation has no right to veto"-the Russian representative spoke,turning down the voting request from the UN secretary.

"Our country look at Osea as a friend,we will side with the Osean Federation,no matter what is your decision"-the American protest-"The vote is invalid,but we will become an allies of Osea if China dare to attack,we are leaving"

First is the US and Osea,then Japan,Australia,follow by the NATO and Israel,and the entire Osean side left the hall in the surprise of many nation,even the neutral countries,no one there could thought that one day a country,left alone a hyperpower would transfer to their world and leave a giant mark in the global politic,so big that shift the altitude of so many countries,even the UN is not matter anymore,the American and allies simply care more about Osea.The event that day have never being seen before on the international stage.

"We declare war against the Osean Federation,any country could join to fight the Osean imperialism,we welcome all"-the Chinese announce,his eyes still looking at the leaving people.


<<All aircraft,ready to take off,scramble>>-the call from the command center was heard from everywhere in the base.The UN council was broadcasted over the globe,included the declaration of war from China and many countries.Knowing that Okinawa will be the first on the list of destruction,the head of the base has prepared everything available for the incoming attack.All Patriot system went online,with Aegis ships take sail from the nearby port.This American,Japanese and Osean joint defense will be the first frontline.

"No good..."-Mobius mumbled to herself,while the others just put their blank eyes on the screen,realizing what they had done.The war is now unavoidable.

In 30 minutes,from the runway of the base,many F-35,F-15,F-16 and X-02S take to the air,joining with a small force of F/A-18 from USS Ronald Reagan took off before.They form into many formations around the base and the city,ready to push back any threat.As any missile slip through their defense could cause the death of anyone they know,they have only one goal in mind:protect the base at all cost,even with their lives.

<<AWACS Diplomat warning,I have many fast mover on my radar,bearing 230 from 297th Osean,for forty Angel-four.The Chinese is coming.>>

The X-02S's belly from Hawkeye glowed from the light of the charging railgun,then they took less than two seconds to change their nose to the said direction.Follow by the American,the Wyvern was ready to unleash their wrath.

<<EML launch!>>


From the incoming aircrafts,hundreds of missiles fly to the Okinawa defender,many of them was immediately vaporized by the EML shockwave,some shells even destroy the enemy aircrafts,the rest was deal with intercepting missiles.The Chinese air fleet break into many groups and continue to fly to the base,continue to pose as a significant threat.

<<Mobius,Trigger,escort me,heading 000>>

Cipher charged his aircraft into the swarm of enemy,slice through their formation,killing 6 aircrafts in one run.Meanwhile,Mobius and Trigger follow him,shot down any fighter dare to approach.The rest of the squadron split into two,hunt down aircrafts like shooting birds.They met little to no resistance from the enemy.But the American was not so lucky,they have got a dozen of casualties,despite downing a large number of enemy.

<<Caution,200 fast mover bearing 090,from sixty-one Angel 4,300 vs 80,how fair is this fight,isn't it>>-the American operator sarcasm-<<Diplomat calling Ronald Reagan,we need more support>>

<<There is more?>>

The Chinese fighter keep coming in,depleting the joint force ammo storage,Cipher has reached the peak of his anger,he flips his aircraft and fire a EML shell,instantly destroying 3 aircrafts in the line,but it also made him vulnerable to the enemy,his aircraft is out of ammunition.

<<Winchester,Bingo,permission to land>>

Right when Cipher left,the sky is refilled again with enemy fire.J-16s,J-20s trying to attack the runway and the facility,while being constantly shot down by the American jets.The crashing aircraft fortunately fall into the sea,leaving the base undamaged.Meanwhile,Trigger and Mobius having their fun.

<<Take a bet?Who shot down less plane must pay dinner for the winner,each fighter equal 100 zollar>>-Mobius joking to her wingman

<<Alright,I want to have mushroom stew tonight>>-Trigger turns his plane backward,blow up a jet coming behind.Mobius soon join the game,lit a whole formation on fire by QAAM.The kill count of both get higher and higher each minutes pass.They fly in the circle,parallel to each other,break the enemy squadrons with lightning speed and gun fire,leave a flame behind,like a pair of dancing fires.

<<The Blue Ribbon and Three Strike are killing fast,follow their lead>>

The remaining plane of the joint force reformation by the side of the duos,they cut the enemy by half and begin the slaughter.J-16 were mercilessly set in fire,even J-20 is no better,the plane rain down the sea in many pieces,all was done by American.Meanwhile,tired and exhausted,Trigger and Mobius just let their planes cruise the wind,watching the sky turn from white foam to orange flash.They both laugh like new highschooler,completely forget the pilots they just shot down earlier:

<<Hahahaha,a draw,I wish I have one more bullet>>-Trigger check his aircraft's gun,the screen count zero

<<Yeah,until next time,my back is already hurt,gotta go to the spa soon>>

<<AWACS Long Caster call all aircrafts,they are retreating!Weapon free,shot down as many as possible>>

<<Negative,our ammunition is low,we should land>>-Blaze protested his decision,while trying to save his bullets when flying behind a J-16.

<<Me too,cease fire,our force have depleted on missiles>>-Mobius noticed that most of her wingmen stopped to fire.-"Further attack could bring more damage to our defense force>>

<<Fine,permitted landing operation,the enemy won't continue to attack after received such damage>>

An hour later

"Salute to the Blue Ribbon and Three Strikes!"

"Our heroes are back!"

Right when their plane touch its wheels on the runway,Mobius and Trigger was greeted with cheers and applauses,they were carried out by the hand of colleagues to the new canteen,where a celebration was held within half an hour.Although the hall was blandly decorated,it still look nice and fairly comfortable.

"Aha,our aces have returned,cheer"-Long Caster said while holding his cup of wine-"Your appearance is an important factor for our victory.The spirit in your performance certainly put hope to our force,and bring fear to those enemy."

"That's just our mission"-Mobius cheek get brighter red-"Most of the work was done by the others,without me the victory would still be there for us"

"Don't speak like that,victory shall still be our,but there will be more casualties.Let it aside,enjoy the party for yourself,there is some mushroom stew there..."

From the corner of the room,Cipher is holding a cup,look at them,silently.

Oured,Osean Federation

"Follow the aggression of Osea act against China,Russia and the CSTO shall declare war against Osean Federation"

"The Islamic Republic of Iran see Osea as a threat to the world political order"

Ander turned off the TV,his eyes still look at the TV,to his surprised,he didn't expected the NATO and several more countries to support Osea that much,but it seem like his nation is now at war with at least one third of the Earth.The ODF is strong,they can wipe out any nation if everything is right to calculation,yet the citizen of Osea shall not like this,the economy has just been repaired to post-transfer static,thanks to the popularity of Osean products.War mean all money they get from trading with Earth's nations shall return to Earth,through bombs and bullets.

"What the matter,Mr President?"-his secretary ask

"No,how is the project Flying Chariot?"

"Mr.Johnton just send me the report,the Aigaion is ready for aircraft to take off and landing,the cruiser also can sail too,but to make it flying is going to take at least over a month"

"A month,that's quite long,our force would be drove out of Pacific,even the coastline might going to be attack"

The phone on the table suddenly ringed,with some hesitation,Ander pick it up,from the otherside is the similar voice he alway hear when the meeting of PSTO meeting is held:

"This is United States president,along with other NATO member here,and Morocco and Israel too"

"Ah,if this is to cut tie with-"

"We have decided to enter this war on Osean Federation side,to protect our friend from the threat of those old enemy of ours,even if this is World War III,we trust that your country can protect us all"

"The PSTO member and S.Korea would join Osea side,we had been attacked at Okinawa island,thank to the Osean pilots,the Chinese force has been pushed back to their land"

"Actually,a war is unavoidable,we can't let this opportunity to stop Chinese and Russian either.An Inter-Ocean Coalition,you can call it so,shall bring benefit to both of us"

"Heh,I believe the last one words is the only one that was true."

Now Ander is truly surprised,first is the altitude of those nations in UN meeting,now they want to be Osean allies.But it doesn't matter anymore,they are on his side,the Osea have long arms and legs to reach anywhere,protect their land from afar,with a clear decision in mind,he smile and say:

"Thank you,welcome all to the Osean Federation."

Total aircrafts downed by coalition:117

Total aircraft losses:71

The nations participated in World War III:


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