Memories - King's Return (Wak...

By MooseyGirl16

2.7K 99 58

This event starts taking place during the finale of the second season of Wakfu on Netflix. Watch the show for... More

Concept Art
Chapter #1 - Add Insult to Injury
Chapter #2 - The Deceivers and the Deceived
Chapter #3 - A "Great" Reunion
Chapter #4 - Revalation
Chapter #5 - The Little Remains
Chapter #6- The Rulers
Chapter #7 - To The Public's Mercy
Chapter #8 - To Amelka
Chapter #9 - The New Problem
Chapter #10 - Delirious Yugo
Chapter #11 - Elicatt
Chapter #12- Mistake
Chapter #13 - Tuto's Theory
Michell says Hi
Chapter #14 - Tuto's Test
Chapter #15 - Q
Chapter #16 - The Protege
Chapter #17 - Chibi
More Important Notice
Chapter #18 - Ralo the Captor
Chapter 19: Kerquek
Good day~
Chapter #20 - Kolor
Chapter #21: Sadidan Outskirts
Chapter #22: Ralocolcourtay
Chapter #23 - Open up Your Eyes
Chapter #24: Moments Slow
Chapter #25 - Shaken
Chapter #26 - Recall
Happy Thanksgiving!
Chapter #27 - Falling Tree Branch
Chapter #28 - The Torntam
Chapter #29 - Ceriian
Chapter #30 - Adamai's Journey
Chapter #31 - Reasoning
Chapter #32 - Reunion
Chapter #33 - Shinonome's kept secret
Chapter #34 - Xenlyr
Chapter #35 - An Escape
Chapter #36 - An Arrest
Chapter #37 - Not Coilcarairienmeianzenmarlei
Joke Skit #2
Chapter #38 - The Tale of the Villian's Leadership
Notes and Other Clarifications
Chapter #39 - The Sadidan Forest
Chapter #40 - Dreams
Chapter #41 - the Ashnuks
Chapter #42 - Queen Annefarr
Chapter #43 - Eniripsa Concernment
Chapter #44 - Arbitration
Chapter #45 - The Story of Lukeus
Chapter #46 - Soup
Chapter #47 - Ceriian's "goodbye"

Important Clarification and Joke Skit Featuring: My Sweet Boy (:

36 1 2
By MooseyGirl16

MG16: Okey, okey, I know what your thinking

Ralo: My girl, it's a Friday...


Ralo: Why did you call me here, though, along with your readers?



MG16: Also, I need to apologize

Ralo: For what? The trauma you're about to put me through?

MG16: shushu up Ralo

Ralo: Knowing the future? I mean, what about M-


Ralo: Writing chapters in the twenties, perhaps?


Ralo: Okey, okey. Seriously though, is it about that dream you had last night? Not the one about Emrub, but the one about, perhaps, MOI


Ralo: Then why did I just watch you type it in..?

*Tuto enters the room*

MG16: Feca. I'm too far gone, aren't I?

Tuto: Having not heard the conversation, I would say yes.

Ralo: yes.

MG16: Okey. What I need to apologize for is-

Tuto: Is it that unnecessarily detailed part you put in Chapter 24: *says title in Dragonish* because Aya told you to make your chapters longer?

MG16: no.......

MG16: Also, If I did so, there would be at least fifty chapters by now.

Ralo: Hey, speaking of Aya, why haven't you put up her banner yet?

MG16: ah-

Tuto: Yeah... she spent a LOT of time on that thing you know

MG16: Guys stay on task. This wasn't an apology to her it was for my Iop-head with skills!

Ralo: Oh well. It is now ~

MG16: If you don't stop I'll put you through the trauma you mentioned right now, Ralo~

*Ralo begins to cry*

MG16: Woah woah woah. Ralo... Ralo... I didn't mean-

*MooseyGirl16 begins to cry with him*

Tuto: Iop heads! Moosey, you've got writing to do, and Ralo, you have- erm- a plot to fulfill..?

*MooseyGirl16 hugs Ralo and the crying (temporarily) halts*

MG16: Right. *Deep Breath* I have to apologize, my dear readers, for referring to Yugo's wings on his head (you know these things below) as antlers. THEYRE WINGS AND I FEEL SO STUPID BECAUSE OF THIS. 

MG16: Okey. There. I said the thing. Ralo?

Ralo: Fast apology. eerm... Three minutes Forty-five Seconds to write. The makes your NEW RECORD!!!

MG16: ARE YOU SERIOUS?? I spent two of those minutes drawing the wing...

*Ralo begins to cry on her behalf*

MG16: RALO!! No- don't do that! Iop-head!

*Ralo cries on his own account for the insult*

Ralo: IM SORRYYY!!! I can't help it...

MG16: Ralo... It's like Tuto said: Ralo, you have a plot to fulfill!

Ralo: okey... You're right. 

*Ralo stops crying*

Ralo: Alright, a Friday is a Friday. I'll go get to work, then.

MG16: As will I

*MooseyGirl16 smiles*

*Ralo portals back to the World of Twelve*

Tuto: So~ You like him then?


Tuto: You're the one who shipped us, Iop brain!

*MooseyGirl16 tackles Tuto*

I dunno how I achieved 450 words on that but I did so *shugs* Thank you for 168 views !!

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