Heart-Bound ✅

By Terra_Cody

280 30 1

After dumping his cheating boyfriend, Tyler just wants to spend the night in a bottle. Unfortunately his sist... More

Main Characters
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three 🔥
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six 🔥
Chapter Seven 🔥
Chapter Eight*
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten 🔥
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen* 🔥
Chapter Fifteen*
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen 🔥
Chapter Eighteen 🔥
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty 🔥
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Fourteen 🔥

13 2 0
By Terra_Cody

As October turned into November, Tyler noticed that Malcolm occupied his thoughts a lot of the time. Their schedules still didn't line up well, but they texted frequently throughout the day, and they spoke on the phone at least once a day. Tyler noticed that if his phone buzzed he felt flutters inside his stomach from excitement; anticipating that it was Malcolm who was contacting him. And if it wasn't Malcolm, the disappointment was always palpable.

Tyler had a nagging suspicion as to why he was reacting this way, and he resisted it. Malcolm was truly enjoyable to be around, and he could sense that his feelings were evolved and—and growing. But he couldn't help but feel dread with the unconscious evolution of his feelings because of the heartbreak he had suffered. Kane had been his longest relationship, and he had given everything of himself to the relationship. And in the end Kane had taken his love and thrown it right back in his face in the cruelest manner possible.

I feel for him. I know I do. I don't want this to be a rebound, I don't...oh God, I can't fall in love again so soon can I? It's been barely two months since I broke up with Kane!

Tyler was in the break room of the shop, barely touching his food as he contemplated this. This sort of topic wasn't something he could discuss with his colleagues, and while his friends were aware that he was in a friends with benefits relationship they didn't know that it was with a stripper. He didn't know who he could possibly talk to about this.

Do I love him? Is it possible to fall in love so quickly after being in love with someone else for three years?

Tyler's cell phone buzzed on the table, and the familiar unconscious flutter of excitement filled him. He flipped his phone over to check the screen, and the unconscious joy surged inside of him when he saw Malcolm's name in the text message on the lock screen. 'Someone took my shift tonight. Wanna hang out at my place and game?'

Tyler realized he was smiling like a dope and tried to swallow the smile. It didn't work as he sent a quick text back. 'Absolutely.'

Malcolm responded with a '👍'. Tyler choked on a laugh.

"Tyler!" TJ pushed open the door to the break room, frowning deeply. "There's a lady up front asking for you! She said you told her she'd get a discount with a recommendation!"

"Is she hot?" Jake, another mechanic, asked eagerly.

"Of course she's hot," TJ said, but his tone was angry. "Tyler, what's with all these people showing up lately saying you offered them a discount?!"

"I don't know," Tyler said defensively, but he had a sinking feeling as to why they were. Malcolm probably told them about the shop, and they thought they could get a discount by association, he thought wryly. He stood up. "I'll deal with it, TJ."

"You'd better," TJ said. "And if it's you offering discounts here, put a stop to whoever the hell it is!"

"I will, sir." He left his lunch behind but shoved his cell phone into his back pocket.


"Are you telling your coworkers that they can get a discount at my shop?"

Malcolm quickly looked up upon hearing this. Tyler and him were seated side by side on the living room and playing a fighting game on Malcolm's Xbox™️. "No," Malcolm answered him, focusing back on the game. "I only told them to go to your shop for car repairs."

"Well, your colleagues have been showing up for everything under the Sun," Tyler said tersely, mashing the buttons on his controller. "From oil changes to a rear bumper reattachment. And all of them said that they could get a discount at my shop. My boss is pissed at me."

"Shit," Malcolm grumbled, shaking his head as he looked back at his game. "I'm sorry, Tyler. I'll set them straight tomorrow at work because I definitely didn't tell them they could get a discount."

"Thank you," Tyler said, his tone relaxing. Out of his corner of his eye Malcolm saw that the tension eased in his broad shoulders and it made him smile. "Who picked up your shift tonight?"

"G—Thor," Malcolm said, grunting as he mashed the buttons to perform a special move. "That's the one I told you about, who's going for a chemical engineering degree. I guess he—needed some quick cash because he needed to buy some last minute lab equipment."

Tyler shook his head. "I'm still glad I skipped college. Shit!" he yelled when his character was defeated.

"HA!" Malcolm laughed, pumping a fist.

"I'll beat you next time," Tyler promised him. His tone had turned competitive, which was surprisingly attractive to Malcolm.

Malcolm smiled smugly at him. "Then let's make it interesting."

"How so?"

"Let's go five matches," Malcolm said, waving his controller. "Whoever loses has to do whatever the winner wants."

A peculiar smile rose to Tyler's lips. "Really?"

"Really," Malcolm said. "But we both have to be okay with the conditions."

"What do you have in mind if I lose?" Tyler asked him.

Malcolm leaned back into the couch cushions and spread his legs slightly. "I want a sexy lap dance from you."

"A lap dance?!" Tyler exclaimed in shock.

"A sexy lap dance," Malcolm emphasized.

"I-I haven't done a lap dance before!"

"You're talking to an expert of the field. I'll guide you on how to properly grind on me."

Tyler sputtered out a laugh and covered his eyes. After a moment he dropped his hand away. "You really want a lap dance from me?"

"Yes, I do," Malcolm responded. He snapped his teeth at him playfully.

Tyler waved a dismissive hand. "Okay, fine. You beat me and I'll give you a lap dance—"

"Sexy lap dance," Malcolm reminded him.

"—A sexy lap dance," Tyler conceded. He sounded a little exasperated. "And if I win then I top you tonight."

Malcolm's brow rose. He honestly didn't have a problem with bottoming, but he did prefer to top. Topping Tyler was especially enjoyable because it was so erotic seeing a man who was staunchly a top melt under his touch. It was both thrilling and ego-boosting to see Tyler give in and respond enthusiastically to Malcolm. And it was especially good to know that Tyler truly enjoyed it.

But he still wants to top me. Malcolm smiles thinly. I know he boasts for a reason. But...

"Okay," Malcolm said finally. "Whatever makes you happy, Tyler."

Something flickered in Tyler's eyes when Malcolm said that, and Malcolm felt his heartbeat accelerate. He quickly turned away and picked up his controller. "Let's get started."

"Right," Tyler murmured. As they selected their characters Malcolm tried to control his breathing and bring his heart rate down. He was only moderately successful.

Cool it. Cool it. He doesn't want a relationship. And relationships will only complicate your life, Malcolm. You're a man of self-control. Use some of it.

But it proved to be very difficult.


...I should have guessed this would be the outcome.

🎶"Tyler!"🎶 Malcolm called out in a singsong voice. "Are you ready?"

"Cheater," Tyler grumbled, shaking his head at his reflection. It was an empty word, however; he knew that Malcolm didn't cheat. He had won fair and square. But it was infuriating because Tyler had won the first two matches—but Malcolm won the last three matches. Now he stood in Malcolm's bathroom, dressed in only his underwear and cursing his fate.

"Tyler!" Malcolm called again.

He's enjoying this too much, Tyler fumed. Aloud he said, "I'm coming!" and exited the bathroom. The TV was off and the lights had been dimmed in the living room. Malcolm was seated in the center of the couch, watching him with half-lidded eyes. "Damn, you look sexy," he breathed, licking hip lips.

Tyler rolled his eyes as he walked over to him. "This isn't the first time you've seen me almost naked."

Malcolm reached out and hooked his fingers into the band of Tyler's boxers, pulling him towards him. "Come on and give me a sexy show, big guy."

Tyler arched a brow. "Do your clients talk to you like that?"

"My clients aren't so polite," Malcolm said, stroking his hip. He reached out with his free hand towards the coffee table and tapped his cell phone screen. A slow bump n' grind song filled the apartment. "I'll guide you on what to do."

"I'm not big on dancing," Tyler complained softly, and awkwardly shifted his hips back and forth.

"Do it like this," Malcolm told him, cupping his hips and guiding. "Just like this..."

The privacy of Malcolm's condo and the dimmed lights helped, but Tyler still felt embarrassed by what he was doing. In the moment he envied how confident Malcolm was to effortlessly perform for a perfect stranger. He couldn't tell if Malcolm's smile was playful or if was amused by Tyler's awkward performance, but he wasn't laughing which was reassuring.

After a few minutes Malcolm turned him around directed Tyler to sit on his lap. It was easier not looking at Malcolm as Tyler began rubbing his ass against his groin. The heavy music was oddly relaxing, and it helped him keep to a rhythmic pace.

Malcolm grunted throatily, and Tyler realized that the other man was hard through Malcolm's pants and his boxers. Malcolm started sliding a hand up and down Tyler's bare back along the column of his spine. After a few moments he started lifting his hips, matching the motions of Tyler's rubbing. Tyler felt his own body clenched with need and abandoned his performance, focusing more on arousing Malcolm further.

"Fuck!" Malcolm hissed, gripping Tyler's hips. He suddenly surged up, grabbing Tyler's chin and turning his head towards him for a searing kiss. "I need you. Now," he rasped against his mouth.

A few minutes later, Tyler found himself on all fours in Malcolm's bed, one hand gripping the top of the headboard and his head thrown back groaning loudly as Malcolm slammed into him from behind. Pleasure burned through his body and he was so engulfed that he didn't care how loud he was moaning or how hard Malcolm was pounding into him. He didn't care if he ended up sore the following morning. It felt so incredible in the moment that any discomfort later was worth it.

Malcolm's hands wandered the entire time their bodies were joined; over his back and chest, all the while whispering how sexy Tyler was. Being told he was sexy by the sexiest man he'd ever met heightened Tyler's arousal and his own motions became frantic. He thought his body would implode.

When Malcolm finally grasped him in his fist, Tyler came completely undone.


I really wore him out.

Malcolm smirked slightly in satisfaction as he finished cleaning himself up. Tyler was sprawled beside him in bed fast asleep. He looked both exhausted and sated. His smile softened as he watched the other man sleep, and he leaned over him. He brushed a gentle kiss against Tyler's brow, and warmth spread in his chest when he saw Tyler stir. Before he could help himself, words that he carefully guarded spilled out. His tone was soft and Tyler was asleep, but it was words that he did not intend to say out loud.

"I love you."


"Tomie, can't you look happy?"

Tomie rubbed at her eyes and sighed. "I'm tired, Phyllis," she complained softly. "It's nearing the end of the semester and the work keeps piling up..."

"That's why we're here!" Maxie crooned at her. "We're letting loose and having fun to escape from the academic pressure!"

"I know."

Tomie tried to muster her usual enthusiasm, but she was too anxious and exhausted. The closer she got to graduation the harder school was, and the harder it was to hang out with her sorority sisters. So when Heather proposed that they go out and have fun, Tomie dragged herself up to go out with her friends. She expected them to go to a bar, and was very surprised when they ended up at a male strip club.

It didn't...feel right to Tomie to be there. Sitting there with her friends, her mind wandered back to Georg. Though they were only just friends, Tomie couldn't deny what she felt for him. And it didn't feel right drooling over other men when her heart belonged to another. While she liked hanging out with her friends, at the moment she wanted to be in home in bed. Or with Georg.

Georg said he was working tonight for extra money. She smiled wistfully. I hope he has a slow and easy night.

"Now for our next performer!" the DC announced. "This Viking god will hammer you in all the right ways! Give it up for THOR!"

The patrons and the sorority sisters screamed as the stage's curtain whisked aside and a giant blonde-haired man took the stage. He was shirtless—showing off his very muscular body—and he was wearing tight silver pants. He was smiling—

Tomie gasped in horror and jumped out of her chair. The blood rushed to her head and a roaring sound filled her ears. "Thor" met her gaze and he stopped dead in his tracks onstage. His eyes went wide and the color drained from his face as he stopped dead in his tracks. Their gazes held, and a mutual sensation of horror and mortification passed between the two of them. Tomie's mouth formed a name, but she didn't make a sound. But "Thor" saw the name formed on her lips


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