White Words

By hueningina

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yeonjun saw his name written on a bathroom stall 'if you are yeonjun, please reply!' soon enough they filled... More

chapter one: the message
chapter two: doubt
chapter three: communication
chapter four: strange
chapter five: kang taehyun
chapter six: secret
chapter seven: promise
chapter eight: reconnect
chapter nine: trails
chapter ten: startline
chapter eleven: the other side
chapter 12: what's your name?
Chapter 13: cut on my throat
chapter 14: reminisce
chapter 15: second chance
Chapter 16: wonder

Chapter 17: Let Me

138 6 1
By hueningina

Terry insisted that Yeonjun waits for him at the train station instead of meeting there. It's considerate of him, Yeonjun thinks it's embarrassing on his side. He still hides his face and groans as he remembers that he just vented on Terry last night but god, Terry is easy to calm him down and make the situation better. Like nothing's wrong, as if they weren't strangers talking about deep things in an instant.

Yeonjun still wonders why opening up was easy that night. He pushes back his hair as he breathes, looking up and scratching his nape. Biting his lip from his uncontrollable shaky hands that he would blame on the cold weather in the station. But it's warm, he's wearing a black coat, and his hands are now hidden inside his pockets.

He must've wondered a lot then he caught himself gasping as he looked up and saw Terry standing in front of him, he's still wearing the white coat but this time he was not in a uniform. Just plain black shirt and black pants but he couldn't deny that he still look like he just came out of a drama movie and Yeonjun is a sucker for a drama movie actor. "Hi," he breathes.

Terry is quick to give him his wide shark teeth smile, Eyes so big they sparkle like the entire universe is visible in them, Yeonjun would've been lying if he said this isn't making his heart more frantic. "I believe this is the first time I visited this neighborhood," Terry smiles. "Tour me?" Yeonjun didn't hesitate for a second to say 'Yes'

How could he? Terry instantly smiles widely and it has not been 20 mins has passed that the guy just emits brightness everywhere. He stood up from his seat to start walking beside Terry but the other immediately went to grab and hold his hand, the audacity to wink at him when he became flustered, "It seems like your hands are cold." Terry says so easily.

Now, Yeonjun has a game. Even Soobin tells him that he's someone who flirts with everybody 24/7, he used to be platonically flirtatious with everyone but it's different now. That doesn't mean he would let Terry win against him.

So once big cars pass by too close to Terry from the road, he pulls him a bit closer, squeezing his hand and grinning, "You should stay here on my side."

Terry chuckles loudly, covering his mouth while so, "Are you finally hitting on me?"

Yeonjun denies it and just smiles, he's still questioning that part but he can't help but feel a little bit heart-mess because of Terry.

So he brought him to an ice skating park. "I'm not exactly sure what else good to visit in our neighborhood but we do have an ice skating park here that's famous a lot every December," Yeonjun points out as they enter the Skating Park together and Terry's beside him taking in the place, seemingly his first time entering one "Are you okay with this?" he asks.

Terry immediately nods his head excitedly as he drags Yeonjun with him inside, "I really wanna try," he says eyes looking up to Yeonjun leaving him speechless, how can this guy be so adorable? Eager to get inside he dragged him in, sharing bills for their ticket as they went to change their shoes to the skating ones.

"Since it's your first time, I'll make sure to take care of you," Yeonjun stood up and went to grab both of Terry's hands as they stepped inside the rink. The music from the speakers sounded so orchestral. They both started testing their blades on the ice floor together.

Terry chuckles, "I'm very scared to hit my face into the ground," he says.

"I won't let you, I'll be the ground you'll fall on," Yeonjun says reassuring him as they start to glide forward together hand in hand. Once Yeonjun notices Terry getting the hang of it, he lets go for a minute to see, "Come forward to me?" he invites.

Terry bravely moves by himself to reach Yeonjun, almost bumping into him if Yeonjun hadn't caught both of his arms and they circle together, making them both giggle. "I think you're getting the hang of it," Yeonjun speaks with a smile and Terry blushes at him.

"Oh no, I think I still need more guidance." Terry grins at him and Yeonjun scoffs smirking, he complies anyway.

So he held his hand, just as when the new music started and it sounded so familiar to him, "Do you wanna dance to this together?" Terry looked at him again and Yeonjun would have said no, it had been a long time since he danced in a rink. Sure he used to goof around like this before but that was way back then, if he remembers.

But there is just something about the way Terry looks up to him, maybe it's his eyes and smile combo that is too powerful. Yeonjun couldn't ever say no, it's not like it's gonna be a complicated skating dance anyway since it was Terry's first time.

So they carefully glide, Yeonjun puts his arm around Terry's waist as they slide together to the ice rink floor. The violin starts to play around the speakers, Yeonjun carefully guides Terry to move forward as he slows his movement down, waiting for Terry to turn around to him Terry almost has moved too far and he panicked a little but the other just smiles to reach to hold his hand once again.

"Do you know how to turn?" Terry asks him and suddenly Yeonjun just smiles, maybe he is thinking too much about just skating that he forgot that maybe Terry isn't expecting much from him in that way.

"I could try," It may be time he let himself feel at ease from everything.

They both continued to dance and move around the rink, Terry seemed to have a lot of fun gliding and moving around, even trying to twirl with one leg that he almost fell and Yeonjun was prepared to sacrifice his body on the cold floor but Terry laughs and Yeonjun's heart eases at that.

Once the time was up they got out of the park together, "I enjoyed that a lot.." Yeonjun muttered under his breath, a little shy to admit it, "I haven't done that kind of thing on dates."

"Dates?" Terry grins and Yeonjun splutters, didn't even realize what he said.

"Wait! I meant-"

"I haven't done anything like that either," Terry laughs, "I enjoyed this date with you."

Yeonjun scoffs, "It's not a confirmed date if we haven't eaten together anything yet, dont you think?" He says with a wide smile and Terry's eyes sparkles at that.

"Let's go confirm this date then," Terry says excitedly, grabbing to hold his arm as they walk together near a mall.


Yeonjun almost freezes as he turns to see Beomgyu, Soobin, and Kai together. Beomgyu glared and looking at him and Taehyun, "Who is this?"

"Hello," Terry smiles, "My name is Kang Terry."


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