The Villainess Became The Mal...

By 7SevenFive5

67K 1.9K 343

Picture this: I suddenly find myself in a medieval fantasy world, like the ones I used to gobble up in books... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26

Chapter 25

1.7K 46 11
By 7SevenFive5

Amidst the quiet of the room, Vivienne cradled the baby in her arms, her thoughts a swirling sea of uncertainty. 'Did I make the right decision?' she questioned herself, her gaze fixed on the child with golden hair and piercing blue eyes.

Across the room, Ava lay unconscious; her still form a stark contrast to the crown prince who wept by her side, a portrait of sorrow and desperation. The weight of the moment hung heavy in the air, a delicate balance between hope and despair.

Vivienne's attention returned to the baby in her arms, a small life entrusted to her care. As she prepared to bottle-feed the child, her mind drifted back to the path that had led her to this moment.

9 Months Ago...

A full week had passed since Ava had asked Vivienne to consider the weighty responsibility of caring for her unborn child. Vivienne had kept her thoughts closely guarded, unsure of how even to broach the topic with others.

However, as days turned into a week, Vivienne realized that her silence was causing Ava undue concern. The weight of her indecision began to take its toll, and she found herself grappling with the discomfort of the situation. It was with a heavy heart that she arrived at a decision – a decision she believed would bring her closer to declining the request.

Upon entering the palace, Vivienne wasted no time in seeking out Ava. She knew that it was time to provide an answer, even if that answer carried a sense of reluctance. But as she approached Ava's location, a pang of worry gripped her heart.

Ava appeared frail and sickly, her normally vibrant demeanor replaced with one of exhaustion. Without a second thought, Vivienne rushed forward, her reflexes kicking in as she steadied Ava, preventing her from falling.

"Ava, are you alright?" Vivienne's concern was evident in her voice as she supported her friend.

Ava managed a weak smile, though it was clear that she was struggling. "Vivienne, I'm glad you're here," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Vivienne's apprehension momentarily faded, her focus shifting entirely to Ava's well-being. "Save your energy, Ava," she insisted gently. "Let's get you to a more comfortable place first."

With Ava's arm draped around her, Vivienne guided her towards a nearby sitting area where they could talk without the added strain. She could see that Ava's condition had deteriorated more than she had realized.

In a rush of insight, Vivienne's mind began to connect the dots, forming a complete picture of the puzzle that had eluded her until now. Understanding dawned upon her, shedding light on the depths of Ava's request.

'Ava must have believed that her own life was at risk during childbirth,' Vivienne realized, the pieces falling into place. Her mind raced through the implications of Ava's plea, each thread of reasoning weaving a narrative that explained the urgency behind the request.

Ava's delicate health, the evident strain it had placed on her, and the crown prince's unwavering concern – they all converged to form a tapestry of concern that Vivienne had been blind to until this moment.

As she contemplated the gravity of Ava's situation, a new realization struck her. 'Ava wants to protect her child, even if it means facing the possibility of her own mortality. Isn't Ava the female lead? I thought the female lead was supposed to live happily ever after with her children.'

The weight of her thoughts settled heavily upon her, casting a shadow over her understanding. Vivienne's contemplation was interrupted by her own voice, spoken aloud, a reflection of the tumultuous storm within her mind.

"Ava, did you request me to be the child's guardian because you fear for your own life during childbirth?" Vivienne's inquiry held a mix of concern and empathy, her words laced with a sincerity that resonated in the room.

Ava's expression flickered, caught off guard by the directness of Vivienne's question. For a moment, a veil of vulnerability clouded her features before she met Vivienne's gaze with a steady resolve.

"Yes, Vivienne," Ava admitted softly, her voice carrying a weight that bespoke the depth of her fears. "The physicians have expressed their concerns, and... I couldn't bear the thought of leaving my child without a mother."

The room seemed to hold its breath as their eyes locked, the unspoken bond of friendship and shared understanding bridging the gap between them. At that moment, Vivienne's perspective shifted, and her own internal struggles paled in comparison to the selflessness before her.

"Ava," Vivienne's voice was unwavering, a testament to the depth of her commitment, "I am ready to take on the role of your child's guardian, should anything happen to you or the crown prince."

With a sense of determination, Vivienne retrieved a carefully prepared letter, its significance weighing heavily in her hands. Swiftly, she affixed her signature to the document, a tangible testament to her promise. She extended the letter to Ava, a silent invitation for her to add her own signature, solidifying their shared understanding and mutual trust.

Tears glistened in Ava's eyes, a poignant reflection of the emotions swirling within her. "Thank you, Vivienne," she whispered, a mixture of relief and gratitude in her voice.

As they shared this intimate moment, Vivienne felt a profound sense of purpose settle within her. The decision she had made carried an even greater weight now, but she knew that her commitment to Ava and her child was unshakable.

In the wake of Vivienne and Ava's agreement, a new chapter unfolded, one marked by Vivienne's consistent presence at the palace over the span of nine months. Her visits to Ava became a steady rhythm, a routine woven into the fabric of their lives. Amid the preparations and growing anticipation, the bond between them deepened, solidifying the promise they had made.

However, the newfound responsibilities came with their own set of adjustments. As Vivienne devoted her time to supporting Ava, her interactions with Milo became less frequent. Yet, whenever their paths did cross within the palace's corridors, they managed to steal brief moments for conversation, a testament to the enduring connection they shared.

Time danced by in a whirlwind, and before they knew it, nine months had come and gone. The palace, once a backdrop to their laughter and shared secrets, now stood as a silent witness to the impending arrival. The moment of truth had arrived, and Ava's labor had begun.

The air was charged with both excitement and apprehension, the weight of the situation palpable. As Ava's strength waned and the room buzzed with activity, Vivienne stood by her side, her determination unwavering. The specter of Ava's earlier fears now cast a long shadow over the room.

Vivienne's gaze shifted between Ava, who lay unconscious, and the doctors working tirelessly to safeguard her life. The gravity of the situation was not lost on her – Ava's well-being hung in the balance, a reminder of the fragility of life itself.

Amidst the chaos, Vivienne cradled the newborn baby in her arms, a symbol of the future they had all been eagerly awaiting. The child's innocent gaze met Vivienne's, a silent reminder of the bond that had brought them all together. As she gazed down at the baby, a sense of responsibility and determination welled within her, a promise to protect and nurture the life that now rested in her care.

Back to the Present...

The passing days felt like an eternity, each moment weighted with anticipation and uncertainty. 'When will Ava awaken?' the question echoed in Vivienne's mind, a persistent reminder of the passage of time. A full week had elapsed since Ava's labor, yet her consciousness remained elusive.

Vivienne's gaze alternated between the delicate form of the newborn in her arms and Ava's still, unconscious body. The room held an air of hushed tension as if time itself had held its breath in solidarity with their collective hope.

As Vivienne cradled the baby, her touch tender and protective, her eyes flickered to Ava's still form. The rise and fall of Ava's chest was a reminder of the delicate balance they navigated, a dance between hope and the unknown.

A curious thought flitted through Vivienne's mind, a spark of possibility in the midst of their uncertainty. 'Could a kiss from the crown prince awaken Ava?' The notion lingered, an ember of speculation glowing amidst the shadows of their situation.

In this realm of historical fantasy, where magic intertwined with reality and the realm of possibility knew no bounds, Vivienne pondered the hidden depths of Ava's existence. A sense of mystique surrounded her friend, an aura of enigmatic power that hinted at the untold facets of her being.

Vivienne's gaze shifted to Ava's serene face, her features a canvas of peaceful slumber. The implications of her thoughts took shape, intertwining with the delicate threads of the fantastical world they inhabited.

In the realm of ancient legends and potent mysticism, Ava's connection to a higher power could not be dismissed. 'Perhaps there's a touch of the divine within her,' Vivienne mused, considering the implications of such a notion. 'And if there is, could a kiss hold the key to her awakening?'

The mere idea of such an act held an air of whimsy and intrigue, a notion that danced along the edges of their reality. A kiss – an age-old symbol of love and connection – imbued with the potential to transcend even the boundaries between life and slumber.

Yet, despite the allure of the notion, Vivienne's practicality tempered her musings. Doubt and hope danced in a delicate balance, like sunbeams filtering through the leaves of an ancient forest. 'Could it truly work, or is it the stuff of fanciful tales?'

Vivienne's mind churned with a new purpose, a plan forming like ripples in a tranquil pond. 'How can I persuade the crown prince to bestow that crucial kiss upon Ava?' Her thoughts raced, calculating the path ahead. Confidence surged within her; after all, convincing him should be a simple feat.

With determination in her eyes, Vivienne turned her attention to the crown prince, who had been a steadfast presence by Ava's side. As her voice emerged from the midst of her contemplation, it was imbued with both earnestness and the spark of an idea.

"I believe, Your Highness," she began, her gaze steady as it met his, "that there's a possibility Ava might awaken with a kiss."

Her words hung in the air, a tantalizing notion that dared to bridge the gap between myth and reality. Vivienne held his gaze, her conviction evident, even as her heart raced beneath her composed exterior. In her eyes, the flicker of a request lay dormant, a plea for him to embrace the unorthodox path that might rouse Ava from her slumber.

The crown prince regarded Vivienne with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. The notion she presented was undoubtedly unconventional, and the weight of the situation bore heavily upon his features. Yet, within the depths of his gaze, she glimpsed a flicker of consideration, a willingness to entertain the possibility.

A silence settled between them, a space in which Vivienne's unspoken plea hovered, delicate yet resolute. The room seemed to hold its breath, the very air charged with a tension that mirrored the uncertainty of their circumstances.

At last, the crown prince's features softened a subtle shift that conveyed his silent contemplation. "A kiss," he repeated, his voice a murmur laden with contemplation.

Vivienne nodded, a blend of anticipation and hope animating her features. "Yes, Your Highness. In tales of old and realms steeped in magic, a kiss has been known to awaken even the deepest of slumbers."

A palpable sense of possibility lingered, the notion that destiny could be rewritten by an act as simple yet profound as a kiss. Vivienne's heart thrummed with a mix of nerves and determination, a readiness to witness the very threads of fate being woven before her eyes.

In a moment suspended between hope and uncertainty, the crown prince's gaze held a blend of determination and vulnerability. With deliberate slowness, he leaned in, his lips brushing against Ava's in a gentle, tender peck. The room seemed to hold its breath, every heartbeat echoing the silent plea that reverberated through the air.

Then, as if the very fabric of their reality responded to the profound act, a miracle unfolded before them. Vivienne's heart skipped a beat as Ava's eyelids began to flutter, the delicate fluttering a testament to the spark of life rekindling within her. A gasp of astonishment escaped Vivienne's lips, a symphony of emotions crashing over her like waves against the shore.

In that moment, time itself seemed to pause, a canvas upon which their intertwined fates had been painted anew. The triumphant beat of Ava's heart echoed the cadence of their collective hope, an affirmation that love and magic could defy even the most daunting odds.

As Ava's gaze met Vivienne's, a knowing smile graced her lips, a silent acknowledgment of the journey they had embarked upon together. The room, once shrouded in uncertainty, was now aglow with the radiant light of an awakening soul.

The crown prince's act of love had bridged the gap between slumber and consciousness, reuniting friends in a shared moment of triumph. Vivienne's laughter, a joyful refrain that echoed through the room, was a testament to the power of belief, the bonds of friendship, and the magic that danced on the edges of their reality.

And as the echoes of laughter subsided, replaced by a poignant silence, Vivienne's heart swelled with overwhelming gratitude. In that singular moment, they had defied destiny itself, reminding the world that love was a force that could awaken even the deepest of slumbers.

With a gentle exchange, Vivienne carefully passed the baby into Ava's waiting arms. Stepping away, she left the room, allowing the newfound family to embrace the private cocoon of their shared moment as the door closed behind her. A sense of release washed over Vivienne, like a weight lifted from her shoulders.

Finding herself in solitude once more, Vivienne sank to the floor, her fatigue and tension dissipating in the wake of their triumph. The air around her seemed to breathe with newfound lightness, and a relieved chuckle escaped her lips, a mixture of disbelief and exuberance.

A sigh escaped her, a blend of exhaustion and elation. 'A kiss can save a life,' Vivienne mused, her mind still processing the intensity of the moments that had unfolded. A smile graced her features as she leaned back against the wall, the cool surface a comforting contrast to the whirlwind of emotions that had consumed her.

As she caught her breath, a sense of gratitude swelled within her. 'It's moments like these that remind me why I'm a part of this fantastical world,' she reflected, 'Now that Ava is safe and sound, I can finally take a moment to rest,' she mused. The events of the day had taken their toll, and the prospect of a quiet respite was a soothing balm for her weary soul.

As she pushed herself up from the floor, Vivienne couldn't help but marvel at the twists and turns that had led them here. 'Life in a fantasy novel may be unpredictable, but it's also undeniably extraordinary,' she thought, a sense of contentment settling over her.

With a final glance back at the closed door, Vivienne turned and made her way toward her own haven, eager to embrace the serenity of rest after a day that had, quite literally, been filled with magic.

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