The Maid and Her Princess [On...

By aadyhatopaz

48.9K 2.3K 168

Madoka was brought to the Palace as a slave and a servant and she thought this was her lot in life. As long a... More

Changelog for M&P
The Maid Meets Her Princess (M&P 1)
She Sweeps By Swiftly (M&P 2)
Birthday? (M&P final)
The Strange Princess's Maid (Spm 1)
Along the Flowers (Spm bonus 1.1)
Grounded With You (Spm bonus 1.2)
Pop! (Spm 2)
Can't Leave You Alone (Spm part 3)
What the Truck? (Spm 4)
Bracing For A Storm (Spm 5)
Jealous of the Wind (Spm 6)
Slog By (Spm 7)
Emergency Meeting (Spm 8)
Is It Alright If I'm Determined? (Spm final)
The Blissful Year Begins
Spring of Colors
Food and Bruises (Spring 2)
That Magical Sound of Your Name (Spring 3)
Gettin' Thicc! (Spring 4)
A Girl and Her Horse (Spring 5)
I Will Become Stronger (Spring 6)
Idle Madoka (Spring 7)
I have... (Spring 8)
I Will Remember These Colors (Spring final)
Summer of Light (Summer 1)
Night Terrors (Summer 2)
You Are A Ray (Summer 3)
Do Something About It! (Summer 4)
I Have Become Stronger! (Summer 5)
Onward Through Day and Night (Summer 6)
Tell Me What You're Feeling (Summer 7)
An Excursion Marks the Heart (Summer 8)
Madoka's Mistake (Summer 9)
Remember Dancing? (Summer 10)
She Pops (Summer 11)
Just Who Are You, Elise? (Summer final)
Fall of Roots (Fall 1)
She Did What? (Fall 2)
Time-out With the Princess (Fall 3)
Substance in All Things (Fall 4)
Tomorrow is Never Coming (Fall 5)
Madoka's Fate (Fall 6)
Elise's Plan (Fall 7)
Under the Stars and Moons (Fall 8)
Pleased to Finally Meet You (Fall final)
Winter of Becoming (Winter 1)
Classic Starter Town (Winter 2)
Glare at the Skies (Winter 3)
I Am No Longer! (Winter 4)
Hall of the Frost Queen (HotFQ 1)
Survivor (HotFQ bonus 1.1)
Cooking Out in a Cavern (HotFQ 2)
I'll Go Further and Beyond (HotFQ 3)
Mountain's Melody (HotFQ 4)
The Horror in the Deep (HotFQ final)
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is! (Winter 5)
Boss's Second Phase?! (Winter 6)
Height of the World With You (Winter 7)
The Path Is Ever Twisting and Turning (Winter 8)
First Contact (Winter 9)
Your Strength is My Strength (Winter final)
The Adventurous Year Begins (Tale 2)
Spring of Eyes and Elation
The Guild Lady and the Mage (Spring 2)
Knock 'Em Down (Spring 3)
Madoka is Tired of NPCs! (Spring 4)
Another Follow Up Interview (Spring 5)
From Dragons to Picking Flowers
From Dragons to Picking Flowers part 2
From Dragons to Picking Flowers part 3
A Lost God's Grotto
A Lost God's Grotto part 2
A Lost God's Grotto part 3
A Lost God's Grotto part 4
Back to the Grind (Spring 6)
Ramifications of Power (Spring 7)
Eyes Like Sapphires on Cloth (Spring 8)
A Curtain of Ears (Goblin Eschaton 1)
Goblin Slaying (Goblin Eschaton 2)
Before the Seige (Goblin Eschaton 3)
A Clash Between Giants (Goblin Eschaton 4)
Tritorjan, Desecrated Town (Goblin Eschaton 5)
The Last Goblin and the Pit (Goblin Eschaton 6)
The One Below (Goblin Eschaton 7)
Ramifications of Power II (Spring 10)
Madoka Meets Seven Gods (Spring 11)
The Journey Back to Livertorjan (Spring 12)
What the Goose? (Spring 13)
Can't Win 'Em All (Spring 14)
Madoka's Mistake II (Spring 15)
The Journey to Gladeban (Tale 3) (Interlude 1)
Journey to Gladeban (Interlude 2)
Journey to Gladeban (Interlude 3)
Journey to Gladeban (Interlude 4)
Arrivals (Spring 16)
The Situation (Spring 17)
Blood In the Forest (Spring 18)
Interruptions, Interruptions, Interruptions (Spring 19)

You'll Do Just Fine (Spring 9)

99 11 0
By aadyhatopaz


The sound of a sharp breath brought Madoka back from her unconscious state. Her head pounded but the last thing she remembered was messing with that damn crystal inside her heart. There were no strands swirling at the edges of her vision so she closed her eyes again. If she could groan she would but she realized she was not the one who was breathing hard.

The slivers of moonlight slipped their way through the curtains with the breeze gently like soft fingers through smooth feathers. Her bed swayed and the breathing grew quicker. Her eye cracked opened and through her sleep-clogged vision she saw Audrey curled next to her. The curve of her body glistened under the twin moons and the girl suddenly trembled.

Was she having a bad dream? Madoka wanted to wake her up but she stayed quiet for a moment then Audrey whimpered. No, she realized it was out of a different emotion. Pleasure?

Audrey let out another quick gasp and Madoka watched her slip her hand down underneath the sheets. The princess's neck craned upward as she did and Madoka sensed lust and relief overtake Her Highness. The girl rocked back and forth in a dance of hot desire and icy yearning to be held by another. Madoka knew this and yet she did not dare move.

"Want you, Ma..." Audrey whispered softly. "Doka..."

There was something odd in the girl's sleeptalk but Madoka did not answer her. A quivering knee bumped against the maid's thighs but she managed to remain calm. The girl was sorting herself out but that was as far as the red haired girl wanted to know. So she pretended she was asleep and merely rolled to the other side of the bed. The breathing suspended itself as she did but after awhile the bed continued to rock. It must have been only a few minutes but to the maid it felt like an eternity of awkwardness.

"Madoka?" Audrey's voice was deeper and alert but the maid did not wish to interrupt her antics so she did not respond. She felt herself getting tense but managed to contain herself. The princess felt Madoka's shoulder and relaxed. "Heh, mana burn is no joke."

The warm hand removed itself and soon Audrey fell back asleep.

Good night, Your Highness, Madoka prayed for her before she succumbed to her sleepiness. May the kind gods protect you.

The first thing Madoka awoke to were those damn strings again. Golden light traced themselves along the bed, across the floorboards and even in the darkness of the air. The twin moons still hung in the sky but by sheer instinct alone she knew it was morning. She was on her back and did not feel like Audrey did anything to her.  If she was honest with herself she did not know if she truly wanted anything like that with the princess yet.

She raised a hand above her head and watched the mana strands slip in between each one of her fingers. There were more important things to worry about and much more work to do! She crushed the strands in her fist and wondered if the chimes of shattering magic could be heard by the sleeping ball next to her. As expected, Audrey did not stir. Her clothes were still folded but they were placed on the bed that was supposed to be her friend's. When she opened her hand again the strands swirled in their own patterns once more.

Madoka rolled out of bed and stood above the sleeping princess. There was not a single worry on the girl's cheeks. With a face like that how could she force her to sleep in her own bed? The maid sighed and stripped off her nightwear. The axe and swords were also placed neatly by the stand within reach. Audrey had some semblance of an idea on how to tidy up the place. The maid noticed her hand glowed faintly but the strands disappeared from her vision.

She would definitely have to practice her magic more as much as she did not want to.

"Ma," Audrey murmured. "Don't you..."

"Audrey?" Madoka asked quietly. The girl was asleep so she held back for the inevitable odd conversation they might have. She was humming a bitter song.

"Don't you go falling in love~
Trust me she's not the one
She won't love you like I do..."

The song touched Madoka's heart and she listened in silence for a moment. She did not realize Audrey was gifted in the art of singing. The girl suddenly sputtered and sprang awake out of breath. Madoka rushed to her side. Cold sweat smeared across her palms as the maid felt her face and wiped tears from her eyes.

"Your High— Audrey?" Madoka held her up.

"Gah! What was that song again?" Audrey breathed. She felt herself all over. "Aaaand I forgot the melody already."

She opened her eyes and peered at Madoka. The beautiful blue eyes traced down her body and stopped on her traveler's cloak. Strands of Knotting magic strayed away from the girl. Audrey groaned and collapsed back into bed.

"I don't wanna go," Audrey flipped the covers over her head.


"We have work to do in a few hours, Audrey," Madoka was shocked at the girl's change of mood.

"Bah!" Came the muffled voice from her friend. Madoka sighed but she did not mention she saw what the princess did last night. When she remembered a sense of longing and curiosity welled up within her but she stuffed it down and gave Audrey a stern look. "I don't wanna!"

"I have your clothes here—"

"Leave them," Audrey scoffed. "Don't need clothes to sleep."

"Fine," Madoka sighed. The Guild Master would definitely yell if they both did not show up but perhaps he would half-yell if she arrived. She pushed a hand into her chest and tore out the crystal. Her chest glowed as bright as the sun as she did but the maid did not want to know how it worked. What she did want, however, was a mirror. The crystal obeyed her desire and burst into specks of light before forming into a hand mirror.

She did not see anything worthy in the mirror so she assumed the princess was just sorting herself out last night. Madoka decided to just forget about it and released the crystal when she was finished inspecting herself. As expected, it did not clatter on the ground but instead silently burst into specks of golden light. The particles rushed back into her heart. She did not flinch and felt nothing unlike the night before.

"Go," Audrey murmured. Her voice was muffled from the pillow. "I'll c-catch up."

Madoka gave another sigh as she heard the princess roll over but left her room. Normally, she would fuss over her lazy friend but she had more on her mind. Her steps made the stairs creak beneath them. No one was down in the main lobby of the inn. Nothing but the cold wind and light of the twin moons.

The maid inspected the handiwork and cleanliness of the inn maid from last night and found it to be adequate enough. Madoka felt odd that she only heard her own footsteps as she stepped to the front door. She was tempted to wait until Her Laziness came down but shook her head. Audrey would bother her if she did that. With anxiety building within her, she opened the door. To her, it felt as if she was about to open the Secret Garden's gate from the grotto again.

She steeled herself. The wooden door felt as if it was going to break between her nervous grip. She reminded herself that she has done it before and that she can do it again. Madoka nearly barged herself through the door and prayed to the kind gods that no one heard her commotion.

Her eyes were greeted by a wide expanse of snow between tall buildings. Icicles hung from the ancient stone and wooden roofs like white skewered meat. Madoka felt her tummy and regretted not eating more food last night. To distract herself from the hunger she focused on the crystal in her heart. It was beautiful and alien. Perhaps it was like a parasite Audrey spoke about. Another something in her heart, speaking for her. What was this feeling she felt?

She focused and reached for it. Audrey described the motion as plunging a fist through her chest so Madoka focused on that motion. She hoped to force herself to be quicker on drawing upon its power. Her weapons clinked together as she strode to the Guild Hall but she ignored them and repeated drawing the crystal multiple times. The street glowed as the light from her chest bobbed but Madoka was focused on that odd feeling. The cold rain did not bother her and she was able to move despite the golden Knotting magic wrapped around her legs.

She did not even feel tired so she inspected it. The crystal was still in its original form and fit her grasp as if it belonged there all along. It was comforting to hold and warm to the touch. Audrey's smile shined within her mind. Ah, Madoka realized that was the feeling it gave her. She was reminded of her friend holding her tightly and reminding her that despite everything they were still alive. She clutched it to her chest and smiled for a quiet moment before releasing it back into her heart.

She had the Golem named Hesonoo to thank for this odd and silent friend.

Madoka felt a surge of confidence blooming within her despite walking alone and the Guild Hall was suddenly closer than she thought. Walking with a glowing crystal in her hand would definitely cause suspicion, she thought as she prepared herself to enter the building. Perhaps she should practice earlier or with Audrey in secret.

Warmth filled Madoka's face as she entered. To her surprise, there were few adventurers around. Were they not supposed to be headed out on a monster subjugation commission soon? Madoka wanted to slap her forehead. It must have been in the details Luxgor went over but the maid was too hungry and did not pay attention. Surely, people will come and assembly will happen. A scoff of disapproval came from above her. She caught a glimpse of orange hair from one of the booths on the second floor. The orange haired mage glared down upon her but Madoka was unafraid.

She would have a conversation for now, Madoka thought as she decided to go upstairs and approach the haughty Rin. She supposed she had enough time since she was never the planning type. Perhaps Luxgor or Audrey knew.

"What, here to laugh at me?" Rin said without looking up. The flames inside her voice seemed to have died down ever since her demotion. Her rain dampened clothes spoke to Madoka of harder times. "You stupid slave..."

"No, I'm not here to mock you," Madoka simply sat down on the bench next to her. There were plenty of adventurers headed out now below them and Madoka was sure they were going to be the last ones in the Guild Hall. She simply was killing time before Audrey showed up. She glanced up through the window and uttered a passing statement. "Stars are still up. Morning will be here soon."

"Are you telling me to leave?" Rin suddenly yelled at Madoka. "I don't get you, slave. This is our home. MY home. It was perfect before you shitty people came along."

"Ho, is that so?" Madoka asked with a sigh. She could not prove to this woman that Audrey was not like the other nobles without blowing her cover. She also did not feel like defending her lazy princess this morning either. "How truly perfect was it?"

"You probably don't understand this, slave, but here is freedom," Rin's former flames plaited over her saddened voice. They reminded her of herself and the passion for what was lost. She knew that Rin felt a passion to protect what she felt she was about to lose again because of Madoka. The maid knew exactly how that felt. "I freed myself from the clutches of nobles. I forged these perfect days with the flames of my staff. The staff that YOU cut. I had you down for an incompetent mage!"

The maid shrugged. Rin was not wrong about her assessment of her magical capabilities. She did not care about the staff. She would cut that useless thing again if she was told to.


Rain threatened to cave in the window above them.

"I may have lost my ranks because of you, slave," Rin said. "But I am free, unlike you. You could never understand that. You want to hear my advice, as a former slave to a slave like you?"

Yellow streaks began to peak through the dark clouds. Droplets crashed down upon glass but Madoka could tell morning was etched within the sky already. Each time a splash of rain occured, little strands would flitter from their pattering.

"Well I'll tell you anyways," the mage continued. "You should earn enough money to get free yourself. I don't know how much of a hold that woman has over you, but I know a guy at the Municipal Office who can—"

"That's not necessary," Madoka cut her off. "I am fine where I stand."

"So stiff!" Rin said. "Freedom will loosen you up a little, slave girl! Can't even talk right to me. You'll find perfect days around the corner if you come to me."

"Well, I'll tell you what," Madoka relaxed her accent. She sensed Audrey's familiar presence clomping within the hall. Rin's face changed as she recognized a certain tone within the maid's voice. "It's Madoka. Remember the name. Your days from now on might not be those perfect days anymore but that journey has made memories that will remain in you forever. Let today be a new journey. Who you lost, everything you lost, let it burn within you. Don't ever let it go."

"You..." Rin started to sound angry. Or sad. Or perhaps a combination of the two. The voice was strong but the quivering emanated from the mage's soul. "I'll— I'll see you around, Madoka."

"Be seeing you, Rin," Madoka stood up and stretched without turning, purposely revealing her axe and swords underneath her top. She knew her weapons would silence the conversation in a clean cut. Rin stared at them in awe but Madoka had work to do.

The flash of those ugly goblins' dead faces swiped at her mind but she ignored it. Speaking of those creatures, one was slowly approaching the maid. What was that word she used to describe a dead man walking? Madoka wondered. Shambling. That was the word.

"Mornin', partner," Audrey already crawled up the stairs. The nickname broke through Madoka's intrusive thoughts and made her scoff. Her Highness had hazy eyes, dowsed by messy hair and grogginess. Her gaze narrowed on the sulking mage behind her. "What's this? You ain't plannin' a secret alliance against me, huh?"

"Good morning, princess," Madoka greeted her tired highness. "You're late."

"Wha, nae waah!" Audrey pouted. "It's not like there's damn alarm clocks in this world. You were supposed to be the alarm clock."

"I spoke to you multiple times and you rolled over, Audrey," the maid sighed. Another familiar Sovos strode through the entrance. It was Luxgor and the two locked eyes. He looked at her and gestured for her to meet with him. She pushed her princess towards the downstairs where the board awaited them. "Come along now. Trouble awaits down below."

"Nae waaah!" The princess whined but let her maid lead her down the stairs.

From the corner of her eyes, Madoka sensed the mage watching them as they went down the stairs. Did she sense envy or jealousy from that woman? She would not convince her that Audrey is not a regular Noble through mere words anyways so she ignored the mage's stare. The two slowly approached Luxgor. Madoka did not know why she felt nervous but the feeling lept inside her throat. He disregarded her nervousness and eyed her with his own apprehension.

"Good, you two are here," he broke the silence. "I have a party for you to join before we discuss our operations going forward."

He gestured towards the door. It was the same door that led to the arena outside. Madoka hoped she did not have to do another mock battle.

"Don't tell me we have to fight people again," Audrey groaned. Her voice was still groggy but it was evident she worried over the same thing.

"No," Luxgor replied. "The party is outside."

The answer did not satisfy the princess but he opened the door. There were much more adventurers gathered out there. Madoka's anxiety flared but she focused. Knotting magic pulsed along the dirt path to everywhere in the arena but strayed away from the large crowd. They were a lot more organized at a second glance. Madoka could tell they were separated into various smaller groups. They must be individual parties, Madoka observed. She wondered which one they were supposed to shadow.

She also realized the strands did not highlight anyone of worth nor their weapons. This Hall truly was a hopeless place. Luxgor grunted as a signal for them to continue. The crowd ceased their chatter as they noticed the Guild Master. He truly was a powerful man, Madoka wondered why he was afraid of her.

He nodded to several parties but did not stop to introduce them to the girls as he searched for the group like a raptor swooping for prey. He paused and immediately started to stride towards his mark. People dispersed to let him through and Madoka followed. The arcane strands of magic started tracing along the wind and grounds towards the adventurer's party. When the maid saw who they were supposed to shadow she groaned.

"This is the group I am assigning you two with," Luxgor commanded. "You're covering the rear with them and are to learn how they execute teamwork. Understood?"

"Yessir," Audrey grunted enthusiastically. Madoka nearly groaned at her sudden change of behavior but was happy to see her princess was fully awake for now.

A familiar green haired Sovos female and a Sovos male clad in blue tinted armor turned around to face them. They seemed to be standing in front of a silvery rock. No, Madoka realized that the rock was a pile of armor covering a massive tower of a man. The Sovos male looked at them with excitement as he poked the green haired girl's padded shoulder.

"No way!" Eraziror shouted. "You two are with us?"

"Thank our lucky stars," Kanys praised the kind gods. "Hey you two, these are the super strong copper trainees!"

The priest, Shadow, seemed to appear out of thin air. He gave a respectful nod to the girls before retreating back from wherever he was hiding. A loud and deep snort emitted from the mountain of armor's helmet as the whole pile rose. As it did, the glint of a golden tag reflected the grey morning light off its shine.

What Madoka presumed was a man beneath the armor began to slowly walk towards the girls. Luxgor rolled his eyes and proceeded to move along without them. With each step the heavily armored giant took both earth and Knotting magic strands trembled beneath his boots. Madoka could sense true strength emanating from this man but she knew that she could take him if he made a move against Audrey.

Audrey gulped and Madoka stepped in front of her with a hand on her axe's grip as if to challenge his advance. To his credit, he stopped before her. Steam puffed out through the holes of his visor as he leaned down to observe the defiant maid. The two Sovos and the Night Operator simply stared in apprehension. It was evident that this huge walking pile of armor did not do whatever he was doing often. Madoka matched the visor's gaze but did not flash her killing intent. She shall not be scared of something less than a dragon!

"Ah," a deep voice rumbled beneath the helmet like thunder. Madoka sensed a certain satisfaction only people like her could understand. A measurement of strength beneath the eyes that transcends words. Could he sense what she had gone through to stand before him today? "You'll do, you'll do just fine."

The other party members' jaws dropped as they gawked at his roiling declaration.

"He spoke!?"

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