The Talons of Peace

By polisiary

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"Someone gotta do this job, if we want peace at some point. I could be fighting for a dream I'll never have... More

Chapter 1 - War of the Sand Dragons
Chapter 3 - We'll Take What We Need
Chapter 4 - Assassins For Hire
Chapter 5 - The Drum of Hearts
Chapter 6 - The Princesses
Chapter 7 - Nowhere You Can Go
Chapter 8 - For Us
Chapter 9 - Little Wishes
Chapter 10 - Dreams That You Dream Of
Chapter 11 - Fulfill the Prophecy

Chapter 2 - Nia

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By polisiary


Out in the dangerous land and away from the safety of their sector, Aeris and Nia return to the Sky Kingdom in hope of retrieving the Stracer. As the threat continues to grow, Aeris must figure out a way to retrieve the mysterious relic.


[scene begins with an adult NightWing rushing into a hut in the midst of a massacre ensuing outside. She is holding a young NightWing dragonet between her talons, who's revealed to be Nia. The adult NightWing looks around in panic, eventually finding a straw box sitting across the room]


VUST: Okay, okay.

[Vust puts Nia into the straw box, and Nia looks at her in confusion. Vust puts her claw in front of her snout, telling Nia to be quiet. Another loud explosion is heard outside, and Vust turns around, breathing in fear. After placing Nia in the box, Vust clutches her stomach, revealing a large cut]

VUST: Damn it.

[Vust heads over to the counter, grabbing the cloth and accidentally pushing the items off. She puts the cloth over her wound, applying pressure and wincing in pain. She seethes, heading back over to Nia. Outside, another hut is destroyed by an explosion]

[Nia blinks at Vust in confusion, watching as she limps across the room painfully. Vust crouches down in front of Nia, grabbing both her tiny talons tightly, tears dropping from her eyes. The two NightWings hear dragons screaming outside as well]

VUST: Nia, Nia, listen to me. The enemies are out there. Stay in here, you'll be safe, they won't find you. [looks outside the hut] The Talons will come and find you, do not leave until they do.

NIA: Yes, mama.

VUST: [kisses Nia's talon] Stay. Do not leave. It'll be over soon, alright? Promise me you will do what I say.

NIA: [nods] I promise.

VUST: [kisses Nia on her head] I love you, Nia.

[Vust stands up, closing the box, hiding Nia in there. She grabs the box, straining as she brings it across the hut, where she hides it under the floor. Vust breathes in exhaustion, looking at her wounded stomach and putting pressure on the cloth again]

[inside the box, Nia is shuddering in fear, and she curls up into a ball. She whimpers quietly, listening to the chaos happening outside. She screams loudly as another explosion hits the village]

[Vust steps out of the room, returning to where she was. Suddenly, a SeaWing in armor enters the house, holding his spear tightly. He turns to look at Vust, who's standing there and staring at him. She slowly reaches for the knife on the counter, making sure the SeaWing doesn't notice]

[the SeaWing approaches closer to Vust, causing her to move back. He looks around the room for a moment before finally turning to look at her]

SEAWING TROOP #1: Where is the NightWing dragonet?

VUST: You're too late. [shakes her head and smirks] She was delivered a long time ago. The Talons of Peace will have her. Your queen won't win this war... Blister won't win this war.

SEAWING TROOP #1: Hiding her will only prolong the war, NightWing. You don't know who Blister is. She'll incinerate the entire continent to find the dragonet. She's won since the beginning.

VUST: So she's arrogant? Funny. The dragonet knows how to end the war. When the Talons of Peace get her... nobody will win. Not the SeaWings. Not Blister. You are wasting your time fighting a war you won't win, SeaWing.

SEAWING TROOP #1: A group of fugitives trying to stop the war? [chuckles] You don't know what you're talking about.

VUST: Yeah, [slowly grabs the knife on the counter, clutching it tightly] I know everything. I know how this will end, I know what's gonna happen to you and the other SeaWings. [breathes slowly and whispers] We're all going to die.

[Vust swings the knife at the SeaWing troop, who drives his spear at her. Beneath the floor, Nia hears a body dropping onto the floor, creating a loud thud. She covers her mouth, trying not to scream and closing her eyes. She can still hears explosions outside]

[in the room Vust was in, she's lying on the floor with a spear impaled in her chest. The knife she was holding is lying next to her. Blood rushes out of her chest, covering her chest and dropping onto the floor. The SeaWing grabs the handle of the spear, pulling it off her chest and steps over her deceased body]


[another SeaWing rushes into the room, alarming the SeaWing troop inside]

SEAWING TROOP #2: We have to go now. The SkyWings are near.

[both SeaWings rush out of the house, leaving Vust's body on the floor. A while after the SeaWings left, the entire village was destroyed in the aftermath. Nia is still hiding in the box under the floor, whimpering when she suddenly hears wingbeats outside]

[a RainWing land in the middle of the destroyed village, looking around and seeing deceased dragons scattered around him. He makes his way over to a partially destroyed hut, slowly opening the door and entering. He closes the door behind him, camouflages himself and looks around, eventually finding Vust's body on the floor]

TROPIC: [rushes over to Vust's body and crouches down, and his scales turn gray] Vust. Three moons.

[suddenly, he hears thumping in another room, and he immediately camouflages himself. He slowly stands, making his way to the room where the noise came from, entering it and looking around, seeing barely anything abnormal]

[he hears the thump again, and he looks at the floor below him. Tropic crouches down, seeing a plank being out of place, and he grabs onto it, lifting it off the floor and seeing a large straw box beneath. Tropic opens the box, revealing Nia inside, who's breathing weakly]

TROPIC: What the?

NIA: Are you the Talons?

TROPIC: Yes. [nods and reaches for Nia] I got you, NightWing. You'll be safe now. [holds her between his arms] You are safe now.

[Nia closes her eyes and falls unconscious. She can still hear Tropic speaking to her faintly]

TROPIC: You are safe.

[in the present day, Aeris and Reckes are still standing inside the vault, looking at Nia sitting next to them. The two SkyWings are having a discussion about Nia and what to do with her]

AERIS: Then what did you guys do with her?

RECKES: After they brought her back here, we tried to get what she knows. [looks at Nia on the floor] Didn't know a dragonet could be so stubborn. It's been two years, and she hasn't told us anything important.

AERIS: You're sure she even knows anything?

RECKES: If she doesn't, Vust wouldn't have died for her. [turns to Aeris] There's gotta be a reason why. The girl knows something we don't, and we believe that whatever she knows can help us end the war.

AERIS: Sounds like a bunch of horseshits. A dragonet knowing the secret to ending the war?

RECKES: She wasn't the only one who knew. [pauses] Vust understood the danger she was in, and she knew that sooner or later, someone would kill her. So she passed it on to this little dragonet here.

AERIS: If Vust knew, why didn't she just tell any of you? Why of all dragons, she picked a little NightWing to be her messenger?

RECKES: It's easier to hide a secret when you're young and innocent. No one expects her to know the plan of ending the war.

AERIS: The entire continent is after her, Reckes.

RECKES: That's why we need you. She's been saying the name of a NightWing over and over, day to night. [walks across the vault, followed by Aeris] We found out the NightWing she was talking about. He's from the Dark Sector, a place like ours across the continent. I think he's the dragon who can get the info from her.

AERIS: And when he does?

RECKES: Then the Talons can finally do what we've been promising. We can stop this madness, the dragons can finally get back to their families, the continent will be at peace again.

AERIS: Sure sounds like some fantasy. We're not even sure if this will work.

RECKES: Work or not, you gotta try.

[Aeris thinks for a moment, nodding. He approaches closer to Nia, stopping in front of her and watching her finish chewing on her piece of bread. Another SkyWing walks forward and stands next to Aeris, patting him on the shoulder]

REDNAL: Been a long time since you've done something like this, huh? [punches him lightly in the arm] You're lucky, getting to go out of the sector and seeing Pyrrhia.

AERIS: I wouldn't call that lucky.


AERIS: You've ever been out there before?

REDNAL: Oh, yeah, I did. Once. [crosses her arms] What would this make?

AERIS: Thirty-fifth.

REDNAL: Exciting.

AERIS: I've never seen you in the Talons before.

REDNAL: Oh, [chuckles] I joined after you left. I think it's about two weeks. I had to work my way up, until they finally gave me a mission out there.

AERIS: Yeah? And how did it go?

REDNAL: It was dangerous... and painful. But, hey, we're doing this for the continent, right? The sooner we're done with this, the sooner everyone can go home. [pauses] Even though every dragon out there is willing to kill me, I would never hesitate to go back again.

AERIS: Don't count on it. After a couple years here, you'll begin to realize what you're losing. Had it happened to me once...

REDNAL: Then why are you back?

AERIS: Sorta got my ass dragged back here.


AERIS: What do you know about the NightWing dragonet? [turns to Nia]

REDNAL: I was never allowed to know.

AERIS: Wow...

REDNAL: But, um, good luck. We'll see you back when you're done. [pauses] Hopefully it'll all work out, and then I can go home. And you can, too, I mean, all of us can.

AERIS: I'll do my best.


[Rednal extends her talon toward Aeris, and he reciprocates. Scene cuts to later, when Aeris and Nia are walking down the street, hiding themselves from the pouring rain. Nia is wearing a cloak, covering herself from the rain]

[the two dragons finally arrive at Aeris's house, and they enter. Inside, Aeris shakes himself and wipes the water off his scales. Nia takes her wet cloak off, looking around the unfamiliar home]

AERIS: [walks into his kitchen] Reckes told me he's getting the map and info ready. We're leaving tonight. [opens his crate and grabs an apple from it] Is this your first time out of that hideous place?

[Aeris leaves the kitchen, seeing Nia standing across the room, staring at a picture frame hanging on the wall. The picture is revealed to be two talon prints of two different dragons. Aeris arrives behind Nia, picking her up and bringing her over to the table]

AERIS: [holds the apple toward Nia, who doesn't take it] Here, you're hungry? It's gonna be a long night before we leave.

NIA: I don't want it.

AERIS: You either take it or not, I don't have anything else. [puts the apple in Nia's talon and walks across the room, crouching in front of his bag and opening it] I signed up to deliver you across the continent, not babysitting you.

NIA: [walks away from her seat and enters the kitchen] Asshole.

AERIS: And don't think I want anything with you, NightWing. [grabs a can of sardine from his bag] I only did it because I had-

[Aeris looks at the table, seeing Nia has disappeared. He walks over to the kitchen, entering it and seeing Nia holding a sharp knife, pointing it right at him. Aeris raises both of talons in the air]

AERIS: Put that thing down, now.

NIA: I don't think I will.

AERIS: You don't know how to use that.

NIA: I do. You're afraid that I'm going to kill you?

AERIS: I'm not afraid. [takes a step toward Nia] I'm a highly trained SkyWing, I've killed more dragons than the breaths you've taken. Some of them were dragonets, don't think I'm afraid to kill you, too.

NIA: You won't kill me.

AERIS: You're right, I won't. But what you're doing right now is pushing my buttons. [points at the counter] Put that down, I'm not asking again.

[Nia eventually drops the knife onto the ground, and Aeris approaches her. He picks up the knife, placing it back on the counter. Aeris picks up Nia, who slithers out of his talons. He looks at her in confusion, seeing her sitting down on the floor]

NIA: I'm not going with you.

AERIS: Alright, don't. [walks out of the kitchen] Guess I'm gonna have to share this entire can of sardines by myself.

[Aeris immediately catches Nia's interest, who stands up and follows after him. Outside the kitchen, Aeris slumps into the chair, claws open the can of sardines. He sees Nia climbing onto the chair across from him, sitting there and staring right at him]

NIA: You said you had nothing else.

AERIS: Rule number one, don't trust dragons you've just met for thirty minutes. [slides the can of sardines across the table for Nia] You don't know who's your ally and who's your enemy, so always be on the lookout.

NIA: Sure. [grabs a sardine from the can and eats it] Shit's so good.

AERIS: Tell me about you.

NIA: You're sure I can trust you?

AERIS: I'm gonna bust my ass bringing you across the continent for the next month. You can trust me. [puts his talon on the table] So tell me more about you, then it'll make the mission a little easier.

NIA: Everything you've heard from Reckes's mouth.

AERIS: Well, he didn't tell me about everything.

NIA: Yes, he had.

AERIS: [sighs in exasperation and holds his head] Why is the whole continent after you? What's so important about you that dragons are hunting for you? What do you know?

NIA: That's a whole lotta questions.

AERIS: Okay. Why is the continent after you?

NIA: Because I know shit. [eats another sardine]

AERIS: What's so important about you?

NIA: Same answer.

AERIS: Then what do you know?

NIA: It's something I cannot tell.

AERIS: So you're not gonna tell me, but you're willing to give that info to some random NightWing across Pyrrhia?

NIA: He's not some random NightWing. I've met him before.

AERIS: Where? At your little village?

NIA: Correct.

AERIS: Look, this mission is everything the Talons of Peace have at ending this war. We cannot fail, at all costs. [pauses] If we want this to go the way we plan, then I'm gonna need to know you, but I can't know you if you're unwilling to tell me about yourself. Give me what I need to know, that way, things are gonna work better for the both of us, alright?

NIA: [rolls her eyes] Fine. [puts the empty can on the table] The village I came from, there was a NightWing who could see the future. We don't get a lot of NightWings like him nowadays.

AERIS: Continue.

NIA: He had a vision... o-of the future. Some sort of answer to stop the war. Two hours after his vision, he was stabbed. Before he died, he told me what he saw, what to do. He didn't get the rest out, so we're gonna have to figure that part out.

AERIS: That was two years ago?

NIA: It was. I was only a year old then.


NIA: [looks out the window of Aeris's house, seeing the vast, dark continent outside the sector] I've never been outside the sector before. [quickly adds in] Well, except before I was brought here.

AERIS: Yeah...

NIA: Whoa, it's so dark out there. You've been out there a lot?


NIA: And you know where to go, right? You know what the continent is like? We're gonna be safe out there?

AERIS: I've been out there more than any dragons in this sector have. Every single one of them could've been my last, but I made it back here. We're gonna be okay.

NIA: I hope. I'm not ready to die yet.

AERIS: "Being afraid to die means you haven't seen everything yet. If you did, then you shouldn't be afraid to lose anything."

NIA: What was that?

AERIS: It's something someone special told me a long time ago. [shakes his head and looks at the roof above] Every time I went out of the sector with her, that's what she told me.

NIA: Someone special? [teasingly] Oooh.

AERIS: She was brave, smart, and probably the kindest SkyWing I've ever met. You know you don't get a lot of nice SkyWings nowadays, right? Because they're all-

NIA: Because they're all grumpy. Blah blah blah. Yeah, the Talons told me that.

AERIS: There's nothing she couldn't do.

NIA: Sounds like you miss her a lot, huh?

AERIS: [nods] That's right.

NIA: What happened?

AERIS: Something fell apart between us.

NIA: Bummer.

[Nia gets off her seat, grabbing the empty can and throwing it into the bin at the corner of the room. She walks across the room, staring at the picture of two talon prints in the sand]

NIA: Is this her?


NIA: Seems special enough, I guess.

[the door of the house opens, and Reckes walks in, holding multiple scrolls in his talons. Both Aeris and Nia turn toward him, seeing him standing there, drenched from the rain. He approaches Aeris, stopping in front of him]

RECKES: We got everything you need.

AERIS: How are we looking?

RECKES: The spot near the Sea Sector is in the middle of some rebellion. Shit gets crazy there sometimes, both day and night. I think it's better if you avoid that.

AERIS: But then it'll cost an extra day.

RECKES: Better late than dying.

AERIS: I can handle it.

RECKES: [pushes the scrolls against Aeris's chest] You better. We can't afford to lose her, let alone having someone else using her to win the war. The Talons are trusting you with this.

AERIS: You better keep your ends of the deal.

RECKES: I will. You get this done, Aeris, I promise you, the Talons won't bother you ever again.

AERIS: Hopefully. [puts the scrolls into his bag] I'm not planning on seeing you bastards again.

RECKES: [looks at the ground] I hope it's true... too.

AERIS: [turns to Nia] You got a bag? You got food for the trip? The Talons pack you anything before you leave?

NIA: They didn't give me anything.

AERIS: [turns back to Reckes] Wow...

[later, both Aeris and Nia walk out of the house. Nia is carrying a smaller bag around her shoulder. She looks outside the sector, seeing the dark continent ahead. Reckes follows both dragons until they arrive at the exit of the sector]

[Aeris and Nia meet the rest of the Talons of Peace, including Asha and Nautilus. The Talons of Peace cheer for Aeris as he walks past, carrying his bag. Before he leaves the sector, Maz lands in front of him, stopping him]

MAZ: Leaving so soon?

AERIS: Gotta leave tonight. It's better to fly in the dark.

MAZ: [turns to Nia] And this is the NightWing dragonet?

NIA: [waves at Maz] Hi.

AERIS: I'll be back in two months. Hopefully things don't go wrong.

MAZ: Yeah... I hope so too. I guess it's gonna get a bit lonely in the sector for the next few months. [pauses] You were the only friend I had, and now you're leaving for this mission.

AERIS: That's right.

MAZ: What happened last time you left...

AERIS: [sighs and nods] Yeah.

MAZ: Don't die, okay?

AERIS: [smiles] I won't.

MAZ: Promise me.

[Maz raises her tail at Aeris, and he raises his tail towards hers. The two dragons' tails intertwined, making their promise. Nautilus approaches Nia, crouching down and handing her a necklace with a blue pendant]

NAUTILUS: It's a charm we found at your home. [places his talon on Nia's shoulder] As long as you have it with you, you'll be safe. Do me a favor and don't lose this, okay?

NIA: [rolls her eyes as she takes it] I'll try...

[Aeris and Nia head toward the gate of the sector, standing there and staring at the vast continent ahead. Nia breathes nervously, holding onto her necklace and bag tightly]

AERIS: [crouches down and points at the continent in front of them] You see that? That's where you'll be for the next month. The land is dangerous, assume everything and everyone will want to kill you. So you gotta be careful, and you gotta fight.

NIA: Are you nervous?

AERIS: No. [shakes his head] Never. Can you fly?

NIA: Of course I can fly.

[both Aeris and Nia open their wings, lifting into the air and flying away from the Sky Sector. The two dragons head toward the dark continent ahead, beginning their mission. Nia turns around, watching as the light of the Sky Sector slowly disappears behind her. She looks at the dark sky above her, shivering nervously]

[back at the Sky Sector, the Talons of Peace begin to leave the gate one by one, heading back to the compound. Maz is among one of the few to leave, and she stands there and continues staring at the sky. Nautilus notices her, walking toward her and standing next to her]

NAUTILUS: There's nothing you gotta worry about. It's Aeris, he'll survive. [pauses and adds in] That's why we have him on this mission.

MAZ: The war will be over soon.

[scene cuts to Tropic running across a city, carrying the young Nia between his talons. He's running away from a group of SkyWings, accidentally bumping into multiple crates and falling into the street. He quickly stands up, panting as he makes a sharp turn]

[Tropic rushes into a bar, creating a ruckus inside. He makes his way across the bar, pushing open the door and entering another room. He hides Nia behind the counter, signaling for her to be quiet. Tropic groans, looking at the side of his stomach, revealing a large, bloody cut]

[after getting Nia settled, Tropic leaves the room and camouflages himself with his scales, disappearing among the crowd. The group of SkyWings enter the bar, looking around and seeing confused dragons staring at them]

SKYWING TROOP #1: Where are they?

SKYWING TROOP #2: [walks over to another SkyWing and points the spear at him] Where's the RainWing? He ran in here with the NightWing. Where did they go?

[the SkyWing begs for the troop to release him, but he throws him off his seat. Tropic hides in the corner, breathing in fear and seeing the SkyWings threatening other citizens. He slowly makes his way across the room, trying to avoid making noise]

[a few of his blood drops onto the floor. One of the SkyWing troops grab another citizen in the bar, threatening her. Tropic hesitates while hidden, breathing and thinking for a moment. Before the SkyWing troop can hurt the citizen, Tropic tackles the troop onto the floor, revealing himself]

[Tropic fires venom from his teeth at the SkyWing, burning him. He quickly turns around, firing more venoms at the other SkyWing troops. Tropic leaps over a table, grabbing one of the troops and slamming his head on the counter]

[the crowd in the bar screams as a fight breaks out. Tropic fires venom at an incoming SkyWing's eyes, blinding him. The SkyWing screams loudly, dropping onto the floor while holding onto his eyes. As Tropic continues to hold back against the overwhelming troops, a dart flies across the room, hitting Tropic in the neck. The dart destabilizes Tropic's venom, numbing his body part]

[one of the SkyWing troops raises his spear, swinging it at Tropic and slicing him across the stomach, causing a huge amount of blood to drop onto the floor. The SkyWing grabs Tropic by the head and slams him against a pillar, knocking him onto the floor]

[in the midst of the fight, another Talons of Peace member arrives, assisting in defeating the SkyWing troops. She leaps over a SkyWing, turning and snapping his neck. She grabs multiple knives from her pouch, throwing them at the SkyWings and killing all of them. The bartender is standing at the corner of the bar, watching as the entire scene unfolds]

[the member is revealed to be a SandWing, pulling the mask off her head. She breathes heavily, staring at all the dead SkyWings on the floor. Outside, the dragons are gathering around the bar, trying to see what happened inside]

TROPIC: [weakly] Carna...

CARNA: [turns around and sees Tropic lying on the floor with a big wound across his stomach] Oh, no. Three moons. [heads over and crouches next to Tropic] No, no, no, Tropic. Come on, come on.

[Tropic breathes heavily, wheezing in pain. His talons are covered in his own blood. Carna tries to cover his wound, but Tropic continues to lose blood]

CARNA: [screams louder at the citizens] Medic! Someone is dying. Someone get the medic in here!

TROPIC: Carna...

CARNA: No, no. Tropic, stay with me...

TROPIC: The NightWing... that's what we're fighting for... bring her...

[Tropic succumbs to his wound, and he gives his last breath. Carna crouches there, tears dropping from her eyes. Tropic's head droops to the side. Carna grabs his left talon, holding it tightly between her talons, sniffling and crying]

CARNA: No, no...

[Nia slowly walks out of the room she was hidden in, seeing Carna crouching over the dead Tropic. She breathes in horror, watching as Carna mourns the death of another member. Tropic's blood is spilled onto the floor]

CARNA: Three moons, please.

[scene cuts to the present day. Nia is sleeping between a pile of leaves with a heavy blanket over her. A beam of light breaks through the canopy of the forest, shining brightly at her face. Nia groans, mumbles for a moment and opens her eyes]

[Nia looks at the blanket over her in confusion, slowly waking up and sitting up, brushing her eyes. She moves the blanket off of her, and she suddenly hears crackling behind her. Nia turns around quickly, seeing Aeris sitting there and plucking the leaves off of the branches she found. Aeris pushes the leaf toward Nia, which blows onto her face. Nia looks at Aeris with an unamused expression]

NIA: It's not really funny.

AERIS: [chuckles] It is.

NIA: How long have you been staring at me?

AERIS: Since I woke up.

NIA: When did you wake up?

AERIS: Quite a while ago. You overslept.

NIA: That's creepy. [stands up and groans dazedly] I mean, you're creepy. [approaches Aeris, who's still plucking the leaves off the branches] You know anywhere I can do my business?

AERIS: There's a little stream a couple hundred meters from here. [points behind him] Don't run anywhere.

NIA: I'm not. [walks past Aeris] I'm not trying to die here.

AERIS: Uh huh.

[after Nia finishes her business, she returns to Aeris. The two dragons dig through their own bag, finding the food they packed. Aeris pulls out a can of sardine from his bag, and Nia finds another loaf of bread in hers]

NIA: [sees a weird mold on her bread] Ew.

AERIS: The Talons packed you anything else to eat?

NIA: They only gave me bread back in the compound.

AERIS: That sucks.

[Aeris throws his can of sardine toward Nia, who catches it. Nia looks at Aeris and smiles, slicing through the can and opening it. Aeris reaches for an apple in his bag and bites on it, and juice splashes onto his snout]

AERIS: You really like sardines, huh?

NIA: Where I came from, we used to catch thousands of them every day. It's enough for us to have a feast every week. Then it was all taken away when the SeaWings came... I guess you already know how it goes.

AERIS: Yes, I did. Reckes told me.

NIA: Where'd you get them from, anyway? No one in the sector sells them.

AERIS: Because you don't see them. When you're pushed to the edge of war, you gotta do everything to survive. I got them from private dealers, they're expensive, too.

NIA: Isn't that, like, illegal?

AERIS: It is. But, hey, you have credits, you can do and buy whatever you want.

NIA: The credits you stole from the Talons' payrolls.

AERIS: Reckes told you that.

NIA: He told me everything about you. [thinks for a moment and looks around] How far are we from the sector, anyway?

AERIS: About a hundred miles. [stands up and walks over to Nia, crouching in front of her] How's your first night? Is the outside Pyrrhia as fun as you thought?

NIA: Boring.

AERIS: It'll get interesting soon. And dangerous, too. So here's the rules, you stay with me, you follow what I say, you won't die. If anyone tries to kill you, kill them first. These dragons out here are not like those back in the sector. They're assholes, they torture and kill dragons for fun.

NIA: [eats one of the sardines] Why do they do that?

AERIS: Because they're assholes.

NIA: Huh.

AERIS: I got a couple places that we can stop by.

NIA: You've been to any of them before?

AERIS: I've been to all of them. Every village, town, city. [hands the map Reckes gave him to Nia] You see the nine stars marked across the continent. That's a sector, one just like ours.

NIA: Fire, Sea, Dark, Sky, Earth, Snow, Branch, Rain, and Sand.

AERIS: Sand, Earth, and Branch Sector are going to be our stops. There's a few Talons out there that can help us. We can stop in towns and villages, too, but they're a bit more risky.

NIA: Doesn't it only take two weeks to get across the continent?

AERIS: That's assuming you're not running into any trouble. With wars and battles going on around the continent, we're likely to run into some of them. You get injured, that's a week delay. You get killed, well...

NIA: [notices the scar on Aeris's snout and points at it] Where did you get that?

AERIS: You stay out here long enough, eventually, you'll get one of these. [touches the scar on his snout] So you're the only dragon on this continent who knows the little secret, huh? [bites onto his apple] A lot of dragons are gonna come after you.

NIA: But you can prevent that, right?

AERIS: It depends.

NIA: That's very reassuring.

[Aeris grabs the map and shows it to Nia, pointing at the Sky Kingdom]

AERIS: First stop.

NIA: That's the worst kingdom to be in.

AERIS: I'm a SkyWing, I can blend in. All you gotta do is stay with me, no one will notice you. [rolls up the map and puts it back into his bag] I got some dragons there who owe me something.

NIA: You're not worried about Scarlet?

AERIS: What? The queen? [scoffs] All she does is sit in her palace, she'll trust anyone who would give an ounce of loyalty to her. [stands up and puts his bag over his shoulder] She knows me.

NIA: Burn better not be at the kingdom.

AERIS: You're afraid of her?

NIA: Anyone is afraid of her. She'll kill anyone, doesn't matter who they are.

AERIS: I'm not.

[scene cuts to Aeris and Nia walking to the top of a mountain, overlooking the Sky Kingdom in the distance. Nia looks at the large kingdom in awe, winds blowing right at her face. She sees SkyWings entering and leaving the kingdom, carrying containers and crates full of products]

[Aeris puts his knife into the scabbard strapped around his leg. Nia looks at the knife for a moment, watching as he grabs a few more items from his bag]

NIA: Can I have one of the knives?

AERIS: Not after yesterday. And you don't know how to use it, anyway.

NIA: [mutters to herself] Worth a try.

[the two dragons make their way down the mountain, arriving at the northwest gate of the kingdom. Aeris and Nia hide inside a bush, watching as a SkyWing approaches the gate with a large crate. Aeris quickly pounces out of the bush, grabbing the SkyWing and shutting his snout. Eventually, he knocks the SkyWing out, hiding his unconscious body between the bushes. Nia watches as Aeris steals the item from the SkyWing's crate]

NIA: I feel bad for him.

AERIS: [straps a leather band with the SkyWings symbol around his arm] It's either we do this or don't. [throws a potato for Nia, who catches it and puts it inside her bag] Besides, they won't feel bad if they kill you.

NIA: You said no one will kill me.

AERIS: Sorry. I meant a few.

NIA: Ass.

AERIS: [opens the empty crate] Get in.

[later, Aeris approaches the gate of the kingdom with his crate. He greets the guards at the gate, who greets him back. Nia sits inside the box, looking through a small hole and seeing the kingdom through it. She watches in awe, seeing SkyWings that are completely different from the sector]

[Aeris accidentally hits a pebble on the ground, causing Nia to bump her head. She yelps, sitting up and pounding on the side of the crate]

NIA: What the hell was that?

AERIS: [discreetly] You better shut up before both of us get caught.

NIA: Where are we heading anyway?

AERIS: I'll tell you later. Be quiet.

[Aeris eventually brought the crate to a station, pushing it to the back. He looks around for a moment, opening it and looking inside, seeing Nia staring back at him. She throws a small pebble at Aeris's snout, which bounces off of him. Aeris looks at her, seeing her giggling mischievously]

AERIS: Do that again, and I'm gonna turn you in.

NIA: [emerges from the crate] What's the plan now?

AERIS: It's Scarlet's ceremony today. She's planning to watch a ton of battles at her little arena. I'm gonna leave you here, the SkyWings will take you, and then we can-

NIA: Are you out of your mind? Leaving me with the SkyWings?

AERIS: Listen to me. They'll bring all these crates and containers into the palace. The palace is highly guarded, so I can't sneak you in. This is the only way to get you inside without getting caught. As long as you stay quiet, they won't find you.

NIA: And then what are you gonna do?

AERIS: I'll head in. Talk with Scarlet for a moment, get her distracted. [pauses and looks outside the station] Stay in the crate until I find you. It won't take more than thirty minutes.

NIA: That's your plan?

AERIS: There's no better option.

NIA: You suck, you know that?

AERIS: Be quiet.

[Aeris pushes Nia back into the crate, closing it with the lid. He walks slowly across the room, looking around before exiting the station. Inside the crate, Nia sighs, shaking her head in annoyance]

[Aeris walks down the street, looking around and seeing the grumpy SkyWings walking past him. He turns down the street, seeing SkyWing guards clearing up the path. Aeris looks around, and he heads down the other way. Eventually, Aeris arrives at a small building, entering it quietly. As he pushes the door open, he holds the bell on top, preventing it from making noise]

[Aeris walks in slowly, creating a small creaking sound, and he winces. He makes his way to the back of the building, seeing a SkyWing sitting there, facing away from him. The SkyWing whistles a tune, writing down something on the scroll]

[Aeris slowly reaches for the knife on his leg, holding it tightly and advances toward the SkyWing slowly. As he gets closer, he places the knife right next to the SkyWing, who immediately raises his talons into the air, dropping his pen]

AERIS: Move an inch and I'll slit your throat right now.

LYDOWAY: Aeris, [chuckles nervously] welcome back.

AERIS: Talk... before I kill you.

LYDOWAY: You promise you won't when I do?

AERIS: Talk first, then I'll consider it.

LYDOWAY: What are you here for?

AERIS: The Stracer. I need it to find him.

LYDOWAY: Right, right, the Stracer. [moves his claws around] Can I get up from my seat?

[Aeris moves away from Lydoway, who stands up. He looks at Aeris for a moment, sighing and walking across the room, opening a cabinet. He rummages through the items inside, eventually finding a small, perfectly-cut, square stone]

LYDOWAY: A black stone enchanted by Luminescent. [holds it toward Aeris] Use it on a dragon, it'll let you talk with them regardless-

AERIS: Yes, yes, I know.

LYDOWAY: But be careful. Use it wisely. We only get a few of these in a couple years, so you're gonna have to make sure you find the right dragon.

AERIS: I will.

[Lydoway hands the stone over to Aeris, who takes it and puts it inside his bag. The two SkyWings stand there for a moment, not speaking with each other. Aeris watches as Lydoway slumps back into his seat, turning away from him]

AERIS: You're going to the ceremony?

LYDOWAY: No, I'm too busy.

AERIS: Fair enough.

[Aeris slowly turns toward the exit, and he approaches it. As he's about to leave the room, Lydoway speaks up, stopping him]

LYDOWAY: You know it's not really a ceremony, right? [pauses for a moment] It's just a massacre party. Scarlet is just gonna have a bunch of dragons killing each other in her arena the entire day. I don't have the time for any of that stuff.

AERIS: [thinks] You seem bothered.

LYDOWAY: I'm not. Y-you don't gotta worry.

AERIS: You are bothered. [walks back to Lydoway] Tell me what happened.

LYDOWAY: It's really none of your concern.

AERIS: Alright. That's fine.

LYDOWAY: There's something I want to know, though.

AERIS: What?

LYDOWAY: Why are you back? We haven't seen you here for over a year. [stands up from his chair and looks at Aeris] Dragons thought you were dead, Scarlet also held a funeral for you.

AERIS: I'll just tell them I was away. Taken hostage by some... [stops and looks at the ground] sorry.

LYDOWAY: Right...

AERIS: There's something I'm working on. [looks at Lydoway] No one can know.

LYDOWAY: Hope it goes well for you. I guess.

[Aeris turns away, leaving the room. He closes the door behind him. Lydoway smiles as he drops back onto his seat, continuing writing his scroll. Aeris holds onto his bag tightly, pushing the door open and leaving the building. He walks down the street, reaching into his bag and pulling out the Stracer, holding it tightly within his claws]

[Aeris hears loud horns in the distance, turning to where it's from and seeing large crowds of SkyWings arriving at the arena. He stands there, breathing and watching as the ceremony begins]

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