My Son is a Transmigrated Pri...

By Illya_lix

3K 39 2


101-103 (End of Main Stroy)
108-111 (End)


132 1 0
By Illya_lix

Chapter 36 - If he truly liked you, then he wouldn't have kept this relationship between friends and lovers for so long.

Once the waiter left, the compartment was quiet.

If nothing else, everyone knew that Song Yuan and Ji Junpei had an ambiguous relationship, though they weren't a couple. The reasons Ji Junpei returned to China and acted as their host for dinner were one, to reminisce about the past, and two, to be together with Song Yuan. Everyone knew this, but they hadn't expected a Cheng Yaojin to show up suddenly along the way. This person had paid for the bill, and he'd even done it in Song Yuan's name–their relationship must not be ordinary.

Song Yuan broke the silence. "Well, are you all going to go to karaoke later? I'm not going, I have some things to do at home."

Those present, including Ji Junpei, could see that Song Yuan was, indeed, a bit distracted today.

It wasn't their style to force her to go to karaoke with them. Everyone was quite easygoing–if Song Yuan didn't want to go, then they wouldn't force her.

But Ji Junpei offered, "I'll send you home."

Song Yuan was a bit annoyed. Not with Ji Junpei, of course, but with their complicated relationship.

"No need, I drove over myself." She paused, then added, "You all go and have fun. There's someone waiting for me at home."

She didn't dare to lie to them that it was her boyfriend. One of the female upperclassmen was very direct and outspoken. If she asked her to call her boyfriend over to sing with them, who would she call?

Hearing that Song Yuan had come over by car, Ji Junpei had no excuse to send her off. After all, although he had a driver's license, he hadn't had a chance to touch a car during the few years he was abroad. He hadn't driven on the roads until now, and he wasn't someone who would do things halfway. Surely it couldn't be that he would drive her? It would be dangerous.

Song Yuan headed for the parking lot as she called Rong Heng.

She guessed that he was the one who paid for the bill. It was logical to call and ask about it.

The call connected very quickly, and the other's voice was as gentle as ever. "Hello, Miss Song."

"Was it you who paid for our bill today?" Song Yuan asked him directly.

"En. I came to eat dinner with a client and happened to see you go in. I figured you were eating with friends and paid the bill for you after remembering the room number."

For a friend he had just gotten to know, this behavior was a bit overly enthusiastic.

Song Yuan was naturally embarrassed. "How is this appropriate? It's not good to let you pay our bill."

Whose money wasn't money? It wasn't like money grew on trees.

Rong Heng paused, then asked her, "Are you still in the area? Do you have anything else going on?"

Song Yuan knew that he wouldn't ask her this question for no reason. She thought about it, then responded with a question of her own. "Are you still here? My friends are all going to karaoke, and I don't really want to go, so I'm about to drive home."

"Then if it's convenient for you, could you give me a ride home?"

"You're really still here? Okay, I haven't left yet. I'm in the parking lot."

"Okay, I'll go to you."

"Right, then I'll wait for you at the exit of the parking lot."

Song Yuan wasn't an oblivious person, but she didn't think that Rong Heng was interested in her in that way. After all, ever since the two of them became acquainted, they'd always gotten along as friends. He also knew about her situation. In short, it was unlikely that he was interested in her.

He should be the kind of person who was warm to friends and even to strangers.

He took the initiative to give his seat to the elderly on the bus, and he would patiently answer little children's questions. He was always the first to step up and help someone in need.

Even though people in modern times were becoming more apathetic, Song Yuan believed that there were still many good people in this world, and he was one of them.

Rong Heng came very quickly. He opened the car door and sat in the passenger's seat. Today he was wearing a black coat, and he looked to be in good spirits.

"Sorry to bother you." Rong Heng looked helpless. "It's not easy to get a taxi here. Fortunately, you were nearby."

"It's really a coincidence." Song Yuan started the car and paid attention to the road. "Also, how much was it? I'll transfer the money to you."

"No need." Rong Heng shook his head. "I was merely riding on the coattails of another's favor. A partner invited us to dinner, and he was very enthusiastic. When he heard that I had a friend who was eating here, he said he wanted to help pay for the bill."

"That wouldn't be appropriate, would it?" Song Yuan insisted on transferring the money to him.

"There's really no need. It's all the same if you invite me to dinner next time," Rong Heng said smilingly. "Bring your son with you."

If it weren't for this latter sentence, Song Yuan wouldn't have been able to help but believe that Rong Heng was pursuing her, but since he asked her to bring her child, she just felt that she was projecting.

Although Rong Heng said he didn't need it, Song Yuan resolved to transfer money to him on WeChat when she got home.

The place Ji Junpei had picked was a middle-price-ranged restaurant in the city. They had ordered quite a few dishes, and the cost would have amounted to at least several thousand yuan.


"Were you having a reunion with classmates today?" He asked her.

"Sort of. We were all members of the same club in college."

"That's nice. It's good for fellow classmates to get together and talk occasionally." Rong Heng pretended to casually mention, "I saw the friend who talked to you at the bus stop that day. At the time I wasn't sure if I'd seen right, but after I saw you again today I was sure."

When Ji Junpei was brought up, Song Yuan was silent for a moment.

"What's wrong? You don't seem very happy. Did you not eat well?"

Song Yuan shook her head. It was only to Rong Heng that she could speak the thoughts in her mind, such as her relation to Rong Ting. Sometimes, people could be more open to strangers. She wasn't the type of person who hold it in, and in the past, she would have told her friends. But if she tried to now, her friends would ask her, don't you have a good relationship with Ji Junpei? Don't you not have a boyfriend? Why don't you give it a shot? She'd be left at a loss.

"It's not, that he's a friend... he should be my... en, if I say that he's somewhere between a friend and a boyfriend, would you understand?"

While she concentrated on driving, she didn't notice that the smile on Rong Heng's face had already faded. Even the expression in his eyes had grown dark and gloomy.

"En, I probably get it." But the voice was still gentle.

"He's my university upperclassman. He went abroad shortly after we got to know each other, and we stayed in contact. I'd always thought that I'd be together with him. But a lot of things have happened since then. It doesn't have much to do with my son; I just think I don't like him anymore, and originally I didn't think he liked me that much, either. Of course, I still think that way. But he came back. I lied and told him I had a boyfriend, but he didn't seem to get it, and he also seemed to know that I was lying to him. Things are the same as before, and it bothers me a bit." When Song Yuan said this, she laughed. She'd always been good at comforting herself. "But it's not a big deal, since I'll be moving to B City soon, and we won't be in contact anymore."

"We can only say that fate plays us for fools." Rong Heng commented. "At the very least, he's not good enough for you."

"Maybe. I feel much better after telling you. You know, he and I were never in an official relationship, but we really seemed like boyfriend and girlfriend for the past few years. He's never been in a relationship. Other people said that he came back because of me. I don't really believe it, but..."

"Is it that you feel a bit guilty?"

"Is it? That's probably it."

Rong Heng laughed. "Your friend and I are both men, so I can analyze it for you. Do you mind?"

"Ah, I don't mind, I don't mind. You can say it."

"From a man's perspective, if I liked someone, I wouldn't be able to stand other people hovering around her. But if I'm abroad and too far away, then I can only declare sovereignty. I would definitely make it clear to her that I would find a way to be her boyfriend, instead of leaving her hanging as a friend for several years. Miss Song, with all due respect, this friend of yours may like you, but he doesn't like you that much."

Song Yuan thought so, too, but no one had ever told her. After hearing such words, she suddenly also became enlightened. "You're right."

"So don't feel guilty. I've never liked thinking badly of others, but I think some men think of relationships the same way as they do shopping around and comparing prices. If he really liked you, then he wouldn't have kept this relationship between friends and lovers for so long."

"En, I get it."

Rong Heng added, "Sorry, it doesn't seem right for me to judge, since I don't know about your guys' situation, and I don't know your friend's personality. Don't take my words to heart. I drank a bit of wine today and said too much. I'm sorry."

"I won't," Song Yuan laughed. "Isn't there such a phrase? 'Spectators see the game better than the players.' Sometimes, outsiders may see things more clearly."

Rong Heng smiled slightly when he heard those words.

Just before arriving at Fairview Garden, Song Yuan received a call from Song Haiping. He said that someone had sent a box of Dandong strawberries, but he had to catch a flight today, so he could only deliver these strawberries to the entrance of the community and have her pick them up.

"Just in time, I'll be at the entrance in three minutes. What about you, Dad?"

"I'm on the street just outside the community. Hurry up."

Song Yuan parked on the side of the road. Before getting out of the car, she said to Rong Heng, "Mr. Xie, please wait a minute. I'll go pick something up, and then I'll take you to the hotel entrance."

But Rong Heng shook his head. "You don't need to trouble yourself."

"It's settled, then." Song Yuan closed the door, and Song Haiping's car stopped in front of her.

She walked over, and Song Haiping got out of the car and opened the trunk. "Other people said these strawberries are okay, and I remembered Rong Ting really likes to eat strawberries. Hurry and take them, I still have to catch my flight."


Song Haiping closed the trunk and happened to look over at Song Yuan's car. Her car was tinted, so the inside wasn't clearly visible, but he could vaguely make out a person sitting in the passenger seat.

"Someone's in your car?" Song Haiping asked casually.

"En, a friend."

"It looks like a man." Song Haiping was immediately intrigued and wanted to go over. "I'll go take a took."

Anxious, Song Yuan couldn't bother to move the box of strawberries. She tugged on Song Haiping. "Dad, what are you doing? That's my friend. Didn't you say you had to catch a flight?"

"Which friend? I haven't seen him before." Song Haiping was even more curious. Even since the discovery of Rong Ting's existence, what he most worried about was his daughter's future marriage. Now, at this moment, he suspected that the man sitting in his daughter's car might be her boyfriend. That was reasonable, right? Even if he wasn't her boyfriend, he might be a prospective boyfriend. As a father, of course he had to take a look.

"Dad, that's my friend, just a regular friend. You're going to embarrass my friend!"

Song Haiping looked bold and confident. "As the saying goes, your friend is naturally also Dad's friend, right? Then how's it embarrassing to go see my girl's friend?"

Just as the father and daughter pair started a tug-of-war, the car door opened.

Rong Heng emerged from the car. Tall and straight, wearing a black coat, and with eye-catching white hair, his entire person gave off a steady atmosphere.

He walked over to Song Haiping and Song Yuan and greeted Song Haiping very politely. "Hello, Uncle."

Song Haiping was completely stunned upon seeing his face clearly. "You, you, you..."

He had only met him once before at a dinner party, and although it had been a few years, his vision hadn't gone bad. This person–wasn't this person the Xie family's Crown Prince!!

Chapter 37 - I'll say it straight–those rich second generations are nothing good.

Due to the overwhelming shock in Song Haiping's gaze when he looked at Rong Heng, Song Yuan unconsciously asked: "Dad, do you know Mr. Xie?"

She didn't ask Rong Heng because she had only learned a few days ago that he had gotten injured and lost his memory. He didn't even remember his family, so how could he remember other people?

If her dad was acquainted with Rong Heng, she wouldn't find it strange.

Her father had been in business for more than twenty years; he had a wide network and was acquainted with many people.

Rong Heng was very well-raised. Even with Song Haiping looking at him like this, he smiled and asked politely, "I'm sorry, Uncle, I fell ill some time ago and can't remember many things. Do you know me?"

Of course Song Haiping knew him! But it was he who knew Xie Heng; the Xie family's Crown Prince definitely didn't know him.

Song Haiping was originally going to mention the incident when the Xie family's driver nearly hit Rong Ting on the streets of B City. But just as he opened his mouth, he suddenly remembered that his daughter was still around, and he quickly swallowed down his words.

He couldn't let his daughter know anything about that. Song Haiping spoke, with a serious face, "I met you once at a friend's dinner party several years ago, Mr. Xie."

What a stroke of luck. Just when he was planning to have someone check the Crown Prince's location in the city because he had no clue, he appeared right in front of him.

But Song Haiping had no thoughts of climbing the social ladder at this moment.

He looked at Rong Heng, then at Song Yuan. His expression suddenly turned very grave.

Rong Heng smiled. "So it was like that. Uncle, you don't need to be so polite to me. I am Miss Song's friend, and you are an elder."

When Song Haiping heard his daughter being addressed as "Miss Song," his eyes flashed, and he smiled. "Is that so."

Seeing their awkward conversation, Song Yuan hurriedly said, "Dad, don't you need to catch a flight? Hurry and go. If you're late, it'll be super troublesome to change your flight time. Let's go, Mr. Xie, I'll take you back."

Just as these words left her lips, Song Haiping said, "I just got a message that the other side's not in a hurry, so it's all the same if I leave tomorrow. It's late now, Mr. Xie, so let me take you back. You weren't aware, but Yuanyuan has to go back and look after the child. It's not safe for children to be at home alone."

The usually very considerate Rong Heng seemed not to understand the hint in Song Haiping's words. The smile in his warm eyes never faded. "There's no need, Uncle. My hotel is just nearby, so I'll just go for a walk to help with digestion. You and Miss Song should go back first. It's indeed unsafe to leave the child alone at home."

Song Haiping was dumbstruck.

Unexpectedly, Xie Heng knew that Yuanyuan already had a child.

So what was going on here?

But Song Haiping didn't acquiesce. He called his driver and said to Rong Heng, "Mr. Xie, it's cold outside. You mentioned you were sick some time ago, so you must pay attention to your health. Normally, since you're a friend of Yuanyuan, we should invite you to dinner at our place. It's just that the father of the child hasn't come home yet, and he's very clingy with Yuanyuan. We can't keep you, but you shouldn't be so polite with us. Let my driver send you home. Don't treat us as strangers."

"Then I'll have to trouble your driver." Unable to refuse such generosity, Rong Heng thanked him in a gentle and polite tone.

After watching Rong Heng leave in the car, Song Haiping turned to look at the confused Song Yuan who obviously didn't know what was going on and heaved a sigh.

Song Yuan was still puzzled. "Didn't you say you had a flight to catch? Why aren't you going to the airport?"

Song Haiping took the styrofoam box in her hands. He didn't know if it was regret or what, but all in all, he felt melancholy.

"Why can't you use your intelligence for your own business? Your mom and I aren't stupid, so why aren't you smart at all? We didn't bring home the wrong baby, right?"

Song Yuan: "..."

The father and daughter got in the car. Song Haiping had already silently pushed back the date of the business trip.

Business was naturally very important, but not as important as his daughter.

The next thing he was going to speak to his daughter about was that she should avoid meeting Rong Heng, but he truly was worried about the child being alone at home so late at night. Even though Rong Ting was more sensible than other children his age, one couldn't be careless.

When they entered the house, Rong Ting was standing by the entrance. He had heard the sound of the door. When he saw Song Haiping, he was stunned, and then his mouth widened in a smile. "Why has Grandfather come?"

"Someone sent me a box of Dandong strawberries. I remembered you love strawberries, so I brought them over." Song Haiping was very happy to see Rong Ting. It was probably that the more he saw his grandson, the more he found him pleasing to the eye, and the more he liked him. He found a pair of scissors to open the foam box and told Rong Ting, "One should complete one's own affairs. You go wash the strawberries a bit and make sure they're clean, since your mom also likes to eat them. Grandpa and your mom have some business to discuss."

As a matter of fact, there wasn't a need to specially instruct him.

Rong Ting had been educated since young to have a noble character. No one needed to tell him what to do, and he wouldn't deliberately eavesdrop on adults' conversations.


It had been several months since he came to the modern era. Rong Ting was becoming more and more integrated into this brand-new era. He initially didn't know how to do anything, and in his heart, he also refused to do anything. Now, he washed fruit himself, and he even washed his own underwear and socks. His progress was slow, but it was there.

Rong Ting happily carried some strawberries into the kitchen.

Song Haiping then looked at Song Yuan. The smile on his face faded. "Yuanyuan, come to the study. Dad has something to tell you."

Song Yuan had a vague idea of what Song Haiping wanted to say. Although she felt helpless, she followed her father into the study and shut the door.

"Do you know who Mr. Xie is?" Song Haiping sat down and opened with this sentence.

Song Yuan stood in front of the desk, looking extremely calm. "I don't know. We've only known each other for a short time."

"Then let me tell you." Song Haiping felt a bit unsettled in his heart. When he was anxious, he would unconsciously tap on the desk. "You don't know that in the business world, as long as you have anything to do with business in B City, you can't not know the Xie's. The Xie's aren't just a clan that developed in just a few years; they can be regarded as an aristocratic family. There are many rich people in B City, but there aren't many who can be called rich and powerful. That's not just about having money.

"The Xie family's head had 2 sons. One of them died in an accident while young, so the Xie family basically belonged to the remaining son, Xie Yanjun. If you pay attention to the economy, you should know him. Xie Yanjun's wife is the daughter of the Lu family, which is another well-respected family in B City. These two families joined together, which is something that all the rich and powerful pay particularly close attention to. This couple gave birth to a son, and that son is Xie Heng, the friend you haven't known for very long.

"In the B City business circles, everyone calls Xie Heng the 'Crown Prince.' Xie Yanjun also has an illegitimate child from outside, but Xie Heng has the backing of both the Xie family and his grandfather, and he will be the next head of the Xie family. Some time ago, something happened to Xie Heng, and everyone knows that it has something to do with Xie Yanjun's illegitimate son. Even if that illegitimate child was used by others, who told him to have thoughts that he shouldn't have? That Madam Xie is truly ruthless–I heard that that illegitimate son was about to be killed. Although nobody said it out loud, everyone thought that Xie Heng was probably dead because there was no news for a long time. Who'd have thought that this Crown Prince Xie has great fortune and fate, and he would actually manage to keep his life."

Song Haiping sighed. "I'm telling you this because I want to tell you that Xie Heng has an unusual background. There's a saying that the old man losing his horse may not be unfortuitous, and it's not untrue. He nearly lost his life, but it's because of this that the Xie's Master and Madam made their move. His half-brother has basically no chance of seizing power, and he has no more threats lurking in the rear. Think about how complicated it is in the family, Yuanyuan. No matter what kind of person Xie Heng is, a person with such a powerful background like him is someone ordinary people can't offend."

Song Yuan didn't expect that the handsome, white-haired man who often took the bus with her would have such a background.

For a moment, she was stunned, unable to react. She also didn't know what to say.

Seeing her expression, Song Haiping earnestly continued: "Yuanyuan, the reason why Mom and Dad work so hard to make money is partly because of ambition, but also partly to give you the best so that your future can be free of worries, and you can freely choose the life you want to live. Do you remember what Dad told you before your college entrance exams? My thoughts haven't changed; I just want my child to be healthy and happy. It's the same now. Marrying into an influential family may sound nice. After all, it's a leap in status–who knows how many people dream of such a thing. But it's too much pain and suffering. Dad doesn't want you to be together with such a person."

"Dad, what are you saying?" Song Yuan was helpless. "You've misunderstood. We're just ordinary friends. We haven't known each other for very long."

She felt her dad had a filter on that made him see her as the cutest in the world, that she was captivating, that anyone of the opposite sex who got to know her would have those kinds of thoughts about her. If it was like he said, and this Crown Prince Xie really was a wealthy second generation, would he be interested in her, the unwed mother of a child? What beauties had he not seen before? Would he use such means to pursue her?

"Ha ha." Song Haiping laughed. Hearing such a naive and ridiculous remark, the middle-aged man's first reaction was not to sneer, but to laugh.


Song Haiping waved his hand. "Okay, consider yourselves as friends, but I still want to say this to you. I don't care if you become friends, but you can't turn him from an ordinary friend to a boyfriend. I'll say it straight–those rich second generations are nothing good."

He'd truly seen it all.

He was a man, not to mention that his vision was quite sharp. What a man looked like when he liked someone, what kind of look he had in his eyes–he wasn't so old that he couldn't see it.

Xie Heng needed more common sense. If not for the intentions of one party, he and Song Yuan would never meet! There was no overlap between the two's lives or circle of friends. Even if they met, they would not have become ordinary friends!

Xie Heng concealed it well, but considering his background, one could tell that something wasn't right after some thought. And after recalling the gaze with which he had looked at Yuanyuan, Song Haiping wanted to laugh again.

Just ordinary friends... deceiving a little girl like Yuanyuan, what was he pretending for in front of him? Trying to pursue a woman while not fully recovered, he deserved to be nearly pitted by that illegitimate child. Pei!

Chapter 38 - I will have him recall the imperial edict. He lied to you, and he lied to me. He's a liar!

Of course, Song Yuan had to express her thoughts. "Dad, I'm not going to tell you what Mr. Xie thinks. You said it yourself; his family background is not ordinary, and I've mentioned to him that I have a son. Dad, your behavior today really embarrassed me. Mr. Xie and I really are just ordinary friends. Regardless of what other people think, I treat him as an ordinary friend, and there is no interaction with him beyond the scope of friends."

Although she knew that Rong Ting wouldn't eavesdrop, she still lowered her voice. "Rong Ting is still young. Although he likes me a lot, children believe that their parents are a pair. He thinks that I and his father are still husband and wife. Until he corrects his belief, I can't be in a relationship with anyone, and I don't want him to misunderstand me as a mom who had an extramarital affair. I just want to raise him well right now; I haven't thought about anything else.

"But don't worry, Dad, I know what kind of person I am. The rich and powerful aren't for me, and I don't have such a big heart; I won't have any ideas after finding out Mr. Xie's identity and background. What you're worried about won't happen."

One should know one's place. She had always known that she wasn't very bright. Even since she was young, her grades had never been particularly good. Even if she studied hard, her grades would always hover between average or just above. And as for emotional intelligence, she was not the kind of person who could handle complicated interpersonal relationships with ease. People like her were used as stepping stones in palace dramas, dying without even knowing how they died...In other words, she still didn't quite believe that she transmigrated to the ancient times and somehow ended up becoming empress.

Song Haiping was relieved after hearing Song Yuan's reassurance. He was very ambitious and initially wanted to get on board with Xie Heng, but when he saw Rong Heng interacting with and showing interest in his daughter, he didn't feel the least bit happy. Instead, he was flustered and anxious.

"It's best if you think this way. Okay, I thought at first that I'd have to speak with you for a long time, but now I can catch my flight. I won't say any more." Song Haiping stood up and got ready to leave. Before he left, he warned Song Yuan again, "Don't get too close to the Xie family. The waters in B City are too deep; it might be troublesome even if you two are ordinary friends. The rich and powerful in B City are... ai."

"Fine fine fine, I know."

Song Yuan wasn't stupid. She was living so peacefully now; she didn't want any trouble.

Song Haiping understood his daughter and left, satisfied.

As soon as he left, Rong Ting came out from the kitchen, having finished washing the strawberries. Not seeing Song Haiping, he asked doubtfully, "Grandfather has left again?"

"En, he left to go catch a plane for his business trip."

"Then he is unfortunate1." Strawberries were Rong Ting's favorite. The transparent fruit bowl was filled to the brim with large and beautiful strawberries. He looked up at Song Yuan. "Empress Mother, let us eat together. Gu just had a taste of one, and it was quite sweet. It is better than the strawberries gu has eaten before."


The mother and son sat at the coffee table, happily eating strawberries.

Rong Ting couldn't pay attention to other things while eating strawberries, and for a while, he didn't notice that Song Yuan was a bit out of it.

"Empress Mother, one should not be greedy." Song Yuan had been thinking while eating strawberries, and she'd eaten quite a lot without knowing it. Still, Rong Ting took it upon himself to remind her.

Although Rong Ting was still young, his self-discipline and self-control were incomparable to those of many adults.

"It is winter now. Eating too many cold foods is bad for the stomach," Rong Ting said solemnly. "One should not be greedy. It's all the same to eat them tomorrow."

Song Yuan was amused. "You're right, but we can't finish eating this many. Why don't we give some to the neighbors tomorrow?"

Their neighbor was a mother-to-be who was six or seven months pregnant. She liked Rong Ting very much and often brought over food.

It was just that once, this mother-to-be had asked Rong Ting whether the child in her belly was a younger brother or sister. Rong Ting had clearly felt awkward.

Many people believed that children could see the gender of the baby in a pregnant woman's belly. The younger the child, the more accurate the prediction.

At that time, Rong Ting said with a wooden face, gu is not a prophet.

Fortunately, he was still young and handsome; no matter what he said, adults would find him very meng and very cute. Song Yuan had corrected him and told him not to refer to himself as "gu" with others, but this young lad was stubborn. He was willing to change a lot of habits–he was willing to talk to others and get along well with them, and occasionally he was willing to play soccer with the other children in the community–but he was insistent on this point and refused to change anything.

Rong Ting was not stingy and generously nodded his head.

"Gugu, we're going to B City soon, and I don't think we'll be back for another half a year. I was thinking, before we leave, why don't we invite the neighbor auntie and your buddies over for a meal?"

Rong Ting had never felt that the young boys playing soccer with him were his buddies.

Clearly they were just playing soccer together. After playing, they each returned to their own homes to their own mothers. What friends?

He didn't think he could be friends with them, either. It was just that his mother was very happy to see him play with his peers, so he reluctantly played soccer.

"Anything is fine." Rong Ting said.

Song Yuan said happily, "That's great! I'll go order a cake."

Seeing Empress Mother excitedly ordering a cake, decking out the house, and other trivial matters, Rong Ting's lips curled into a smile. He was not lonely. He was used to it, and Emperor Father had once said that the peak was unbearably cold2. The emperor did not need a confidant; to maintain clarity, one must remain solitary, so as to see everything thoroughly and clearly and to not be blinded by so-called friendship and make a wrong judgement.

But if Empress Mother was happy, then he was happy.

Since they had eaten strawberries, Song Yuan wanted Rong Ting to brush his teeth again. After brushing their teeth, they got ready to head to bed.

The house was very warm–it didn't even feel like winter–but it was also extremely dry. Several humidifiers were used at once.

After Rong Ting went to sleep, she had time to do her own things. Just as she sat on the bed and prepared to watch a variety show, her phone rang. She picked it up and saw that the caller ID read "Mr. Xie." She hesitated for a moment before accepting the call. "Hello, Mr. Xie."

"Miss Song, you haven't gone to sleep yet? I hope I didn't disturb you. I was worried that Uncle might have misunderstood me, so I called you."

In fact, her father hadn't really misunderstood him...

Song Yuan laughed. "It's alright. My dad is just worried that I'll be deceived, so he pays close attention to my friends. Don't mind it, he doesn't mean any harm."

"So that's how it was. Uncle is a very responsible father. I thought that I'd offended him in the past."

"Not at all."

Rong Heng stood before the floor-to-ceiling windows, the phone in his hand and a slight smile on his face. "That's good. Then I won't disturb your rest. Good night, Miss Song."

"En, good night."

Fortunately, he wasn't looking to chat. Song Yuan hung up the phone and lay on her bed with a sigh of relief.

After listening to her father's account of the Xie family, she felt that it was very stressful to be ordinary friends with this man.

Fortunately, when he returned to B City, they likely wouldn't cross paths.

Otherwise, she would never be able to help herself from imagining all sorts of love-and-hate relationships among the rich and powerful, and she would be afraid of accidentally becoming cannon fodder.

On the other side, Rong Heng hung up the phone, suppressing the smile on his face, and returned to his chair. He held Song Haiping's business card between his fingers and fell deep in thought.

Song Yuan dreamt again that night.

Unlike the lighthearted and merry atmosphere from the previous times, this time her heart ached in pain. The scene changed to what seemed to be the palace. A young man wore a traditional military uniform, but she couldn't see his face clearly, and there was some distance between the two of them. The young man's tone and behavior were very respectful.

She sat high up. Her nose sour, she had the maids by her side withdraw, leaving just the two of them in the room.

She descended, her skirt dragging across the floor. She looked up at him and asked in a trembling voice, "Why must gege go to the battleground?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty3..."

She interrupted him, her eyes red. "Must gege speak with me like this? Must you make me uncomfortable?"

The man let out a soft sigh. "I'm sorry, Yuanyuan. This has been my wish since childhood. As a descendant of the Meng family, my mission is to defend the country4."

"It is the Meng family's blessing to be bestowed with such an important task by His Majesty."

"You're lying to me again. Mother came to see me a few days ago. Her eyes were swollen, and she must have cried. She clearly said that the Meng family would never get involved in these matters again. Father and Mother just want the family to be safe."

"Yuanyuan, dage didn't lie to you. There are no suitable generals in the army right now, and both the front lines and the court are unstable. I just want to give my all to protect the people. WIthout a country, how can there be a home?"

"No, not like this! I'll ask him to recall the imperial edict. He lied to you, and he lied to me. He's a liar!"

The man looked frightened and barely managed to calm his nerves. "Yuanyuan, be careful! I didn't lie to you. Going to the battlefield to kill the enemy and protect the country is my heart's desire and my mission. Don't talk about it any more, and don't argue with His Majesty anymore, Yuanyuan. He is His Majesty!"

It was definitely not true.

She wasn't stupid. She knew everything.

There were several concubines in the harem whose families had great influence in court, and the court and the harem were intricately connected5. The General's estate had been declining since long ago, since the time of the previous emperor. Her brother was just afraid that, without someone in court, she would be bullied in the rear palace.

But the present was fiercer than during the previous emperor's reign, and the battlefield was even more dangerous6. The Meng family had been reluctant to get involved since long ago, and now they had no choice but to walk into these plots and conspiracies.

"Niangniang, I must go." The young man finally looked up at her. "You must look after yourself and stay safe."

Once the young man left, she was unable to suppress her emotions. She thought herself the biggest sinner.

She wept sorrowfully, but not wanting to be discovered by others, she fiercely bit her lips, refusing to let out a sound.

Someone wearing a dragon robe came in. Seeing her weeping in grief, he looked down upon her7 and asked her in a frigid voice, "Who is it that you feel sorry for?"

She didn't speak.

He gripped her wrist and fiercely tugged. "Zhen dislikes it, hates it, to see you feel sorrow for others."

She didn't speak as she silently shed tears.

Song Yuan abruptly woke up. When she woke up, she discovered that more than half her pillow was wet. She clutched the hem of her clothes. She could still feel the emotions caused by the dream, the dull pain gripping her heart and tightening bit by bit.

Chapter 39 - Adorably fierce

When Song Yuan got up in the morning, she was somewhat absent-minded. She decided that, before the auntie arrived, she would ask Rong Ting about things regarding the ancient times.

Rong Ting was sitting in the chair drinking warm milk.

Song Yuan stewed over the thoughts in her heart for a long while before probingly asking, "I remember that you seemed surprised that I was an only child. Did you think that I had siblings?"

"En." Rong Ting normally kept the rule of not speaking while eating or sleeping, but seeing Empress Mother bring up a topic he was very interested in, he put down the cup in his hands, looked at her, and said hesitantly, "Gu did not know whether to mention it."

In the beginning, he had wanted to ask about everything related to Empress Mother, but the palace was filled with Emperor Father's informers. Whether it was the Grand Tutor or anyone else, no one was willing to divulge even a bit about matters regarding Empress Mother.

He was still young and unable to leave the palace, so the things he could hear and find out were rather limited.

"You can say it. There are no officials here, and neither is your Emperor Father. It's just the two of us, and I promise I'll keep it a secret."

Song Yuan made a zipping motion as she spoke, expressing that she would definitely not say a word.

Rong Ting was clearly very excited, but he restrained himself with great difficulty. "Gu once heard that gu's uncle was a war god. He led soldiers like a deity, and he made great contributions to the Great Ye dynasty."

War god, led soldiers...

Song Yuan couldn't help associating it with that sadomasochistic, Mary-Sue dream.

She increasingly felt that she wasn't having those dreams for no reason.

"Have you met him?"

Rong Ting shook his head. "Have not."

"Why..." Song Yuan was puzzled. "You said he's a war god, so he must be very powerful–at least a general. You also call him Uncle. Yet the nephew hasn't met his uncle–isn't that unreasonable?"

Rong Ting gazed at Song Yuan, wanting to speak but hesitating.

"Is there something you're not saying?"

"Gu heard..." He paused. "Gu heard that the war god died in battle."

Song Yuan's eyes widened. She once again felt a dull pain in the depths of her heart.

He was called the war god because he was already dead. It was difficult for a living person to become a legend.

He knew that Empress Mother had forgotten many things, so when he came here, he did his utmost to avoid bringing up such topics, lest he make Empress Mother sad. Now, it seemed that he had done something wrong and mentioned something he shouldn't have to Empress Mother.

Seeing Song Yuan not speaking, her face frozen, he walked over to her and hugged her waist. "Empress Mother, I am still here."

He rarely used "I."

Song Yuan unconsciously stroked his head and let out a soft 'en.' She was probably still affected by the dream. When she heard Rong Ting say this, she suddenly and briefly felt fear.

If all this was true, what had she gone through during the ancient times?

"I had a dream. In the dream there was a young general who came to say his farewells. He called me niangniang, and I called him gege." Song Yuan suddenly spoke. "He said it was his heart's desire to go to the battlefield to kill enemies and defend his country. I was very sad in my dream, and the man in the dragon robe was very mean to me."

Rong Ting looked at her and tugged on her with his small hands. He comforted, "Empress Mother, gu no longer wishes for you to remember the past."

Song Yuan smiled. "Why?"

"Gu does not wish for you to be unhappy." Rong Ting said softly. "Forgetting gu does not matter. Empress Mother is fine as she is now."

"But if I don't remember the things that happened, won't the people in my dreams be sad?" Song Yuan asked, downcast.

Would those who had been forgotten be sad?

Perhaps those memories that had caused her pain were also exceptionally precious.

Rong Ting didn't understand, either. He tugged her again. "Empress Mother, did you not say yesterday you wanted to order a cake? Are we not going to invite the guests today?"

Song Yuan's attention was diverted. She understood Rong Ting's efforts.

"En, we will. After we have breakfast, we'll go downstairs to invite them."

The mother and son both tacitly agreed not to bring up the subject of the war god.

Rong Ting did not wish to make Song Yuan sad. Song Yuan felt that Rong Ting didn't know much about this situation either, so she no longer asked.

Rong Ting only invited a few friends with whom he got along on the ball court. Song Yuan lamented that there was no young girl.

After confirming the date of the gathering, Song Yuan brought Rong Ting out to the supermarket to go shopping.

There was a child at home, and many things, such as fruit and Yakult, were consumed quickly. They had to visit the supermarket almost every week. Rong Ting enjoyed going to the supermarket, but he didn't like sitting in the shopping cart anymore. Ever since he saw a one-year-old baby sitting in the shopping cart, he had been quite resistant to it.

"I hope you can make good friends in B City." Song Yuan walked into the supermarket with the shopping cart. She looked down at Rong Ting and said, "Kids would be happier being together with kids, right? Anyways, thanks to you, I now have made a few more friends."

The mothers of those kids were were also very easygoing. A few years older than Song Yuan, they were very sweet xiao jiejies.

After a few visits, she got to know them and also learned a few parenting tips. Of course, she also learned how to handle children at that age. It was a very valuable experience.

"Empress Mother loves making friends."

"Of course! It'd be so boring otherwise," Song Yuan told him. "I love talking to people. But some people naturally dislike coming into contact with strangers. They're more comfortable by themselves."

If they were going to invite children to their house, they definitely had to prepare snacks and fruit. Song Yuan was worried that the young boys would be bored, so she bought a puzzle game.

Song Yuan also bought the marinade for New Orleans BBQ chicken wings. She and Rong Ting had been living together for so long that she knew what the little boy liked to eat. Coincidentally, the things he liked to eat, she also liked...

She was just about to go to self-checkout when someone stopped her. "Yuanyuan!"

Both Song Yuan and Rong Ting turned their heads.

Rong Ting used to be dissatisfied with the fact that others called her by her first name. How could the name of the mother of a nation be called so casually? Later, he got used to it, because everyone here was like this.

Song Yuan was somewhat surprised to find that it was Ji Junpei. After Rong Heng's enlightenment, she was now more at ease when facing him, and now she treated him as a normal friend. "Xuezhang, what a coincidence."

Ji Junpei strode over, smiling. "En, I was here to look at houses. I was just wondering if I would bump into you." He raised his hand and glanced at the time. "It's just about time for dinner. Let's have a meal together."

"That's... I'm sorry, xuezhang, the auntie at home has already cooked food." Song Yuan gestured to Rong Ting. "The little one doesn't like to eat out. He's not used to it."

Ji Junpei had already noticed the child next to Song Yuan.

Rong Ting looked at Ji Junpei. If it were before, he would have been dissatisfied with a person of the opposite sex talking to Song Yuan. Now, after living here for several months, he could treat it as normal.

Ji Junpei smiled at Rong Ting. "Hi, little kid, do you really not like eating out? How about if Uncle buys you KFC and Pizza Hut?"

...With the occasional exception, Rong Ting did not like KFC very much, nor did he like pizza.

If the auntie at home made New Orleans wings, or if Song Yuan made pizza with french fries on a whim, then he would love it. He just didn't like eating out. He was a rather individualistic kid.

Rong Ting vigilantly shook his head.

"I rarely take him out to eat KFC," Song Yuan said. "Xuezhang, I'm sorry, but today's really not a good day. Another day. I'll invite you out to dinner another day, when my boyfriend comes back from his business trip."

When Rong Ting heard Song Yuan say this, his ears quietly perked up.

Once before, he had heard Empress Mother say these words to an unfamiliar man. At the time, they had returned home, and he had angrily questioned her. Empress Mother said that this was a sort of tactful way of declining. When others heard her say this, they would not ask for her phone number, or ask her out to dinner or a movie. It could be considered a panacea.

Empress Mother said it again. Didn't that mean that this uncle also adored Empress Mother!

He had come here only to discover that many men admired Empress Mother!

"That's fine." Ji Junpei was not an absolutely shameless person. Although he knew that Song Yuan didn't have a boyfriend, he didn't tear down her face. "Do you have time in the afternoon? I'm not very familiar with this area, and I want to go take a look at more properties."

Just as Song Yuan was about to decline, Rong Ting suddenly cried out, "Mom, I'm hungry! I want to go back and eat!"

When Ji Junpei heard what he had called Song Yuan, he was startled. He looked at Song Yuan with some surprise.

Song Yuan knew that Rong Ting was upset. She smiled and stroked his head. "Okay, we'll be done soon."

This child occasionally would cooperate tacitly with her. Sometimes, she would be approached by people while she was out shopping. For some people who were persistent despite her saying she had a boyfriend, Gugu would call her Mom, and those people would quickly retreat in shock.

Ji Junpei was not a fool. He and Song Yuan were very familiar with each other; he didn't believe that she would have such a grown child.

He carefully appraised the child beside her and felt that his looks were very similar to hers. He immediately guessed who he was.

He should be her father's child.

He had heard about some things regarding her family from some of their mutual friends.

He wasn't surprised that she got along so well with her half-brother. He knew that Song Yuan was kind, and she was very popular in school.

He wasn't going to expose the little boy. He had been his age, after all. Some younger brothers loved their older sisters but were extremely hostile to their sister's suitors. This kind of thing wasn't uncommon.

"Alright, Yuanyuan, I'll contact you next time." Ji Junpei made a phone calling gesture, but didn't ask Song Yuan about her relationship with Rong Ting, leaving Song Yuan a bit puzzled.

Song Yuan made a sound of agreement and took Rong Ting to the self-checkout machine.

Rong Ting turned around and saw that Ji Junpei was still looking in their direction. He shot him a glare, looking adorably fierce.

Chapter 40 - Miss Song, have we really never met before?

Song Yuan recalled Ji Junpei's expression. Aside from his slight surprise when Rong Ting called her Mom, he had been extremely calm.

This wasn't very surprising. None of her friends would believe that she had a five- or six-year-old child. Her parents were intense, which led to her being perceived by others as a good girl during her school years until even now. Let alone Ji Junpei, even her BFF1 Xie Ya wouldn't believe that Rong Ting was her biological son.

But whether he believed it or not had nothing to do with her.

She was leaving for B City in a few days. With his passive and strong-minded character, once she rejected him a few times, he wouldn't appear before her again.

After Song Yuan returned home with Rong Ting, she looked at the child, contemplating. She couldn't help asking, "You don't have anything to ask me?"

This child hated the men who showed up near her and would sometimes throw a fit. This time, he had been so calm. It wasn't his style.

Rong Ting shot back a doubtful look. "What does Empress Mother think gu should ask?"

Song Yuan laughed. "Nothing, I was just curious. Did you forget? One time, I ran into an old classmate and chatted with him for a bit. You got upset2, and when we got home you lost your temper and said that I was exchanging amorous looks3 with other men behind your Emperor Father's back."

At that time, she had quarreled with Gugu.

If nothing else, she felt it was extremely impolite for Gugu to behave like this. If he weren't her child, she would have no authority to discipline him, but he was her son. In modern times, one must respect one's elders.

Gugu had been very indignant. They also had an hour-long cold war due to this. Of course, Gugu used his actions to show that a man knew when to yield4. He took the initiative to come to her room to find her and ask for a reconciliation.

Rong Ting was a bit embarrassed hearing her bring up the previous matter, but he straightened his back and coughed lightly. "Empress Mother, that was then, and this is now."

"What?" Song Yuan asked him with great interest.

"Gu is not stupid. Empress Mother has many admirers here." Rong Ting gave her a glance and said in a small voice, "But Empress Mother's heart only has Emperor Father."

This was a huge misunderstanding.

Song Yuan shook her head and explained very seriously, "I didn't accept the others because one, I haven't met anyone I liked, and two, it's not the right time."

She didn't want to tell Rong Ting that it was also because of him. This would give the child immense pressure.

Rong Ting knew that it was inappropriate to talk about Emperor Father with Empress Mother. Empress Mother didn't remember anything, and Emperor Father was not here; it was useless to say any more.

He changed the subject and asked, "Empress Mother, who was that man just now?"

"My upperclassman in college." Song Yuan briefly introduced Ji Junpei. "He's really amazing. He was the province's top scorer in science in his year."

"A top scorer? Rong Ting mused thoughtfully. "That is quite amazing."

"This sort of top scorer should be different from the top scorer from the ancient times5." Song Yuan had previously read novels that illustrated how difficult the imperial examinations were. She tapped her chin. "Your ancient time's top scorer is the nation's number one. Xuezhang was the province's number one. There's a difference between that of the province and the country."

"Oh." Rong Ting gave Song Yuan another glance and seized the opportunity6 to boast7 of his Emperor Father. "Then that means he is not as good as Emperor Father. Our top scorers are not as amazing as Emperor Father."

After saying this, he knew he had touched a minefield. He immediately slipped away8 and fled to the bathroom.

Song Yuan: "..."

This kid.

Very soon it was the day of the party. Rong Ting had invited three buddies, whose mothers brought them over early in the morning.

These mothers were very polite. All of them brought over milk and fruit, making it seem as though they were truly guests9.

Song Yuan was somewhat embarrassed. After twenty-something years, she finally spoke those famous words for the first time: "You should have just come; you didn't need to buy anything."

"It's for your Rong Ting to eat."

"That's right, that's right, it's for Rong Ting."

Originally, Song Yuan had planned to eat with these mothers, as well, but they all had things. One of the mothers tugged her hair. "I finally was able to get the kid out of the way, so I made an appointment with my Tony laoshi10 to dye and do my hair."

"Alright, then come over for dinner in the afternoon," Song Yuan generously offered. "I bought a lot of food, and the auntie's very skilled. Let the children play together in the afternoon. How about coming over for dinner when you are done?"

The mothers had no objections. They were also getting along very well now.

Song Yuan had also brought Rong Ting to their houses to freeload a meal.

After the mothers left, Song Yuan looked at the lively and cheerful boys, then at Rong Ting who stood in the center with a rare relaxed expression on his face. She immediately felt at ease, and she said to the children, "We have Lego at home, and I also bought a TV subscription, so you can watch any movie you'd like. We have some sci-fi movies you like, and I bought Monopoly, which you can also play."

The children cheered, clearly immensely satisfied with these arrangements.

"You can eat any of the fruit on the table. Gugu, there are potato chips, seaweed snacks, and Yakult in the cabinet. You know where they are." Song Yuan spread her hands. "Auntie will make french fries today. I'll call you when they are done. I'm going out now to get the cake. Do you guys want pizza? If you do, I'll also buy that on the way."

"Want want want!"

"Auntie, I want to eat! I want to eat pizza!"

"I want to drink Coke!"

The young boys were very noisy, but the room's atmosphere was great. Song Yuan nodded, smiling. "Okay, okay, then wait until I come back with a large pizza. There's Coke in the snack cabinet, but you guys can't drink too much. It's bad for your teeth. Then I'm heading out. Gugu, take good care of your friends. Call me if anything happens."

"En." Rong Ting sent Song Yuan off at the door and reminded her, "Mom, be careful when crossing the road. Don't walk with your head down, looking at your phone."

When outsiders were around, he would always call her "Mom."

When Song Yuan left, the boys sat on the carpet and started playing Monopoly.

As they played, one of the boys whispered, "Rong Ting, your mom is so nice. My mom doesn't buy me Lego or let me eat snacks. She just wants me to read books. I don't have any entertainment."

This sentence opened up the conversation.

"My mom too! She always works me like a horse11. Do you know what that means? Anyways, it's miserable."

"My mom wishes she couldn't give me any entertainment. Can't watch TV, can't play on my phone, but she's on her phone playing all the time!"

"My mom's the same. Last time, I didn't get a little red flower12, and she told me that she and my dad graduated from a famous university, so why couldn't I even add or subtract? But I'm still young. Adults are really devils. They're so terrible!"

The children gathered together to complain about their parents.

Rong Ting was concentrated on the game of Monopoly. Listening with one ear, he said, "Be content with what you have. It's nice to have a mom."

Any children who complained in front of him about the immense stress of studying wouldn't get half an ounce of sympathy from him, not one!

Song Yuan ordered an eight-inch cake from the bakery.

She didn't know why it was, but every time she invited people over to her house, she would want to buy a cake, thinking that it would set an excellent mood.

When she entered the bakery, she happened to spot Rong Heng inside, buying bread. The two could already be considered friends, so naturally they would want to greet each other and have a chat. But Song Yuan still remembered her father's words.

Adults were different from children. When considering becoming friends, one would consider whether their three views were appropriate and whether they were of the same social stratum.

Clearly, she and he were not of the same class.

The two walked out of the bakery at the same time, with Song Yuan holding the cake and Rong Heng holding a bag. Seeing that they seemed to be heading in the same direction, they left together.

"After going back that day, I kept thinking about that time over and over. I was afraid that, because I had lost my memory, I had even forgotten that I had once offended Uncle."

When Rong Heng smiled, he was like a modest gentleman. Song Yuan had felt him to be easy to get along with before; now, after knowing of his background and identity, she had an even better impression of him. It was very rare for a person with this sort of status to still be so gentle and considerate. It was evident that he had an home environment that he was also raised well.

Song Yuan laughed upon hearing his words. "Why? Don't think too much about it."

Rong Heng nodded, smiling. "It's probably because I lost my memories and have no impression of my past friends that I particularly cherish the friendships I have now. Miss Song, I will be returning to B City in two days. The elders are already urging me to return. There is something I need to confess to you; otherwise, I will continue to feel guilty."

He stopped walking.

Song Yuan also stopped. The two of them stood on the sidewalk. He looked at her with a smile in his eyes, and she couldn't help but hold her breath.

She didn't know why, but she felt a bit nervous. What made her more curious was, what was it that he wanted to confess?

After listening to her dad's exposition, she also began to wonder–why would he take the bus, and why would she always run into him?

She didn't know what his purpose was, and she couldn't come up with a guess. If it was out of the sort of love between men and women, then he must be extremely resilient, to still have the time to pursue a woman after narrowly escaping death. She didn't think he was such a person.

"Actually, my family doesn't know that I've lost my memories. I also didn't want to make them worry, so I started talking less. They misunderstood, and they think that I suffered damage to my vocal cords and can't speak. I came to this city to secretly see a doctor. On the day that I met you, I suddenly felt you were familiar, as though I had met you before." Rong Heng laughed at himself. "It's a bit cliche to say this, but I'm telling the truth. I thought, maybe my interactions with you would help me remember the memories I lost. So then I approached you and became friends with you."

Song Yuan was stunned, unable to react.

"Sorry." Rong Heng solemnly apologized to her. "I initially approached you for impure reasons, but as we got along, I felt that you, Miss Song, were truly very good, and I could relax while chatting with you. Now, I truly see you as a friend. If you need any help after arriving in B City, you can give me a call. I'm really very sorry."

It was probably because he was too sincere, but Song Yuan couldn't get angry when she heard him say this.

She felt empathy for the panic caused by a loss in memory. Although she had accepted that Rong Ting was her son and that she had once transmigrated to ancient times, those few dreams she had had were not enough to fill in the blanks. She didn't dare to think too deeply about this; once she did, she would undoubtedly torment herself. The feeling of trying your best to remember, but your mind remained blank, was extremely discomfiting.

Song Yuan smiled at him, revealing a pair of dimples. She said softly: "It's no problem."

Rong Heng was startled, and he hurriedly lowered his head to conceal his true emotions.

The two continued ahead, neither of them speaking.

When they arrived at the entrance of the community, where they were to part ways, Song Yuan waved to Rong Heng. "Bye-bye, Mr. Xie."

Rong Heng stopped. He gazed at her deeply and suddenly asked, "Miss Song, have we really never met before?"

Song Yuan thought about it seriously, then shook her head. "I don't think so."

She was still very confident in her memory, with the exception of her time in the ancient times. She still remembered all of her classmates from elementary school.

She most definitely did not come across a Mr. Xie from the B City's Xie family.

It should be known that their two friend circles and lifestyles didn't overlap, so it was difficult for the two of them to encounter each other. If she had come across someone like him, she definitely would have had an impression.

Rong Heng was clearly disappointed, but he cheered back up and said goodbye to her before turning to leave.

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