Simple Concept . (Frerard Flu...

Bởi SunshineCellabration

41.4K 1.7K 1.2K

Want to have a cringe attack? Read this. One of those really common college fanfics of which the gay couple... Xem Thêm

I'm broke but I'm rich in paintings. No literally I'm drowning in them.
"Paint your flower crown black, you as*hole!"
In which Gerard is a homosexual puddle of feelings.
The Gaydar went crazy when Frank looked at Gee.
Mikey ships Frerard more than me.
Afro with Legs and Pokerface are better matchmakers than Ok-Cupid.
Gerard would look hot in a purple shell bra.
This is a filler but my MCR references make up for it.
The beginning of this chapter might make you Panic!
This Chapter is shorter and gayer than Frank.
This is the Chapter of Cute
Red Flag to Bull is Rainbow Flag to Homophones
Its been a long day but not a long chapter.
Way. More like Why. Why can't I write?
Chapter as long as my D*ck
I'm bored so Frank is going down a trip down meme-ory lane.
Meme-orgy lane pt.2
That was clichè and now you will go go Hell
I don't hate Adam Sandler. You might hate me though. (FINAL)

Frank can't be a Lad. I can't write a Chapter.

1.8K 76 36
Bởi SunshineCellabration

Gerard's POV

As much as I want to wake up with Frank I have classes to attend, and seriously bed-head.
I'm unsure about which one I care about more.
It's only 6:00 when I get up, leaving Frank a note;
"Thanks for last night Frankie, btw- you snore and it's really darn cute. -Gx"
Changing back into my clothes I slipped out of the Iero House and back into my truck.
Side Note: don't leave meaty foods in a truck that isn't yours overnight.
It's smelt like a deli, after the zombie apocalypse.
Driving back to school I was wondering about the Art Teacher:
Was I too sassy last lesson?
I had to set a good example, the girl I helped seemed younger than me. I had to let her know that if you spend too much time inside with paint under your fingernails physical combat isn't probably gonna defend you but snarky comments will.
I pulled up and parked: my friend didn't need the car till tomorrow so I'll leave it here and pray that the meat smell goes away.
"Hey Gerard!"
"Hey Mikes." Hanging around the college on a school day...the boy is scandalous.
"In last nights clothes, eh?"
"Nothing happened. I didn't want anything to."
"So it's Monday. Forgive me if I'm wrong but that's a school day."
"God, you third parent."
"It's like 6:30 on a Monday and you are at my college. Let me wonder."
"Coffee Kristen?"
"Yup. We are meeting and going to school together, she lives close to campus."
"I hate you with a burning passion."
"New OTP."
"Burning. Passion."
"How does it feel?"
"Bad. But you and Frank and brilliant."
"I'm glad you approve."
"He has to come over..."
"Speaking of coming over, look."
Kristen was crossing the road, she wore a loose fitting t-shirt and denim jeans. Approved.
"Go for it." I nudged him, almost hoping he'd fall over. I'm not cruel, I'm just humorous.
"Hey Kristen!" He waved at her and she stepped up to stand with us.
"Hi Mikey!" She went to hug him, her back turned to me I gave Mikey and over-dramatic thumbs up of her shoulder. I'm a good brother.
"Who's this?" She wasn't rude, just inquisitive.
"This is..." He began
"I'm Gerard." I interrupted "The better away brother."
"Who has a boyfriend." Mikey grumbled
"I'll be your gay best friend." I was gonna play that card and see how she reacted.
"Great. I'll get my ugg boots and we can go to Starbucks!" She mocked.
"I like her already Mikey. Be good to her." I said, an adult tone in my voice.
"You be good to me, as*hole." He muttered.
" Michael!"
"Kristen I am so sorry."
"Then leave." Mikey wasn't sour but it could turn so.
"Okay. I've got a class. Don't hook up in Maths. I did once and got detention; ALONE!" I aside and sauntered away.
That was true though, I was kissing a boy in the back of my maths class and the teacher got so mad she sent me to solitary detention, even as a "emo" I liked to talk and it was torture.
Off to Art, with only a few weeks left to the end of semester I think I'd be okay to goof off a little.

<Iero House>
Frank's POV

I was a little sad Gee had gone but I understood.
I don't snore though.
Liar Liar, Pants on fire.
Maybe if his pants were on fire he'd take them off.
I did my best to avoid my father, I did just spend the entire night with a boy even though he was coming to terms with it, I don't think he'd appreciate me flaunting my bed-head and overall gayness.
I had Music Class today, so I could gossip with Ray.
Maybe talk a about his love life for once.
God, I'm so gay. What do 'lads' talk about, football scores? The price of Nike socks? Adidas sandals? I don't know!

<At Iero College>
Frank's POV

"Hey Toro!" I called, waking into the music room with Pansie under my arm.
"Hello Frank" He was tuning his guitar.
"Fro looking good."
"When doesn't it?"
"When you're sad, it droops like a petal."
"Wow. So poetic. Didn't think you had it in you."
" Speaking of things you had in you, how was Gerard?"
" 1- I'm clearly a top, 2- I didn't f*ck him 3- We watched the little mermaid, so it was basically the best date ever."
"The little mermaid, Ha-GAYYYYYY"
"I am gay, moron! I also can't 'lad' I am incapable of being a cool kid."
"You are asking for lessons on being cool from the kid with an Afro."
"Don't. I might be the only guy in this room who cuts their fingernails to play guitar."
"That's sad."
"Yeah. Don't ask me anything using 'lad' slang because my Swag is not off-the-charts radical."
" I really hoped you used those words ironically."
"I did. Point proven though,"
"I did however, do something 'lad' worthy."
"Asked Christa out."
"No Frank!"
"Frank I may not be cool but I could snap you in half like a pencil."
"Ray, I think you are starring at me intimidatingly but I can't see past the fro."
"So, when you going out?"
"Tonight. I don't have anything planned though and I'm a little worried."
"Take her to a drive-in movie. Gee took me and it was great."
"Okay. We can watch a chick flick or something."
"Says the one who spent their night watching Disney."
"Um, f*ck you."
"Let's play?" He held up his guitar,
"I don't know."
"Come on...under the Fro lurks a big brain."
"That wants to play blink-182."
"Ok. Josie?"
"Sure thing."
We played and played, googling chords when we needed to. Ray could really shred on his guitar, it his fingers always move that fast Christa would be a lucky girl.
I want to tell that to Ray but Christa is in the room so I'd best leave her be,
On her trombone.
She really can blow.
These two are just some innuendo making musicians.
Obviously the more jokes you can make about sex the more you two are meant to be.
Gee and I are pretty darn compatible.
I really do love him.
Which is weird cause I haven't known him too long.
F*ck, I've never eve met his parents but I think he's perfect so I don't really care too much about them.
I just really want to be happy with Gerard.
I am, at the moment.
Everything just fits.
Like my dick inside Gerard.
Well, there goes the nice romantic thoughts I was having.

AN: So I'm ecstatic about the amount of reads, thank y'all and I'm sorry this chapter is sh*tty.

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