I Don't think straight! (lesb...

By KaZzIE002

18.3K 140 47

If your up for a stroy about lesbians read this xD lol there will be some action but first there will be some... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

I Don't think straight! (lesbian romance) ...

10.6K 52 16
By KaZzIE002

Please let me know if this is worth going? should i keep writing... please let me know xx


Staring out the bedroom window I wondered whether or not Ronnie had seen the play of lights piercing through the bushes. Either way I hope someone will come along and experience the same sense of wonder.OKAY! Back to reality, If your wondering My name is Kate. I Guess I should Probably describe myself before I go any further, I have short Blonde hair It used to be black but I died it two weeks ago. I am about 5 ft 7 and am what you call average in size, Im not too fat but im not to skinny and Im a lesbian. Im not exactly what you call an ordinary girl;  i always find myself zoning out into my own little world... Where I guess i picture all the things I want to happen Like getting with Ronnie, she is probably the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on.

We used to be close, real close but then I guess we just drifted apart we got to a stage where we would snuggle, kiss each others necks and just talk. But sinse then ive pretty much forgotten about her but I have to admit when I see her I want her to see me but I also try and hide, it's weird what we do when we are in Love.

I only got home last night, I stayed in North Carolina for the winter, It was alright but I have school tomorow, Its getting pretty late.

"Kate! sweety go to bed you have school tomorow" mom shouted

"night mom" i sighed


Glancing at the clock, sighing relieved as for the first time sinse I arrived ide managed to wake up on time, and it wasnt late. Climbing out of my bed, the television blearing in the distance. Leaving the bedroom I spotted Mom, lying on the couch asleep with empty stained wine glasses all around her one still half full with what it lookes to be ewwwww a flyy just floating there that disgusting,  I wish she would stop drinking its like every day shes drunk, I dont think ive seen her soba once in the last 4 years.

Walking back into my room I spotted my uniform and layered each pair of clothing onto my skin, starting with my white bra. Two sizes too small but i cant afford a new one until i get a new job =/ I kinda got fired from my old one, I was 50$ down in my till... ah well I reached for my navy blue skirt, followed by my white shirt and tie and my black sweater to cover this hitious thing they call an outfit, who desides these designs like they must sit there for hours and hours just to come up with this awful thing with awful colours ah well, why am I complaining it's not like Im gunna stand up in front of the school on assmebly and fight for what I believe in.

shit its already 7:11am im gunna miss the bus, moving my hands around in moms bag.. finding 2$ for the bus.. running, I cant be late for my first day back. waving my hand around in the air it drove right past me, god i feel like an idiot, I wonder what there thinking =/ what if they tease me today, ahh i guess im gunna have to walk.


Walking into form is 8:15am everyone is already seated. Oh crap what are they thinking, I look like a dweeb? I paced around the classroom until I found an empty seat, which I cant do because there isnt any.


I glared around looking for where it came from, In the corner what it looks to be a new girl, well im assuming, Ive never seen her face before, maybe shes an exchange student. Or maybe shes been here and ive never seen her, What if shes popular, she might think im weak and plant some huge plot on me to leave the school.

Come over here there is a seat here!

I realised she was talking to me. I was just standing there staring into thin air like a dick as I was day dreaming, Oh uhm yeah okay, I walked over to her table as fast as I could.

Hey Im Gia, Im new here, you seemed pretty cute and you sure do know how to make an enterance I was kinda hoping youd show me around.

uhm ye-e-hh u-hm sur-ree ide love to.. I stuttered as My cheaks began to turn red as tomatos

did she really just call me cute, I thought

she has short black hair but its kinda cut into like molehawk mullet type thing she has big juicy lips to die for, Pale skin.

The most amazing dimples, and wide jaw

Now she  has taken over Ronnie, this is definetly the most beutiful girl I have ever laid eyes on.

are you alright? she said looking perplexed.

uh-u yeha i stuttered once more

I just am well i know uhm uh-h sorry uhmm I just agrrrhh

her eyes lit up and she smiled at my mistakes.

Its just your amazingly beautiful I am shocked that you talked to me

are you gay? she asked

what on earth did she really just ask me that, uhm what do I say, what if when I tell her she freaks out and just finds someone new to talk to. I like her this is love at first site, well what if I lie mm.

uhm no, why? I asked hesitently

oh really, thats a shame cuz I am. She said with a smile like she didnt care who heard it. I wish I was like that, Its just coming out in this school isnt the best thing to do you end up getting picked on and pushed around I dont know it kinda just drives you to leave the school. ............................... Actually I am gay, I said with a frown, Then why did you lie to me,....

I Wasnt sure what you would think of me if you werent. (DING DING DING) It was lunch already.

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