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By sillydestiny

38K 2.2K 145

(๐ถ๐‘Ž๐‘™๐‘’ โ„Ž๐‘’๐‘›๐‘–๐‘ก๐‘ข๐‘ ๐‘’ ๐‘ฅ ๐‘‚๐‘) โ™กโ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘“๐‘’๐‘™๐‘™ ๐‘“๐‘–๐‘Ÿ๐‘ ๐‘ก ๐‘๐‘ข๐‘ก ๐‘ โ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘“๐‘’๐‘™๐‘™ โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘‘๐‘’๐‘Ÿโ™ก ๐ผ๐‘› ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘’๏ฟฝ... More

Chapter 1~โ โ™ช
Chapter 2~โ โ™ช
Chapter 3~โ โ™ช
Chapter 4~โ โ™ช
Chapter 5~โ โ™ช
Chapter 6~โ โ™ช
Chapter 7~โ โ™ช
Chapter 8~โ โ™ช
Chapter 9~โ โ™ช
Chapter 10~โ โ™ช
Chapter 11~โ โ™ช
Chapter 12~โ โ™ช
Chapter 13~โ โ™ช
Chapter 14~โ โ™ช
Chapter 15~โ โ™ช
Chapter 16~โ โ™ช
Chapter 17~โ โ™ช
Chapter 18~โ โ™ช
Chapter 19~โ โ™ช
Chapter 20~โ โ™ช
Chapter 21~โ โ™ช
Chapter 22~โ โ™ช
Chapter 23~โ โ™ช
Chapter 24~โ โ™ช
Chapter 25~โ โ™ช
Chapter 26~โ โ™ช
Chapter 27~โ โ™ช
Chapter 28~โ โ™ช
Chapter 29~โ โ™ช
Chapter 31~โ โ™ช
Chapter 32~โ โ™ช
Chapter 33~โ โ™ช
Chapter 34~โ โ™ช
-โœง*โ .โ A/N*โ .โ โœง-
Chapter 35~โ โ™ช
Chapter 36~โ โ™ช
Chapter 37~โ โ™ช

Chapter 30~โ โ™ช

716 52 2
By sillydestiny

Hello, this chapter primarily focuses on Cale Pov...

Cale's reverberated through the chaotic scene, a plea for help cutting through the tumultuous atmosphere. "Call the priest, hurry!"

In response, voices joined in a chorus of urgency, the desperate calls for aid echoing in the air as the group collectively beckoned the priest to hasten.

Cale's arms wrapped protectively around Athanasia, his embrace a mixture of concern and resolve.

A cascade of emotions surged within him, an overwhelming current threatening to drown his thoughts. Horror and regret coalesced with a fierce determination, all focused on safeguarding Athanasia's fragile existence.

The words tumbled from his lips in a near-whisper, laden with disbelief and desperation. "No... not again. Am I going to lose someone again? Is it always the loved ones who leave me behind? Is this some kind of curse?"

He stared at Athanasia's unconscious form, her weakened state a painful reminder of the fragility of life. "I told you not to do anything dangerous, Athanasia," he murmured under his breath, his voice a mix of reproach and concern.

The others, observing from a distance, remained silent, their eyes fixed on Cale. It was a sight foreign to them, this uncharacteristic display of vulnerability. Cale had always been the stoic figure, but now his emotions were laid bare for all to see.

Zaphyr and the dragon hovered protectively near Athanasia, a silent vigil in the midst of chaos. Zaphyr's panic was palpable as he questioned, "Why?" His eyes never left Athanasia, worried etched into his features.

Rosalyn, too, stood by, her shock giving way to a protective instinct. Her grip on Cale's shoulder tightened, an unspoken gesture of support and solidarity.

Cale's attention snapped to Radika, who floated in the air with a disturbingly jubilant laugh.

Anger simmered beneath Cale's surface, his protective hold on Athanasia growing firmer. Radika's callous amusement only fueled Cale's resolve to shield Athanasia from harm.

Radika's gaze settled on Athanasia,

revealing a chilling revelation. "You... you're the reason not many people died," he stated, a mix of curiosity and malevolence in his tone. He turned his attention to Rosalyn, recognition dawning in his eyes. "And you, I remember you from the Blue Wolf Village," he taunted, relishing the sense of chaos he had sown.

Cale's anger simmered beneath the surface as Radika continued to revel in the chaos he had wrought.

"This is great!" he declared, a malevolent glint in his eyes.

The archers aimed their arrows at Radika, tension thick in the air. Cale's mind raced with a blend of apprehension and determination. Is he crazy? he wondered, his grip on Athanasia tightening. This isn't the time for games.

A plan formed in Cale's mind as he locked eyes with Choi Han. A subtle signal passed between them, a shared understanding of what needed to be done.

Cale's thoughts turned cold, his gaze unyielding as he focused on Radika.

Kill him, Choi Han, in the most painful and cruel way you know.

Arrows were aimed at Radika, each archer taking aim. The tension in the air was palpable, but Radika's maniacal laughter filled the space.

"I'll see you next time!" he declared with a sinister grin before vanishing into thin air, leaving chaos and uncertainty in his wake.

Cale's attention returned to Athanasia, his grip never wavering as he wiped the blood from her mouth. Gently, he stood, lifting her in a bridal hold. His heart pounded with a mixture of worry and determination, his arms cradling her unconscious form protectively.

The king's voice resonated from the stage, urging unity and rest.

The celebration had been marred by turmoil, but there was a promise of continuation at a later time. The priest, having rushed to their side.

Amid the turmoil, the priest arrived, his concern evident as he assessed Athanasia's condition. Cale's voice was strained, his gaze unwavering as he spoke, "Heal her."

The priest's gentle touch ignited a spark of hope within him, the magic weaving through Athanasia's form, dispelling the blood and offering respite.

As the priest's magic took effect, the saint acknowledged the remarkable feats they had witnessed. Athanasia's healing melody and Cale's silver shield had left an indelible impression.

Cale's concern gradually eased as the priest concluded his healing, assuring them that Athanasia merely needed rest to recover.

The collective sigh of relief from the dragon and Zaphyr mirrored Cale's sentiments. With a heavy yet grateful heart, Cale allowed himself a moment of relief, his gaze fixed on Athanasia's resting form.

Cale's gaze shifted to Alberu, who approached with a blend of concern and curiosity. Cale's voice was a mixture of exhaustion and gratitude as he addressed the priest.

"Then it seems you've witnessed an ancient power for the first time."

As Alberu's hand settled on Cale's shoulder, the weight of the moment was palpable. Cale and the priest offered a respectful bow, acknowledging Alberu's presence

"Your Highness," Cale and the priest addressed Alberu in unison, their voices respectful.

Alberu's gaze lingered on Cale and Athanasia

"Young Master Cale, and Young Lady Athanasia..." His voice trailed off as his eyes remained fixed on Athanasia, who rested in Cale's arms.

The unexpected hug from Alberu took Cale

In a soft whisper meant only for Cale's ears, Alberu added, "Young Master Cale, Young Lady Athanasia... aren't we similar?"

Cale's gaze remained fixed on Athanasia, her unconscious form cradled in his arms s. His voice, barely above a murmur,

held an acknowledgment of their connection. "Yeah... we are."

Alberu continued, his voice a hushed whisper, "I'll ensure that any nuisances are dealt with and that you and Lady Athanasia are properly rewarded. What do you say?" The offer hung in the air,

Cale's hand lightly patted Alberu's back, a gesture of both gratitude and smile. "You overpraise us, Your Highness. My fiancée and I were merely doing what needed to be done," he humbly deflected, his commitment to protecting Athanasia unwavering.

The dragon and Zaphyr's curious observations floated through his mind, a testament to the unique bond he shared with them. Humans are strange, they remarked a sentiment that Cale couldn't help but acknowledge.

Cale's mind shifted to Athanasia, his worry etched into his features. She's so stubborn, he thought,

a mixture of pride and concern washing over him. She doesn't listen to my warnings... but I'm proud of her. He clenched his free hand, the internal conflict reflecting his desire to protect her while also acknowledging her strength.

Alberu eventually broke the hug, stepping back.

-After that-

The royal carriage continued its journey, the soothing rhythm of the wheels against the cobblestones a backdrop

Alberu's smile remained as he addressed Cale

After you and Lady Athanasia have recovered, you deserve such an honor from today forth."

Cale's response was both humble and considerate, his voice soft but determined. "That's alright, Your Highness. How could I possibly go before you? I couldn't do such a thing."

Amidst the exchange, the dragon and Zaphyr's humorous inquiry floated through Cale's mind.

Is your head okay, human? Cale chose to withhold a response, allowing the remark to linger in the realm of their internal banter.

Alberu's next words carried a sincere sentiment. "No, no. This is my way of showing you and your fiancée my admiration."

Cale's reply was marked by a mixture of gratitude and humility. "Then, this lowly self will climb aboard first," he stated, his gaze briefly drifting to the others in the carriage.

His attention turned to Venion, who radiated fury,

and Neo, who remained in the background. How can they have such power? Venion's thoughts reflected his disbelief and envy, a stark contrast to Cale's measured demeanor.

As the carriage continued its journey, Cale's focus shifted to his surroundings. I could take care of one of his evil minions, he thought, a subtle plan forming in his mind.

Alberu's words to the butler were a clear indication of his intentions. "Treat the lady over there as a VIP," he instructed, referring to Rosalyn.

With a final glance at the window. Cale thought

and i dont need to worry since rosalyn is reliable

As Cale continued to pat Athanasia's head

Alberu's voice broke the quietude. "Do you and your fiancée need any treatment?"

Cale's hand stilled, his gaze shifting to Alberu. He replied with a mixture of concern and consideration. "I am healthy,

but my fiancée is not. She's still unconscious. Shouldn't we have the best doctors and priests check on both of us?"

His gaze returned to Athanasia, a soft expression of worry etched on his features. "I want to be lazy and take care of my fiancée for around three days," he added

Alberu's response Hah "That's good. There are still some nobles who are injured, but thanks to Lady Athanasia, many people were spared from suffering. Those who aided in the rescue received the best treatment from the Crown Prince."

Cale nodded in agreement, a sense of satisfaction settling over him. "This is great."

Alberu's tone shifted, a note of seriousness entering the conversation. "The royal family might try to investigate you and your fiancée for no reason at all."

Cale's gaze met Alberu's, his concern evident but his trust resolute. "Your Highness, you'll protect us, won't you?"

Alberu's response was almost incredulous, his hand pulling back the curtains of the carriage. "Why do you ask such an obvious question?"

He waved to the people outside, a symbolic gesture of their alliance.

"Let's finish this conversation when I come to check on you and your fiancée's recovery," he said, his tone carrying a sense of finality.

Cale's request carried a touch of humility as he voiced his desire to avoid unnecessary attention. "My fiancée and I would prefer it if you didn't exaggerate our deeds when you announce them later," he expressed, his tone gentle yet firm.

Cale's thoughts reflected his desire for modesty and privacy. We don't want too much attention, he considered, his stance unwavering.

Continuing, Cale elaborated on his request. "A small announcement will suffice. Just enough to prevent any complaints about the royal family."

Alberu's gratitude was palpable as he acknowledged their contributions. "Anyway, thank you.

The number of casualties was significantly reduced thanks to you and your fiancée," he remarked, his voice tinged with genuine appreciation.

Cale's gaze shifted to the unconscious Athanasia in his arms, a mix of concern and affection etched on his features.

His inner thoughts conveyed his uncertainty about Alberu's intentions. "I don't even know if he's trustworthy or not, let alone whether he's human," he contemplated, a hint of wariness in his assessment.

With a nod of agreement, Cale responded to Alberu's comment about the rewards. "Yes, we are indeed looking forward to the rewards,"

Alberu's sigh carried a mixture of resignation and amusement, his emotions transparent. "...Ha," he exhaled,

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