Osea in our world

By nacolitomahawk

21.5K 804 293

A few days prior to the attack of Kingdom of Erusia on the Osean Federation, the entire Osea was gone in an e... More

Chaotic Morning
Carrier Strike Group
Angel Birds
First Impression
Chinese Encounter
Pacific Tensions
Gathering of Aces-Act 1
Unplanned Battle
Battle of South Japan Sea(I)
Battle of South Japan Sea(II)
New Approach
Su-47L Berkut
Secret Weapons
Surprise Attack
Open fire!
First Strike
Sword of Justice
Golden Eagle
Big stick diplomatic
Peaceful day
Sky of Felon
Zone of Endless
Yellow Terminators
Preparation stage
Coastal city(I)
Coastal city(II)
Coastal city(III)
After the battle
Marine Destruction
Snow Rainy Day
Wall Breaker(I)
Wall Breaker(II)
Joint Operation
Experimental Unit
Mach 3.5
White Wings Angel
Flickering Nation
Economic Crisis
(Side story)-Escape from Vladivostok
Osean Coup d'etat
The Song of Sirens(I)
The Song of Sirens(II)
Capturing Oured
At Other Sides
uNGreeted Aerial Dominator
Above a War
Belkan Impression
Osean War
Global Shift
To Belka
Europe Air War
Battle of the High Sea(I)
Battle of the High Sea(II)
Before the Journey
Our relationship(I)
Our relationship(II)
Defensive Plan
Russian Reconquest
New home, friends & foes
A night over Rome
Cold War
Battle of Continental Europe
Burning Skies
Quod Lux Romae
Total Encirclement
Temptation of Heat
Closer to the frontline
Lightning Strikes
Airborne Spectator

War declaration

444 15 12
By nacolitomahawk


The first shipment from Osean Federation has finally arrived after a week sailing across the ocean.The giant cargo ship anchored near the coastline of the formed base,from there,the equipments would be deliver to land by several smaller ship.Include the 297th aircrafts,X-02S Wywern.

On the current temporary base,three flags has been hailed on the poles:Osea,US and Japan,the runway has been fully recovered.After a joint operation between the PSTO,the base has been gone partly active again,planned to be even bigger than before.Standing on the runway side watching the sea,Long Caster exhale,talking to Blaze:

"You was honored to be the first person to fly the X-02S,right when you were recovered,sorry.We are going to be busy soon,even a war might happen,I guess.If not,they won't send such overpowered experimental aircraft for us,who will be the victim of those planes?"

"The Chinese will be,I'm quite certain"-Blaze answered-"The transportation has just occurred two and half month ago,yet Osea has been dragged to so much problem,I guess luck do not favor our country,they are so unlucky that we were force to fly Wywern in just a week of practice on simulation"


On the hall of the newly built dorm,a girl with silver hair gazing at the new come ship,she noticed the huge cargoes being put on a smaller ship,on its side painted a sentence:Grunder Industries.It must be their new aircrafts,even the Japanese and American acknowledged this,they run to the coast to get a closer look,but the things inside still is a mystery for all of them.


Trigger came to her side,he also saw the cargoes,but his reaction was less exciting than anyone,instead,he took more notice of the short silver hair next to him.

"Your hair was cut,that look weirder than I expected,it's a pity,that long hair must be several years old"

"We will fly a lot soon,I should have cut my hair a long time ago"

"Still a pity,but it's fine if you chosen it"-Trigger went away,right when he realized that the first shipment has been landed on the base.The containment was surrounded by numerous of American and Japanese awaiting for it to be open,the Osean mechanic soon arrived,they pull out the lock and open the doors,reveal the Wyvern to the otherworlder.

The plane was pulled out from the dark,it immediately steal the look of everyone:a strange pod underneath the plane,V shape tail and front horizontal stabilizer,weird shape air intake,...But all lead to one conclusion:the X-02S Wyvern is futuristic.A mechanic can't resist but touching the fuselage of the plane,follow by the others,until Long Caster told them to stay to the side.

"Alright,time to test,all of you has been taught to fly a plane,and this plane is very simple,if you can take off and landing a F-22,this wouldn't be a problem,Blaze!Come here"

From the crowd,Blaze came out,made his way to the new aircraft,the Wyvern was refueled,and rolled its wheel to the runway.

"Just like the simulation we has practiced,take it easy,this is just like the Raptor"

Right when the signal confirm that he can take off,the wheels accelerated fast on the runway,in a dozen second,the wings of the X-02 lift the aircraft off the ground,soaring its loud engines to the sky,the plane arc up,punch through the white cloud and fall down to the eyes range.The Wyvern turn several rolls,flip its body under the eyes of many pilots,mechanic,and even civilians from the city nearby.

"How maneuverable!Even Su-57 can't match that ability!"

"The wings can fold backward too!"

The crowd was distracted,they didn't realize that the second aircraft had made its way to the sky,the fighter flying by Trigger soon joined with Blaze's fighter,pointing its nose to the water below.


Trigger fired the EML pod under his plane,the railgun shot sliced the sky into two halves by a white light,followed by a thunderous noise,the shell landed on the sea,causing a column of water to be lifted off,which could be seen from the base.

"An energy weapon,coil- no,a railgun!On a plane!"

The 297th squadrons take off one by one,they fly one circle around the city for the performance before landing back.

"This one is good"-Mobius smiles-"The maneuver is well made I must say"

I must admit this,I'm in love with this aircraft"-Maiden said after he casually pulled a flip in the air.

"Alright,let get those girls decorated"

The American bring out several paint bucket from the storage,along with brush.They all join together,draw whatever the aircraft's owner want.Soon,the floor has become mess,as the paint fly anytime someone swing their arm,which usually cause a small paint war.But the aircrafts insignia was finished at last:A whitehawk with black eye carrying a missile,with a ribbon saying "297th" on its beak.This logo will be the official insignia for the squadron from now on.They began to tidy up the place and put the aircrafts back to the hangar,where everyone could visit after the work.

Several day later

"The headquarter has informed us about the information they got from the spy"-Long Caster turn on the projector-"The organization we faced is the Japanese Free Worker Movement,or JFWM for short,their goals is to replace the current Japanese government with a communist government,they were funded by the CCP to operate."

"Which would mean we will attack a group backed by the Chinese,they won't be happy about it"-he continue-"But they can't just tell the world that they fund for a rebellion group,we are lucky with that.That's the side part,the main mission will be destroy a submarine,the HQ of the organization,near the Chinese coastline,the sub can't even fight back,just don't violate Chinese water,so this mission is easy,you should enjoy this as a cakewalk,now go"

The nine aircrafts take off,from higher up,pilots could even see a crown waving for them from the runway,cheering the X-02S to take the maiden mission,the 297th quickly accelerates to the East Chinese Sea on the aircraft awaiting to fire,and a submarine waiting to be sunk.

2 hour later

<<I caught a radio signal on radar,match the military purpose submarine the JFWM use,confirmed>>-Long Caster announce-<<The submarine at 20km away,at -20m,ready to fire>>

From the belly,the Wyverns release the EML shot,piercing through the seafloor.The shell slowly sinking into the deep.


The submarine was hit by a shot from the aircrafts,it was forced to surface,the kinetic energy was reduced by water,but the hit still damaging the hull.Upon seeing that,the 297th can't hesitate but begin the slaughter,knowing that nothing can stop them.Just a moment before anyone could fire,Mobius warning was heard across the communication line:

<<Incoming missiles,all aircraft,separate!>>

Before Long Caster could notice,several very small dots had approached them at Mach 2,they were able to fire missiles at the diving airfleet.Luckily,Mobius had noticed,the squadron flared and split into four.

<<What are those ridiculous aircrafts?I have never seen that>>-Grimm open the radio

<<The J-20 from China,the mechanics warned me about it"-Blaze answered,he pointed his EML at the enemy-<<Whatever,they are bandits now,and he said this mission is easy,damn you Long Caster,we can intercept,fire!>>

The shot from Blaze took the live of a J-20 pilot,the shell just ram into the plane,blow it into millions pieces,and nothing more,letting Cipher and Pixy take care of the sub,the rest turn the nose to the flying enemies.The skies was cut many times by the railgun,the J-20 can't do nothing but try to dodge the incoming shells,which practically useless,they just get shot down later than a bit.The blue canva was filled with orange flash,the wind was bend by explosions,even the scream of the pilots can't be heard,all bring the fear to anyone witness.

"The Osean...again..."

The captain of the submarine helplessly look at the massacre on the sky,he jumped out of the ship before it sank,as two aircrafts's shell enter the submarine one by one,punching holes like it was cardboard,he finally realized that they have no hope against the Osean,even the mighty Chinese are no match.He sit back at the float,put all his hope at the rescue team.The submarine raise its nose again before disappear into the dark forever.

<<Mission accomplished,RTB>>

<<Well done,good job Pixy,you actually sunk the ship in less than two minutes>>

<<No problem,thank to Mobius too,she saved us twice.Hey,Trigger,remember to bought her some flower>>


The Wyverns turn their wings away,from a few hundred miles away,a hot meal and blankets is waiting for them to come back.

Oured,Osean Federation

"The Chinese chairman want to meet you online"-the secretary of Ander told him-"It's about the mission our force conducted two days ago"

Ander lean his back to the chair,he's already aware of this when the mission was first suggested.But he didn't stop the mission.Actually,Ander hoped to have a proper conversation with the Chinese chairman after this,even if it divide the relationship of the two countries harder,it is still clear that he must make a red line for the China in the Pacific,directly to their leader.It's also a way to point out that Osea do not fear of China,and ready to retaliate if needed.After all,the ship wasn't belong to any nation,as the spy confessed,beside,the water where it occurred is international sea,the China have no proof to bring Osea out as the criminal.Knowing this,he opened the computer his secretary given to,enter the code,the meeting finally held between two nations.

"Good morning,I am the chairman of CCP,I assumed that you're aware of our situation"

"Good morning,I am Robert Ander,president of the Osean Federation.I know our problems here,and I would like you to think of the limit of your country intervention,the JFWM is a huge needle pointing at our influence"

"The Japanese?They are just pawns,our intention is use them to increase our reach in the region,and weaken your ability.And the submarine was a perfect excuse for the world to support us against Osea."

Ander was surprised by the sudden confession of the Chinese chairman,he didn't expect that they would expose their plan that soon.Right when a neuron in his mind caught the words "submarine" and "excuse",he realized something and slammed at the table.

"That mean China wants to declare war against the Osean Federation?Via the sunken submarine?"

"Yes,the last mission included the sinking of an attack submarine within our declared water,we sent two squadron of J-20 to rescue,yet the Osean fighter shot down all,the ship was on the list as a PLAN ship,your country violated the sea territory rule,we've send a video to the United Nation.The world is on our side now,see you at the trial"

Then,the Chinese turned off the meeting in front of the surprised president.

"Johnson,the spy lied,he just lied once"-Ander call at the phone beside him-"Active both Arsenal Birds at war state,push the recovery of Aigaion faster,ready the military,we're going to war"

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