The Omnitrix Wielder: Arsenal...

By Logan2465

29.7K 774 336

This story would be what would happen if Ben existed in the Justice League animated series. (I take no credit... More

Bio/Info (Updated)
S1 Ep 1: Secret Origins Part 1
S1 Ep 2: Secret Origins Part 2
S1 Ep 3: Secret Origins Part 3
S1, Ep 5: In Blackest Night Part 2
An Unexpected Friend
S1, Ep 6: The Enemy Below Part 1
S1, Ep 7: The Enemy Below Part 2
The Origin
S1, Ep 8: Paradise Lost Part 1
S1, Ep 9: Paradise Lost Part 2
S1, Ep 10: War World Part 1
S1, Ep 11: War World Part 2
S1, Ep 12: The Brave and the Bold Part 1
S1, Ep 13: The Brave and the Bold Part 2
S1, Ep 14: Fury Part 1

S1, Ep 4: In Blackest Night Part 1

2.2K 58 30
By Logan2465

We open up to an alien planet. We see a large building in the middle of the city. Inside said building, many people are arguing over something. An orange lizard man with a horn on his head, and two smaller horn on the lower parts of both cheeks.

Lizard Man 1: "Order! Order! We will have order!"

Despite his shouts, the room continues to shout at each other. Numerous alien species are arguing over something. Then, the giant screen in the middle of the room lights up. A voice also emits from the screen.

???: "Silence!" This silences the room immediately, and everyone stands up. "This high tribunal is now convened."

A pale face with yellow eyes appears on the screen, and two more do as well. Two of them are male, and the other is female.

Judge 1: "Never before have so many put aside their differences, and come together in pursuit of a single goal."

F. Judge: "But never before has there been a crime so heinous, so vast that it had the power to unite us in grief and revulsion."

Everyone sits down as the voices continue to speak.

Judge 2: "We are gathered here to seek justice."

We see beige colored alien, with blue things on the sides of it's head, wearing white clothing with black accents and a blue gem on it's midsection. It also hands red eyes, with it's sclera completely black. He presses a few buttons on the podium he's on, and it floats up to the screen, right in front of the three faces.

Judge 1: "Where is the accused?"

Podium Alien: "Unfortunately, he is still at large."

The three faces look at each other for a moment, before looking forward.

Judge 1: "Manhunters, step forward."

Several large robots then step forward, marching while holding a small metal stick in their right hands. Their footsteps make loud thumping sounds as they approach the base of the screen.

Judge 2: "This is no ordinary criminal. Finding him and bringing him back will almost certainly involve great peril. Are you prepared for that?"

Lead Manhunter: "No man escapes the Manhunters."

They all then start speaking at the same time.

Manhunters: "No man escapes the Manhunters."

Lead Manhunter: "Show us an image of the accused."

Podium Alien: "He's a native of the planet Earth." He presses a button, making a hologram appear in the center of the room, which shows Green Lantern. "The Green Lantern known as John Stewart."


We cut to Earth, in the middle of the city. Walking down one of it's streets is John, who is currently wearing sunglasses and a black leather jacket.

He walks by a diner, who are all watching a basketball team called the "Marauders" play. They begin to cheer very loudly when the team scores yet again. In fact, the whole diner is cheering.

John continues to walk down the street, passing several people and stores. He eventually reaches a convenience store, where the store owner is being robbed. When John sees what's happening, he hides beside the door, out of sight.

Thief: "Come on, come on!" He says while pointing a gun at the owner.

The store owner sets down some cash, and the thief takes it, before running out of the store. He doesn't see John, who is now standing in the middle of the sidewalk, as he runs out and jumps into his car. As the thief drives off, John gets into the middle of the road. The thief looks in his rear-view mirror confused. That is when John sticks out his right arm and shoots a beam of green light from his ring. This stops the thief's car in its tracks.

The thief tries to escape, but John's beam wrapped around the tire, so the car can't move. The beam then envelops around the car and John slams it against the ground a few times. John let's go of the car as the thief falls out of it, in a daze. John then envelops the thief in a bubble and lifts him over the store owner as he came out of the store.

John then starts shaking the man, making it fall slowly to the store owner, who catches all the money with his apron. John then drops the thief in front of the store owner, leaving the thief to groan in pain. John then continues to walk down the street, the store owner watching as he does, before going back inside.

John walks by a basketball court as a boy's ball rolls in front of him.

Boy: "Yo, a little help? Over here!"

John then attempts to shoot the basketball into the hoop, but it bounces off the rim. The boy gives him an aggravated look, before going to get his ball. John stands there, when an older man greets him.

???: "Time was, you could make that shot with your eyes closed."

John smiles as he recognizes the man.

John: "Mr. McGee?"

Al: "You're not in my history class anymore, John." He approaches John and shakes his hand. "Call me Al."

John: "Guess my game's a little rusty."

Al: "Well, Chris can give you some pointers." The boy from earlier stands next to Al. "He's my grandson."

John: "Grandson?"

Al: "You've been away a long time, John."

The three start walking together, Al resting his hand on Chris's shoulder, and his other hand on John's.

John: "Maybe too long."

As the three walk together, we zoom out to the Watchtower in all of it's glory. We then zoom in on the Watchtower to see what's going on inside. There, we see Hawkgirl and Greymatter working on some machinery while Flash watches while eating.

(Only image of AF Greymatter I could find.)

Flash: "Back on Thanagar, you were a cop, huh?"

Hawkgirl: "Detective."

Flash: "What's it like there?"

Hawkgirl: "The same as anywhere I suppose." She puts the panel back on the machine after she and Greymatter fixed something. "There are criminals, and we catch them."

Greymatter hops onto her shoulder and sits down.

Greymatter: "Yeah, except your home planet's average criminals are much harder to deal with than our planet's average criminals."

Hawkgirl: "That is true."

Flash: "And what about when you're not catching criminals? When you're not working?"

Hawkgirl: "What about it?"

Flash: "Well, is there a...Hawkboy?"

Hawkgirl just smiles while Greymatter quietly snickers. Hawkgirl then flies up and lands next to J'onn, who just entered the room a few moments ago.

Hawkgirl: "We'll be doing some maintenance."

She then starts walking to the elevator with Greymatter still on her shoulder. Flash runs next to J'onn as he watches Hawkgirl leave. J'onn just sorta stares at Flash for a bit.

Flash: "What? Don't you ever get lonely?"

J'onn: "More than you could imagine."

Flash: "Sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Before he could finish apologizing to J'onn, an alarm blares around the Watchtower. J'onn quickly walks over to one of the windows, with Flash close behind.

J'onn: "It's an incursion."

They see three Manhunters fly past the Watchtower and towards Earth.

Flash: "More like an invasion."

J'onn: "I'll notify the others."

J'onn and Flash leave to tell everyone about the "invasion".


The Javelin that they use fires up, and prepares to fly out of the Watchtower. Inside of it are Hawkgirl, Flash, J'onn, and Arsenal, who is now Frankenstrike. Hawkgirl and J'onn are at the pilot's seats, while Flash and Frankenstrike are in the passenger seats.

J'onn: "Wonder Woman is on another case, Superman's dealing with an earthquake, and would only say that he's busy."

Hawkgirl & Frankenstrike: "Typical."

J'onn and Hawkgirl prepare the jet for flight, pressing several controls.

Flash: "What about G.L.?"

J'onn: "I couldn't reach him."

Frankenstrike: "That's pretty odd for him. He always answers when we try to contact him."

The jet the flies out of the Watchtower and down towards Earth.


Back down at Earth, we see Al, John, and Chris inside of a Barber Shop. Chris is getting ready for a haircut, with the barber tying barber cape around his neck.

Chris: "And really short, practically shaved here." He says while pointing at the back of his head. "But-But more on top, like his." He points at John.

Al: "The usual."

Chris: "Aww." The barber starts shaving his hair.

John: "Looks like you got your hands full."

Al: "He's smart, impatient, headstrong." He turns towards John. "Sort of reminds me of you."

John's face shifts to one of guilt, and he turns away from Al.

John: "I hope not."

Al: "John, you still got friends here, man. Real friends. What's bothering you?"

John looks at him, not sure how to respond to Al's question.


A man is sitting on a bench somewhere else in the city, shivering and cold. He breaths on his hands to warm them up, when suddenly, the three Manhunters land in the road in front of him. They leave the man dumbfounded as the Manhunters start marching down the street. Several people are scared of these robots, and they run in fear. The Manhunters continue to march down the street, until J'onn stops them.

J'onn: "Stop."

J'onn lands in front of the Manhunters, after carrying Frankenstrike down. Hawkgirl does the same with Flash before landing herself.

J'onn: "What do you want here?"

Lead Manhunter: "J'onn Stewart, the Green Lantern."

Flash: "What for?"

Lead Manhunter: "That's not your concern."

Hawkgirl readies her mace and approaches the Manhunter with Lodestar.

Frankenstrike: "He's our friend, so it is our concern tin man."

The Manhunter tries to grab Hawkgirl, but she ducks to avoid it. Hawkgirl then tries to swipe at the Manhunter with her mace, but the Manhunter grabs the handle of the mace and throws Hawkgirl away. Flash quickly runs across the cars in the road and catches Hawkgirl before she could fall.

Flash: "Aren't you gonna thank me?"

Hawkgirl: "Down, boy."

Hawkgirl flies out of Flash's arms and flies back towards the Manhunters. Flash also runs back towards them. At the same time, J'onn tries to tackle on of the Manhunters, but is shocked by it's stick, and he falls and rolls across the road before stopping. J'onn gets back up and glares back at the Manhunter.

The Manhunter then extends the stick into a staff, and then adjusts a dial on the staff, then activating the shock again. J'onn tries to tackle it again, but is shocked by the staff and is launched through the window of someone's apartment, where a little boy is playing a game. J'onn is currently unconscious.

While that was happening, Frankenstrike was facing off against one of the Manhunters. The Manhunter tries to shock Frankenstrike, but he is unaffected by it. Frankenstrike then punches the Manhunter in the face, sending it flying into a wall. Then another Manhunter lifts up Frankenstrike, then throws him at a car, causing it to explode.

The Manhunter that flew into a wall recovers and the Manhunters then resume their march, but are interrupted when Hawkgirl hits one of them in the back of the head, knocking it down to the ground. Another Manhunter clashes with Hawkgirl, before blasting her, which sends her through a glass window into the diner. She is also sent through the wall of the diner. People crowd around her to see if she's okay, and when she gets back up, she is growling like a feral animal.

Flash then attempts to charge at the Manhunters, but one of them scans him and sticks out its staff, which Flash hits. This causes him to flip in the air a couple of time, before rolling into a car and denting it, causing a lot of pain for the speedster. The Manhunters continue their march once more as Hawkgirl exits the diner, Frankenstrike gets up from the car exploding, and Flash rubs his head in pain.

Flash: "Why do I feel like a hockey puck?"

Hawkgirl then flies off towards the Manhunters, with Frankenstrike following close behind. Hawkgirl tries to get the jump on them, but one of the Manhunters catches her with its staff and shocks her. It then slams her into the roof of a car and raises its staff, preparing to shock her.

Superman: "Back off!"

Superman catches the Manhunter off guard and flies it into a wall. Superman prepares to punch it, but is shocked from behind by another Manhunter. Superman turns around and starts approaching the Manhunter, which starts shooting a blast of electricity at Superman. Superman struggles against the blast, but pushes against the blast and continues to approach the Manhunter.

But before Superman can reach the Manhunter, Frankenstrike throws a car at it with his electromagnetism, which explodes on contact. When the smoke clears, showing the Manhunter is okay, Frankenstrike quickly charges at the Manhunter and punches it with electricity charged fists. This makes the machine dazed. Frankenstrike then picks up the Manhunter and throws it at the other Manhunter that was hit into a wall. This knocks them both down.

Frankenstrike: "We thought you were still busy with that earthquake. What happened?"

Superman: "It was just a 4.0. You mind telling me what's going on here?"

Frankenstrike: "I wish I-."

Both Superman and Frankenstrike are shocked by one of the Manhunter's staff. Frankenstrike isn't affected too much, and is just annoyed. Superman, however is unconscious.

Frankenstrike: "Okay, that's it!" He charges up the electricity in his coils. "You ready for 100,000 watts of electricity!?"

The Manhunter doesn't answer, and charges up it's staff, preparing to shoot. But, what it doesn't know, is that J'onn has recovered. J'onn then lands on top of the Manhunter, crushing it into the car, which explodes. Luckily, J'onn is able to jump away from the wreckage before it could harm him. Frankenstrike stops charging his attack and approaches J'onn.

Frankenstrike: "Nice job J'onn."

That is when the Manhunter rises up, raising the car above it's head. Neither Frankenstrike or J'onn notice at first.

Flash: "J'onn, look out!"

J'onn then turns around, just before the Manhunter threw the car. Flash is able to get J'onn out of the way, and Frankenstrike catches the car. But this also drags Frankenstrike across the street, until he got a little too close to a gas station. The car explodes again, causing the gas pumps to explode as well.


From inside the barber shop, everyone in the building heard the explosion. It causes the whole building to shake as well. Everyone quickly stands up from their seats.

Al: "What's with that?"

John: "Stay here."

He backs away from Al, and activates his ring. This covers John in a green glow, which transforms his clothes into his Green Lantern uniform. Everyone is shocked, and Green Lantern quickly flies out of the building, towards the explosion.

Chris: "Awesome! Could he do that in high school?"


We cut back to the now destroyed, and on fire, gas station where the heroes stand across from the Manhunters. Two of the Manhunters points their staffs at the heroes, and Superman prepares his heat vision. As the beams are shot off, they are both blocked by a green shield, which came from Green Lantern.

Green Lantern: "Stop!"

Everyone, including the Manhunters, turn to look at Green Lantern as he flies down and lands on the ground. He also disperses the green shield.

Flash: "Better late than never."

Green Lantern ignites Flash, and walks right to the Manhunters, surprising everyone.

Frankenstrike: "Uh, G.L.? What are you doing?"

Green Lantern ignores Frankenstrike as well, as he starts conversing with the Manhunters.

Lead Manhunter: "You are the Green Lantern known as John Stewart?"

Green Lantern: "I am."

Manhunter holds out it's left hand.

Lead Manhunter: "Your ring."

Green Lantern looks at the Manhunter, before looking down at his ring. John then puts his hand up, and slips the ring off of his finger, before handing it over to the Manhunter.

Superman: "John?"

Flash: "What are you doing?"

John: "Stay out of this."

Lead Manhunter: "You will come with us."

The two other Manhunters place shackles on John's arms, restraining him. Then, a yellow pillar of light surrounds John and the Manhunters. The heroes watch as John and the Manhunters are beamed away from Earth. The heroes look at each other in confusion, but Frankenstrike looks up at the sky with his arms crossed, a serious look on his face.

Frankenstrike: 'Why did he give them his power ring? What the hell is going on?'


Back at the planet where the court proceeding is taking place, John and the Manhunters come out of the ship that brought them there. There are hundreds of thousands of aliens there, yelling at John. Some are even holding signs that have the Green Lantern symbol, with the not allowed symbol over it.

Lead Manhunter: "Welcome to Adjouris 5, John Stewart. Don't expect your stay to be a pleasant one."

John stares out at the crowd, before getting on a floating platform with the Manhunters.


At Oa, a little over a dozen guardians are watching as John is transported above the crowd. They are in a circular room, and are watching a globe-like screen.

Guardian 1: "What now?"

Guardian 2: "With any luck, this matter won't require our attention."

Guardian 1: "And if it does?"

Guardian 2: "I don't need to tell you how much we've gained because of the corps' diversity, but sometimes it forces us to make sacrifices."

They all continue to watch the screen.


We return back to Adjouris 5, where John is still being transported. Then, a person from the crowd throws a fruit at John, which splashes across his face. He wipes off the juice as he finally reaches the base of the court building. There, waiting for them, are five other Green Lanterns.

Arkkis, Kilowog, Larvox, Tomar-Tu, and Galius. (Left to Right)

John: "Galius, Arkkis, Kilowog, good to see you."

Arkkis: "I wish I could say the same, Stewart."

Arkkis crosses his arms and turns away from John. Galius then floats up to John's height.

Galius: "You are a disgrace to the corps."

John is shocked, but his shock quickly turns to anger.

John: "Get me out of here."

The Manhunters oblige and start taking him to the holding cells. As they walk by, one of the Manhunters bumps Arkkis's arm.

Arkkis: "Hey!" He looks at the robot, before turning around and rubbing his arm. "Stupid robot."

The Manhunter hears that, and turns around, readying it's staff. It is stopped when the Lead Manhunter grabs its shoulder.

Lead Manhunter: "No. Not yet."

The two Manhunters continue to escort John to the holding cells.


At the holding cells, several aliens of varying species are inside force fields in the shape of cylinders. John stands where the Manhunter tells him to, and the Manhunter uses his staff to activate another force field around him.

John: "What's next?"

Lead Manhunter: "Your trial begins soon." He retracts his staff. "If I'd been programmed with emotions, I would almost feel sorry for you."

As the Manhunter leaves, John looks up into the sky, where he sees a lot of debris floating. A look of guilt plagues his face, and he closes his eyes and looks down at the ground, waiting for his trial to begin.


Back at the Watchtower, the heroes have regrouped while J'onn is using his powers to locate John. After a few minutes, he is able to find a clue as to where John is.

J'onn: "I sense turmoil, a heavy heart."

Flash: "I could've told you that."

J'onn: "I see stars."

Superman: "But which stars?"

Frankenstrike: "Yeah. Which of the infinite amount of stars there are in the universe, is John looking at right now?"

Frankenstrike walks over to a panel, and presses a few buttons. This activates a hologram in the middle of the room, which shows a map of several galaxies. Everyone gathers around, and J'onn points at one particular spot.

J'onn: "There." Frankenstrike presses a few more buttons, and the hologram displays "Adjouris 5". "That's where he is."


The heroes are now flying The Javelin down to Adjouris 5, with Superman and Hawkgirl in the pilots seats.

Hawkgirl: "Why would he give them his ring? It doesn't make any sense."

Frankenstrike: "That's what I've been wondering." He scratches his chin. "A Green Lantern's ring is said to be one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. So why would he give it away willingly?"

Superman: "John's a strange one, that's for sure."

Hawkgirl: "I'm beginning to think all you humans are." She suddenly realizes that Superman isn't human. "Sorry."

Superman: "It's alright. I take it as a compliment." He presses a few buttons on the controls. "Initiate landing procedure."

The Javelin is suddenly blasted as it reaches the city John is being held in. Four small ships fly past him, before quickly turning around and flying right at them, resuming their assault.

Flash: "They're not responding to our signal."

Hawkgirl: "It's clear what they want." She activates the weapons system. "I say we give it to them."

Superman: "No." He grabs her arm, stopping her from firing. "We're not here to start a war."

Frankenstrike hits the Omnitrix, transforming into Ampfibian as he and the other flying heroes start exiting the Javelin.

Ampfibian: "Flash, take the controls."

Flash looks shocked as the heroes exit the Javelin. He quickly takes the controls as the other heroes exit the Javelin start fighting outside.

Superman flies at one, and it shoots at him. Superman then uses his heat vision to shoot out the weapons, rendering the ship defenseless. Superman then flies to the back of the ship and kicks down on it, destroying the engine and forcing the ship to land.

J'onn flies in front of one of the ships and goes intangible. The ship flies at him and tries to blast him, but the shots go right through J'onn. The ship then hits J'onn, but J'onn goes right through it. He then goes back to being tangible at the last moment, making the back of the ship break apart.

Ampfibian is dodging and weaving from the blasts. He approaches the ship and uses his electrical powers to absorb most of the ships's energy. This forces the ship to make an early landing due to lack of power. Ampfibian then watches as Hawkgirl deals with hers.

Hawkgirl flies in front of the ship, with it following her closely, and dodges the ship's fire. When there's an opening, she activates her mace and falls back, reaching the back of the ship. She then hits the back of the ship, causing it to explode. The ships starts going down, seemingly about to crash. Superman quickly flies past her.

Superman: "Hawkgirl!"

Hawkgirl: "What?" She sees the ship is going down really fast. "Oh, that."

Ampfibian: 'I'm starting to think she's not the sharpest needle in the sewing kit.'

Superman quickly flies under the ship, and pushes up as they continue to descend towards the city. Citizens run as Superman sets down the ship. He then flies to the back and extinguishes the fire with his freeze breath. He then flies off.


Back at the Javelin, we see that it's scraping against many buildings around it, but it hasn't crashed yet. Inside, Flash is struggling to pilot the Javelin.

Flash: ""Flash, take the controls." But does anyone ask if I know how?"

In his button mashing, Flash manages to activate the landing gear. The Javelin approaches a small runway at high speed, and when it touches down, it drags across the runway. The Javelin continues to drag across it, before it stops just a few feet shy of the edge. Flash then starts to exit the Javelin.

Flash: "Well, they say any landing you can walk away from is..."

He is greeted by several soldiers pointing their blasters at him. They then started blasting at Flash, who quickly runs back inside. He closes the bay door behind him and starts mashing buttons again.

Flash: "Come on! Starter! Starter! Which one's the starter!?"

The soldiers start blading at the Javelin from all sides, which is when the rest of the heroes arrive to give Flash some assistance.

Superman flies down behind one, and throws him into another one, knocking them both unconscious. Another soldier tries to shoot Superman, but the blasts have no affect, and Superman uses his heat vision to destroy his blaster. Superman is then tackled from behind and the front by two soldiers.

While the Flash is button mashing, a soldier is thrown into the windshield by Superman. Superman then throws another one onto the ship.

At this moment, Hawkgirl is using her mace to destroy the soldier's weapons. The force of her hits also send the soldiers into the ground.

Some soldiers try to shoot at Ampfibian, but the blast go right through him. Ampfibian then goes on to shock each one of them, knocking them all unconscious. Their bodies twitch as they recover from the electricity.

J'onn flies down a few feet from three soldiers blasting the Javelin. When the soldiers see him, they try to blast J'onn. But the blasts go through J'onn as he goes intangible. J'onn then runs up to one of the soldiers. He then grabs said soldier and throws him at another, knocking them both out.

J'onn then goes through the floor, the last soldier attempting to blast him. J'onn then comes out of the ground behind the soldier, with the soldier quickly turning around. But J'onn is too quickly and grabs the soldier and starts using his psychic powers on him. This makes the soldier fall unconscious, and J'onn lets him drop to the floor.

The rest of the heroes stop fighting, and Flash exits the Javelin.

Flash: "I had everything under control, honest."

Ampfibian: "Sure. Whatever you say, dude." Everyone walks up to J'onn. "So, where's G.L.?"

J'onn: "Green Lantern is close by." He starts flying off. "This way."

Everyone flies off, with Ampfibian carrying Fladh with him.


Inside the court room, John is on a floating platform in front of the judges. His ring is also held up a few feet in front of him on another platform.

Podium Alien: "There is no excuse for this horror. And there can be no escape from punishment. An example must be made."

The crowd starts cheering, but it's interrupted when everyone notices that a small part of the glass dome is being melted. They start chattering loudly as J'onn, Superman, Flash, Ampfibian, and Hawkgirl land in the middle of the room.

John: "Oh, no."

The chattering has gone to full blown shouting.

Judge 2: "Order! We will have order!"

Flash: "What is this? Some kind of trial?"

Superman: "Apparently."

Ampfibian: "But for what crime?"

Judge 1: "Remove the intruders immediately!"

Two lizard men fly over on flying platforms and try to grab Superman, but he just pushes them away easily. In response to this, the Manhunters begin to approach them. Luckily, Superman calls out to the judges before things could get messy.

Superman: "Wait!" He holds his arm out for a moment, which silences the room. "We apologize for disturbing these proceedings, but John Stewart is our friend."

F. Judge: "This is a public trial."

Judge 2: "Very well. You may take a seat in the gallery." He gestures to the gallery with his eyes. "But this tribunal will not tolerate any further interruptions."

Ampfibian: "Thank you, your honor." He bows, then straightens himself. "Let's go guys."

The heroes then get on a floating platform, which takes them to the gallery, where they each take a seat in the same row.

Judge 1: "Are you ready to call your first witness." He says to the Podium Alien.

Podium Alien: "I am, My Lord." He turns to the audience. "I call Kanjar-Ro."

The room begins to chatter as Kanjar-Ro enters the court room, approaching a lizard man.

Lizard 2: "Kanjar-Ro, do you agree to let us probe and display any and all memories you have?"

Kanjar-Ro: "I got nothing to hide." When he talks, his teeth never separate.

Kanjar-Ro then gets on a floating platform, which takes him up to the Podium Alien.

Podium Alien: "State your name and profession."

Kanjar-Ro: "Kanjar-Ro. I'm..." He pulls his visor up. "I'm a pirate."

Podium Alien: "A criminal? Yet you come here to bear witness to another crime. Why?"

Kanjar-Ro: "I may steal things, but it's nothing." He points at John. "Compared to what he did."

The room chatters for a bit, and the heroes are confused. The Podium Alien presses a few buttons on the podium, and a beam shines down on Kanjar-Ro.

Podium: "Tell us about your encounter with John Stewart."

Kanjar-Ro: "It all started with these blasters I...found." A hologram displays the memory of that day. "I was on my way to sell them to some rebels in Adjouris 4. That's when he showed up."

The hologram shows that Green Lantern was chasing after Kanjar-Ro. Kanjar-Ro then presses a button on his tiller, which activates a blaster at the back of the ship that shoots at Green Lantern.

Kanjar-Ro: "I figured he was gonna try to stop me, so I shot first."

Green Lantern dodges the blasts, then goes under the ship, before using his ring to tear out the engine.

Kanjar-Ro: "His ring tore out my engine." The hologram shows the ship making a crash landing on a nearby moon. "Huh! But he still wasn't done with me." Green Lantern makes a shield around the ship. "He wanted to know if I was working with anyone. I told him to turn around, see for himself."

The hologram shows Green Lantern looking up at a massive armada of ships. One tries to blast him, but Green Lantern is able to dodge those. He then shoots a laser at the ship, which deflects off.

Kanjar-Ro: "He tried to shoot my friends, but it bounced off their deflector shield and shot toward Adjouris 4. There, it hit a volcanic fault line, starting a devastating chain reaction."

After the laser hit said volcanic fault line, the hologram shows plumes of lava shooting up. The hologram then zooms out to the rest of the planet, showing the lava spreading across the planet. The planet then explodes, leaving nothing but rubble. The hologram turns off.

Kanjar-Ro: "Three billion. That's how many were on that planet."

The courtroom gasps and mutters at the information, with the heroes incredibly shocked. The rest of the Green Lanterns mutter to themselves as well.

Podium Alien: "I have no more questions, My Lord."

Judge 1: "This account is most disturbing. We will recess. 20 Petacycles."

As the judges faces disappear, the crowd gets up and disperses. John's platform is floated down to the ground, and he is greeted by his friends.

Flash: "Now I get it. You wanted to clear your name. That's why you didn't put up a fight back on Earth."

Ampfibian: "If that's what you were doing, we would've come with you."

John: "I told you to stay out of this."

Hawkgirl: "That scum's an obvious liar." She readies her mace while looking at Kanjar-Ro. "Give me fine minutes alone with him. I'll get the truth."

Ampfibian: "Honestly, you could get it out of him in two."

John: "Arsenal, Hawkgirl, Flash, all of you." Everyone looks back at him. "Listen to me. Nobody's lying." He points to the rubble up on the sky. "You see that? I did that. I'm guilty."

This information leaves everyone absolutely flabbergasted. They can't believe what John just said to them, and they don't want to.

To be continued.

That's the end of the chapter . See you in the next one!

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