Super Mario Epic Quests!

By izzysalt

14.2K 617 265

Princess Daisy leave's the Kingdom of Sarasaland to help Mario Luigi and Peach free the mushroom kingdom from... More

The Great Fire Flower 🔥
Magic Lamp
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Pirates For A Day
Do You Peach Take This Koopa
Vampire Bowser
Escape From Prison
Power Up Peach
Robo Bros
Battle In The Stars
The Green Thunder⚡️Season 1 Final!
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Rolling Down The River
Cowboys And A Cowgirl
The Great Gold Coin Rush
Robin Hood
The Pot Of Gold
New Donk City
Jungle Fever
The Pied Bowser
Too Hot To Handle
The Unzappables
The Mark Of Zero
Mario And Daisy The Ranger's
The Fire Of Hercules
Fantasy To Reality 👑 Season 2 Final!
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Eight Koopa Kids!💥
Toad Warriors!
The Bird! The Bird!
Ninja Princess!
Daisy And The Beanstalk!
Love Them And Leave Them!
Its A Love Story! ❤️
Little Pink Riding Hood!
Bad Rap!
Mario I Shurnk Royalty!
Stars In their Eyes!
Daisy And Peach's Childhood
Mario Luigi Peach And A Baby!
On Her Majesty's Sewer Service! 
Not Santa klaus!
The Red Baron!
Deep In The Ocean!
Back In Sarsaland!
Ice Cold Koopaling!
A Quest To Save Mario!
One Of The Apes!
The Great Go Kart Race!
The Lost Mushroom!
Crocodile Chaos!
The Wonder Flower! 🌸
Return To Brooklyn! Season 3 Final!
Peach For President! Season 4 Premiere!
Lying And Cheating!
What Wendy Wants!
Mario And Peach's First Vacation!
Never Fool A Koopaling!
Kamek's Magic Trick!
Rock And Roll!
8 Koopalings But Only 7 Continents!
Flower Power! 🌼
Beauty Of Disguises!
Toddler Time Travelers!
Not His Mommy Mummy!
Misadventures In Babysitting!
Mighty Plumber!
Do The Koopaling!
Up Up And A Koopaling!
The Ugly Mermaid!
Opposites Attract!
The Venice Menace!
Dry Bowser! Series Finale Part 1!
A Wedding! Series Finale Part 2!

Brother In Trouble!

159 7 5
By izzysalt

Peach and Daisy were hanging with Mario and Luigi in there home. Peach noticed it was still raining

Peach: Two straight weeks of rain! the Mushroom Kingdom is going to flood away if this doesn't stop soon

Daisy: Yeah but the storm outside the house is nothing compared to the one inside

Peach: what makes you say that?

They both noticed Luigi looked frustrated while he was reading because Mario had music on

Luigi: Mario turn that racket back down can't you see I'm trying to read?

Mario: Well I want to listen to music! This record's hot!

Luigi picked up the record and threw it in the fire place

Luigi: there! Now it's even hotter

Mario: That was my favorite record!

Luigi: Well serves you right for the time you busted my favorite wrench!

Luigi pulls Mario's hat over his eyes, pulls the straps on his overalls and pulls on his mustache

Mario: I hate it when you do that! plumbers log number 35! I can't focus on dancing because Luigi keeps bugging me!

Luigi: enough with the plumber's logs! You don't need to do that anymore! You ever even wrote any of it down!

Mario: I told you that helps focus!

They both started yelling at each other

Daisy: we should say something!

Peach: agreed guys whatever happened to super mario brotherly love?

Daisy: plus your twins! That makes things even better!

Mario and Luigi continued to fight

Mario: fratelli sono dei cretini buoni a nulla!

Luigi: mio fratello lo è sicuramente!

Daisy: peach do you know what they're saying?

Peach: i'm learning Italian but i don't understand full sentences

Mario and Luigi eventually stop fighting

Mario: As a matter of fact I wish I didn't even have a brother!

Luigi: Oh yeah? Well then consider yourself debrothered!

Daisy: Luigi-

Luigi: Not now Daisy! I'm not in the mood!

He opens up the door and walks outside into the rain

Luigi: well farewell Mario! My ex-brother!

Peach: Luigi it's really wet out there! You better take the bubble flower!

Daisy: or I could go with you

Luigi: forget it! I don't need any kind of help!

Luigi walked away and they couldn't see him through the storm

Peach: Somebody better go after Luigi!

Daisy: we haven't seen him like this since...

Mario: I know Daisy and I'll go he is my brother. Even if that hammer head can be more trouble than a flooded basement!

Peach: you should take the bubble flower

Mario: I won't need it. Luigi couldn't have gotten far


Meanwhile in an underground tunnel Ludwig and Bowser Jr were collecting coins

Ludwig: Looks like my brilliant new invention the Power Shower is a complete colossal success! I make it rain on the surface of the Mushroom Kingdom

A bunch of gold coins fell through a pipe and landed in front of them

Ludwig: and flush out the gold coins floating in the underground pipe world so I can collect them here in this underground tunnel! Isn't that rich?

Junior: you lost me at 'success'

Ludwig: ...we're making money

Junior: yes!! See that I understand!

Ludwig: seriously how are you next in line for the throne?

Junior: how many times do I have to say it?! I'm bowser's-

Suddenly a pipe burst hitting bowser Jr and Ludwig with water

Junior: Hey smarty pants! Your Power Shower sprung a leak! So don't just stand there ludwig! Fix it!

Ludwig: I'm a mad genius not a plumber!

Junior: Then we'll have to kidnap a pipe patching expert! Get me one of the Mario Brothers!

Ludwig: fine which one?

Junior: hmm... Mario's the better plumber but harder to capture. Luigi's easy to capture but not a good plumber... dang it this is hard!


Back with luigi he was still walking in the rain

Luigi: stupid Mario, stupid plumber's logs, stupid boss man and stupid plumber!

He heard someone behind him and turned around

Luigi: Oh no not you!

Luigi was looking at Mr. L

Mr. L: Hello luigi. It's been awhile. you haven't acted like that since you faced robo bowser

Luigi: what are you doing here?! I haven't seen you since-!

Mr. L: Kamek turned you into me but Daisy got the green thunder and I helped her control it. After the battle was won we were split into two different people

Luigi: yeah I know I was there! Kind of...

Mr: L: yep trapped in my head for most of that adventure! Now to answer your question I just stopped by for a visit and perfect timing to. Looks like I'm your evil twin after all

Luigi: you're not my twin brother! Mario is! Wait he's not my brother anymore

Mr. L: well someone's salty! What happened to the Luigi I literally knew everything about?

Luigi: I've changed Mr. L! I'm not the same timid coward anymore

Mr. L: not the same? So you're a different timid coward?

Luigi: i uh... you know what I mean!

Mr. L: fine but I heard what happened with Daisy and wizards the wand. She's starting to sound like my type

Luigi: what?! Why would you say that?! I thought you were good now!

Mr. L: can't I be both? I guess some things never change and the sooner you accept that the better

Lightning struck right in front of luigi and Mr. L disappeared

Luigi: AH! What the?!

At that moment mario ran up to Luigi

Mario: There you are you former brother! I've been looking all over for you!

Luigi: Oh yeah who asked you faucet face?

Luigi pulls on Mario's hat, overalls and mustache again

Mario: Ow! how many times do I have to tell you not do that?! You know your acting a lot like-!

Luigi: don't say it! That's not who I am! I'm just mad at you! I'm allowed to feel this way!

Mario: yeah but you can't me mad for no reason!

Luigi: no reason?!


Meanwhile bowser Jr Ludwig were spying on mario and Luigi by looking into the pipe

Ludwig: there they are junior! Have you decided which one to kidnap? Or should you flip a gold coin?

Junior: Don't be ridiculous Ludwig! We'll choose the scientific way! Eenie meenie minie mo! Mario!

Ludwig: your so smart... and I know just how to catch him!

He held something that looked like a fishing rod

Junior: ...really?

Ludwig: just match!


Back with Mario and Luigi they were still arguing

Mario: Oh yeah?! You don't even know enough to wear a bubble flower out in the wet!

Luigi: I don't need a bubble flower!

Mario: Yea you do!

The hook from the line comes out of the pipe and attached to Mario

Mario: Hey where'd this hook and line come from? It's not fishing season! Luigi Is this some kind of joke?!

Luigi: you think I did that?! Just take it off?!

Mario: maybe I will!

He was about to take of the hook but was pulled towards the pipe

Mario: Whoa! The pipe world! I'm going down the drain!

Luigi: Oh no! Mario! You've been caught like a catfish! And your getting pulled down the drain!


Mario fell into the pipe and landed in front of bowser Jr and Ludwig

Ludwig: It worked! Mario's our prisoner!

Junior: yeah he is! I captured super hero Mario all on my own!

Ludwig: on your own?! I'm the one who kidnapped him!

Junior: well that was my idea!

They both started fighting each other

Mario: and here I thought me and Luigi were having a bad day

Bowser Jr and Ludwig eventually stopped fighting

Junior: oh be quiet shorty! Tie him up hammer bros!

Two hammer bros tied up Mario

Mario: shorty?!

Junior: fat, chubby, small, big nose, pipsqueak, heavy and the list goes on.

Mario: if you kidnapped me just to make fun of me go ahead! I can take a few mean words!

Junior: oh believe me I would love to but that's not why I brought you here

Ludwig: i think you me 'we'

Junior: shut it ludwig! Anyway we need you to fix our pipes

Mario: Fix your own leaky plumbing you crackpots! I'll never help you!

Junior: I have a way to change your mind!

Ludwig: We have the power to make you do anything we want thanks to my latest genius invention the Lame Brainer!

Ludwig put a mind controlling helmet on Mario's head

Mario: Ha! nice try Ludwig but it's going to take a lot more than a silly party hat to make me-

The mind controlling helmet activated and Mario broke out of the ropes

Mario: Koopaling masters your wish is my command!

Kooky: I'm so smart! He'll do whatever we say!

Junior: Quit patting yourself on the back Ludwig! Put him to the ultimate test!

Ludwig: Mario do you want pasta?

Mario: yes I'm starving!

Ludwig: but Mario you hate pasta!

Mario: I hate pasta!

Junior: wow I never thought he would say that! Mario you hate peach!

Mario: I hate peach!

Junior: this just keeps getting better! Now fix that leak before we're up to our snouts in water!

Mario: right away boss!

Mario started to fix the pipe


Meanwhile Luigi ran back home where peach and Daisy were waiting

Daisy: There you are luigi!

Peach: where's Mario?

Luigi: I'm going to save that bilge brain brother of mine! I ran into Mr. L and he said we have a lot in common but I was just mad at Mario! think I still am but I'm not sure!

Peach: wait Mr. L is back?

Daisy: that's not the point peach! I'm going with you Luigi!

Luigi: really? thanks daisy!

Peach looked in the closet and found two bubble flowers

Peach: I was only able to find two but take these!

Luigi: are you sure? And does this mean your not coming?

Daisy: Mario's your future husband

Peach: I know but it's to dangerous to go without a power up, Mario wouldn't want me to get hurt and I trust you both

Luigi: thanks peach!

Luigi and Daisy each took a bubble flower and powered up

Daisy: lets save Mario!

Peach: good luck!


Back with junior and Ludwig they saw Mario fixed the pipe

Mario: There my boss! the leak in the Power Shower is fixed!

Junior: good work mario! Wow I never thought I'd say that

Suddenly Luigi and Daisy fell through a pipe and landed in the underground tunnel

Daisy: Hey you two rancid reptiles!

Ludwig: It's Luigi and Daisy!

Junior: good job pointing out the obvious! What are you doing here?

Daisy: what do you think? We're here to save Mario!

Luigi: What have you done to my brother?!

Ludwig: We've turned him into our slave! Thanks to my Super cool invention!

Junior: And here's the proof! Mario smash, crush, pound and destroy that so called brother of yours and his so called girlfriend!

Mario: Yes boss!

He grabbed a wrench and walked towards Luigi and Daisy

Luigi: Hey Mario stop! Don't you know who we are? It's Luigi and Daisy!

Daisy: I'm your friend! And he's your family!

Mario: Smash, crush, pound and destroy!

Mario tried to hit Luigi and Daisy with the wrench a few times

Luigi: Hey mama mia! Somehow I've got to get Mario to remember I'm his brother!

Daisy: do what I did when you were Mr. L!

Luigi: how many times do I have to say it?! That's mot who I am!

Daisy: No! I mean remind Mario who he is!

Luigi: Oh that makes more sense! Mario think of all the fun we had as kids! All the drains we've unclogged! Remember the time you lost your favorite screwdriver and I gave you one of mine? Or the time when we first started mario brothers plumbing? The first time we saved peach and Daisy?

Mario attacked luigi again but he got out of the way in time

Mario: I'll get you green bean!

Daisy: seriously none of that rang a bell?!

Luigi: looks like I'm going to have to try another approach!

Luigi pulls the  over Mario's eyes then pulls on his overalls and mustache

Mario: Ow! I hate it when you do that!

The mind controlling helmet fell off of Mario's head and Daisy put in on Ludwig

Ludwig: hey!

Daisy: enjoy your new hat!

Mario: my head is killing me...

Luigi hugged Mario

Luigi: Mario are you ok?!

Mario: Fine as a newt fossil thanks to you Lu! Glad to see you took my advice about using a bubble flower!

Junior: Uh hello? I'm still here-!

Daisy trapped bowser Jr in a bubble

Daisy: do NOT ruin this brotherly moment!

Mario: Ludwig give junior the punishment he deserves!

Ludwig: as you wish master Mario!

Ludwig popped the bubble and dragged bowser Jr out of the dungeon

Junior: OW! How are you so strong all of a sudden?!


Mario Luigi and Daisy made it back home. Peach kissed mario on the cheek

Peach: it's great to have you back mario. Thanks to you guys the Power Shower has been dismantled and all the gold coins have been returned to the Pipe World where they belong!

Luigi: wait I forgot one last thing.

He hugged mario

Luigi: I'm sorry Mario your still my twin brother! I love you bro and I'm not like Mr. L

Mario: I love you to Lu and just because you were mad doesn't mean your like him... niente può ferirci finché siamo insieme

Luigi: sei il miglior fratello del mondo

Mario and Luigi hugged each other again. Peach and Daisy was trying not to cry

Daisy: I don't know what they said but I'm still emotional so it must be sweet!

Peach: Italian is such a beautiful language

Luigi: Yeah and best of all Mario and I have agreed to never fight again!

Mario: That's right! And besides that argument was all my fault!

Luigi: Well I beg your pardon brother but I believe that argument was all my fault!

Mario: No brother it was all mine!

Luigi: I insist it was all my fault brother!

Mario: Well I insist it was all mine brother!

Peach and Daisy: ...oh brother

Luigi pulls Mario's hat over his eyes, pulls the straps on his overalls and pulls on his mustache

Mario: Brothers! You can't live with them you can't live without them


Mr. L saw all that happen from a far distance

Mr. L: I guess I was wrong. Luigi really has changed. He just needed a little help and now my work here is done

He left through a warp pipe

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