What do you need right now? (...

By LunarBunniFF

63.5K 2.3K 5.7K

⚠️⚠️ OmegaVerse AU ⚠️⚠️ (33k words) Jisung had spent his entire life preparing to present as an alpha in a wo... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6


7.5K 339 508
By LunarBunniFF

A/N: A personal favorite of mine. Epilogues. Not proofread because I'm lazy. <3

*̩̩̥˚̩͙⚛ ͙*̩̩̥˚̩͙

"Jagiiiiiii, I'm back." Jisung yelled out, tiredly throwing his jacket over one of the kitchen chairs as he locked the door behind him. Minho stepped out of their room, smiling widely as he walked over to wrap his arms around Jisung's waist, connecting his fingers at the younger's back. He bent down just slightly to kiss his cheeks before moving to his lips, hearing and feeling the blonde's relaxed sigh through his nose.

"Rough day? Was it hard having both Felix and Chris with you?" Minho asked once he pulled back, tilting his head without letting go of the younger's body.

"So socially and mentally exhausting. They just flirted the entire fucking time. But we got everything done. My papers are officially registered, and my checkup went fine, everything is looking good after transitioning off of the injections." Jisung replied, laying his head against Minho's chest after wrapping his arms around the older's shoulders. "'M so tired."

"I know, love. Let's go relax a bit before we eat, yeah?" He chuckled when he felt his boyfriend nod into his chest, and started heading backwards to the bedroom through a mix of waddling and walking as he kept his hold on the younger- causing Jisung to start giggling.

When they finally reached the door, Minho detached himself from his pouty omega to open it and show up what he'd prepared. There were candles everywhere- London Fog tea-scented to compliment both of their natural fragrances. Rose petals adorned the bedroom floor and the bed itself, along with the nightstands, which held a myriad of supplies Jisung didn't expect or understand the usage for, such as a chilled bottle of wine on ice and two glasses, towels, a pill bottle and a tube of medication..

He didn't care, though. He bit his lip as he looked around, taking in the sweet smell and visibly losing a lot of the tension he'd been carrying in his body throughout the day. He looked at Minho with a bright smile that made the older feel positive he'd made the right decision.

"This seems like a lot for just 'relaxation' but I'm not complaining. This is beautiful. Genuinely. No one's ever... this is amazing. You're perfect." He said before reaching up to kiss Minho quickly on the cheek and run to hop on the bed, throwing rose petals into the air from where he was laying on his back. When a few landed on his face, he began laughing.

He left the petals to cover his vision while he just took in the full aroma around him. Minho had chosen candles that mixed their two scents together- had done all this for him.

The younger felt the bed shift and sink slightly as the alpha joined him, hovering over him to kiss him on the lips after removing one of the petals from his face. He removed the others, uncovering Jisung one by one with small kisses replacing the soft weightlessness of the flowers.

"I knew today would be a hard day for you, dealing with so many tasks and people, so I tried to have this ready by the time you got home. And no cooking tonight- I ordered delivery from that Samgyetang place you like."

"I love you." Jisung said, slowly opening his eyes to look up at his partner.

"And I love you. That's why I want you to be able to relax properly and be happy."

"Aren't alphas supposed to be like... terrible to their omegas?" Jisung asked through a half-smile. "What is this romantic, wholesome, heartfelt shit you keep giving me? You're so... you. Different than what I expected."

"Mmm... I feel that alphas, like everyone else, can't really be grouped up into one category. But I would never treat anyone poorly on purpose- omega or not- unless they were awful people. In which case, I probably wouldn't be dating them." Minho responded, chuckling again as he lowered himself to brush his lips softly against Jisung's most sensitive patch of neck on his skin, sending shivers up the younger's spine.

"And you're not officially my omega. Yet."

"So change that." Jisung said with half-lidded eyes, leaning up to kiss Minho's gland as well. "Let's just do it. Make it official. We don't have to wait anymore, right?"

The older nodded, humming in agreement. "What do you think all the supplies on the nightstand are for? If you were up for it, I wanted to do it tonight- now that your papers are done. The day you officially present as an omega to the world is the same day I get to tell the world you are all mine. And that I am so lucky to be yours."

Jisung reached up with both of his arms to cup Minho's face and pull it back so they could look at each other. The younger's eyes were just slightly brimming with tears he attempted to hold back, and his bottom lip was quivering under the pressure of his teeth surrounding it until he spoke in a whisper. "You promise you want me? Promise you love me? And you won't hurt me or mistreat me? You won't change after we do this?"

The raven-haired male's brows curved in deeply, both worried and saddened at his partner's understandable anxiety. "I told Felix once, and I'll say it again. This is too important to me. You are too important to me. I won't fuck this up. I could never imagine myself wanting to hurt you in any capacity. You are already a necessary, distinguishable part of me, and we haven't even marked each other, yet."

Jisung sighed aloud, blinking away the tears that still fought to form properly. He leaned upwards slowly and slotted his lips against Minho's with no hesitancy. He knew the older would never hurt him. He knew he was loved- he was shown it every day. He could feel it, every day. He just needed to hear it.

Anxiety doesn't respond to reason.

He needed the reassurance, even if he was already confident in what the response would be. And he received it both in Minho's words and the way the male kissed him back- full of passion, comfort, and utter devotion. When they pulled back, they rested their foreheads against each other's, noses touching perfectly through soft breaths.

"Same time?" Minho asked, searching Jisung's eyes for any uncertainty, but there was only hope and fondness.

"Same time." Jisung confirmed, nodding with a warm smile still attached to his blushing face.

They shared one more brief peck, a comforting gesture, before tilting their heads to have full access to each other's untouched necks.They interlocked their hands on one side, while their free arms simultaneously, instinctively wrapped around each other, and their teeth sunk into each other's gland- painful but sweet nonetheless.

Their senses quickly became pleasantly overwhelmed with each other's heightened, bursting pheromones- the smell enough to make them acquire an accurate taste in their mouths. Both of them felt their hearts beating- hammering- against their rib cages, their bodies filling with a complete sensation of the other's presence, and a question they wanted to spend the rest of their lives answering.

Jisung had spent most of his life believing that true love was false. It was for fairy tales and something for children to hope for. He believed the idea of true love was to lessen the pain of reality.

But this wasn't that. This was prodigious and formidable, a sensation they didn't know they'd been chasing in life. Something neither of them knew they needed.

They were whole.

*̩̩̥˚̩͙⚛ ͙*̩̩̥˚̩͙

"You mean to tell me... that CEO Han stepped down. And her son- who has been illegally pretending to be an alpha, whilst actually being an omega- is trying to step up in her place." An older, grumbling man started from his seat, far from the presenter.

"That is... mostly correct. I'm not necessarily looking to take her position, I just want to secure my previous position as Chief Operating Officer." Jisung said, standing steadily at the edge of the meeting table in the boardroom. There was no powerpoint or anything of the sort behind him- he was the presentation.

"And you think any omega can just waltz in here and start working in an executive position?" The male countered, seemingly stifling back a laugh.

"I'm not waltzing in anywhere, and I'm not 'any' omega. I am not just my secondary gender, as much as some would like to believe otherwise. How absolutely archaic of an assumption." Jisung was losing his temper. He knew this meeting would be rough, but they came right out of the gate by taking stabs at his natural gender.

"It doesn't ma-"

"I was not done. Let me speak." Jisung continued, an eyebrow raised in challenge. "This was my job less than two months ago. And I did a phenomenal job-"

"-if you do say so yourself," another of the men began barking out in laughter while looking at his colleagues.

"Damn right. The rest of the company- yourselves included- did, too. Our last board meeting, you were all making jokes about who would take over the company when my mother stepped down, telling Lee Minho that he had serious competition. You all know I'm more than competent, so I don't even understand why this discussion is taking so long. My being an omega didn't matter before, and it doesn't matter now- not when it comes to my work ethic and success." He placed both of his hands flat against the table and leaned forward, eyeing each of them until his gaze landed on Minho and softened, slightly.

Minho's jaw was clenched, breathing steadily while he tried to stare straight ahead. If his focus broke for even a moment, he was scared he'd lose the modicum of control he did have. He needed to be professional, and let Jisung stand up for himself. Omega or not, he was strong- and he had made it clear that unless things got too out of hand, Minho was to sit quietly.

"Are you even mated if you just 'came out' as an omega? At your age, are you even legally allowed to walk around with a mark? Can you even be here right now?" An older female lashed out, laughing.

"Is talking about my sex and mating life a job requirement now? I don't see that in our applications for alphas and betas." Jisung asked incredulously, feeling the rage tipping over inside him, about to spill.

"I mean, I'm just wondering who would mark an omega when you pretended to be an alpha for literal years. It's demeaning and disgusting, so it's hard to believe any alpha would be desperate enough-"

"Mine." Minho started in an unexpectedly loud tone, slamming his hand on the table and garnering everyone's attention quickly. It's not that he didn't think Jisung could eventually handle these pretentious, condemnatory assholes- he just couldn't listen anymore.

And if the board members weren't going to remain professional and neutral, neither would he.

"The mark is fucking mine. The Lee family heavily approves of the changes that are being made, including letting Jisung return to his position and have a fair shot towards becoming CEO."

The room grew silent, and Jisung watched as Minho took the reins with seething frustration. The younger wanted to do this on his own, but he understood why Minho would snap at hearing everything being thrown in his direction. Minho was not the typical alpha- that's what he loved most about the older.

So he didn't mind as much as he thought he would.

"You know what? Let's talk about what you guys have done in Jisung's absence. He was in charge of operations and daily implementation of new strategies to meet company objectives. What has been accomplished while he wasn't here to do that?" Minho looked around, eyes comically wide while his face displayed incredulous disbelief.

"That's right. Absolutely nothing. In fact, we're falling extremely short in our goals, even with other employees joining together to try and come up with new solutions. No one- including any of you- have been able to do what Jisung did, and none of you have even come close to success." He huffed, feeling the pressure lighten off of his chest as his words continued to flow unrestrained. "Objectively, your judgment toward omega capability is misplaced, considering a group of alpha board members couldn't do what one fucking omega did."

He sat back down, an eyebrow raised at the unsurprisingly prolonged silence before the people around the table began muttering between themselves, upset and confused that the influential Lee family was backing this plan.

"Now, if everyone's ready to approve my return to work, I do have new ideas to implement and will need to quickly schedule meetings with the production, marketing, and research teams since the company has fallen so behind, and I'd rather it not sink into the ground because some people want to waste more time." Jisung finished, looking around at all of the members of the table with a straight face of expectancy.

*̩̩̥˚̩͙⚛ ͙*̩̩̥˚̩͙

"How does it feel having your job back?" Minho asked, his smile and overall facial features significantly softened, as they walked into Jisung's office.

"Kind of surreal." The blonde said, running his hands over the leather couches. "I missed being back at work. I just wonder if the company's going to take a hit, publicly, for letting an omega work in this high-up of a position."

Minho shook his head, humming a "no."

"I don't think you're going to receive the backlash you're so worried about. I think the more we focus on your insane amount of accomplishments, the less people will have to get mad about. You earned this position." He said, walking closer to Jisung and wrapping his arms around the male once he had double-checked that the blinds were down and the door was indeed locked.

"I earned this office." Jisung repeated back, smiling widely in a way that still made the older melt.

"Speaking of this office... we should break it in. You know... make it more comfortable. Homey." Minho said with a smirk slowly growing on the corner of his lips.

"Absolutely not. Lee Minho- no." Jisung couldn't help the bubbling giggles as he took a step back and Minho's mischievous eyes followed him as the older stepped forward in response, keeping the gap between them small. The younger took another step back, tilting his head in disbelief, though his continued, adorable laughter betrayed him.

In mere moments, Minho had made him feel like a prey of sorts, slowly backing away into the edge of the room. It was impossible to break eye contact, watching each others' most minute movements as the gap between them slowly lessened and the air around them turned heavy enough that they could hear each other's breaths.

"Hmm..." Minho hummed lowly. He tilted his head, slightly, unblinking as he surged forward to eliminate what was left of the space between them, lunging to pin Jisung against the wall close behind him, moving his hand behind Jisung's head so it didn't hit the wood. "I don't know, love. I'm getting mixed signals."

The older moved his thigh between Jisung's legs, lodging it with light pressure against his lower half as he moved to hold both of Jisung's wrists above his head, locked in one of Minho's veiny hands. He trailed his lips downwards, pressing a kiss to the blonde's neck, then jawline, and then to his own mark on the male's scent gland, before licking over it slowly.

"It kind of feels like you want this, too. Correct me if I'm wrong." He finished, nudging his leg up to earn a gasp from the younger as Minho's free hand untucked his shirt and slid underneath it, leisurely letting his fingers glide up the soft skin until it found one of his nipples. He moved his leg up and back down, flexing the muscle of his thigh as he took the nipple between his fingers and rubbed over it before pinching it between them.

Jisung quietly moaned with pleasure at the contact before letting out a puff of air in a sigh, almost frustrated that he was genuinely horny already. "Honestly, fuck you. Of course I want it now, you're literally putting me in the mood on purpose."

Minho chuckled through his smirk, lining his teeth up to hover over the bite he'd made before pressing down, softly. He let each of his teeth slide into place in the perfectly casted framework he'd permanently left in the blonde's neck, only to then lean back up and place his lips near Jisung's ear.

"Fuck me? That's the point, love."

It was instantaneous- he dropped his hands from Jisung's wrists and gripped his waist at both sides, spinning the younger around to face the wall and earning a surprised, sharp inhale from Jisung in the process. Minho knew they had to be quick, but he couldn't help taking his time to pull the pants and boxers off the omega painfully slow, ghosting his fingertips over skin and kissing the small of his back and one of the exposed cheeks before tending to his own clothing.

Jisung deserved to be worshiped.

Minho lifted the bottom of Jisung's suit jacket and shirt upwards and stuffed the fabric in the younger's mouth, letting the excess hang between his chin and the wall.

"Now stay quiet, sweetheart. I don't want other people hearing how pretty you sound- that's just for me." He whispered near Jisung's ear, holding back a laugh when the blonde tilted his head, obviously wanting to retort sarcastically- but unable to.

His body was already naturally pliant against the pads of Minho's fingers- any part of his touch sent a comfortable shiver down the younger's spine.

Jisung's desire to be witty and argue quickly went away the second he felt Minho's finger against his slicked rim, dragging a line up and down as if to tease him. The blonde huffed through the fabric and tried to push against the older's finger, to get him to move and start already, but Minho just laughed and kissed his shoulder from behind, pressing himself further into Jisung's backside.

"Always so needy for me."

Minho's statement earned an impatient, annoyed grunt from Jisung, who was still trying to push against the older's finger. When Minho slowly slid the finger past the rim, the grunt and restless whines turned into a small, broken series of the same, continued gasp as Jisung's forehead fell against the wall lightly.

"Mmm... didn't you say no, love? That you didn't want it in the office?" Minho asked with a smirk, sucking and licking immediate bruises into the honey-tanned skin below him as he moved his single finger much too slow in Jisung's opinion. "It seems like you do."

He continued moving at an extraordinarily leisure pace, ignoring Jisung's small, annoyed grunts when it was obvious he wanted more. "I'm sorry, you know how I like communication." Minho said through another breathy, cocked grin, placing a kiss on the younger's shoulder. "You're going to have to tell me what you actually want, for me to know."

"I can't stand you." Jisung said, dropping the fabric in his mouth, thoroughly irritated at not feeling enough of Minho the way he wanted to. "Just fuck me, already."

"You and your lies. My bratty little omega. Can't stand me?" Minho retracted his finger nearly completely, looking down and spitting into his open hand, the tip of his finger still barely protruding the rim. In just a brief, following moment, Jisung felt the stretch of a second finger being added, forcing room to be made with the intrusion.

"Minho-" He breathed out, pushing his ass against the digits as his need only intensified. "I need more. Faster- pl-please."

The older simply chuckled in response, quickening his pace as he was told to do. His thrusts became faster- harder- when he added the third finger, running out of time and patience. As much as he loved to tease Jisung, they were at work- and his own cock was throbbing from being untouched for too long.

When he finally dropped his own clothing and lined himself up properly, he heard Jisung's strong inhale- as if preparing himself for relief. The older reached a hand up to cup Jisung's chin, turning his head to the side so Minho could have better access. "Need me that badly, love?"

Jisung whimpered at the breathy words leaving trickles of shivers against his skin- all thought of maintaining control and being unruly just... gone. "Please. Please, Min. Just- 'need you."

Directly before he did anything else, Minho latched onto Jisung's lips with his own, feeling the shudders, the sharp inhale, the hum of a whining moan as he simultaneously slid his cock into Jisung's perfectly prepped hole. He could feel the eagerness- the need- emanating from the younger.

It still blew his mind that he was even allowed to touch Jisung like this. To make him feel like this. When he'd first met the younger, he was positive he'd never be given a chance. An alpha with another alpha? Unheard of.

But then again...

So was an omega pretending to be an alpha.

And now he was fucking relentlessly into his best friend- his mate- his omega- the love of his life. He relished how it felt each time he pulled his cock back, glistening in a mixture of slick and spit, watching the needy hole suck it back in with ease and want.

There was nothing more he wanted in life than this- giving Jisung this kind of pleasure. Swallowing moan after moan as Jisung's eyebrows twitched constantly and his eyes fought to roll back in pure bliss.

"Wait... mess." Jisung worriedly gasped out through their sloppy, feeble attempt at proper kisses.

"I like it messy." Minho panted in response, not easing up in pace. "I want you to paint your new walls for me. Look at the wall while you're on calls. While you're working, knowing I fucked you right here. I took you right here." He noticed Jisung's body begin to shake, paired with the miniscule whines he let out as Minho continued to fuck into him, vulgar words pouring from his lips.

"I want my come to be leaking out of your ass, dripping down your smooth, perfect legs while you try to finish working today. And when we get home tonight, I'll replace what slipped out. I'll refill every drop lost when I fuck you again."

"Fuck." Jisung keened and breathed out against Minho's mouth. "T-touch me. 'C...close."

The older chuckled and obliged, wrapping his free hand against Jisung's freely-leaking erection as his hips rolled to speed up. He felt his own coiling pressure in his abdomen growing as he stroked the younger, reattaching their lips while their breaths grew heavier and shorter.

"Come for me, love. Just for me." He shoved his tongue into Jisung's mouth, more effectively soaking in the small whimpers of a moan, wishing Jisung didn't have to be so quiet. He wanted to hear the blonde scream for him again- scream his name into the open air, telling everyone around them who made him feel like this.

Feeling Jisung clench strongly against his cock was enough to tip Minho ever the edge, coming into Jisung and filling him with a groan of relief while he fucked them through their orgasm, letting pulse after pulse of come spurting into Jisung, making him feel as if he were going to fall apart.

When they'd finally calmed enough to catch their breaths, Minho placed tender kisses over the harsh bruises he'd sucked and bitten into Jisung's skin, before coming up to peck his lips while he pulled out.

Jisung took a moment to collect himself, enjoying the kisses and soft care through small, tired giggles.

"So pretty. You did so well, Jisungie." He said as he quickly grabbed the box of tissues on the coffee table between the couches in Jisung's office.

"I'm glad... you think so." Jisung said slowly as he pulled himself away from the wall, willing movement into his legs again. "My reward can be you cleaning this up since this was your idea and I did so well, didn't I?"

Minho's grin only widened at Jisung's playful-but-controlling nature. He pretended to be offended as he gasped, his hand flying up to his chest. "An alpha? Cleaning after his mate? How absurd."

"It's not my fault alphas are braindead and horny. This mess is your fault. You're damn right you'll be cleaning up after your omega." Jisung said with a soft, but teasing, smile.

Strong. Beautiful. Perfect. Commanding.

That's my omega.

*̩̩̥˚̩͙⚛ ͙*̩̩̥˚̩͙

To be fair, I really just wanted to add another smut chapter. Wrapping things up a bit was secondary, since I originally wanted to leave it open. But.......... Office sex.


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