AVCCS S01E02: "The Hustlers":...

By AsianMan_45

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AVCCS S01E02: Grand Theft Auto V "The Hustlers": "Robbing Every Store" (Export Ver.) This is the Second Episo... More

AVCCS S01E02 Part I: Robbing Every Store Part I
AVCCS S01E02 Part II: Robbing Every Store Part II
AVCCS S01E02 Part III: Robbing Every Store Part III
AVCCS S01E02 Part IV: Robbing Every Store Part IV
AVCCS S01E02 Part V: Robbing Every Store Part V

AVCCS S01E02: Bloopers & Outtakes

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By AsianMan_45

Blooper/Outtake #1:

In the Del Perro Parking Garage, Chase and Luke are sitting inside their '84 Monte Carlo.

"Bro I told you, before we even started this robbing spree, you should've gotten a better ride, it's a miracle this car hasn't just flat-out exploded with us insi-"

But before Chase could finish his sentence, the automobile exploded.

Blooper/Outtake #2:

Flooring down Route 68 were Chase, Christopher, Luke, and Samuel in their stolen Blue Green Metallic 1994 Saturn SW2 5-Door Station Wagon... Los Santos County Sheriff 1980 Dodge Aspen Sedans were after them, sirens blaring...

Then, driving on the opposite lane of the road as a car... Not just any car... It was a Flame Red 1997 Plymouth Neon Expresso 4-Door Sedan, and within the vehicle were three of the main protagonists from Grand Theft Auto V: Franklin Clinton in the Driver's Seat, Michael De Santa in the Passenger Seat, Trevor Phillips in the back seat, and Lamar Davis, who also sat in the back seat. 

[http://images.gtcarlot.com/pictures/34990229.jpg] (Plymouth "Flame Red")

(1997 Plymouth Neon Expresso 4-Door Sedan)

As Luke noticed the car in the opposite lane, and immediately recognized it from its round headlights and cab-forward design body, the Anime "WOW" sound effect played, and a wide smile came across Luke's face as his eyes widened. A smile of pure joy and excitement was on his face like a child on Christmas Morning as he would recognize this vehicle from anywhere...

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8URukvnUYTw) [Sound Effect Reference #1]

"OH MY GOD! IT'S A PLYMOUTH NEON!!!" Luke erupted in pure excitement. He eagerly rolled down the window, and like a fan noticing a celebrity, began to wave his hand at the Plymouth's driver and occupants.

Franklin, Michael, Trevor, and Lamar stared at the Asian man in confusion.

"The fuck?" Franklin said.

"Heh, man sure does love his Neons..." Samuel said, cracking a smile.

"You are OBSESSED with Neons, dude, every time you see one, you lactate your tits over 'em," Chase said teasingly to Luke, but his friend didn't seem to care. Christopher had a shocked expression upon hearing Chase's vulgar comment about Luke's love for Chrysler Neons... But then, Luke's day got EVEN BETTER. He noticed that in the opposite lane, was a Crystal Black Pearl 2023 Honda Civic Type R 5-Door Sports Hatchback Sedan...

[https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/2023-civic-typer-0006-2-1661969564.jpg?crop=0.799xw:0.597xh;0.0114xw,0.369xh&resize=1200:*] (Crystal Black Pearl 2023 Honda Civic Type R 5-Door Sports Hatchback Sedan)

"YAAAAAY!!!" Luke exclaimed in pure joy.


(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aD07ZZAMKjY) [Sound Effect Reference #2]


Blooper/Outtake #3: 

Sitting on metal folding chairs atop Mount Chiliad were Chase, Christopher, and Samuel, the time being around 1:45 AM.

Chase and Samuel were still awake, while their buddy Christopher, was asleep, MP 40 in his hands.

"Hey Samuel, I got a plan," Chase said with a devious smile.

"What is it?" Samuel asked. He had a feeling Chase was going to say and/or do something stupid.

"You see Chris?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Let's draw on his dick- I mean draw a dick on his face," Chase said, still with a mischievous smile on his face.

Upon what Chase had to say, Samuel's eyes widened in shock and his jaw dropped, but when Chase corrected his statement, Sam's expression loosened.

"Alright, you got a marker?" Samuel asked with the same, mischievous smile.

"Yup. Let's show Christopher what happens when you fall asleep first at a sleepover."

Chase said

"Sleepover? But we're on a mountain..." Samuel replied.

"Well... Uhhh... You get my point." Chase awkwardly responded. 

Blooper/Outtake #4:

Many years have passed... It was approximately the Early 2070s... In the World of Los Santos, many things have changed as in this time period, it could be considered the "Far Future"... On one afternoon, Sitting atop Mount Chiliad, still in their metal folding chairs were Chase, Christopher, Luke, and Samuel...

The four men were now elders in their Late-70s and nearing their Early-80s... Their tents had worn out from the elements, and their '94 Saturn SW2 Station Wagon had its Blue Green Metallic paint faded and rusted away from the elements... Its four tires had been stolen, as the car's underside was sitting on cinder blocks...

To describe what age had done to the four in detail, Chase had a completely bald head and wore a pair of thick, rectangular glasses. Christopher's short, straight hair had now become gray over the years, and he possessed a thin, white, handlebar mustache. Luke had kept his long hair that extended past his shoulders, but its black pigment had faded and was now gray, and in addition to his black hair turning gray, he sported a white Fu Manchu mustache.

Samuel was still the tallest of the group, but it was pretty clear most of his muscle mass was gone, and he was a tall, slender, elderly man, who had balding gray hair, and a long, white beard. 
As the four men sat across the table of their little campground, it appeared all they were doing was pushing a worn-out, old, dollar bill to one another. At this point in time in the Early 2070s, one-dollar bills had probably been out of circulation for many, many years.

Chase would push it towards Samuel, Samuel would push it towards Luke, Luke would push it towards Christopher, and the cycle repeated. It appeared the four old men were so stubborn about who would take the dollar, they had spent approximately 5 Decades of their lives sitting atop Mount Chiliad, waiting for one of them to take the dollar so they could finally go home.

"Koj muaj tus nyiaj, kuv phooj ywg." Luke said in a raspy voice as he gently pushed the scuffed-up dollar bill toward Christopher's side of the table. (Translation: "You have the money, my friend.") Resting in Luke's lap was a violin and its bow, the same instrument that mysterious, anthropomorphic, fox-like being dropped all those years ago... When the four were still in their Early/Mid-20s...

Luke was also smoking opium out of a bamboo-made, water tube (essentially a Bong.) 

[https://live.staticflickr.com/2373/5823600726_94bb477b40_c.jpg] (Hmong Water Tube)

"Tsis, koj ceev nws," replied Christopher as he pushed the dollar back to Luke.

(Translation: "No, you keep it.")

Luke then pushed the dollar over to Samuel...

"Aw come on... What year is it?" Samuel asked. "Where are we?" He added before using his massive right hand to push the dollar toward Chase.

"Man, I don't fuckin' know anymore, all I remember is we've been pushing a dollar towards each other for who knows how long, like a shitty game of Hot Potato," Chase replied in a cranky tone.

What they didn't realize, was walking up the hill, was a group of people. Leading this mountain expedition was a slightly stout, African-American man in his Late-70s, with thick, white eyebrows, white sideburns, and a white mustache on the sides of his nose. He wore a forest camo sun hat with a strap, a red jacket with a white shirt underneath, khaki pants, and black hiking boots. He held in his right hand a cane.

Following behind this man, who was possibly a tour guide of sorts, was a group of about 15-20 High-School aged individuals, many of which on their phones.

"Everyone... Welcome to Mount Chiliad, we have nearly reached the summit, and on the summit... Resides the camp of the Four Horsemen of Dead Brain Cells... They built up their infamous reputation after robbing all twenty gas stations, liquor stores, and mini-marts in the state of San Andreas and escaping the police... They have spent the last 5 Decades residing in their camp... They care deeply for each other, and are so stubborn they have been playing a little game of Hot Potato, pushing an old dollar bill, while they reject the form of currency..." Said the elderly man wearing the sun hat towards the group of teenagers. In the tone he spoke in, he sounded as if he were an announcer on National Geographic.

He looked back at the group and pointed at Luke, who wore his WWI-Era Helmet, the words "Object 645" and "Tory's Royal Lancer", had faded, barely visible, along with the Ace of Spades card strapped to his helmet looking worn-out.

"I... I personally knew him... He was my homie in Middle School... We were once..." The old man wearing the camo sun hat said in a slightly saddened tone, a tear falling from his right eye.

"I remember when we were young, happy, and so full of life... Where did the years go, Luke?" The elderly black man asked rhetorically.

The moment was ruined when the old man's ears picked up the sound of someone typing on their phone, and his expression turned to one of annoyance. He turned around to see a group of teenage girls, all on their phones.

"Do y'all have nothin' better to do than to be on y'alls fuckin' phones on SnapBook and InstaSpace?" The old man yelled in annoyance. "I'm y'alls tour guide, tryna tell you the history of Mount Chiliad and the four wise men who call it home."

"It's called like... SigmaGram, old man..." One of the teenage girls said with an annoyed sigh, in a Valley Girl accent.

"Boomer..." One of the other girls teased, causing her friends to giggle.

"Man, that damn tourin' company don't pay me enough to deal with this shit." the old man muttered under his breath.

"Hey guys, look at this toilet!" A teenage boy cried out, surrounded by a few of his friends. They all laughed and pointed at an old toilet that lay on its side on top of the mountain.

[Author's Note: It's a corpse of a Skibidi Toilet.]

Two of the teenage boys then lifted the toilet off of its side, putting it upright, and one of them, for shits and giggles (no pun intended), just sat on the toilet seat and used the toilet as a chair. (He just sits on the toilet).

The old man's grumpy expression turned to one of a slightly amused tone as he watched the boys of his group inspect the damaged toilet. Then, it seemed that the four had noticed the presence of this tour guide and his group.

Chase pulled out his M16A4, with his eyes wide in panic.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?! ARE THEY THE BRITISH TRYNA TAKE OUR LAND?!?!" Chase yelled out in a panic as his head swiveled from the side, looking at Christopher, Luke, and Samuel for an answer.

The group of teenagers had looks of fear on their faces, two of the boys took cover behind the toilet on the side of the mountain.

"Hey! Put that gun down, boy!" The elderly man with the hat said, pulling out a Barrett M107. Somehow, the old man was able to hold his rifle without falling over.

"We come in peace, put the gun down, and I'll lower mine!" He ordered Chase. As the old man looked through his scope, the target dart of his crosshair was directly on Chase's forehead.

[Author's Note: I know this is a little bit of foreshadowing, but the tour guide character is actually an old Middle School friend of mine. So Floyd, if you're reading this, hello! It's your good old buddy, AsianMan_45, and I hope nothing but the best for you! And yes, Floyd may make an official appearance in a future episode instead of being in a Blooper/Outtake.] 

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