AVCCS S01E02: "The Hustlers":...

Von AsianMan_45

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AVCCS S01E02: Grand Theft Auto V "The Hustlers": "Robbing Every Store" (Export Ver.) This is the Second Episo... Mehr

AVCCS S01E02 Part I: Robbing Every Store Part I
AVCCS S01E02 Part II: Robbing Every Store Part II
AVCCS S01E02 Part III: Robbing Every Store Part III
AVCCS S01E02 Part IV: Robbing Every Store Part IV
AVCCS S01E02: Bloopers & Outtakes

AVCCS S01E02 Part V: Robbing Every Store Part V

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Von AsianMan_45

Then, a Time Card abruptly appeared on the screen with the time: 12:00 AM.

Parked on top of Mount Chiliad, was the Blue Green Metallic, 1994 Saturn SW2 Station Wagon. Out of all three getaway vehicles they used (The other two were the Rusty Cadillac Royal Maroon, 1984 Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS, and the Purple 1997 Plymouth Grand Voyager Minivan), the '94 Saturn was the vehicle that had survived their robbing spree without being wrecked or completely destroyed.

Positioned on top of the mountain near the Saturn, were three metal folding chairs around a small bonfire. Sitting in these three chairs were Chase, Christopher, and Samuel. Chase was counting all of the money they had stolen from all the Gas Stations, Liquor Stores, and Mini Marts across the state of San Andreas. Christopher was eating from a bucket of popcorn, and Samuel had a bottle of beer in his hand.

Next to Chase's chair, was a small folding table, which he was utilizing to count the money he and his buddies had stolen. Also on top of the table were a few napkins, a bag of fast food, and a bag of weed. Behind the three men were two camping tents, a forest camo one, and a red one, and it appeared they had established some sort of campground or home base atop Mount Chiliad.

"Do you guys want any? Chase, Sam?" Christopher asked, wanting to offer some popcorn to his friends.

"Nah, it's alright, man," Samuel answered.

"Sorry, I'm counting the racks we made- Oh goddammit I lost count!" Chase replied cordially, until exploding at the fact that he had lost count of how much money they stole. "That's the ninth time I lost count!"

"Hey? Is it me? Or do you guys feel like someone or something is missing?" Samuel asked.

The three men collectively placed their index fingers and thumbs on their respective chins and thought about who or what was missing.

"Hmmmm... Who or what could it be?" Samuel questioned.

Then, a look of shared realization came across the men's faces, and they all looked out toward the right. Seated about 15-20 feet away on Mount Chiliad, was Luke, in his own metal folding chair. It looked like he was sitting in silence, looking out into the night sky. The trio couldn't see his facial expression or what he was doing, because he had his back turned to them, but Luke had a slightly stoic and sad expression on his face as he looked off into the distance.

Sad, but soft, violin music began to play...

Chase stood up, and walked over to Luke, placing his shoulder on his buddy's shoulder. Christopher and Samuel got up and stood a few feet behind their two friends.

"Luke, you look like you're looking off into the distance, into the night sky..." Chase said with a smile and a playful tone in his voice.

Luke then let out a gentle sigh.

Before he spoke, he took out a golden, circular love locket from the right pocket of his worn, black, windbreaker jacket. He opened up the circular object, and on one side was a picture of himself, smiling. On the other side, it displayed an anthropomorphic, female red fox, with voluminous, blonde hair, shining blue eyes, and a beautiful smile.

"Sometimes you just, I... I... don't know, you know? You just... You go through life... You do the things-" But before Luke could finish, a Record Scratch sound effect played, and a devious smirk came across Chase's face

"You have NO idea what the fuck you're talking about, dude," said Chase.

Upon hearing the start of Luke's speech, and hearing Chase just cut him off, Christopher and Samuel began to laugh.

"Shut up. This-" Before Luke could finish his sentence once again, with all of his strength, Chase placed his hands on, and pulled the metal folding chair from under Luke, dragging it away and causing his friend to fall out of the chair, land on his ass, and tumble onto his back.

Chase, Christopher, and Samuel all laughed their asses off. Luke, being a good sport, laughed along with them. If it was a complete stranger who did this for no reason or someone Luke had beef with, he wouldn't be laughing.

"I... I was trying to have a moment..." He said in between laughs.

2:00 AM

About two hours later, the four men were still sitting on top of Mount Chiliad. Chase, Christopher, and Samuel still sat in their metal folding chairs as their little bonfire still burned. Christopher had fallen asleep in his chair, holding his MP 40 in his hands as if it were a pet. Samuel was on the verge of passing out with his eyes half-open, the feeling could be best described as: "When you're trying so hard not to be the first one to fall asleep at your friend's sleepover because you know they're going to mess with you when you were asleep."

On the ground next to Chase and Samuel's chairs were a few empty beer bottles, still laying on their sides. Sticking out of Chase's mouth was a lit cannabis cigar, aka a blunt.

He was a little bit high, as his eyes were slightly bloodshot.

"Alright guys... I finally counted, this took me way too fuckin' long but... From all 20 stores, we robbed in this state... We got... $36,443..." Chase announced.

Samuel jolted up from hearing that number. It was like, hearing that sum of money shot a burst of energy through his body.

"Wait, what?!" Samuel exclaimed in total shock.

"Yup... We've made a little over 36 Grand just by robbing stores... Maybe we can just do it more often, rob all 20 stores on this whole map, rinse, and repeat until we're able to buy businesses... You got a calculator? Let's divide this evenly."

"I gotchu, man," Samuel replied, as he took out his phone and opened his calculator.

"36,443 divided by 4..." He said as he typed it into his calculator app. "That would be $9,110 and 75 Cents..."

"Dammit... Looks like we can't split it evenly... We'll have one last dollar..." Chase said.

Chase wanted to split the $36,443 evenly with his friends, but he had no idea what were the factors on who got the last dollar...

He then looked and saw Luke, who was still sitting away from the group, being a total introvert. He had sat in his chair for a long while, still looking off into the night sky without saying a word to any of his friends, being an introvert.

"Yo Luke, stop being a loner and get your raggedy-ass over here!" Chase shouted out, causing Samuel to snicker.

He attracted Luke's attention, as Chase and Samuel saw the back of his head jolt up and his body tense. He got up, folded up the metal chair, walked over to his three friends, unfolded his chair, placed it across the table from Chase, and sat down.

"Yeah, what's up?" he asked.

"I finished counting all the money we stole from robbing those stores, aaaand... Grand total is 36,443. We can't divide that evenly between the four of us, and... I'm not trying to sound selfish or anything but are you alright with not getting an even cut? One of us will have at least one more dollar than the rest." Chase said.

Luke's eyes widened in surprise upon hearing that, after robbing all of those stores, they had managed to scrape over 30 grand.

"It's alright, It's only a one-dollar difference, one dollar can't even get you anything these days besides stuff from like a vending machine." Luke pointed out in a nonchalant tone of voice. It was clear he didn't mind if he got a dollar less.

"Alright, thank you, buddy. What about you, Sam? Would you like the last dollar?" Chase asked as he turned to face Samuel.

"No, it's all good man, you can keep it, it's just a dollar," Samuel replied calmly.

"No man, you helped us out with our little heists and you stole beer for us, keep it, man," Chase said, as he handed out the dollar to Samuel.

Samuel put his hands up to block the dollar.

"It's all good Chase, It's just one dollar," Samuel replied.

"No, dude... You helped us with all of our criminal activities for the night, come on man, Luke doesn't want it, and I don't want it, so take it."

"Look, buddy, I... It's alright man, you keep it." Samuel responded.

Luke had a bit of an amused smile on his face, this exact moment reminded him of times his family members would offer each other money, like, his Dad and one of his uncles, and they'd get into little, friendly, disagreements on keeping or taking the money.

"Huh? Wha? What's going on?" Christopher asked in a groggy voice as he woke up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Mornin' Chris, want the last dollar?" Chase asked Christopher.

"What are you talking about?" Christopher questioned, tilting his head a bit in confusion.

"Do you want it, or not?"

"Uh, It's alright, you can keep that dollar." humbly responded Christopher.

The four began to bicker at each other in a "friendly" way about who got to keep the last dollar.

"Alright, I've got an idea. For keepsake, let's just cut the dollar into four quarter-sized pieces, just so we don't have to sit here all night. How about that? Everyone gets something?" Chase suggested as he pulled out a pocket knife.

"Why don't we just go exchange that dollar for four quarters?" Christopher asked.

"Chris, where the fuck are we gonna exchange a single dollar for four quarters?" Chase asked.

"Uhhhh, How about we go donate it to charity?" Christopher humbly suggested.

"Chris, where the fuck are we gonna find a charity in Grand Theft Auto?" Chase asked.

"I-I don't know, I was just trying to be helpful," Christopher replied.

"I'm about to pass out... Just cut it into four..." Samuel said before yawning.

"Yeah, let's... Let's just cut it into four pieces..." Luke said, agreeing.

Christopher didn't oppose the silly idea of cutting a single dollar into four quarter-sized pieces in the name of "sharing", so Chase took it as him agreeing.

"So it's settled then," Chase said as he used all the precision he could, using his sharp pocket knife to cut the dollar into four, equal, quarter-sized pieces.

He kept one quarter piece of the dollar and handed out the other three for his friends to keep.

"Hey, guys? I kind of have something important to say..." Luke humbly announced.

Sad, but soft, violin music began to play... (Again)

Chase, Christopher, and Samuel turned to face their friend.

"I know we all did this in a video game world and this amounts to absolutely nothing in real life, but..." Luke started.

"I... I had a lot of fun today, it reminded me of old times when we were kids, remember? How we all used to screw around, and say the most vulgar stuff? Well... I'm glad we're able to make these memories..." Luke said with a genuine smile.

"Yeah, we had a lot of good times being dumbasses when we were kids, ya know? I miss those days." Chase commented, reciprocating the smile.

"Yeah, it was real fun playing with you guys, we should do this more often," Samuel responded, with a genuine smile on his face.

"Hey, Luke? You don't have to be ashamed of having fun, video game or not. I had a blast with you guys too. We'll always be kids at heart, man, even though we've grown up. I'm glad we were all able to enjoy ourselves. Just remember, good times with friends never end." Christopher spoke, with a grateful smile as he raised his right hand in a thumbs-up while looking at his friends.

There was a moment of silence as the four all looked into the distance and the night sky... That violin music was still playing.

"Who the fuck is playing that violin?" Chase asked.

The four men all turned around and couldn't believe what they saw. Sitting on one of their chairs by their small bonfire, appeared to be an Anthropomorphic Fox with White Fur, wearing a cyan hoodie with a rainbow, blue jeans, and black shoes, and holding a violin and violin bow in their paws.

"Who the fuck are you?" Chase asked, a slight bit of anger in his voice, but more confused.

Upon being spotted, the anthropomorphic animal had a fearful expression on their face, as their eyes widened.

"I gotta go bye-bye!" they said frantically as they dropped their violin onto the ground, and began to run down the mountain.

"Wait, Shine? Is that you?!" Luke exclaimed, with shock in his voice. He looked like he was about to run after this "Shine" person, but for some reason, didn't.

"Goddammit, was that one of your furry friends?" Chase asked, a little bit annoyed.

"How the hell did they get into the Session?"

"Who's Shine?" Samuel asked, eyebrows raised as he looked at Luke.

Chase, Christopher, and Samuel all looked at Luke, intrigued... Did he... Know this fox person?

"Come on Luke, spit it out man, we know you're a Fur-" Samuel said in an accepting tone, but was cut off.

"Hey, guys? I don't wanna talk about it, is that alright? Let's... Let's just enjoy the rest of the night and just chill on top of Chiliad." Luke said in a rushed tone.

Chase, Christopher, and Samuel looked at each other in confusion. What was he hiding? Who was that fox person? But in order to be considerate, none of them decided to poke fun or prod Luke for answers.

Christopher, Luke, and Samuel stood as they all looked out into the distance into the night sky, while Chase sat down in one of the chairs, he let out a relaxed sigh and had a bit of a troll smile on his face as he stared off into the distance.

"So beautiful-" were the only two words Chase was able to say before...

The Alert Sound Effect from Metal Gear Solid played, and a red exclamation mark briefly appeared above Luke's head.

"Shut up!" Luke yelled, as he ran behind Chase's chair, and pulled the chair from underneath his friend, causing Chase to fall onto his ass.

As he did this, Luke had a triumphant, troll smile on his face, he was getting his vengeance from earlier. Christopher and Samuel laughed their asses off at what they witnessed, and even though he was the victim this time, Chase still had the "I have to be a good sport" mentality because he was around his best friends, and he had done it to Luke first so, now, they were even.

The Camera then panned up into the night sky... Which began to gradually fill with bright, shooting stars...

As the four continued to laugh, Christopher was the first to stop laughing as he tapped on Samuel's shoulder and looked into the sky.

"Woah guys, check it out, shooting stars!" Christopher declared, pointing up toward the sky.

"Woah... I don't think I've ever seen shooting stars in GTA before... Is this a new update?" Chase asked while sitting on the ground.

Chase's question remained unanswered... The four decided to just look up at the night sky and view all of the shooting stars that flashed across the sky...

A small portion of the song "Starry Starry Night" by Don McLean began to play, the following lyrics being:

"Starry, Starry night... Paint your palette blue and gray... Look out on a summer's day... With eyes that know the darkness in my soul... Shadows on the hills... Sketch the trees and the daffodils... Catch the breeze and the winter chills... In colors on the snowy linen land..."

The Camera began to pan toward various locations on the map of Grand Theft Auto... The Del Perro Pier in Los Santos, Sandy Shores within Blaine County, and Paleto Bay (also within Blaine County), before the Camera panned upwards from the three locations to reveal a Starry, Starry night... Before returning to Mount Chiliad to the boys' Point of View...

3:35 AM...

The boys had been sitting atop the mountain, just watching the beautiful night sky as shooting stars flared across the night.

Samuel stretched his arms to his sides before letting out a yawn.

"Alright, good night guys, I'mma go hit the sack. See y'all in the morning." Samuel said before standing up, and walking towards one of their tents (A Red Tent), unzipping the fly door, kneeling to get in, and zipping back up the fly door from the inside.

"Good night, Samuel," Christopher said to his friend.

"Night, good buddy," Chase replied.

After a few seconds, Chris announced he was going to hit the sack.

"Tonight's been a long one, Gute Nacht, meine Freunde," Christopher said, before standing up. As he walked towards the Forest Camo tent, he pointed his MP 40 around the area, making sure the area was clear before entering his tent.

(Translation: "Good night, my friends.")

Chase and Luke exchanged an amused smile at seeing their buddy, Christopher, scope out the mountain like he was a soldier making sure the coast was clear, but it was only them on Mount Chiliad on a summer night.

"Good night, Christopher," Luke said with a smile.

"So... When are you gonna hit the sack?" Chase questioned Luke.

"I've always been a night owl, I'll be up for a while, why are you gonna sleep?"

"Yeah... All those robberies, especially twenty robberies straight all across the state, really tires a guy out, y'know?" Chase said. "Good night, buddy, see ya in the mornin'."

"Good night, Chase."

Chase stood up and walked towards the red tent his friend Samuel resided in, unzipped the fly door from the outside, walked in, and zipped it back up from the inside. Luke continued to sit alone in silence on his chair, witnessing the shooting stars. He then turned towards his right and noticed the violin and violin bow on the ground, the one that was dropped by that mysterious fox...

A slightly saddened frown was on the man's face, as he stood up, walked towards the two objects, and picked them up. He then looked up at the sky as he held the instrument and stick in his hands, viewing the shooting stars that continued to blaze through the sky.

"Now I understand... What you tried to say to me... How you suffered for your sanity... How you tried to set them free... They would not listen, they did not know how Perhaps they'll listen now..." Luke sang to himself, with a sad expression on his face and a few tears falling from his eyes.

As he watched the night sky, he believed he could see a constellation in the sky, resembling the upper body portions of two anthropomorphic, fox-like, canine characters in a warm hug with smiles on their faces. He sniffled, grabbed some napkins from the folding table, wiped his tears, and crumpled them, before placing them back onto the table.

He then walked towards the mesh doors of each tent, making sure his friends were asleep. The next thing he did was walk towards their Saturn SW2 Station Wagon, pop the trunk, and gently lay the violin and its bow down, before closing the trunk, yawning, and walking towards the camo tent, and sleeping inside of it.

12:25 PM

The next morning, Luke woke up in the tent, letting out a yawn. He saw to his right in the tent, Christopher, playing on his phone.

"Guten tag, Luke, how was your sleep?" Christopher asked with a kind smile as he lowered his phone. (Translation: "Good day")

"Good afternoon Chris, It was alright, how was yours?"

"It was... Okay, I'm not used to sleeping on something that isn't a bed, but I got a full 8 hours of sleep or so, I think."

"MY STYLE IS RI-DIC-DIC-DICULOUS-ULOUS-ULOUS..." A mysterious, sped-up, female voice sang.

"What the hell?" Christopher questioned, eyebrow raised.

Christopher grabbed his MP 40, unzipped the fly door of their camo tent, and hopped out of the tent, performing a barrel roll, head on a swivel as he pointed his Submachine Gun in all directions on top of Mount Chiliad.

"Targets 3 O'- What the fuck?" Christopher asked in confusion, lowering his gun a little bit.

Chase and Samuel were standing outside their tent, with dumbfounded and disturbed expressions on their faces to what they were seeing... What they saw a few feet in front of them were three toilets... It sounded completely bizarre, but that wasn't the strangest part... Protruding from the toilet bowls of said toilets, were human heads connected to necks that were longer than the average human...

The three toilets stood at about 2.5 Feet in height, stood side by side with each other, and possessed no arms or legs, except for the toilet in the middle, which had what looked like a black, mechanical arm mounted on the right of the center toilet's tank.

The toilet on the left had the head of a bald Caucasian man, the toilet in the center had a head that belonged to an African-American man with black hair wearing dark sunglasses, and the final toilet on the right had the head of an Asian man with short, straight, black hair. All three of these sentient toilets... Things had goofy, yet uncanny grins on their faces.

"What the hell? It's those... Those toilet people things all over YouTube!" Chase exclaimed.

The toilet in the center used its mechanical arm to hold up what appeared to be a piece of paper.

"Dear AsianMan_45, you have performed an unauthorized rendition of the anthem of our people without permission. You MUST become one of us if you wish to obtain approval to chant our anthem without negative consequences." the paper read.

"Wait, what are these things talking abou- Oh right! I remember now" Christopher initially said in confusion, but then remembered the goofy, Mortal Kombat fight that happened between Luke and that Luchador NPC earlier, where Luke displayed he had a power level of over 9000 while singing the Skibidi Song.

"These things are called 'Skibidi Toilets', aren't they?" Christopher asked.

"Did... Did these toilets send you a whole-ass copyright claim to their 'Anthem'?" Samuel asked, putting air quotes on the word "Anthem", as he turned his head to look at Luke.

But before anyone could reply-

"BRRRRR, SKIBIDI DOP DOP DOP, YES YES! SKIBIDI DOP DOP, NI! NI! SKIBIDI DOP DOP DOP, YES YES! SKIBIDI DOP DOP, NI! NI!" The Trio of Toilets sang loud and proud, their heads rotating 360° within their toilet bowl bodies, heads contorting and twitching as they slowly began to approach the four men.

Chase let out a savage war cry as he charged at the Asian-Headed toilet with his good ol' reliable M16A4, about to shoot the thing, but the Asian-Headed Skibidi Toilet extended its neck and thrusted its head forwards to headbutt Chase, causing Chase to let out a short scream of confusion before being cut off. Chase's unconscious body hit the ground, his rifle knocked beside him.

Christopher, Luke, and Samuel all looked at each other and the Skibidi Toilets, the look of fear and confusion on their faces.

"What do we do lil' homies?!" Samuel asked frantically.

"Try not to die first," Luke replied with a teasing grin, denoting that, since Samuel was Black, it was a common, dumb stereotype for characters of African-American descent to die first in Horror Movies/Horror Situations.

"Oh shut up, man," Samuel replied. He wasn't angry at his friend for making such a comment, as he knew he was joking.

"GOTT MIT UNS!!!" Christopher loudly exclaimed, causing Luke and Samuel to tense up, as they didn't expect their comrade to let out his war cry.

(Translation: "GOD WITH US!!!")

Christopher valiantly began to fire his gun at the head of the Asian-Headed Skibidi Toilet, and after enough bullets, a loud toilet flush was heard, as the head of the defeated Skibidi swirled around down into its toilet bowl body, leaving nothing, except for a standard toilet.

Samuel then screamed out

"WAKANDA FOREVER!!!" As he charged toward the Caucasian-Headed Skibidi Toilet, and before delivering an absolutely brutal right hook with his massive fist, yelled-


This powerful punch caused the Skibidi Toilet's head to sway to the side, and Samuel took this opportunity to pull down the flusher of the toilet. Once again, a loud toilet flush was heard, as the toilet's head withdrew down into its toilet bowl body, leaving another empty-headed toilet. The last toilet was the Black toilet that wore sunglasses and possessed a mechanical arm mounted on the right of its toilet tank, still holding its copyright claim, it began to approach Luke, signaling it was his turn to fight and show off what attack he would use.

Luke quickly charged at the Skibidi Toilet, and using every ounce of muscle he had in his right foot, delivered an absolutely devastating soccer ball kick to the toilet's base... This kick was such a hard-hitter, it caused the Skibidi Toilet to go flying off Mount Chiliad, still singing its Skibidi song.

"SKIBIDI SKIBIDI SKIBIDI-" It sang before hitting the ground, and once it did, it died in an explosion.

"Where in the name of Kentucky Fried Fuck did those come from?" Samuel asked, completely bewildered.

Then, they all heard a groan and turned to the source. Chase sat up from the ground, a hand on his forehead.

"What happened?" He asked, dazed and confused.

Christopher, who was still dressed as a German Sanitäter Medic, ran to assess Chase for injuries.

"Hey, you alright, soldier?" Christopher asked.

"Yeah... I'm fine." Chase replied.

Christopher lent his gloved hand to help Chase up from the ground.

"Thanks, Chris," Chase said with a smile as he gave his buddy a salute.

"You're welcome, Chase, just doin' my job and making sure my friends are alright," Christopher replied with a smile, reciprocating the salute.

There were a few seconds of awkward silence as the four men just stared at the three empty toilets... It was more than a bizarre sight to just see three random toilets atop a mountain, not to mention that these were essentially the corpses of three Skibidi Toilets... Then, Luke spoke up:

"Hey, we've gotta pay our respects to a fallen comrade..."

Chase, Christopher, and Samuel all gave confused looks to Luke, and then looked at each other with the same, bewildered expressions on their faces.

"Wait... Are you saying the Skibidi Toilets were your friends?" Samuel asked, dumbfounded.

"No, we've got to pay respects to an actual friend, those things were just... Random people, like Uncles and Aunties you see at family gatherings that you've never in a day in your life seen before and get offended when you don't remember them," replied Luke.

1:05 PM

The Camera panned towards the RON Gas Station, the same one Luke's '84 Monte Carlo SS had exploded at after hitting a gas pump... (The Gas Station was also still in wrecked condition)...

Soft, sad, piano music played in the background...

Chase, Christopher, and Samuel were all dressed in black suits, gloves, ties, tailored pants, and dress shoes as if they were attending a funeral service... Chase held a black fedora to his chest, Samuel held a black bowler hat towards his chest, and Christopher placed his gloved right hand on top of his chest in order to pay respect.

Standing a few feet in front of them was Luke... He was also dressed in a funeral service suit, and he held his Brodie helmet to his chest.

Resting about 10 feet in front of him, were the charred remains of what was once a rusty red, 1984 Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS... Positioned next to the burned vehicle, was a large, wooden picture frame on a tripod stand, and the picture in the frame was an '84 Monte Carlo SS, which had a Cadillac Royal Maroon paint scheme, and looked to be in tip-top condition.

Luke cleared his throat before giving a speech.

"Here lies Monty... A 1984, Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS, with a 180-Horsepower, 305-Cubic Inch V-8 coupled to a 4-Speed Automatic Transmission, underpinned on General Motors' G-Body Platform, riding on a 108-Inch Wheelbase..." Said Luke in a somber tone with a tear in his eye...

"He first rolled out of the Baltimore Assembly in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1983 for the 1984 Model Year... He spent a good portion of his life on the streets of Liberty City, until venturing out to Los Santos... He met his end when he collided with a gas pump and passed away in a fiery explosion... 1983 to 2023... A Moment of silence for Monty, the 1984 Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS..."

As ridiculous as it sounded to pay respects to a destroyed car, the four men closed their eyes and stood in silence.

"Wait, I have insurance for this, lmao," Luke said abruptly as he pulled out a set of car keys.

"That's what Mors Mutual is for."

The Camera then panned towards the parking lot of the RON Gas Station and parked in some of the parking lot were the following vehicles: A Rusty Cadillac Royal Maroon 1984 Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS, A Purple 1997 Plymouth Grand Voyager Minivan, A Malaga Red 1969 BMW "Neue Klasse 2000 tii Sedan, A Blue Green Metallic 1994 Saturn SW2 Station Wagon, an 18-Foot, 1972 Winnebago Brave, Class A Motorhome...

The Rusty Red Monte Carlo was an EXACT replica of the one Luke and Chase used during their criminal "expertise": before it blew up... It even had the same "SHITTRZ" License Plate, and the same "Do NOT insert into Rectum" bumper sticker plastered on the trunk of the car. How the '97 Grand Voyager (Crashed into a Wall during a police chase) and the '72 Winnebago (Destroyed in a Gas Station Explosion) were somehow just... There in intact condition was quite a mystery.

It was obvious why the '94 Saturn SW2 was still in decent condition, besides a few bullet holes in the body panels and windows, as it was the only vehicle that survived the four's robbery adventure. Even though Christopher's BMW was destroyed in an explosion at a different gas station, he had insurance on his car which Luke paid for, as he had accidentally destroyed the BMW after shooting down a police helicopter, which crash-landed atop of gas pumps, and Christopher's car.

"OH MY GOD, THE WINNEBAGO SURVIVED!!!" Chase screamed in a tone similar to one of an excited child, as he had a wide smile on his face, temporarily startling Chris and Samuel.

"Wait... Who owns those cars?" Christopher asked as he pointed at the Minivan and the Winnebago.

"I don't give two fucks, the Winnebago survived!" Chase cried out.

Samuel sniffed the air, catching a whiff as he nearly gagged.

"Y'all smell that?" He asked.

Then, the four men heard delirious laughter, and they all turned around to see a crackhead running through the burned ruins of the gas station... He was a Caucasian man in his 40s, who stood at about 5'10, with dirty gray hair, a scruffy gray beard, and a bit of a beer gut. The bearded man wore a greasy gray T-Shirt, a worn-out black jacket that had seen better days, and stained, blue jeans.

This stale, ragged man had a stench that was a mixture of tobacco, alcohol, vomit, and feces, which almost caused the four to puke.

"Was zum Teufel?!" Christopher cried out, in utter confusion.

(Translation: "What the Hell?")

"Who the fuck is that?!" Samuel asked.

Chase and Luke stared in shock... This was the SAME Crackhead Chase had knocked out earlier... The Crackhead ran erratically, flailing his arms in the air and running in a zigzag while laughing and screaming. Then, they all watched in bewilderment as they saw the Crackhead run towards the Winnebago RV, open the driver-side door, and start the engine.

"I'M GOIN' ON THE ROOOAAAD!!!" The Crackhead screamed as he drove the RV out of the gas station, honking the horn.

"HEY! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Chase yelled, outraged. "NOT ON MY FUCKIN' WATCH!"

"Luke! Get into your car and chase that old bastard down!" Chase commanded as he got into the passenger seat of the Monte Carlo.

"SIR, YES, SIR!" Luke replied to the command, briefly saluting before hopping into the driver seat of his Chevy and starting the engine, and pursuing after the Winnebago RV piloted by a Crackhead.

Christopher and Samuel were just left there, standing outside the gas station in ruins in utter bewilderment...

"Should we... Go after them?" Christopher humbly asked, waiting for Samuel's answer.

"I mean, I guess so... Ain't got nothin' better to do," Samuel replied.

"Alright my friend, follow me!" Christopher said as he ran towards his BMW Sedan, opened the driver's side door, and started his engine.

"Komm schon, mein Freund, die Jagd ist eröffnet!" Christopher cried out.

(Translation: "Come on my friend, the hunt is on!")

Samuel ran towards Christopher's '69 BMW 2000 tii Sedan, opening the passenger door and hopping shotgun, and Christopher slammed the pedal to the medal.

"Nice wheels you got man, what is this, a 3-Series?" Samuel complimented.

"Thanks, but... No, this is a BMW 2000 tii from '69... The 3-Series wasn't marketed until 1975." Christopher replied.

"Oh I see, you're just like Luke, a Gearhead," Samuel responded.

"I guess you could say that yeah, but... Luke pretty much likes almost every single car known to mankind, especially Plymouth Neons and Honda Civic Type Rs, I only really like anything made in Germany." Christopher responded, referring to him having a fondness for German-Made Automobiles.

And with that, the pursuit was on. Chase was not going to let some random crackhead hijack a wonderful Winnebago, because he wanted it for himself... As Luke drove his car next to the side of the Winnebago, Chase leaned out the window and pointed his M16A4 at the crackhead. Christopher and Samuel followed behind, in the former's BMW... And the Chase was on down the Great Ocean Highway... Would Chase, Christopher, Luke, and Samuel be able to stop the RV from being driven by a Crackhead? Who knows?!

The End...


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