The Concubine (Final Version)

By Coletxxie

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"I'll do anything for you your Majesty" She said with cheeks stained tears, her lips are plump, red as the be... More

The Concubine
Not an Update


418 19 1
By Coletxxie


The princess had struck her, she thought as she stared at the books before her... She didn't expect that, she... She looks like a goddess... Dae runs her finger through the pages of the book, with the picture of the Sun Goddess Imyrill, the sun goddess of love and fertility and sexuality. The goddess has golden locks, and eyes like that of the princess... Yet in the scripture it says that the Goddess is gentle, and not close to anger as she is the representation of love itself... Yet when the princess had struck her and looked at her with such fiery gaze, she could not help but think that she is closer to the Sun Goddess of war, Riyanon. Dae turned to the next page and looked at the pictures of the Gods and Goddesses, they all look the same... They all shared the golden hair and eyes... And she thought for a moment... The princess belong there, with them... She could be the Goddess of courage she thought, for the princess has the courage that Dae could not muster. Even though the princess had strike her and looked at her with disdain, Dae couldn't ignore the way her heart throb... Because she had the look of fury in her eyes... Something Dae had wished to have whenever her father would strike her, or whenever the maids in the tower would hurt her... She wishes she has that fight in her to stood her ground... So instead of really hating her... Dae could not help but to admire her.

She flips to another page and then to another and another, she did not notice the time until Neviska came and visited her.

"My lady." She called her, Dae looked up at her. Neviska as always has the pretty smile on her face.

"Yes?" She asked her before standing up.

"A carriage from your house had arrive, your brother is here." Dae was surprised, she thought her father's caravan would arrive in three weeks, why was her brother already here? She asked herself uncertain, the image of freedom suddenly shatters before her... She knows why her brother is already here... She knows... That he is going to keep an eye on her. To remind her of her duty to their family.

"My lady? Are you alright?" Neviska asked her, snapping her out of her own thought, she nods her head and smiled, hiding the dread, she allowed Neviska to guide her out of the library and into the inner ward of the castle. She already saw a couple of troops from her father's army, there banner of fire breathing drakes waves in the wind, proud and bloody... There was a also carriage that probably carried her brother... Dae had only met his brothers a couple of times, when they were brought up in the tower to accompany their father, they were introduce to her only one time, their names is the only thing she remembers. Her father has four sons... The eldest was the crown prince, his heir so she doubt that he will send Marcus to the kingdom of his enemy, he is too precious... His third on the other hand couldn't be sent too, because he is known for his short temper and crass way of speaking, sending Ignatius would be like sending a rabid drake... So it would be either of the second son Fredrick or his fourth son Clerick and although she's also aware that she haw two other sisters, Dae had never actually met them... her steps falters a bit when she suddenly see the unmistakable golden threads of the princess at the front already conversing with a certain tall man... They seem to engage in a light conversion, the princess has this smile on her face that Dae knew was forced for it did not reach her eyes... Besides him is the king's son Alastair, the silver knight. He was the first one to see her... Nodding his head in acknowledgement of her presence. Between Alastair and his brother Kaspian, she prefers him... Though he may not look like it, he is actually nice to her.

He whispered something in the princess ears before Roshanne turn to look at her... When their eyes met Dae did not miss the ire in her eyes that she soon masked with profess smile on her lips.

"Lady Dae is here... I believe that the two of you had missed each other greatly." Princess Roshanne extended her hand towards Dae beckoning her to approach, though she did not miss how her words are implying something. She approached them, hesitant on her steps, she finally saw one of her brothers again, this man is taller than their father,and has fierce blue eyes but unlike her, this man has black hair, now that she stood before him she doesn't not know how she should greet him. They are not close, they did not speak nor send letter during their birthdays. So instead she settles with a court nod and greeted him.

"Brother." The princess as well as the rest of the court raise their brow at her cold and indifferent greetings... Their gaze on her made her feel anxious, did she do something wrong? What was she supposed to do? Should she hugged him? But if she does that he might hit her like how their father would if Dae would hug him when she was younger.

"I... I hope that your journey had been easy." She added trying to place some fondness in her tone which she failed terribly.

"You don't need to be so cold to me sister, even though you are to marry the king, you are still my sister... Come give me a proper greeting." Her brother stated with a wide grin before opening his arms. Dae just stared at him.

"You don't need to be shy lady Dae... Go and hug your brother." Princess Roshanne spoke again looking at her, Dae nods her head and slowly approached ber brother, he probably run out of patience because he didn't wait for her to wrap her arms around him, he practically scoop her up and crushed her with his tight hug, while in the man's arm she never once relaxed, her shoulder were stiff. And finally, after that long hug he let go of her, placing her down.

"It would be our pleasure to host you... Please follow us, the king is waiting." Princess Roshanne spoke, but she was not looking at Dae's brother, she was looking at her.

"Of course, it would be my honor." And together the four of them walked inside the palace, Dae did not miss how her brother looked up at the Castle walls made of gold. She had the same reaction when she arrived at Solvira.
The kingdom is more beautiful than she thought it would be, it was grand, it was regal in every aspect, towers and Castles and Houses were build differently, not that she had seen the streets of the Lysos but she knows for a fact that the Kingdom of Solvira, is the most beautiful kingdom, even it's streets are made of bricks and golds, buildings were made of pristine white marbles gilded with gold, it's roof a beautiful color of Azure marbles, in each roof stood the sigil of the empire, the dragon and the sun... Tall towers could be seen all around, t'was taller than the tower she was locked into, and some of them was big enough to house two dragons at once, magic run rampant in the streets, children were free, people wore good clothes, always pristine in color.

"I have never seen such a magnificent castle before." Her brother finally spoke breaking the silence.

"Wait until you see the temples of Solvira." The princess spoke without as much as looking at them.

"The castle was build by our sun gods themselves, it was to represent their holiness and power." It was Alastair who spoke next, he did never bother to hide the arrogance in his tone.

"Ah... Of course, the power... My people often says that you and your people are gods themselves reincarnated in the mortal flesh... Your winged beast is what put you in difference between us and the rest." Her brother replied, his voice was light but Dae knew he was seething inside.

"Your beast gave you the sky and the earth and the sea... But what is the gift of everything when you are all mortal still. Your flesh aren't as impenetrable as the scale of your beast." Dae looked at her brother with wide eyes, he was still smiling as if he just didn't insult the host, Dae turn to look at the princess who was looking at her brother with a look she could not read, while sir Alastair hand was already on the hilt of his sword, was that a threat? Did her brother just threatened them?

"Drakes are dragons too." She suddenly spoke making everyone looked at her.

"They may be wingless, but they also breath flames... My brothers rode the biggest drakes." The princess raised her brow, the frown on her lips suddenly turned upward and she release a laugh that had everyone relaxing.

"Yes they are..." The princess replied before she started walking again.

"In fact we are not the only living dragon lords... The Rivervale had their own, four legged dragons, but smaller than our own. The biggest one they had only grew about the size of a carriage... The northerners as well had one... They have this feather four winged dragons... The isle of the dragons have the weirdest one.... They have long body like that of a snake and Wings, but no feet.... And your kingdom which have the Drakes... Four legged terror and a thorn in our side... Your beast after all has the habit of raiding some villages." The princess stated.

"That is close to our border." Her brother added. The princess did not bother to reply.

" The king awaits you inside." She spoke stopping just in front of the golden door to the throne room.

" Thank you for your hospitality princess, I am looking forward to spending time here in Solvira. Now sister, would you mind if you accompany me to the presence of your future husband?" Her brother had a sweet smile on his face and offer his shoulder for to take, but before she could hold onto his arm the princess spoke again.

"The king had given a strict instructions that you are to meet him alone. The lady Dae would have to stay here and wait for you." Dae was relieved when the princess had save her again. Her brother only nods his head, kissed her on her cheeks before he entered the throne room, they were alone again. Dae looked at the golden door, she stared at the engraved face of the mighty dragon looms above them and for a moment she thought it moved, the dragon could swallow her whole... And the thought did not scare her, if anything she had wanted it, if it means she could be out of the responsibility her father had pushed into her.

" Lady?" Her trance of thoughts were cut short by the princess who suddenly spoke. She looks back at her and then she remembers that she had to be in the library.

" I... I should return now... If you'd excuse me your highness." She was about to turn around, to return to the silence of the Library but the princess spoke again.

"You are not excused yet my lady. Come with me to the palace harem... The other concubines wishes to meet you in person." She stated offering her hand for Dae to take... She looks at the princess hand and then the other way contemplating wheatear to say no or just thug along, she wasn't really in the mood to talk, nor to see other people, she wasn't used to speaking and having conversations, she much rather prefer it if she would be left alone in the Library where she could reads all the books that she so desire.

"I wouldn't really take no for an answer my lady." Princess Roshanne spoke as if she could read Dae's mind, with a defeated sigh she could only nod her head and take the princess hand, as they walk, with their arms link together, Dae did not miss how some servants and guards look at her... They looked at her with great disdain. She never knew what she did wrong, but she guesses that, that is how they will treat someone who's an outsider.

If the situation was reversed, if it is the princess that was sent to them instead of her... The situation might be different, her people would probably look at her like she's a god herself. And Dae... Dae wouldn't probably even meet her, she would probably just see her from afar.

"Let me see." Dae was startled when the princess suddenly touched her cheeks making her flinch, the princess hand was soft and warm. And she smells so good, like lavender and sun. She turns her head to side where the princess wishes to see the cheek that she had struck, it was redder than usual but it won't bruise, she heard her sigh before pulling her hand back.

"It's red, but it won't bruise." She stated before looking at Dae's face.

"Pray forgive me for what I have done... It wasn't intentional." Dae looked at their hand, relief suddenly washed over her... The princess is not mad at her. The princess does not wish her any harm. She just lost her temper that's all, but her ire wasn't directed towards her.

"It is me that should be apologizing your highness, I shouldn't have said that."  She stated all the while avoiding her gaze. She feel ashamed for even thinking of such question, she didn't even know why she asked it, nor why she had assumed that the princess would bow and allow any man for tarnishing her beauty, she may be like Dae in some ways, she may also hate the idea of childbirth, because from what she had heard, pregnancy tends to leave lasting scar on a woman's body, but Dae is more afraid of the thought of the pain that she must have to go through and the idea of raising children, she has no idea what it likes to raise children, because she has no one to lean on. Maybe the princess too is afraid of that notion.

"Yes you shouldn't have." The princess stated making her wince even more.

"You should have hold back your tongue, I am a kind person Dae... But I am not good, my kindness only exceed a certain limit... A limit you should know not to test nor to cross... Am I understood my lady?" Dae wordlessly nods her head while keeping her head down... But she felt the princess hand on her chin, she tilts her head up, her eyes boring against her own. Dae could not help but stare.

" I need you to look at me and answer, am I understood Dae?" She fights back the urge to nod and look away, instead she bore the intensity of the princess gaze and answered.

" Yes, your highness." Pleased with her reply the princess had let go of her, she wraps her arms against Dae's own and together they walked side by side.

" Good, then all is forgiven, let us not think of it again." The princess stated with a smile that Dae couldn't help but mirror, they walked for a couple of minutes, the princess would occasionally speaks about her interests, and Dae would share her own, which are not much... The princess also spoke with her about the other dragons that she had spoken about earlier. Dae was only ever aware of the Solviran dragons, she wasn't aware of any other else.

" I hated the Drakes though." The princess stated with a shake of her head.

" They smell nasty, tsk. There stench are hard to get rid off, unlike our dragons... They at least know how to bathe." As if on cue, a couple of dragons pass by them, their shadows looms above them for a moment before disappearing, Dae caught only a glance of a purple scaled one, she turns to look at Sir Alastair who was looking at the beast too.

" My brother's dragon... Is named Mistyca."  The princess looked at her brother with a certain look of amusement.

" She's a sweet she dragon... She came from the hatchling of my own dragon... When she was but an egg her shell was the color of silver, and it reminded me of my brother, having silver like hair, I thought it was a perfect match, and so I gifted it to him... Imagine my surprise when the hatchling came out as purple instead of silver. I thought I was deceived." She hear sir Alastair scoff before shaking his head, but there is a smile on his lips.

" Sweet is not something to explain that feisty she dragon sister. She burned the red field remember? It causes a thousand death to your father's army." He looked at lady Dae, though he did not mean to scare her, it did not fail to make her shiver.

" She's sweet nevertheless." The princess jested, the three of them began walking again.

" I don't see your dragon often your highness, where is she?" She decided to ask, since she really hadn't caught a glimpse of the red she dragon.

" Hmmm.... My wildfyre... She spend most of her time in the dragon dome, if not in the dragon tower near the temple of goddess Imyrill." She stopped walking and turned to look at her brother.

" You are dismissed sir, we can take it from here." Sir Alastair did not question the princess any further and allowed them to walk pass an archway alone, the breeze suddenly grew warm and the smell of Jasmin flowers wafted through the air.

"This is the palace Harem... Soon after you are married to the king you will move here to join the other concubines." Princess Roshanne had informed her, Dae was completely taken by surprise by the sudden change of scenery, where the palace is filled with shinning floors, silver pillars and golden roofs, the harem palace is made of woods and marbles, but is beautiful nonetheless, flower could be see everywhere, vines wrap around pillars, birds could be heard singing.

"Just so you know, my mother is the head of the Harem palace, she takes care of it, and deals with it's need, but since she is currently indisposed, lady Ceris took it by herself to manage the palace, you should know that if you wanted to stay here for long... Try and be friend her above all else." The princess suddenly stops walking and turned to look at her.

" And be ware of lady Clementine, she used to be my father's favorite, but since you arrived, she falls out of favor. Now remember do enjoy your time here... After all, this will be your home. Now go inside." The princess smiles at her before turning around, but Dae couldn't help but call for her again, why was she leaving her? She thought.

" W-wait princess... May I ask where are you going?" She politely ask, though her thumbs and fingers keep twiddling against the fabric of her dress.

" Princesses and Princes as well as other noble people aren't allowed inside the palace Harem, only a couple of black Dames and my father is allowed to enter. But you as a future concubine is allowed to see the palace Harem... So go and enjoy." She stated before turning to leave, Dae watches her till she could see her no more, then she looks at the archway and contemplated, she could turn and go back to the library if she wanted. But the princess had told her to go inside, biting her lip Dae took a deep breath before entering.

All eyes turns towards her when she finally entered the harem palace. There were about fifteen people inside, all women of different age, looks and complexion but all look beautiful nevertheless, some of them she had already seen from the celebration, some from the breakfast earlier. They were all in different positions, some were just lazing around, some where doing embroidery, and some were talking, but what had caught her attention was the two woman that was seating at far center of the room, the two were pressed together closely, their eyes were focused on her, one woman has dark hair like that of the raven's feather, the woman that was pressed to her has silver hair with Soft lilac eyes. Then her eyes began to roam again, each woman there had posses unique trade marks that set them apart from one another, some has silver hair, the other have blond, and hair as dark as the obsidian rocks in the hilt of her father's sword, some even have unique colors such as purple and pink, brown and light blue, others has white, but one thing is clear, all them are beautiful.

"It is you!" The lady that was pressed on the raven haired woman suddenly spoke, standing and striding closer to her excited steps, Dae was startled when she reaches for her hand.

"The bronze princess! That's you isn't it?" Dae was confused by the name that the woman had given to her.

"More like the bloody witch." Someone from behind sarcastically stated making everyone snicker, except from the lady that was holding her hand and was looking at her with sheer excitement.

"Step back Eleanor, you'll scare the poor lady." The Raven haired woman sighed before she stood up and approach them, lady Eleanor seems not to bother at all, her gaze was firm at her.

"My... It is true... Your beauty is exceptional! Don't you think my love? Lady Freya's beauty doesn't even matches this young lady's comeliness!" Lady Eleanor exclaimed, the raven haired woman puts her hand gently on lady Eleanor's shoulder and pulled her away from Dae.

" Now, now, do be careful of your words, we don't want you gaining any unwanted rivalry. To put the beauty of princess Freya is question is considered treason... And as absurd as it sounds is punishable by death." Now that lady Eleanor is away from her, the Raven haired woman looked at her.

" What brings you here lady Dae of Lysos? Are you here to make an acquittance? Or perhaps to choose your own room." Dae just looked at her in questions, because she came there thinking none of those options, she just thought that she would have to look around.

" Of course she would want to make some friends Ceris... Stop scaring the poor girl." Lady Eleanor pushed lady Ceris away from her and pulled Dae's hand.

"Come, come let us get to know each other, it's been a while since a new girl had been introduced to us... The last one sadly jumped off the roof." Dae had more questions as to why the last one had jumped off the roof but held her tongue and instead allowed lady Eleanor to drag her.

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