to Kiss a Drug Addict

By Wildfirex91

551K 10.8K 2K

"Why do you do this to yourself?" "There's a lot of reasons. My past, how it makes me feel and how bad it is... More

1. to Kiss a Stranger
2. You Creep Me Out
3. I don't care
4. I'll tell you what I want
5. Fifteen Days
6. Twenty-one questions
7. Silence
8. Dropping Veils
9. Under the moon
10. Confessions, Confessions
11. Heartbeat
12. Hanging On
13. Blind Judgment
14. The Truth
15. Free Falling
16. Dancing With Myself
17. Caught in Webs
18. Broken Promises
19. Rosie
20. Besitos
21. The Past and The Present
22. Letting Go
23. Exposed Secrets
24. Brown Eyes
25. Wears her out
26. The Edge
27. One Last Wish
28. The Beginning.
29. The Absence of Rose
30. The Great Escape
32. Lost
33. You Know I Love You
34. Misery
35. Lost in blood
36. Somebody New
37. Conversation
38. Four Steps Back
39. Save Me
40. Sewing Wounds
41. Almost There
Chapter 42: to Kiss a Drug addict (final chapter)

31. Judgment

2.6K 89 16
By Wildfirex91

"I can't promise to fix all your problems, but I can promise you won't face them all alone"


Chapter 31:

Peirce pov:

Rose jams the card into the slot. After a few seconds, she opens the door to our room. Room 201. We both reluctantly walk in. The nervish feeling already starts setting into the atmosphere. Rose walks towards the bathroom.

"They have bathrobes!" she happily informs. Then her smile fades "Only. . .one bathrobe."

"You can have it." I say.

"What about you?" she asks.

I stop hugging myself to seem less cold.

"I'll just wait till my clothes dry."

Her eyes light up with an idea, "They have a hair dryer! You can dry them while I take a shower."

I blink, "You're gonna take a shower?"

"Duh, I don't wanna get sick."

She takes the drier and gestures for me to take my clothes off.

"Come on, before you get a cold too."

"I've never used one of those things before."

"It's a piece of cake. Here, hand me your shirt."

It shocks me to see how little she cares about bare skin.

"Are you making this all up just to see me without a shirt on?" I say.

Her mouth widens, "Fine. You figure it out."

She makes me believe she's about to walk into the bathroom again. I sigh and take off my shirt. I even throw it at her. She stands there for a moment, with the rag covering her face.

"That isn't very nice." She complains from under. She slowly takes it off, her eyes meeting mine.

I stand there feeling very exposed. Her eyes roam for a second.

"Just how I imagined you." She teases.


"You press this button first so that it can turn on, then you switch it to the level of power you want. Easy." she informs while hanging my shirt near a rack. "I'll be out in a few minutes.

Rose takes the bathrobe and disappears into the bathroom.


I'm sitting on a small uncomfortable chair, half asleep. She comes out of the shower ten minutes later, wearing a clean white bathrobe that reaches her knees.

"Did they dry?"

"Barely." I respond "My jeans are still cold."

"Then take them off."

My eyes widen.

"I mean," she chuckles "It's not like. . .anything is gonna happen if you do."

After a few seconds of silence, we both find ourselves staring at the bed. It not too big and not too comfortable looking.

"You can't just sleep on that chair." Rose smiles "So don't try to convince me you will just to guard my honor. We slept together before, remember?"

I smirk to try to play it off.

"I wasn't planning on it. That's called noble idiocy."


Me? I had no choice but to sleep in wet boxers. The drier broke before I could finish with my jeans. Rose doesn't seem to mind. Her back is to me right now as she lays on her left side. Her wet hair rests against my left arm. I don't mind that either. The vanilla scent is pleasing.

"You should've taken a shower too." Rose mumbles "Now you're gonna get sick."

"I won't." I lie.

She turns to face me. We look at each other for a long time then start talking again, getting to know each other so much she becomes my best friend all over again.

She tells me about her father In the Army, how he's thousands of miles away, and how much she misses him. She tells me how she broke her arm in the fifth grade and the time a neighbor daringly kissed her on the lips while they were playing house. She tells me stories of her childhood and dreams for her future. She tells me she likes me after the story with Prim and whispers 'I love you' when I smile at her joke.

In return, I tell her more about my old life, before I lost everything. I tell her about my first pet hamster and how I got bit by a turkey once on a farm. I tell her about the lavish trips my family took on the holidays. I tell her my dreams: to be sober, to be happy, and to travel the world like I used to. I tell her the emptiness I feel when she isn't there, because I have no one if she isn't there.

We talk for two hours, until she finally starts drifting off to sleep. She turns to her side again, her back to me, her hair on my arms.

She sighs, "We'll talk more in the morning."

I feel her smile in the air.

"Okay." I agree.

After a while, I start whispering "Rose."

She doesn't answer.

"Rose." I whisper a little louder


"Guess what."


I stare at the ceiling. My heart beating fast.

"I love you too."


Rose pov:

Our breakfast consists of two bags of chips and a can of soda. We walk up to the front desk, return the key, and then walk hand and hand out of the motel.

From there we make our way back to his car parked in the camping grounds. He tries turning it on again but it's no use.

"That's it, I'm throwing this garbage in the junk yard." He declares.

"Why didn't you get rid of it sooner?" I giggle.

"I get too attached to things." He confesses "It's a bad habit of mine. I bought this with my own savings. I was too proud to take dad's money and buy myself a new one."

"Your dad's inheritance money?"

"Yeah." He mumbles "Makes me feel guilty living off him even after his death. But no one in Lancet wants to give me a job."

My stomach ties in knots. The more I think about Peirce being hated on, the more I hate Lancet. These people are judgmental to the point it makes me sick. They're self-righteous and old-fashioned and they're raising their kids the same way.

We wait next to the car until Matty arrives to pick us up twenty minutes later. He parks in front of the car, then comes out. The slam of the door and the look on his face makes my stomach knot even more. I had the hope he wouldn't be angry with me because I called him through a payphone to let him know what was going on.

"Get in the car, Rose." He orders.

I briefly look at Peirce, who only stares at the ground.

"Rose." Matty repeats "Get in the car."

I reluctantly let go of Peirce's comforting hand, "I'll talk to you later."

Peirce softly nods. I walk towards Matty's car until I'm safely inside. He soon helps check what's wrong with the engine. He takes out a toolbox and does something I don't quite see. The car turns on successfully. Matty says something to Peirce for a short while before sitting beside me and turning the engine on.

I feel awkward and annoyed at how rude he's acting. But I'm especially worried because Peirce looks upset.

"What did you say to him?" I demand to know.

"I reminded him." He harshly answers.

"Of what?"

"Of your relationship with Tyler."

I stare out the window, Peirce getting into his car.

"What would people think if they knew about your little adventure with another guy?"

"It was an accident."

"Shut up."

He backs out. Angrily, he starts driving back to Lancet.


Peirce's pov:

Matthew orders Rose to get in his car. By the tone of his voice, I can tell he isn't in a good mood. When she's in, he orders me to pop the hood to check what's wrong. Under his breath, he mutters that the problem wasn't that hard to solve. He takes his tool box and starts working the engine.

"You know she's dating someone right?" he says.

I lean against the car, crossing my arms "I know."

"He came looking for her yesterday. Turns out he already suspected she'd be with you."

I stay quiet. If I open my mouth to talk about Tyler, it won't be nice. Matthew seems to like him more than he likes me.

"Try turning it on." He says.

I do. The car comes back to life. I come out again and face him. He closes the hood and looks at me completely.

"You know, I don't want people around town calling my sister a slut. Because people around town saw you two driving away and now they're starting to talk."

"I don't care about people 'around town'."

"Well I do. If it regards my sister, I do. Right now she's in a relationship. And I'm glad she's not in a relationship with you."

My brows crease together. What is he saying?

"Because you don't have the mind to even care for someone right now. You could wake up dead any time you succumb to your weakness. You. . .don't have anything to offer Rose. You don't have a good reputation, you don't have a job, you're an addict."

"Are you judging me right now?"

"I'm stating facts. You're unreliable and until you become reliable I don't think you should string Rose along. I thought a lot about it. I don't want her to get more attached to you. You're . . .not good for her. She doesn't eat, she locks herself in her room all day. Haven't you notice her depressive state? I know it's because of you, because she's worried sick."

I'm unable to speak. She's like this because of me?

"If you need help, you can always count on me." He continues "Because I've been there and I know how it feels. I know what it does to the people close to you. . .I know that more than anything. . .and I'm not talking only about family." His eyes start tearing up "I'm talking about everyone around you."

Sweat coats the back of my neck, "So you're telling me to stop seeing her because I'm an addict?"

"I'm telling you to put some distance. I'm not an idiot. I know she won't stay away from you. But I don't want her to get attached." He repeats "Especially to you."

Without another word he turns away from me and enters his own car. I'm left there with a headache and remorse attacking my chest. I knew there was something wrong with her.

But why does it have to be because of me?



When I get home, Grandma is watching her favorite t.v show. She seems calm and relaxed.

"Oh," she looks at me "Honey, how was your camping trip with your friends?"

I'm confused for a second until I feel Matty's pinch on my back.

"Erm, it was fine. Totally fine."

"That was unexpected." She laughs "Running off on a Friday to go camping. Where'd you get the time to pack?"

"Um, I went with the clothes we had on." I'm guilty about lying to her. The things is I can't handle another scornful look. "I'm going up to my room to change." I say.

After changing into a comfortable pair of pajamas, I lay in my sweet bed. My fingers quickly text Peirce after my phone turns on again.

"Got in trouble with Matty, but he covered for me ;)"

An hour goes by and he doesn't reply. I glare at the phone. Maybe it's discharged. I give up on trying to contact him and finish up some makeup work I need to turn in. At around four, Melissa texts me, advising me she'll be coming over in thirty minutes.

Thirty-five minutes go by and no knock on my door. I crawl out of bed to walk downstairs. I'm half-way down when I hear a harsh voice coming from Matty's room. Is he arguing with one of his girlfriend's again? With my phone in my hand, I walk back upstairs and sneak in front of his room. I carefully press my ear against the door where I hear him.

"How can you not be sure? Don't you keep track of these things? You're freaking pregnant and you don't tell me about it. I have to hear it from someone else?"

My heart screeches to a halt. M-matty, my Matty, got a girl. . .pregnant?

The girl doesn't answer back. My mind starts racing with all sort of imaginary scenarios. What will Matty do? He's only a sophomore in college and he has a low-paying part time job. When will he have the time to care for a baby? I close my eyes. I'm upset and disappointed, because I thought he knew how to take care of himself. I'm glad he didn't turn up with an STD, but a baby is a tremendous amount of work. My heart aches for him, just as much as it ached for Melissa when she found out she was pregnant.

"You're not gonna say anything?" he questions "Don't you know what you mean to me? When were you going to tell me?"

There's a knock on the door. Melissa. I make a plan to hide her quickly in my room so she doesn't have to hear anything. If she find out about Matty, she'll end up in the hospital. I slowly step away from the door and walk downstairs. Matty is still asking the girl inaudible questions. I feel his stress slipping from under the door.

I turn the lock and open the door. But. . .it isn't Melissa.


He coldly smirks "You remember me."

"How could I forget." I mutter. He makes one move forward but I block his way "I didn't invite you in."

"You and I need to talk." He declares "So move the hell out of my way."

"This is my house and I'm not alone. I don't want you coming into my home."

"Why? I'm your boyfriend."

"I don't feel like getting beat up today." I snarl.

He grabs my wrist, tightening the grip "I don't beat you up, Rosie. I will if you keep talking smart like that. I don't like girls that think they're better than me."

The fear almost causes me to collapse. I thought I could be strong after my trip with Peirce. I'm still a coward.

"Let me go." I warn "I'll scream."

"Scream and you die." He warns right back.

I pull myself away, giving up. He walks right in, invading every single inch of my space. "Let's go to your room."

We walk upstairs, my hand forced into his. I almost forget about Matthew's situation. I'm reminded when the door flings open and out comes Matty, gripping the wrist of the girl he was arguing with. I stop walking. Because I can't believe my eyes.

"Melissa?" I whisper.

There's tears in her eyes and a hand on her stomach. "Rose. . ."

I look at Matty, who can't even look at me.

"What the hell. . .did you guys do?"

Tyler lets me go, noticing the tears welling in my eyes. "What's wrong, Rosie?" He asks.

"Rose," Melissa cries "I have to go, I'm sorry."

She rushes past us. Matthew only stands there.

"When did this even. . ." I can't even finish the sentence. I feel betrayed and used. How did they think of hiding something like this to me? To me.

"Just go to your room. Tyler, leave her alone for today. You can live without her for a few hours." Matt says.

"Alright, buddy." He awkwardly smiles. He kisses my cheek then walks out of the house.

I'm still standing in the same place, glaring at my brother. He turns to go back into his room. I block his way, facing him.

He rolls his eyes, "I'm not in the mood for your games. And by the way, I didn't do anything with your friend, we were just arguing about something stupid."

"About your baby?"

He stops avoiding me. "H-how did you-"

"I heard everything." I say "How could you? When were you two planning on informing me about your secret? Am I not trustworthy? Was I going to prohibit you two from being together? Do you think that lowly of me? How could you disrespect my best friend like that?"

I shove him with my trembling hands.

"You get angry at me for accidentally spending one night with a guy who respects me more than you ever respected this house! And then you judge me for liking a guy other than my bastard boyfriend when you have sex with multiple women, including my best friend."

I shove him one more time. His back hits the wall. My heart hurts too much.

"Did you think about me? Did you think about Grandma when you took that step with Melissa?"

He doesn't reply.

I lock myself in my room and crawl under the covers again. I cry for a long time, about everything. About Tyler, about Peirce, about Melissa. . .about Matty.

About how pathetic my happy life has become.


few chapters till the end :o :(

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