Tales of the alien hero (Disc...

By Karnage_kult

61.9K 1.4K 567

Unlike the rest of humanity, Izuku didn't unlock his quirk at the age of 4, but instead, at the age of 10. A... More

Izuku's bio
The watch
Harem pt.1
Sound Vs Liquid
10 months to be a hero
Ultimate beat'em up
Ultimate forms pt.1
First day + new batch
Second batch
The hunt
Looks like you've seen a ghost
Getting to know them
Meeting Azmuth
Harem pt.2
The Festival begins
The shining prey
One is many
Beat Fire with Fire
Festival cut short
Put a name to the face
Old man wisdom
The phantom in hosu
Class adjustment and fusion power

U.S.J smack down

2.1K 57 16
By Karnage_kult

It was now the day of the trip, and still no one knew where they'd be going. The bus trailed down towards somewhere, and the students of Class 1A began to talk with each other.

"So, Izuku. What is your quirk?" Tsuyu asked Izuku."I don't have one. It's this, the Omnitrix that lets me turn into any Alien I want. The only bad thing is that I can't take it off." Izuku explained to Tsuyu and to whoever was listening to the two mossheads conversation.

"*Kero* How does it work?" She asked him, but Izuku shrugged his shoulders and put his hands behind his head."Beats me." The bus came to a halt, and the tires flattened as they were in front of a giant glass dome. The doors hissed identical, and the students left the bus and went outside to look at the glass dome.

"Welcome, Class 1A!" The Blackhole hero: Thirteen called out as she walked towards them from the domes entrance.

"This is the U.S.J." Thirteen told the class, and both Mina and Kaminari said unison,"Universal Studios Japan!?" This seemed to make Thirteen smile and say."Nope, it stands for Unforeseen Simulation Joint." Thirteen corrected the two idiots and they all entered the U.S.J with Thirteen, telling them about the various zones in the U.S.J.

"We have the earthquake zone, landslide zone, Avalanche zone, shipwreck zone, inferno zone, and tropical storm zone." She told the class and most listened intently, but some were too busy looking around at the areas."Now, the reason you're all here is to help you with the less action part of being a hero." Thirteen informed them, but when she tried to continue, but the lights to the U.S.J went out surprising Thirteen, which Izuku noticed, and he realised that whatever happened next wasn't supposed to happen.

"Woah, they've even got fake villains!" Kirishima pointed out as everyone looked down and in front of a fountain in the middle of the U.S.J was a portal made of purple mist, and out of the mist portal was an entire army of villains. There were two very notable villains, a giant bird looking villain and a villain covered in hands.

"Those aren't fake villains!" Mr. Aizawa said, pushing Kirishima back, and he jumped down the stairs towards the villains, taking out some that had tried to advance on the class. "Come on, get to the exit!" Thirteen said with urgency, and the class ran back to the entrance they had just come through moments ago, but the mist that had allowed the villains in appeared in front of them blocking their exit.

"I do sincerely apologise, children. We aren't here for you but for All Might." The mist told them, and Bakugo sprinted towards the mist."NO WAY IN HELL AM I GOING TO BE BAIT!" Kirishima followed bakugo as they both jumped up to attack it, but they were teleported somewhere.

The mist quickly wrapped around some of the students, including Izuku, and they were all sent to different zones around the U.S.J. Izuku fell into the water of the shipwreck zone, and he immediately turned the Omnitrix on and switched the alien to Ripjaws.

Izuku saw that in the water with him were villains as well. With rapid speeds, Izuku swam towards some of the villains, ready to take them out, but suddenly, Tsuyu kicked him in the stomach. "What was that for Tsuyu!?" Izuku asked her, which took her by surprise, but then she looked at Izuku's chest and saw the same symbol all of Izuku's transformations have had whenever he's transformed before.

Tsuyu wrapped her tongue around Izuku's waist and leapt towards the ship in the middle of the zone. Tsuyu dropped Izuku first onto the ship, and he transformed back into his normal self. Tsuyu jumped onto the boat and dropped Mineta, who she carried in her arms. "Sorry about that. Thought you were a villain." Tsuyu apologised to Izuku for the inconvenience, and Izuku let out a small sigh.

"It's fine, but right now. We need to figure out how to get back to land before the villains get on board." He told Tsuyu and Mineta but suddenly had a crying outburst with him shouting,"What's the point! We're all gonna die!" Mineta tried to crawl over the side of the boat but was stopped by Tsuyu's tongue, but something in Izuku's mind clicked, and he got an idea.

"I know what to do." Izuku told the two, and they both looked at him."Really? What is it?" Tsuyu asked the alien hero in training as Izuku flicked through the Omnitrix he landed on Feedback, and a big grin developed. He pressed down on the Omnitrix and turned into Feedback. "When I jump down, you jump up." Izuku told Tsuyu through a static voice, and he jumped over the side, surprising the two, but Tsuyu did what she was told and grabbed Mineta and jumped into the air.

Mineta saw what Izuku was doing, and he was shocking the water, knocking out all the villains both in and below the water. Izuku stopped seeing Tsuyu about to land just at the waters edge and turned into Ripjaws and swam towards the waters edge. "Hey, glad to see I didn't give you guys a shock." Izuku told the two, and Mineta, who was still held onto Tsuyu's left boob said,"Yeah, thank god." Tsuyu then drowned Mineta.

The trio's attention was soon directed at the sound of bones cracking "Your persistent Erasurehead. Makes you a badass, doesn't it?" The hand covered villain complimented the hero whose face was held against the ground by the giant bird looking villain as Izuku saw that Mr. Aizawa's elbow was decaying.

"But let's see how you do when someone you care about is in danger!!" The hand villain shouted before Izuku or anyone else could react he appeared in front of Tsuyu and placed his hand on her head, but unlike with Mr. Aizawa's elbow Tsuyu wasn't affected by it, and this made the hand villain grin.

"You really are a badass, Erasurehead." Mr. Aizawa had used his quirk in the very brief moment the hand villain had run towards the students in the water. A green flash covered the hand villains vision, and he was suddenly knocked sky high by Izuku as Humungousaur.

"Let go of Mr. Aizawa!" Izuku shouted at the bird villain, but it didn't even look at Izuku. "Oi! I'm talking to you, bird brain!" Izuku shouted, giving it a right hook right in the jaw, taking out three teeth in the process. The bird villain still didn't attack.

"Nomu! Kill the big guy!" The hand villain spat through blood as the named bird villain, Nomu looked at Izuku and sent Izuku into the air with an uppercut. 'Damn!? That thing packs a punch!?' Izuku thought as he began to descend into the ground, and as soon as he got up, he gave the Nomu a three piece combo, smacking it into the landslide zone.

The Nomu rushed towards Izuku, but he quickly smacked the Nomu in the face with his tail and then slammed his fist into its face, making the ground shatter into pieces. Izuku continued his barrage of punches into the Nomu's brain before then giving it one powerful punch into its brain, killing it instantly.

He stood up and held the mush of brain parts. "Screw this, I didn't ask to get killed!" A random villain shouted, running away, and soon others followed.

"Kurogiri, get me out of here!" The hand villain demanded, and the mist appeared saying."Of course, Master Shigaraki!" And both Kurogiri and Shigaraki disappeared, at the same time the staff of U.A burst through the doors but were surprised when villains got on their knees and pleaded with the staff saying "Please, just get the cuffs on us, we don't wanna face that big guy." The staff looked at each other confused but shrugged their shoulders and put the cuffs on each of the villains that had surrendered.

Izuku picked up Mr. Aizawa, Izuku, was still in his Humungousaur form and spoke softly to Mr. Aizawa "Don't worry, Sensei. You'll be alright." And Mr. Aizawa spoke back, "Thanks, Midoriya."

Chapter end

I know that I said I would replace Mineta with Gwen, and I will, just not right now.

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