Falling Like the Stars

By Skyland2704

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World of the Coinless was not a good setting for love stories... surrounded by star crossed lovers and beauti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

34 0 0
By Skyland2704

Or maybe it had not been her fault entirely... but she never could stop thinking about the fact that if her and Javi's stars had not collided, in reality, both of them would be... well... in this world. When things were getting better, when Kimberly Hart had taken to the throne. It was true, like an Oscar Wilde quote said, which had been quoted to her by her father, who had turned out to be an avid reader, once the Queen had opened libraries to all. "We Are All In The Gutter, But Some Of Us Are Looking At The Stars".

She and Javi had dared to look at the stars, but look where it had gotten the two of them.

That kiss she had not given him, had become like a star inside of her.

The stars, the stars, the stars... it all came back to the stars... Maybe their stars were the ones that had been in jeopardy since the beginning.


They sat in the grass, all four of them, the remains of the Garcia's erstwhile home behind them, Amelia holding Javi's hand, Fern holding Izzy's. The siblings sat as far away from each other as their respective girlfriends would allow.

"You guys need to talk. You need to sort this out" Amelia started, after an uncomfortable half hour of silence.

Fern nodded, "Listen, Javi, I know you mean no harm, or you wouldn't be sitting here, but I'm on Izzy's side, no matter what. Don't hurt her"

"I'm not a kid, Fern" Izzy started, shooting a side eye at her, "and neither is he. He knew what he was doing when he killed Adrien, you were there too"

Amelia turned around and looked at Javi in disbelief, " you're the one who killed Adrien? Izzy's friend Adrien? That KID?"

Javi sighed, "I don't even know who you guys are talking about! Who is Adrien?! Who did I kill?!" Javi said, exasperated, closing his eyes, and lying back in the grass, clutching his head, "I don't remember anything!"

"What the..." Amelia mouthed, and then turned around, and laid in the grass with him, facing him, "Javi, Javi..." she gently placed her fingertips over his eyelids. Javi looked traumatized, he looked like he was about to start screaming, he looked ill.

"You don't even remember?" Izzy asked, her voice sounding like it had been torn from excessive screaming, "you killed my best friend, and you don't even remember?"

"NO I DON'T!" Javi screamed, getting up, all of a sudden, Amelia following, looking confused.

"Let me remind you, then." Izzy said, with gritted teeth, suddenly feeling Fern's hands around hers again, as if stopping her from doing anything impulsive. Izzy nodded at Fern, indicating she wasn't going to do anything rash. Instead, Izzy pulled out a little box from one of her many, many pockets, and handed it to Javi.

Javi stared at it for a minute, before remembering what it was. His heart sank, when he realized he had had the same one, and he'd left it in his trunk, back in the Fortress, and maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't get a chance to get it back.

When they'd been kids, they'd bought this together, two parts of the same box, which could exist as separate boxes in itself, but when interlocked together, revealed the opening of a hidden chamber of the box. Really intricate carpentry work, with a handcrafted calligraphic alif symbol attached in two parts on the lid. Javi had his half, and it housed old pictures and little trinkets which was almost all he had about their family. Izzy had one too, and that was the one that he held in his hand, right now. He was probably one of the only people who knew how to open it. He twisted the symbol on top to the right, and then gently extracted the right wall of the box, letting its contents slide out.

Photographs. Printed on bad paper, from that old camera his mom used to have, Javi felt like he was digging through a box of his own memories.

Except... they weren't his memories. He wasn't there. Even in the moments in which he had been.

Javi's fingers waded through the sea of pictures and the small trinkets, handmade tickets, a small locket, an empty perfume vial, handwritten notes that Javi knew weren't in his place to read, beads from a broken friendship bracelet, small rings, a collection of pretty stones from god knows where, and then things Javi couldn't place. But the pictures were what caught Javi's attention the most; Izzy had given him the box so he could remind himself of who this 'Adrien' was.

The name didn't click.

There were pictures of some kids playing in the woods, pictures of their parents, pictures of Fern and Izzy, from when they were younger, and the way they grew up together: an entire mcguffin of moments from Fern and Izzy's life. To think that she had collected all of these, this must be the most precious thing she owned, her entire life, and everyone she loved, everyone who she had probably lost— and Fern— in a little box she kept with her all the time.

Javi felt his eyes watering, and he recalled the little box he had owned; it had pictures of him and Izzy playing with Uncle Bulk, their entire family, moments from their childhood, the little house key he had had on him when he'd been forcibly moved to the Fortress, that lucky stegosaurus painted guitar pick he'd had with him since he was five, which he didn't use anymore, among many other things. Soft childhood secrets he kept to himself, moments he had wanted to wrap in a blanket and preserve them forever— which included the promise he and Izzy had made to each other, to always look out for each other, to always remember each other, to always miss each other, together or apart. Javi had never had many friends growing up, Izzy had. He was a good deal older than her, but she'd always been more friendly, more social, while he'd been more introverted, so most of his childhood memories started at Izzy and ended at her.

And the boxes. They'd promised to keep all their memories in them, together.

Apparently, though, there was no Javi in Izzy's box. The pictures where he'd been in, were cut, with a rough edge, or torn, and Javi felt a pain in the heart seeing it.

"What's this supposed to remind me of, again?" Javi asked, hoping his hurt wouldn't spill out from his lips, because this was hardly the time for it.

"Adrien? Don't tell me even looking at his picture doesn't remind you—" Izzy said, her temper rising, and Amelia, sitting beside Javi, pointed at a little boy in one of the pictures, of Izzy and some kids he didn't really recognise.

"I still... don't know... who you're talking about" Javi said, numb.

Fern gasped, "so... when you killed him... you thought you were striking at a random coinless?"

Javi shook his head, "I don't even remember I killed him..."

"You're a psychopath, Javi" Izzy muttered, "a monster"

Amelia flipped around and faced Izzy at that one, "Oh yeah? And Izzy do you remember how many Sentries you've killed? Can you name even a single one?"

Izzy looked surprised at Amelia's outburst, "I've—"

"You can't. Neither can I. I remembered Javi the first time I saw him, not because he was an exceptional fighter, or because he'd killed someone I knew. He was doing his duty, and I was doing mine. Ollie got hurt. Javi let me take him away. I didn't remember him because of his brutality, I remembered him because of his kindness! Izzy, blood has been shed on both sides, he's killed the coinless, we've killed the sentries. There is no black and white in this war, Izzy, we're all gray. And none of us, yes, not even Javi, are doing this out of our passion to kill people!"

Fern joined in at that, "we all know it, Izzy, Javi didn't turn on you. You didn't want to accept it" she placed an arm around her, "you knew Javi was gone from your life, and accepting it would be hard" she sighed, "so you made up your mind that he was evil, and that seeing him again would only be a curse."

Izzy looked torn, now, as if she was confused, "He was! He did turn on us! He became a sentry for his own benefits! He sold out dad!"

"Do you have any proof of that?" Fern asked, rationally.

"But he—"

"Izzy I was seventeen!" Javi burst out, "and you know me! I never wanted this life! None of this! I wanted to learn how to play, I wanted to sing, and I wanted to make everyone smile! This wasn't my life, Izzy. And you know it too"

Amelia got up, and then looked at Fern, who nodded, then got up alongside Amelia, "we're leaving the two of you to talk it out. Please do, because we know you both really do love each other. And we love you too"

Izzy and Javi stared at each other, then at their girlfriends, and then sighed, "alright."

"But please don't go too far?" Javi added, "it isn't too safe"


"Do you really want to—" Zayto couldn't speak, eyes watering, "do you really want to live, Aiyon?"

"I... do you think we can make it, Zayto?" he asked, looking down at his feet. He seemed drained, like all the life force had been sucked out of him, "or do you... do you really think that the grid made us survive sixty five million years just so this could happen? Where are the morphin masters? Where are our gods, Zayto? Where are those that made us Power Rangers?"

Zayto shook his head, "I really have no answers... What do you think happened to the sporix beasts?"

"They ruined our home. Do we even need to know what happened to them?"

"I really don't like this planet. They took everything from us."

"They didn't. They're fucked up, that's on their own. We're stuck here, that's on you. You got us stuck here, Zayto"

This was the first time, Zayto realised, that Aiyon had openly blamed him for the death of all their friends.

"What would you have done?" Zayto retorted, although a little gently, knowing Aiyon was going through too much pain. If Zayto were to lose their cool too, he'd lose Aiyon in more ways than one.

"I wouldn't have approved the sporix project" he sighed, "and if I were removed from leadership, because of political reasons— as you say you would've been— I'd have gladly given up the post, because nothing is worth carrying this guilt all my life ."

Zayto sighed, "if I said I was sorry, would it matter, Aiyon?"

"It'd matter to me" Aiyon said, quietly, "I don't know why, but it would"

"I'm sorry, Aiyon" he finally said, bending his head low, "I wish I could've done better. Maybe then you and I wouldn't have been here..."

Aiyon had tears in his eyes; he knew his death was here, and he also knew he was ready to embrace it, now. He smiled at Zayto, "we all have to die, someday, Zayto. If this was in our stars, we couldn't change it, no matter how much we tried. Maybe in another universe, maybe in another lifetime, maybe, just maybe, we'd be luckier... maybe we'd get to be happy, together"

"I hope in the next life, the Grid turns the tables, so you're mine, and I'm yours"

"I'm yours, even in this life, Zayto" he sighed, "I just hope we get a happier ending in the next life"

The gates to their prison cell opened, as if on cue, "I hope you've made your decision, because your time is up earlier than I thought it would..."

Said the voice of Eugene Skullovitch, breaking slightly.


"I'm sorry, Izzy. I'm sorry for everything" everything that had been said and done between the siblings, though, sitting out here, in the wild grass in front of the ruins of their house, had been washed away, just by these simple words exchanged between them.

They'd talked. They'd talked about a lot of things. They'd shared a lot of silence too, not knowing what to say, but soon, there was something comfortable settling into that silence. They still sat a foot away from each other, still hesitant to reach out. Izzy's mind was reeling, not knowing whether she should accept what Fern and Amelia had been saying to them, or what Javi had told her, but somewhere in her heart, she seemed like she would melt.

Izzy didn't reply to him, though. She just smiled, "Javi..."

He didn't meet her eye, instead, he turned around to look at the wreck of their house, "Do you remember how we used to just slide down the railings?"

Izzy was caught off guard by the sudden change of topic, but she turned around to look at it nonetheless, because this had been one of her fondest memories, "I'd always jump off right in time, but you'd fall down so pathetically" she laughed.

"And mom used to yell so much, 'Why did you let your big brother fall? Izzy?"

"She didn't really mean that" Izzy laughed, "I think she was happy you were getting some physical exercise!"

"Do you remember Uncle Bulk?" Javi asked, all of a sudden, remembering that he was a Coinless, and Izzy smiled, "Of course I remember Uncle Bulk! We used to trouble him so much! Remember that time you and I sneaked away and Uncle Bulk found us in the forest and literally dragged us back by holding us by our collars as if we were little puppies"

Javi's laugh at that was so genuine, and for the first time, Izzy noticed the smile reaching his eyes, it was almost as if the person sitting in front of her was her long lost brother.

"Do you miss mom and dad, Javi?" she asked, taking him by surprise, with the warmth in her voice.

She wasn't sure, but she thought she saw tears glistening in his eyes, as he replied, "I... I do. Every day. It feels so empty" she could hear the pain in his voice, and somehow, that felt more than enough to make her feel emotions for her brother. All the feelings she'd kept under the surface all these years came bubbling up, and for the first time in a long time, Izzy Garcia found herself lurching at her brother, throwing her arms around him, and gently sobbing into his shoulder.

She felt Javi's hands coming around her waist, and felt a strange sort of security within them. It was almost as if she was eight years old again. He'd been thirteen, and dad hadn't come home, mom had been so scared, and she'd gone out looking for him, with nothing but an oil lamp, and one of the ladies from the coinless ranks, (Ollie's mom, if Izzy remembered correctly) to aid her. The thunder and lightning had been merciless that night, and the two children, alone at home, with minimal light and supplies, were scared. They knew what a world they lived in, and they knew it was possible their parents might not come back. Izzy had started sobbing, and Javi, hearing her from across the hall, had made his way to her, gently, knocking on the door of the room, and then holding her close, and safe, till their parents came home just before dawn the next morning, their father injured gravely, and their mother supporting him along.

"Why'd you never try to reach me, Javi... why'd you—" she trailed off, still sobbing, and Javi felt it in his heart, that Izzy really still was just the same child she had been all those years ago. Despite her confident, self-aware behaviour, she still wanted someone to hold her, to tell her everything would be alright, someone older, someone she could trust, someone she could put her faith into, and someone she knew wouldn't stab her in the back.

Maybe Javi needed someone like that too, someone he could trust, someone he could hold on to. Maybe that's why he'd been attracted towards Amelia in the first place. But with his sister, he felt a sort of comfort that hadn't been there with Amelia. A bond that had no parallel. A bond that hadn't died, no matter how much Izzy would try.

"Because I needed to protect you. I..." he fought back his own tears, "Once I knew you were safe, I also knew that meeting you might cause... problems, in the sentry camp, for both of us... it could get us killed. I was a sentry, you were a coinless, the further away i was from you, the more I'd be protecting you"

"Why'd you meet Amelia though? Over and over again?" her voice had a strange sort of hurt in it.

"She... I thought she could take care of herself. You were a kid, Izzy, you were thirteen when I saw you last. I knew if you were surrounded by a swarm of sentries, you wouldn't be able to make your way out of it... Of course, you can, now. I love seeing that glow-up" he laughed, almost, "and... I fell in love with Amelia. And I was warned by someone that I shouldn't keep relations outside the sentry ranks— well, even those IN the sentry ranks weren't safe— but with a coinless girl? He said I'd be signing my own death warrant... I guess I was ready to take that risk. But I couldn't risk your life, Izzy."

"What about right now?"

"It's my day off. I can go wherever I please. The tracker wouldn't work" he chuckled, "Or rather, nobody would bother to check it. I have a reputation, you know?" he winked.

"Is it one of being antisocial and curling up in a ball in your room?"

"How'd you know?!"

And just like that, Javi felt the ice between him and his sister melting.

The two of them were lying in the grass together, still talking about things that made them happy, when they heard a sound of hooves approaching, as if someone was dashing towards them on horseback. They got up, and looked towards the opening in the woods, where they had left Javi and Amelia's horses, meanwhile Fern and Amelia too came running back from around the house, just in time to see a horse neigh and come to a halt in front of them, being ridden by a man in a blue hoodie, who all of them recognised all too well.

He got down, quick as lightning, tied the horse to a tree nearby, and then headed towards the group— none of whom cloud understand his intentions, until he gabbed Javi by the arm, and pulling out a dagger from his sleeves, brutally thrust it down Javi's wrist, making the younger man scream from pain.

"OLLIE!" Amelia shrieked, running towards Javi, holding his arm, trying to pull Ollie away from him, Izzy and Fern following close behind, but Ollie was not to be deterred, he continued performing some sort of surgical precision on Javi's hand, using the blade, circling it around, and he managed to pull a chunk of blood coated matter before the three girls managed to break them free from each other.

Javi fell to the grassy floor, holding his bloodied arm in his hands, and crying, not a single sound escaping from him except muffled sobs, and Amelia turned to face Ollie, slapping him hard, while Izzy and Fern ran to Javi's aid.


"Everyone wants to kill me" Javi mouthed, laughing, through his morbid sense of humour, "What's ne— aahhhhh" he screamed, as Fern bandaged his arm, "shut up, you idiot" Izzy told him, leaving Fern to bandage him, while he continued laughing and sobbing at the same time, like a madman, "Ollie what the fuck"

"Izzy, language" Amelia rolled her eyes at her, then turned back to Ollie, "But seriously Ollie, what the fuck?!"

Ollie shook his head, "I wasn't trying to kill him!" ran held out his blood soaked hand, and in it, was a small piece of metal, "I was trying to get his tracker out of his hand."

"Tracker?" Amelia looked back at Javi, who seemed almost delusional, "What?"

"We got some information from the palace. Apparently, Drakkon's sending out sentries to look for Tarrick. All sentries have tracking devices in their arms, installed physically when they enter upon Drakkon's service. If sentries are looking for Tarrick, Javi having a tracker could lead them directly to us"

"You— you IDIOT" Javi coughed, "It's my day off. Anywhere I go doesn't mean they're tracking the movement of every sentry at every point of time! You doing this stupid thing IS going to bring me into the radar, because it'll show up as an anomaly! Some sentry trying to escape the tracker is more suspicious!!" he spoke through the pain, "I can make any excuse on where I was, but my tracker being forcefully removed has only ONE explanation— They're gonna know I'm the snitch!"

Ollie stared at Javi in confusion, "you mean—"

Amelia looked at Ollie again, disapprovingly, "Ollie... where did you get this brainwave?" she sighed, folding her arms across her chest, as Javi came up behind her, his arm in a makeshift first-aid bandage made by Fern, on the spot.

"You're... gonna get us all killed," Javi explained, gravely. All the mirth, every single expression drained from his face. He stared at the man in blue, blankly, " all of us."


"What do you mean our time is up earlier than we thought—" Zayto furrowed his eyebrows at Skullovitch, "you said you wouldn't be back before tonight..."

"Your snitch has been found. Drakkon made a mistake capturing the two of you" he said, but couldn't quite raise his head to meet their eyes.

Aiyon's voice came from the other end of the cell, "That's! That's a good thing, right? We can both live, right?"

Skull inhaled deeply, and Zayto felt chills run up his spine. Death stared him in his face; Drakkon was a mentally ill psychopath, he didn't like being wrong, he couldn't stand being proven wrong. If Zayto and Aiyon were markers that he had made an error in judgement, they were to be eliminated, so his shortcomings couldn't come out in front of their crowd.

Zayto found himself moving into the memory of a similar incident. A pink sentry, Ford, or something, was her title... she'd been with a black sentry, he didn't quite remember his name, his father had been a scientist, and had helped Finster five in many of his experiments. He had piercing grey eyes, and hair that fell over his face in a fringe. Zayto remembered these details so vividly, because of what had happened with them later on in life, by Zayto's very hands. The father of the black sentry had made a mistake in one of the experiments, and told Drakkon about it, and Drakkon had brushed it off, and let the experiment continue, which had ultimately led to the mortifying mutation of the scientist, and an assistant of his, who had killed the pink sentry in a freak accident.

The son, the black sentry, he had cried, he had screamed, he had publicly blamed Drakkon for it.

Zayto had been one of the troops dispatched to silence the voice of the dissenter, and he remembered staring deeply into his eyes, the blade of his spear meeting the younger boy's neck, who stared at him with such intense hatred, "he's going to kill you too, one day" the sentry had spat out, "fealty to him has no rewards. If you're his mistake, you're left to rot in a pit of maggots till you're not decomposed while living, if the mistake is yours, you're beheaded publicly, if you dissent, you get hunted and butchered, if you obediently nod along like a puppy, to everything he says, believe me or not, it's going to come back and hound you. There are no martyrs here, only cowards. Just those who dared, and those who couldn't."

His speech had been heartfelt, and Zayto had faltered just a little bit, to allow him to escape, to run for his life, before he had been shot down by another sentry.

He had obviously been talking about his father, about his girlfriend, about himself. But Zayto felt like the situation now applied to him and Aiyon too.

"Your death is now written. The sentries are tracking the signal outburst, the snitch... and I'm here to give you two choices, before Drakkon finds out about this."

"This is off the record?" Aiyon asked, hurriedly, "does that mean you'll let us go?"

"Drakkon will let you go, once he finds out. But at what cost, you do not know..." Skull sighed, and looked at the two of them, "I can make it quick and painless for the two of you. He'd make you hunt for the snitch, he'd make you look for him, with your internal organs still charred, in this situation of yours, where the two of you cannot even stand up straight, he'd make you hunt for him, and if you survive, you live, if you don't..."

Zayto looked up hopefully, "we... we can do that, right, Aiyon?"

Eugene Skullovitch looked at the two of them, pity and misery dripping from his eyes; he didn't know what he had done to deserve such a life, being the grim reaper for boys he had essentially hatched like a mother hen, from their eggs, was hard. He didn't want any of it, he had never wanted any of it, but with his mother passed, his brother gone, his best friend fighting for the cause, and his lover being long, long dead, Skull wasn't sure he had any will to live, to protest, to even try to break out of this life. He was doing it for the cause, and in today's day and age, he felt like this was the only purpose in his life.

And if he was going to go out, he was going to go out with a bang.

These children, obviously, did not understand that, though.

"Who is the snitch?" Aiyon asked, quite plainly, ignoring Zayto's question.

Skullovitch looked at Zayto, who looked at Aiyon pleadingly, then at Aiyon whose gaze was fixed on Skull.

"Garcia. Your roommate."

"My friend " Aiyon corrected, looking like he had just been shot through the heart, "No..."

Skull nodded, solemnly, "I'm sorry..."

"I'm not." Aiyon sat down, with his head in his hands, almost on the verge of a breakdown, "I'm not gonna hunt him down. He was a... good guy..." Aiyon knew Javi, he'd talked with him for hours and hours on end, during night shifts, or just talks from their respective bunks, just telling each other about their lives before joining the ranks. Javi had a sister who he would try to protect, no matter what. It was for this sister, Aiyon felt sure, that he had done something like this... And Aiyon was more than sure that Javi wouldn't have betrayed him without reason.

Aiyon had never liked working under Drakkon, he hadn't liked how Zayto had so easily moulded himself into Drakkon's fabric, how Zayto never questioned a single order by Drakkon, and had climbed the ranks, oh so quickly, while Aiyon himself couldn't even digest half of the things that brute ordered them to do.

While he had had no mains of sustenance otherwise, and he had never wanted to leave Zayto's side, in his own respect, he'd always been a silent critic of Drakkon and his policies, so here, in this moment, he decided, Javi had done a good thing. If this action of his freed some poor souls from cells of torture— the same, if not worse, torture that him and Zayto were going through at the moment— there was nothing wrong in it.

This was his verdict.

"I'm not going to take up Drakkon's offer. I don't have any plans of killing my own friends in order to save my own life..." he sighed, "can you make it painless?"

Zayto frowned, "Aiyon, no! That isn't fair!"

"You were the one who wanted us to die, Zayto, not me"

"Yes, when there was no way out of it! This one... it works. Drakkon would be... pleased. He would not torment us anymore, after this! I knew he wouldn't let us go, but this... this is even better than I had thought!?"

Aiyon shook his head, "Skullovitch?" he looked at Skull with pleading eyes and Skull felt his heart sadden. He looked towards Zayto, "are you... sure, that this is your choice?"

Zayto considered it for a minute. "What does this mean? That Aiyon will die? NO! I can't let you—" there were tears in his eyes, all the pain forgotten.

"Zayto, I make my decision. You had wanted the both of us to die together, so neither feel the pain of being left behind... now you, yourself, want to step back? I can't go through this again" he was crying now, his voice breaking, "I have no energy. You cannot IMAGINE the pain I'm having. They haven't even touched you, compared to what they did here!" he closed his eyes, and stuck his antennae out, and Zayto realised, to his horror, his antennae were charred; it was true, Aiyon had had it worse.

"But what... happened? You had wanted to live!"

"I did. But not at the cost of sacrificing someone else's life for my own!"

"JAVI DID THE SAME THING TO YOU! HE MADE YOU THE SCAPEGOAT SO HE COULD GET AWAY!" Zayto shouted, while Skullovitch looked at the two sentries in pain, "why do you care?!"

"He had a sister who he wanted to protect! I'd have done the same thing" he sighed, "Zayto, if you don't want to die, if you want to slave under Drakkon even more, do it. Go ahead, but don't drag me into it..."


"I had never asked for any of this! It has all, always, always been your choice! I want freedom from this. Skullovitch PLEASE" Aiyon looked pitifully at the red sentry, who looked from Zayto to Aiyon, and then shook his head, "I'm sorry, Zayto" he mouthed, and then, with one strong impale, through Aiyon's heart, Skullovitch's own heart crying for the two lovers, he quickly, and painlessly, ended Aiyon's life.

There was silence in the cell. Nothing but the electric whirring of the bars that held Zayto and Aiyon to be heard.

And the heavy breathing of the two living souls.

Aiyon had collapsed onto the floor, blood now flowing out of his mouth, eyes looking flat at the ceiling, expressionless.

Skull leaned forward, and without word, closed his eyelids, and pressed his fingers to his lips, and placed them softly over his eyelids, and closed his eyes to murmur a little prayer, and then, finally turned back to Zayto. Zayto was shaking, he looked absolutely haunted, and at the same time, like a wild animal, that would go feral, and chew through metal bars if not let out of his cage.

"Short way to die, or the long one?" Skull asked, tiredly.

"He said Garcia had a sister" Zayto whispered, in mad rage, "You said Drakkon would make me hunt. How true is that information?"

Skull's eyebrows raised, as he saw what was going through Zayto's mind, and he felt... scared. After a really long time, he was seeing menacing intentions that even gave him goosebumps.

"Drakkon said that, in an offhand manner, but I think he'd be willing to give it a try..."

"Could you maybe get me to talk to him? I might have an offer for him..." Zayto said through gritted teeth, "my lover died. I'm not going to let his death be in vain..."

A/N: As a result of some... last minute changes... now, Zayto is... huuuuu.

I know the last bit got a little confusing about Zayto and Aiyon, and which of them wanting to die, and if anyone would like to ask any questions, please do~ I'm sorry if I did confuse you ^^'.

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