Emerald Romanoff | HP x MCU

由 Melina-Vostokoff

97.4K 2.1K 373

The Potter's have Harry but they also had a daughter, Daisy, she was taken when was three by the Red Room alb... 更多

Character Relationships
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Avengers: Age of Ultron
3-Avengers: Age of Ultron-1
3-Avengers: Age of Ultron-2
3-Avengers: Age of Ultron-3
3-Avengers: Age of Ultron-4
3-Avengers: Age of Ultron-5
3-Avengers: Age of Ultron-7
3-Avengers: Age of Ultron-8
Captain America: Civil War
Black Widow
5-Black Widow-1
5-Black Widow-2
5-Black Widow-3
5-Black Widow-4
5-Black Widow-5
5-Black Widow-6
Avengers: Infinity War
6-Avengers: Infinity War-1
6-Avengers: Infinity War-2
6-Avengers: Infinity War-3
6-Avengers: Infinity War-4
6-Avengers: Infinity War-5
6-Avengers: Infinity War-6
Avengers: Endgame
7-Avengers: Endgame-1
7-Avengers: Endgame-2
7-Avengers: Endgame-3
7-Avengers: Endgame-4
7-Avengers: Endgame-5
7-Avengers: Endgame-6
7-Avengers: Endgame-7
7-Avengers: Endgame-8


1.2K 37 4
由 Melina-Vostokoff

[at the Triskelion where the Helicarriers are being held]

Man on PA: We are in final launch sequence.

SHIELD Tech: We are go on guidance.

Woman on PA: All personnel to launch station.

[Pierce meets the World Security Council as they arrive at the Triskelion]

Alexander Pierce: And how was your flight?

Pamela Hawley: Lovely. The ride from the airport less so.

Clint looked at Emerald who had a mischievous glint in her eye.

Alexander Pierce: Sadly, SHIELD can't control everything.

Douglas Rockwell: Including Captain America. [Pierce walks over to one of the guards who hands him a case containing four pins]

Alexander Pierce: This facility is biometrically controlled, and these will give you unrestricted access.

"What does that mean?" asked Harry.

[the council members each take a pin to wear]

[at the Project Insight headquarters]

Com Tech #1: I've been parking there for two months.

Com Tech #2: But it's his spot.

Com Tech #1: So where's he been?

Com Tech #2: I think Afghanistan.

"Are they debating over who parks where?" asked Tony in disbelief "yes, SHIELD/HYDRA agents haven't much to talk about." said Emerald.

Com Tech #1: [into his earpiece] Negative, DT-6. The pattern is full. [to his colleague] Well, he could have said something. [suddenly they hear a sharp noise through their earpiece] Ow!

Com Tech #2: Must be the dish.

Com Tech #1: I'll check it out.

Man on PA: Triskelion command request we clear the area for launch.

[as the Tech goes and opens the door he's faced with Steve, Sam and Hill on the other side of the door, Sam and Hill point their guns at him]

Steve Rogers: Excuse us. [the tech holds his hands up and steps aside to let them enter]

"I thought dramatic entrances were Tony's thing" said Clint. "Nope Steve does them too" said Sharon.

Alexander Pierce: [addressing the World Security Council members] I know the road hasn't exactly been smooth, and some of you would have gladly kicked me out of the car along the way. Finally we're here, and the world should be grateful. [as they start drinking to Pierce's toast suddenly they hear Steve over the SHIELD microphone that everyone in the building can hear]

Steve Rogers: Attention, all SHIELD agents. This is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days, some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth. SHIELD is not what we thought it was, it's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The STRIKE and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building. They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want: absolute control. They shot Nick Fury and it won't end there. If you launch those Helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way, unless we stop them. I know I'm asking a lot, but the price of freedom is high, it always has been, and it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not. [as Steve finishes his speech]

"Hey where's Emerald?" asked Hermione. "You'll see" said Emerald.

Sam Wilson: Did you write that down first, or was it off the top of your head? [to Pierce after learning the truth about him]

Douglas Rockwell: You smug son of a bitch.

Jakuna Singh: [to the two HYDRA agents enter the room, thinking they are SHIELD agents] Arrest him. [the HYDRA agent points his gun at Singh]

Alexander Pierce: I guess I've got the floor.

[When glass smashed and Ivanna came in grabbing Pierce around the neck, pointing a gun to his head.]

People stay silent watching in awe of the blonde assassin.

Ivanna Petrovna-Barnes: You shoot, I shoot, do you really wanna see if I'm kidding? You're worse than General Dreykov, Alexander and that says something.

Emerald cringes at the mention of Dreykov. The man who ruined her life.

[Pamela cringes at the mention of Dreykov. The other HYDRA agent shoots Ivanna making her fall to the floor clutching her abdomen.]

People gasp in shock "I'm right here" she said.

[Rumlow and his men break into the control room, where Agent 13 also is, Rumlow walks over to one of the techs]

Brock Rumlow: Preempt the launch sequence. Send those ships up now. [The tech hesitates visibly.] Is there a problem?

SHIELD Tech: I'm... [the tech shakes his head nervously]

Brock Rumlow: Is there a problem?

SHIELD Tech: I'm sorry, sir. [the tech takes a few nervous breaths before replying] I'm not gonna launch those ships. Captain's orders. [Rumlow points his gun at the tech's head]

Brock Rumlow: Move away from your station. [Agent 13 walks over to Rumlow pointing her gun at him]

Sharon Carter: Like he said! [suddenly all the SHIELD agents draw their weapons and point them at Rumlow] Captain's orders.

Girls cheer seeing more women fight, in the Wizarding World girls were always taught certain things, how to tidy, how to wrap wounds, and after they marry very few return to work.

Brock Rumlow: You picked the wrong side, Agent.

Sharon Carter: Depends on where you're standing. [Rumlow drops his gun, but as he does he grabs his knife and cuts Agent 13's arm, leading to the SHIELD agents firing their guns, amidst the bullets, Rumlow manages to release the Helicarriers and runs off]

Sharon winced.

[as the bay doors holding the Helicarriers are about to be opened]

SHIELD Agent: Close the bay door! Close the bay door now! Close the bay door! [the HYDRA agents enter and start shooting and killing the crew and techs; at the headquarters Hill watches on the monitor as the Helicarriers are being initiated]

Maria Hill: They're initiating launch.

People sucked in a worried breath.

[Steve and Sam make their way to the Helicarriers]

Sam Wilson: Hey, Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?

Steve Rogers: If they're shooting at you, they're bad. [Sam, in his Falcon suit, flies off and Steve heads down, the HYDRA agents starting shooting at them, Sam flies around avoiding getting shot]

Sam Wilson: Hey, Cap, I found those bad guys you were talking about.

People snort in amusement.

Steve Rogers: You okay?

Sam Wilson: [flying off as the HYDRA agents continue to shoot at him] I'm not dead yet.

"That's good" said Hermione "and helpful" added Emerald.

[Pierce watches from the window the commotion caused by Steve and Sam trying to stop the Helicarriers launching, he turns to Singh]

Alexander Pierce: Let me ask you a question. What if Pakistan marched into Mumbai tomorrow, and you knew that they were gonna drag your daughters into a soccer stadium for execution? [Pierce hands Jakuna a glass of champagne] And you could just stop it with a flick of the switch. Wouldn't you? Wouldn't you all?

"Yes" Emerald murmured if it meant protecting her children.

Jakuna Singh: Not if it was your switch.

[Jakuna tosses the glass aside, one of the HYDRA agents hands Pierce his gun and Pierce points it at Jakuna, suddenly Pamela kicks Jakuna away, then takes down the other HYDRA agents in the room before taking the gun and pointing at Pierce.]

"She knows how to fight?" asked a lot of people surprised.

[she then removes her disguise to reveal it's Emerald]

People cheer.

Emerald Romanoff: I'm sorry. Did I step on your moment? (turns to the HYDRA agent who shot Ivanna; coldly) You shot my sister, I'll deal with you later.

"I killed him" Emerald said shrugging.

Charlie Weapons Tech: [referring to the Helicarriers] Satellites in range at three thousand feet.

Maria Hill: Falcon, status?

Sam Wilson: Engaging. [Sam manages to fly down to the Hellicarrier bay taking down the HYDRA jets chasing him] Alright, Cap, I'm in. [just then another HYDRA jets heads his way and starts shooting at him] Shit! [Sam manages to fly off and avoid getting hit, meanwhile Steve is fighting off the HYDRA agents as he tries to get inside the Helicarrier]

Maria Hill: Eight minutes, Cap.

Steve Rogers: Working on it.

Douglas Rockwell: [to Emerald who is on the computer] What are you doing?

Alexander Pierce: She's disabling security protocols and dumping all the secrets onto the Internet.

Emerald Romanoff: Including HYDRA's.

Alexander Pierce: And SHIELD's. If you do this, non of your past is gonna remain hidden. Not Budapest, not Osaka, not the children's ward. [Emerald pauses at the 'children's ward' part.] Are you sure you're ready for the world to see you as you really are?

Emerald flinched. "The children's ward?" Tony asked "the hospital fire we heard about in the first movie that was true but it was in the children's ward" said Emerald softly. "Murderer!" screamed Lily. Emerald flinched "next person to yell at my sister is going to get shot so be careful" hissed Ivanna.

[Emerald goes back to typing into the computer]

Emerald Romanoff: Are you?

[Control center of Helicarrier Alpha]

Steve Rogers: Alpha locked.

Maria Hill: Falcon, where are you now?

Sam Wilson: I had to take a detour! [Sam is flying towards one of the Helicarriers when heat-seeking missiles are shot at him by HYDRA, so he flies back towards the Helicarrier and manages to get the missiles that were aimed at him to hit the Helicarrier giving him entrance] Oh, yeah! [Sam flies into the Helicarrier; to Hill] I'm in. Bravo locked. [Sam flies out of the carrier]

Maria Hill: Two down, one to go.

People sighed in relief.

SHIELD Pilot: All SHIELD pilots, scramble. We're the only air support Captain Rogers has got.

[suddenly Bucky appears and starts firing at the SHIELD pilots and agents killing them all after which he gets into one of the jets and flies off; back inside the building with Emerald, Pierce and the council members]

People stay silent too infested in the movie.

Alexander Pierce: Disabling the encryption is an executive order, it takes two Alpha Level members.

Emerald Romanoff: Don't worry, company's coming.

[just then a helicopter appears outside, lands and Fury steps out to enter the building to Pierce's surprise]

"His face" wheezed Tony.

Alexander Pierce: Did you get my flowers? [Fury looks at him coldly] I'm glad you're here, Nick.

Nick Fury: Really? Cause I thought you had me killed.

Alexander Pierce: You know how the game works.

Nick Fury: So why make me head of SHIELD?

Alexander Pierce: Cause you were the best and the most ruthless person I ever met.

Nick Fury: I did what I did to protect people.

Alexander Pierce: Our enemies are your enemies, Nick. Disorder, war. It's just a matter of time before a dirty bomb goes off in Moscow, or an EMP fries Chicago. Diplomacy? Holding action, a band-aid. And you know where I learned that; Bogota. You didn't ask, you just did what had to be done. I can bring order to the lives of seven billion people by sacrificing twenty million. It's the next step, Nick, if you have the courage to take it.

Nick Fury: No, I have the courage not to.

[Fury takes Pierce to the retinal scanner with Emerald pointing her gun at him, she glanced at Ivanna and looked at the belt the hourglass symbol of the Red Room and inside...Enhancers to help them heal.]

SHIELD Computer: Retinal scanner active.

Alexander Pierce: You don't you think we wiped your clearance from the system?

Nick Fury: I know you erased my password, probably deleted my retinal scan, but if you want to stay ahead of me, Mr. Secretary... [Fury removes his eyepatch to reveal his scarred dead eye] You need to keep both eyes open. [they both look into the retinal scanner with Fury using his dead eye]

"Jesus, how did he lose his eye anyway?" asked Ginny, Emerald and Clint smirked.

SHIELD Computer: Alpha Level confirmed. Encryption code accepted. Safeguards removed.

[back with Hill at the headquarters]

Maria Hill: Charlie Carrier's forty-five degrees off the port bow. [she notices two HYDRA agents making breaking into the headquarters, she shoots and kills them as they enter] Six minutes. [Steve is trying to get away from the HYDRA agents shooting at him on the Helicarrier]

Steve Rogers: Hey, Sam, I'm gonna need a ride.

Sam Wilson: Roger! Let me know when you're ready. [Steve just manages to jump off the edge as a HYDRA agent shoots a missile at him]

Steve Rogers: I just did! [Sam flies in just in time to catch Steve] [Sam flies himself and Steve onto the last Helicarrier]

Sam Wilson: You know, you're a lot heavier than you look.

Steve Rogers: I had a big breakfast.

"Funny" said Emerald dryly.

[suddenly Bucky appears and pushes Steve off the edge]

Sam Wilson: Steve! [as Sam goes to fly off and help Steve Bucky grabs one of his wings and throws him back, Sam starts shooting at Bucky and as he goes to fly off Bucky uses his weapon to rip off one of Sam's wings and kicks him off the Helicarrier, Sam manages to get his parachute out and lands on the roof of the Triskelion] Cap? Cap, come in. Are you okay? [we see Steve is holding onto the side of the Helicarrier]

Steve Rogers: Yeah, I'm here! I'm still on the Helicarrier. [he pulls himself up] Where are you?

Sam Wilson: I'm grounded, the suit's down. Sorry, Cap.

Steve Rogers: Don't worry, I got it. [Bucky watches Steve from above the Helicarrier] [as everyone at the Triskelion is rushing around trying to evacuate the building Rumlow fights and kills some SHIELD agents]

SHIELD Agent: All SHIELD agents regroup at Rally Point Delta. [Romlow kills the speaker and another three agents.]

The younger students look away while others flinch.

HYDRA Dispatch: [on radio] Sir, Council's been breached.

Brock Rumlow: Repeat, dispatch.

HYDRA Dispatch: Black Widow's up there.

"Yes, yes she is" said Ivanna. "why weren't they scared of Fury?" asked Harry "have you seen Emerald fight?" asked Tony, Harry nodded "there's your answer."

Brock Rumlow: Headed up! [Hill notices Rumlow on the monitor]

Maria Hill: Falcon?

Sam Wilson: Yeah?

Maria Hill: Rumlow's headed for the Council.

Sam Wilson: I'm on it.

[inside the Helicarrier Steve is confronted by Bucky]

Steve Rogers: People are gonna die, Buck. I can't let that happen.

[Bucky stares at him coldly]

Steve Rogers: Please, don't make me do this.

[Seeing Bucky won't back down Steve throws his shield at him and they start battling each other, as they fight Steve manages to bring up the targeting blade system, but as Bucky attacks him the chip falls from Steve's hand; back at the Council]

Emerald Romanoff: Done. [she looks at her mobile device] And it's trending.

[just then Pierce sets off the pins he gave the council members, causing it to burn deeply into their sternum, Emerald and Fury points their guns at Pierce; to Emerald]

"Oh my God" people said in shock.

Alexander Pierce: Unless you want two inch hole in your sternum, I'd put that gun down. [Emerald doesn't back down] That was armed the moment you pinned it on. [Fury and Emerald reluctantly lower their weapons]

Emerald frowned she should've just shot him.

[back at the Helicarrier as they are battling it out, Bucky stabs Steve in the shoulder with his knife and then grabs the fallen chip, but Steve manages to get the knife out, grab Bucky by the throat and throws him down, armlocks him.]

Bucky flinches he doesn't like the idea of him harming his best friend.

Steve Rogers: Drop it! Drop it!

[as Bucky continues to hold the chip, Steve breaks his arm and holds onto his throat until he passes out and lets go of the chip, Steve then grabs the chip and rushes off; back at the Triskelion]

people cringe at the sound of the bone breaking.

[An office in the SHIELD HQ]

Brock Rumlow: I'm on forty-one, headed towards the south-west stairwell. [just then Sam attacks Rumlow but Rumlow manages to knock Sam down] This is gonna hurt. There are no prisoners with HYDRA, just order. And order only comes through pain. You ready for yours?

Sam Wilson: Man, shut the hell up. [they both go to attack each other]

"Rumlow was quite the annoying one" said Emerald.

Alexander Pierce: Lieutenant, how much longer?

Charlie XO: [on radio] Sixty-five seconds to satellite link. Targeting grid engaged. Lowering weapons array now.

Maria Hill: [to Steve as she watches from the monitor] One minute. [Steve desperately tries to get back up to the Helicarriers to get to the targeting system when Bucky becomes conscious and shoots at Steve in the left thigh and then the right shoulder, but Steve still manages to climb up] Thirty seconds, Cap!

Steve Rogers: Stand by. [he gets the chip out] Charlie... [Bucky shoots Steve in the stomach and he falls]

Bucky flinches.

[On the helicarrier's bridge]

Charlie Weapons Tech: We've reached three thousand feet. Sat link coming online now.

Charlie XO: Deploy algorithm.

Charlie Weapons Tech: Algorithm deployed.

Alexander Pierce: [on radio] We are go to targets.

[Hill watches as the weapons are being targeted at Washington, the White house, the Pentagon, Stark Tower, a house in Iowa aiming to kill over 700,00 people.]

Emerald and Clint tensing seeing the house in Iowa it was there house and their children could've died and Laura. Tony looked offended he was in that tower.

Charlie Weapons Tech: Target saturation reached. All targets assigned.

Charlie XO: Fire when ready.

Charlie Weapons Tech: Firing in, three, two, one.

[at that moment Steve manages to get up and place the chip in the Helicarrier's targeting blade overriding the system and locking it down]

People sigh in relief.

Steve Rogers: Charlie locked.

[as they watch the targets go offline]

Charlie XO: Where are the targets? Where are the targets?

Maria Hill: Okay, Cap, get out of there.

[Hill then gets the Helicarriers weapon targets to open fire upon each other]

Steve Rogers: Fire now.

Maria Hill: But, Steve...

Steve Rogers: Do it! Do it now!

[reluctantly Hill makes the Helicarriers open fire on each other, Steve still inside the Helicarrier looks at Bucky below him; back at the Triskelion Pierce watches the Helicarriers as they are firing at each other]

"What a waste of money" tutted Lily "are you insane?" Emerald asked.

Alexander Pierce: What a waste.

Emerald Romanoff: Are you still on the fence about Rogers' chances?

Alexander Pierce: Time to go, Councilwoman. This way, come on. You're gonna fly me out of here. [as Pierce starts to leave with Emerald]

Nick Fury: You know, there was a time I would have taken a bullet for you.

Alexander Pierce: You already did. You will again when it's useful.

[just then Emerald activates a small disc that emits an electric shock through her whole body and disables the pin, this gives Fury a chance to shoot Pierce, which he does so twice, Fury then walks over to Emerald who is lying unconscious on the floor]

The Potter's gasp, "why would their daughter do anything like that?" Molly wondered "hmm to save my life" replied Emerald.

Nick Fury: Romanoff! Emerald! Emerald, come on! [Emerald opens her eyes]

Emerald Romanoff: Ow. Those really do sting.

"You think?" snorted Clint.

[Emerald went to Ivanna opening the hourglass and grabbing something out, a blue liquid and pouring it into her mouth, Ivanna gasps coughing and spluttering. Ivanna hugged her sister before leaving.]

"Rude" said Emerald, Ivanna just shrugged.

Alexander Pierce: [as the Helicarriers continue to destroy each other Pierce lies on the floor and says with his last dying breath] Hail HYDRA.

People frowned HYDRA from what they could see was evil.

[just then one Helicarrier crashes into a dam beneath the Triskelion] [as the Helicarrier continues to fall with Cap and Winter Soldier inside, at the Triskelion Sam and Rumlow continue to fight each other]

Brock Rumlow: You're out of your depth, kid. [suddenly the first Helicarrier crashes into the Triskelion, catching Rumlow in the destruction]

Sam Wilson: [to Emerald who is in the helicopter as he sprints away] Please, tell me you got that chopper in the air!

Emerald Romanoff: Sam, where are you?

Sam Wilson: 41st floor, north-west corner!

Emerald Romanoff: We're on it, stay where you are. [Sam desperately tries to get away from the destruction the Helicarrier is causing to the building] Not an option! [as the building is being destroyed Sam jumps out of the window as Natasha and Fury fly their chopper barely in time to catch him]

Sam Wilson: 41st floor! 41st!

"Like they place the numbers on the outside" huffed Emerald "it would've been helpful" said Clint "that it would" agreed Emerald.

Nick Fury: It's not like they put the floor numbers on the outside of the building! Which would've been helpful.

Emerald Romanoff: Hill, where's Steve? You got a location on Rogers? Yes it would have been.

[inside the third Helicarrier we see Steve help Bucky out from being trapped under some fallen rubble]

Steve Rogers: You know me. [Bucky lashes out at Steve in anger]

Bucky Barnes: NO, I DON'T!

Bucky flinched.

Steve Rogers: Bucky, you've known me your whole life.

[Bucky hits Steve but Steve chooses not to fight back]

Steve Rogers: Your name...is James Buchanan Barnes.

"Yes it is" said Ivanna

[Bucky hits Steve again]

Bucky Barnes: SHUT UP!!

Steve Rogers: I'm not gonna fight you.

[Steve takes off his mask and drops his shield out of the Helicarrier]

Steve Rogers: You're my friend.

[Bucky pushes Steve to the ground]

Bucky Barnes: you're my mission.

[he then mercilessly punches Steve repeatedly across the face]

Bucky Barnes: YOU'RE.

Bucky Barnes: MY.

Bucky Barnes: MISSION!

Steve Rogers: Then finish it...

[Bucky hesitates holding his fist up]

Steve Rogers: Cause I'm with you...to the end of the line.

People smile.

[Bucky looks at Steve as if he's starting to remember just then the bottom of the Helicarrier falls sending Steve down into the river below as Bucky watches from the Helicarrier, then we see an unconscious Steve being pulled out of the water and dragged onto the shore by Bucky before he turns and walks away]

[In a hospital, in a room guarded by two armed agents, we see Steve waking up in a bed to hear Marvin Gaye's "Trouble Man" playing with Sam sat next to his bed]

Steve Rogers: On your left. [Sam looks at Steve and smiles]

[we then see Agent 13 practicing shooting at a shooting range wearing a CIA t-shirt; we see Hill at Stark Industries about to undergo a lie detector test; then Senator Stern getting arrested and then a badly burnt Rumlow being treated by doctors at the hospital; Emerald is then being sworn in at a committee hearing]

"How bad were his burns?" "bad" said Emerald. "Ooh I can't wait to watch this again, I recorded this." "You force, Alex, Crystal, Max, Andy and Laura to watch it" said Emerald.

Bailiff: Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

"What are you doing at a hearing?" asked Ginny "to do with my past" said Emerald.

Emerald Romanoff: I do.

"That was the last thing you said at the altar in 2002" said Clint in a low whisper, Emerald smirks.

Committee General: Why haven't we yet heard from Captain Rogers?

Emerald Romanoff: I don't know what there is left left for him to say. I think the wreck in the middle of the Potomac made his point fairly eloquently.

Committee General: Well, he could explain how this country's expected to maintain its national security now that he and you have laid waste to our intelligence apparatus.

Emerald Romanoff: HYDRA was selling you lies, not intelligence.

Committee General: Many of which you seem to have had a personal hand in telling.

Scudder: Agent, you should know that there are some on this committee who feel, given your service record, both for this country and against it, that you belong in a penitentiary, not mouthing off on Capitol Hill.

Emerald Romanoff: You're not gonna put me in a prison. You're not gonna put any of us in a prison. You know why?

Scudder: Do enlighten us.

Emerald Romanoff: Because you need us. Yes, the world is a vulnerable place, and yes, we helped make it that way. But we're also the ones best qualified to defend it. So if you want to arrest me, arrest me. You'll know where to find me.

"That's our little Red" said Clint. "She just told the government to kiss her ass? Hell yeah" said Ginny smiling.

[she gets up and walks away, meanwhile Fury gets rid of any trace of his existence, including his passports and eyepatch, burning them and his hiding place]

Nick Fury: [wearing sunglasses and hoodie, Fury meets Steve and Sam at a cemetery at his own grave] So, you've experienced this sort of thing before?

Steve Rogers: You get used to it. [we see Fury's gravestone which bears bears the epitaph "The path of the righteous man. Ezekiel 25:17"]

Nick Fury: We've been data-mining HYDRA's files. Looks like a lot of rats didn't go down with the ship. I'm headed to Europe tonight, wanted to ask if you'd come.

Steve Rogers: There's something I gotta do first.

Nick Fury: How about you, Wilson? Could use a man with your abilities.

Sam Wilson: I'm more of a soldier than a spy.

Nick Fury: Alright then. [Sam and Steve shake Fury's hand] Anybody asks for me, tell them they can find me right here. [Fury looks to his gravestone and walks away, just then Emerald joins Steve and Sam]

Emerald Romanoff: You should be honored, that's about as close as he gets to saying thank you.

Steve Rogers: Not going with him?

Emerald Romanoff: No.

Steve Rogers: Not staying here?

Emerald Romanoff: I blew all my covers, I gotta go figure out a new one.

Steve Rogers: That might take a while.

Emerald Romanoff: I'm counting on it. That thing you asked for, I called in a few favors from Kiev. [she hands Steve a file titled "дело No 17" (file No 17)] Will you do me a favor? Call that nurse.

Steve Rogers: She's not a nurse.

Emerald Romanoff: And you're not a SHIELD agent.

Steve Rogers: What was her name again?

Emerald Romanoff: Sharon. She's nice. [she kisses Steve on the cheek and turns to walk away] Be careful, Steve. You might not want to pull on that thread. [as Emerald walks away Steve opens the file, which is about Bucky and the information regarding his Winter Soldier transformation, Sam walks over to Steve]

Sam Wilson: You're going after him?

Steve Rogers: Also trying to find Ivanna for Emerald. You don't have to come with me.

Sam Wilson: I know. When do we start?

People smile at the friendship.


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