Matching pfps for me and my p...

By TerraMidoriya

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By TerraMidoriya

KatsukiKacchan87 is this us or not I swear you do this to me all the damn time and I'm just a mush of blush and embarrassment I fucking love you so much and I hope we can stay together for a long time :)

Babe if you ever type these in our rp:

"yeah just like that baby, take that dick."

"i know it feels good, i've got you, yeah?"

"you gonna cum all over this dick baby? mhm? it's yours, you can."

"keep looking at me baby, that's it. don't look away, look at who's making you feel good."

he says all this with a hand on your throat, holding you in place so you can look him in the eyes, cause that's another thing he loves.

I will fucking die and I will do anything for you cus I am your slut >:3 you just kill me and love me so much and I don't know how to feel

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