
By clefable4tw

36 3 0

"The dream was always the same, and it became such a regular occurrence Yugi could count on having it at leas... More


36 3 0
By clefable4tw

This is set after the movie Dark Side of Dimensions, and contains spoilers for it and the end of the series.

The text in bold italics are lyrics from the song "Sleepwalker" by Adam Lambert.


I saw a picture of you

Hangin' in an empty hallway

-Sleepwalker, Adam Lambert

The dream was always the same, and it became such a regular occurrence Yugi could count on having it at least a few times a week. In fact, he looked forward to it. It... made him feel close to the Pharaoh. Yugi wondered if it actually was a memory of his, somehow left behind.

It was a temple in Ancient Egypt, the rough stone walls were familiar to him from his visits to Yami's, or should he saw Atem's soul room. Yugi knew it was his given name, knew how much he had struggled without his memories, how much he had longed to remember who he was and where he came from, but it felt strange for Yugi, to call him that.

No name ever felt right, really, and if he could, he avoided using a name at all, just "him," which was odd, not to be able to address a spirit who had shared your body by his name. How could they have been so close, yet... not?

Not that it mattered much anymore. Spirit, Yami, Pharaoh - Atem had gone to the afterlife, and that was why Yugi enjoyed this dream, as a way to still feel close to him, to still be connected, he didn't even have the Millennium Puzzle, only the box it came in as a keepsake, and the decks they had shared.

In the dream, he was standing in a temple, it was dark, night time, candles lit the room, figures in robes - priests - were making arrangements, burning incense, chanting, drawing symbols and Yugi just watched, as they laid them out on a stone altar, in preparation for some ritual.

Yugi wasn't sure what for, but by the mood in the room, it didn't seem to be a celebration, it didn't seem to be asking for something, a prayer or request, no, it was a sacrifice, an appeasement, yet there was an excitement too, it was not a sacrifice out of guilt, but for transformation.

For a long time, that was all Yugi saw. Week after week.

Until one night, when it started to change. Where before he was a witness, a bystander, now he was a participant, standing near the altar. At first he wasn't sure what his role was, until the priests approached him, anointed him with special oils, on his forehead, on his palms. Somehow he knew that he was the one who needed to get on the altar, he was the final piece, of this ritual, this puzzle, and suddenly, he no longer enjoyed this dream.

Yet it kept coming, now nightly, but locked there for a time, repeating over and over, leaving him only with his wonderings. What would happen once he got on the altar?

Then, another night, nothing significant about it that Yugi could figure, but the dream changed again, this time a continuation. He noticed a door, a chamber he had not seen before, and from it emerged a figure, a man, wearing the mask of a jackal, skin deeply enriched by the sun, bejeweled with arm bracelets and chains, the priests were reverent - a jackal, a symbol of the dead in Ancient Egypt, Anubis, the jackal headed god - it seemed to confirm Yugi's knowing, some sacrifice, some death, was required.

The man approached, steadily, confidently, powerfully, even if the priests had not shown reverence, Yugi would know, this man commanded reverence, authority, and Yugi's fear was overtaken by his natural curiosity, wanting to figure out what was happening here, even why did he keep having this dream, and he felt this man would explain it, that this ceremony, whatever it was, was about to begin.

The man stood next to him at the altar, and... nothing happened. The dream kept ending there. In a way, he wanted to talk to someone about it, but... it felt too private. He wasn't sure what to do except wait, for now. It kept changing, revealing more to him. It would do so again. At least, he thought it would.

I heard a voice that I knew

And I couldn't walk away

"Hey Yugi, how about dueling my big bro?"

Yugi hadn't been expecting to hear from Mokuba, but he had to admit, it intrigued him. He had dueled for so long with the Pharaoh by his side, that though he did believe in himself, his abilities, he enjoyed the chance to duel a powerful adversary.

Still, he was somewhat suspicious.

"Does he know you're calling me?"

Mokuba laughed. "Look, I know my bro would be interested, but he'd never admit it; he gets bored, I know he still wants to duel the Pharaoh, but hey, you're the next best thing right? I mean, you beat the Pharaoh. Sometimes I don't get my brother. But if you're interested, just let me figure out a way to spin it."

Which was how Yugi ended up at KaibaCorp's Domino City headquarters, testing out new duel disk technology with Kaiba himself. Yugi thought they both knew it was a farce, Kaiba could have done this with anyone, didn't need Yugi, didn't even need to be doing this himself, but it made it acceptable. Let them both relax.

Because just as Kaiba had his reasons for this, Yugi had his, and some of them were not things he wanted to share. He had... again, hoped in some way, he would feel closer to the Pharaoh by doing this. Just as Kaiba respected him, he knew how much the Pharaoh had enjoyed dueling Kaiba.

It took me back to the end

Of everything

It even was becoming a somewhat regular meeting, with the help of Mokuba's scheduling; they had even taken to dueling with their cards alone, no arena, no duel disk, just the two of them, in Kaiba's office - he secretly thought Kaiba enjoyed the quiet, the simplicity of it in sharp contrast to his endlessly busy life - yet the more they met, as obvious as it was in hindsight, Yugi realized he was not the Pharaoh. He did enjoy dueling Kaiba, but not the way he had.

Yugi appreciated Kaiba's keen mind, was intrigued by his strategies, the changing composition of his decks, but when he and the Pharaoh dueled, Yugi believed what they enjoyed most was the battle of wills. Maybe he'd even been trying to help Kaiba as well, knowing he missed the Pharaoh as well, but again, Yugi was not him.

Yugi decided to ask Kaiba about it, during their duel.

"I equip my Dark Magician with the Sword of Dark Destruction, and have him attack your Hitotsu-Me Giant(1), ending my turn. ... Kaiba?"

"Yes?" Kaiba answered, somewhat impatiently.

"You don't like dueling me, do you? I mean, not the way you like dueling the Pharaoh."

Kaiba frowned. "I wouldn't say I enjoy dueling the Pharaoh, at least not the way you are implying; he defeated me, and I cannot let that rest. Yet he has denied me the chance to set the record straight, by leaving this plane of existence. It's really quite cowardly of him."

"But... I've beaten you in a duel, and you don't seem nearly as irritated about it."

"I don't deny your skill as a duelist, Yugi, but the Pharaoh - he reminds me of myself, intelligent, powerful, ruthless. Take this, I will never forget he was willing to kill me in our duel atop Pegasus' castle, and I don't blame him. In his position, I would have done the same; you didn't - even at the cost of your grandfather's soul, you were not willing to harm me, even though I had destroyed his Blue Eyes, even though I had in no way earned or bought that kindness from you - you spared my life, and then when I failed, you saved my brother and myself. I do not enjoy being in anyone's debt, yet I owe you a debt I can never repay."

"Kaiba, I didn't do that so you would be in my debt. To be honest with you, I was terribly upset after that duel, I wasn't sure I could trust the Pharaoh, I... blocked him, even when he pleaded with me to let him help, that he had only done it to save my grandpa, I had to forgive him, and I did that by remembering there was more to him than that one act, more to him than his ruthlessness, and that's what I did with you too, Kaiba. There's more to you than that."

Kaiba scowled. "You see Yugi, this is exactly the difference between you and him, and exactly why I don't get the same 'pleasure' as you were implying, from dueling you. Because you say things like this."

I taste it all, I taste it all again

The tears

The dream morphed again.

The priests were gone, it was only Yugi, standing beside the altar, watching the jackal masked man approach. Yugi looked down at his clothes, realized he was wearing an Egyptian style tunic, sandals, he too was richly bejeweled, gold anklets, bracelets, glinting brightly every now and then in the firelight, glinting off the Millennium Puzzle around his neck as well.

Surely, this was a memory of the Pharaoh's, and he wished he could ask him, what this was.

For many nights, it was an endless walk, the man never actually making it to the altar, until one night he did.

He stood alongside Yugi, and still, nothing happened.

Outside the rain's falling down

There's not a drop that hits me

Another day, another duel with Kaiba.

He already had one Blue Eyes on the field, which Yugi had kept in defense mode with Dragon Capture Jar, but Kaiba now played the Monster Lord of D., who had the special ability to protect all Dragon-Type Monsters from Trap and Magic Cards.

"Kaiba, do you think it would be different dueling the Pharaoh, now that that he has been in the afterlife and all his memories have been returned?"

"No, why would it be?"

"Well, he'll remember, and have spent time with his cousin, the High Priest Set."

"That's not me." Kaiba interjected.

"Well, I know not exactly," Yugi continued, "But... we're their reincarnations, right? That's why we were involved with the Millennium Items, the Egyptian God Cards; it was our destiny. That's what Isis told me."

"She told me that too; I think it's rubbish."

Yugi's eyes widened in shock. Even for Kaiba, this was a stretch. "How can you say that? You've seen the power of the Millennium Items, our attachment to our favorite cards, long before we ever knew of the Pharaoh and Set, and their connection to them, and... they look a lot like us. You really think it's all a bunch of coincidences?"

"No, I don't deny the similarities, I deny we are the same. I am not the Priest. I am Seto Kaiba, born in Modern Japan, not Ancient Egypt, Mokuba is my brother, I am the CEO of KaibaCorp. I am not the Priest; you are not the Pharaoh; Bakura is not the Tomb Raider; we are different people, different choices. I make my own path."

"But if we made our own paths... why did we all end up together again? All of us happened to go to the same high school, I happen to be given the Puzzle, Bakura happens to be given the Ring, you happen to be a world ranked Duelist, running a company specializing in Duel Monsters?"

"You're still arguing the wrong point, Yugi. I am not denying any of those things."

"Then I don't understand, yes, they, we are different lifetimes, but the soul is the same. We are them, they are us, but... how did the Pharaoh lock his spirit in the puzzle if he and I are the same soul?"

"I prefer not to waste my time thinking about such arcane matters. I know Set and I are not the same."

"But... you can't just argue with God, Kaiba!"

Kaiba smirked. "I play The Flute of Summoning Dragon, which, while Lord of D. is on the field, allows me to summon two Dragon-Type Monsters from my hand, and I summon my two Blue Eyes Dragons."

Then, Kaiba finished with:

"Watch me."

Scream at the sky but no sound

Is leaving my lips

There was something comforting - Yugi never thought he would say this - talking with Kaiba, about what had happened, the strangeness of it all. He loved his friends, but they had not had to deal with their ancient incarnations. Bakura had, yet his experience was so painful, Yugi did not want to make him relive it, by asking him his thoughts about it. They would just exchange a knowing glance, every now and then. A shared understanding.

Maybe in response to his and Kaiba's talks, the dreams changed again.

First, the jackal masked man was standing alongside the altar, but Yugi no longer was, he was laying down, on his back, yet he was calm, oddly calm.

Until the dream shifted once again, the jackal masked man was no longer standing alongside, but was on the altar with Yugi, straddling him, and hanging from his belt was a dagger, Yugi wanted to get away, but he was petrified, same as the stone beneath him, he could not move. Only stare at that dagger and wait for the inevitable.

It's like I can't even feel

After the way you touched me

It scared Yugi enough that he asked Kaiba about it, albeit indirectly. Because there was only one person he thought could help him with this, yet Yugi had no way of contacting him.

"I power up my Mystical Elf with the Book of Secret Arts, increasing her attack and defense points, and end my turn... Kaiba, do you still believe the Pharaoh could return, if he wanted?"

Kaiba drew his card, looked at his hand. "Of course. He did it once, why couldn't he do it again?"

"But that was to save the world."

"The reason doesn't matter, the important thing is he did it... And I'm not sure he came back to save the world."

"What do you mean?"

"I believe it was you he came back to save."

"Well, he did save me too, but he's still the Pharaoh, he's always had to think of the needs of the people."

Kaiba scoffed.

"Maybe, though I personally find that repugnant, when people say things like that. We're all in it for ourselves, aren't we? Even the Pharaoh; you didn't see him, Yugi, when he was without you. He would have done whatever it took to get you back. He would come, if you needed him. Would save me a lot of trouble too, because the only way I can figure to duel him is to go back in time."

"... You can't be serious."

"We were transported back by magic, I can use technology to do the same. After all, 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.'"

"Is that a quote?"

"Arthur C. Clarke. Something I came across in my studies as a child."

Yugi paused, he supposed that was true, and certainly Kaiba had already proven he could do incredible things with his technology, yet as for the first part, about the Pharaoh and himself.

"I'd like to think that - I miss him - but I just don't know."

Kaiba was unmoved. "If you needed him, he would move Heaven and Earth to get to you."

Yugi was stunned, it was such an unusual thing for Kaiba to say, for many reasons, but he focused on the less personal.

"I'm surprised to hear you talk of Heaven, Kaiba."

"It's just an expression. Like I said, such arcane matters don't interest me."

"But you just said magic and technology at some point become indistinguishable. That would make sense you know, Set with magic, you with technology, two sides of the same coin."

"...You're pushing it, Yugi."

I'm not asleep, I'm not awake

After the way you loved me

Yugi still wasn't sure, as he went to bed that night, yet as the dream played out in its entirety - something that had never happened before: the priests preparing, the jackal masked man entering, the priests acknowledging him, then leaving - Yugi watched him make his way to the altar, then got on the altar himself.

He knew what was coming, felt terrified, absolutely terrified when the man got on with him, atop him, reached for his blade and removed it, its point gleaming in the rare available light, and he didn't know what else to do, except, of all things, believe in what Kaiba had told him.

"Pharaoh, please help me."

Yugi waited for something, anything; time stood still, and the figure stopped, why, Yugi did not know, but he did, put down the dagger, laid it down beside them, on the altar, unsheathed, then the figure removed his mask, only to reveal him, the Pharaoh, smiling.

"All you had to was was ask. I will always come for you."

Yugi awoke with a start, his room dark around him, heart beating fast, and he wasn't even sure why.

I can't turn this around

It was what Kaiba said, Yugi was sure of it. It had just... seeped its way into the dream, just like the Pharaoh and his memories, his culture, his time had seeped into Yugi, during the time they shared a body, and that was why he was having this dream. It had to be.

Yet it kept coming, he kept asking for the Pharaoh's help, he would reveal himself, and Yugi would awake with a fright, over and over, and truth be told, it was starting to get to him, sleepless nights, restless days.

I keep running into walls that I can't break down

"Yugi, it's really not a big deal, I'm alright!"

"No, you're not, Grandpa!"

"A temperature isn't going to keep me down... there's games to be sold!"

"That doesn't even make sense, Grandpa!"

Grandpa had been running a fever, for a few of days it had stayed low, but today Yugi noticed he wasn't as steady on his feet, he seemed disoriented, and Yugi was getting scared, he was worried Grandpa would fall and bang his head, then to his horror, he did just that, trying to scale a ladder to get at one of the higher shelves.

He didn't fall long, but Yugi found him, with a small gash on his head, and on the way to the hospital, he caught himself, and kind of hated it, wishing for the Pharaoh.

I said I just wander around

"What? There has to be some kind of mistake." Yugi replied, agitated, to the hospital receptionist.

"No, your bill has been paid. You are free to leave." She answered calmly.

"But if I didn't pay it, who did?"

"I'm not sure, but I assure you, it's been paid."

Yugi left the hospital in shock. Thankfully, his grandpa would be just fine.

Yugi knew he should be thankful, but he felt even more agitated, why was all this happening, what was happening. He got Grandpa settled in bed, then sat down at the kitchen table, willing himself to calm down. He needed to call Joey, let him know Grandpa was okay, and when his phone rang, he thought for sure it was him, but to Yugi's surprise, it wasn't.

"Mokuba? Is everything alright?"

"Hey Yugi, that's what I wanted to ask you! How's your grandpa?!"

"...It was your brother, wasn't it. He paid the bill."

"Well, I can't really say, but he didn't not pay, if you get my drift, but seriously, how's your grandpa?"

"He's going to be okay, thank goodness."

"Glad to hear it. Hey, Seto's got some time next week. How about a duel?"

With my eyes wide shut because of you

"I use Change of Heart to take control of your Celtic Guardian, and sacrifice him to summon Judge Man." Kaiba declared.

Yugi was paying attention, but he couldn't contain himself any longer. "Why did you pay? I already told you, you don't owe me."
Kaiba paused, tensing his shoulders before he spoke. "Believe me, Yugi. I didn't want to."

"Did Mokuba pressure you?"


Yugi could tell there was more to it, Kaiba was looking distinctly uncomfortable, but he couldn't imagine why or what could possibly force Kaiba to do something he didn't want to do.

"... It was the Pharaoh." Kaiba continued, after a moment.

"... Excuse me?"

"I was resting, he came to me in a dream, told me your grandfather had fallen, insisted I pay the bill, and insisted I tell you why I had done it. It was all quite sappy and irritating, yet when I woke up, I found out it was true, that you were with your grandfather at the hospital."

This should have been comforting, but it wasn't, it was disturbing, incredibly disturbing, he didn't understand it, not any of this. His expression must have fallen, because Kaiba asked:

"Yugi, what is it?"

"I've been seeing the Pharaoh in my dreams too. I don't know what he wants."

It was a shocking relief, to say it aloud, even to Kaiba, of all people, and he absolutely expected Kaiba to change the subject, knew now he had no interest in such 'arcane matters.'

"Have you tried asking him? He seems especially chatty lately." Was Kaiba's actual reply, dry, with a little bite.

I'm a sleepwalker

The Pharaoh had just revealed himself as the one behind the mask, repeating the line Yugi had heard so many times now:

"All you had to do was ask. I will always come for you."

Yugi took a deep breath, before asking, "Pharaoh, why are you here? What's happening?"

The Pharaoh's smile grew wider as he cocked his head.

"Look around, Yugi. Isn't it obvious?"

Yugi did look around, but suddenly they were no longer in the temple, no longer lit by firelight, but moonlight, from an open balcony, a light breeze carrying sweet smells and night noises that Yugi was sure were familiar to the Pharaoh, but not to him.

There was no longer a stone alter beneath them, but a bed with drapes, pillows, and Yugi again woke with a start, but not of fright this time, but shame, deep shame.

These weren't visitations from the Pharaoh. These were something else, of his own imagining.

His own desires made visible to him.

Desires he hadn't even been aware of until tonight.


"I saw the Pharaoh again." Kaiba announced.

"You did?' Yugi asked, numbly.

"Yes, I thought you would be more interested. I don't mean to bore you. I play La Jinn, The Mystical Genie of the Lamp." Kaiba answered drolly.

"Please continue." Yugi replied simply.

"He wanted me to give you a message, that you were right, it is different for him now, speaking with me, Kaiba, after being with his cousin Set, that we are very alike. But he also said I was right too, that you and I were both right, we are both the same and different as our reincarnations."

"I'm sure you didn't like that answer."

Kaiba grinned, and it was strange to see it on him, but they had been seeing each other quite a bit. These games were... friendly, as friendly as one could be with Kaiba.

"Not one bit." was his answer.

"I play the Magic Card Soul Exchange, which allows me to use La Jinn to summon a monster of my own, and I bring out Summoned Skull, and equip him with the Magic Card Yami, increasing his attack and defense by 200." Yugi responded, then continued with their conversation:

"To be honest, I don't like it much either."

"... Something happen?" Kaiba asked, suspicious.

"No," Yugi replied, "Just... I guess I'm getting tired of these 'arcane matters' too."

"Well, keep me informed." Kaiba answered, not believing him, "Family sticks together."

They both went still, but it was Yugi who spoke first, in disbelief, in... fear even.

"You did not just say that."

Kaiba's expression went blank, his eyes a tight line as he drew a card then glared at his hand, before saying dismissively, "You're absolutely correct."


Yugi's dreams continued, to his continuing shame, and confusion. He briefly thought of Tea, now in New York, his feelings about her. She had - of course she had, Yugi had known it in his gut the moment she stepped on that plane - met someone, dancing.

He knew he had liked her... loved her, but he was surprised, how differently he felt about the Pharaoh. It wasn't that one was better than the other, it was just... different. In a way, he was grateful, because Tea was still his friend - he hoped she always would be - and he worried for her in that faraway city, and was glad she had someone's support, someone who shared her passions in a way Yugi never could.

Speaking of faraway cities, he kept visiting the Pharaoh's in his dreams and it just felt so real. Like they really were... together, in that palace bedroom, with that sweet smelling breeze and chirping night noises.

Yugi knew all this at some level, that he and the Pharaoh were from different places, different times - had seen his soul room, the endless maze of stone, the dust, the heat - had seen his memories - but the Pharaoh had to integrate to Yugi's time, not Yugi to his. The Pharaoh had to wear his clothes, and it was his body they shared, but wearing this clothing, experiencing the weather, the scents, the feel of the fabric underneath them, it was all so foreign to him, and again he thought, how could he have shared so much with this man and still not know him.

Yes, the Pharaoh was missing his memories for most of that time, but it felt so wrong, so selfish somehow; it was so obvious, in this dream, with the Pharaoh being in his own body and Yugi being in his. Yugi retained his pale skin in this dream, the Pharaoh did not, his skin richly dark, but it wasn't just that - their eyes, their hair, their - Yugi was embarrassed to admit - their physique, it was different.

The Pharaoh looked so deeply at home in this place, in a way Yugi had never seen him before.

This is what he was experiencing in the afterlife, probably, he was in this place, with the people he had known and loved here, not Modern Japan, not Domino City, and he and Yugi were no longer together and the pain and longing that created in him was immense, enough that, despite his shame, despite his confusion, because how do you fall in love with yourself - Yugi was still the Pharaoh's modern reincarnation, Kaiba wasn't having romantic dreams about Set, not that he knew of anyway, because if he was, like Yugi, there was no way he would talk about it. But Kaiba had not shared a body with Set, spoken with him, lived with him day in and day out as Yugi had done with the Pharaoh, seen his triumphs, his failures, his fears, his heart the way Yugi had. But how... narcissistic, to fall in love with yourself, yet the opposite was true, just like Kaiba said, he and the Pharaoh... were not the same.

What a game of fate this was, but despite all of that, when Yugi was in this dream with the Pharaoh, in this place, his longing was so great that he reached up with shaky arms, shaky hands, because part of him still couldn't believe he was doing this, how could he sully everything they had, everything they has shared with this, placing his hands on either side of Atem's face, then leaning up to kiss him like his life depended on it.

I'm a sleepwalker

Another day. Another duel with Kaiba.

He looked at his hand, specifically at Doma, The Angel of Silence.

They were quiet today. Each for their own reasons.

Maybe Kaiba thought if he didn't speak, nothing unexpected could be said.

While Yugi was silently, sadly amused, sitting here with his High Priest Cousin/Tech Genius Rival, who believed he could defy God, merge Heaven and Earth, and travel across time if he willed it.

Maybe he could.

Yugi really didn't know anymore.

He read the description for Doma, even though he already knew it.

This fairy rules over the end of existence.


"It's really not that complicated, Yugi." the Pharaoh said with a smile.

This was a surprise, though maybe it shouldn't have been. This dream had always changed, eventually, but the dream had cut off so many times after that kiss - so quickly that Yugi never knew the Pharaoh's response - that he'd gotten used to it.

But tonight, they were not in the temple, nor the Egyptian bedroom, but Yugi's own, and Yugi wasn't even exactly sure if this was a dream or not. It was too familiar, too much like the times he had spoken to the Pharaoh here, except he still appeared as the dark skinned, Egyptian garbed Pharaoh.

Yugi, out of boredom, possibly apathy, decided to once again follow Kaiba's previous advice. If the Pharaoh was chatty, Yugi might as well talk to him, whatever this was.

"How can you say that? I think I'm in love with you and you're ... dead." Yugi had not liked to use that word, because he did truly believe in a life after death, had seen it for himself, the Pharaoh had returned, for a moment, yet... what other way was there to say it? The Pharaoh no longer walked the Earth. He was dead.

"Life is a game, Yugi," the Pharaoh started, "You've always known that, your name reflects it(2). All of us are pieces, players, all possibilities exist, all combinations, that's how the game was designed."

"But who plays the pieces?"

"We all do, along with the One."

"But you and I... every game has rule, laws, and this... it breaks all of them!"

"You'll understand one day, Yugi."

"No," Yugi shook his head. "I'll never understand."

"Remember," the Pharaoh answered simply, "Like a game, you play life one step at a time."


"I saw the Pharaoh, again. Really, this is getting tiresome." Kaiba started, either bored or amused, Yugi still couldn't tell.

"Tell me about it."

"Well, he did say this would be the last time he would stop by, for awhile anyway."

"So that's... good?"

"Yes and no. It leaves me with more questions than answers."

"What did he say?"

"He said to tell you, 'It's real.' Whatever you're dreaming about, it's real. Does that make sense to you?"

"No." Yugi answered honestly, frustrated.

Kaiba chuckled. "Why am I not surprised."

Let me out of this dream

"Yugi." The Pharaoh addressed him.

Another dream. It still felt real, like all the others, but Yugi couldn't believe it. They had made him happy, in a somewhat torturous way, for awhile, at least until he woke up and had to face the cold of morning, alone, but now? It was time.

Time to end it.

They were in Yugi's bedroom again, on his bed, as they always were lately, and Yugi started by saying the name he had not been able to say.


Who responded by giving Yugi a quizzical look.

"...You've rarely called me that."

"It's who you are. It's time I accepted that. That you are... not the spirit of the Millennium Puzzle, or a nameless Pharaoh, even a spirit who shares my body. Your existence isn't tied to my own. We can be, and are separate. You led a whole life without me, just as I am now going to lead my life without you. I miss you terribly, I think of you always, but this is our fate. Our game."

"Yugi, we can never be separated."

While this is the answer Yugi wanted to hear, it just wasn't true, and he felt his eyes well up, in frustration or sadness, he wasn't sure which.

"Yes, we can. We are. This isn't real. You're just saying what I want you to say. I've... made this up, as a way to comfort myself, but I need to stop, so I'll say this once, and one time only: I love you, I love you more than I can possibly say, but... I can't keep doing this, to you or myself. I need to let you be. It is not our destiny to be together."

"Yugi, you can deny your own dreams, but how can you deny Kaiba's?"


"If this isn't real, how did Kaiba know your grandfather had fallen?"

"Well... he seems to know everything that happens around here... but..." Yugi trailed off, while Atem picked up the idea.

"Exactly. Kaiba would never say he had been told something in a dream if he had known through his own power, and he would never say I had told him, unless it had truly happened. Kaiba's pride is immense, but he does not lay claim to victories that are not his. He does not lie."

"Is that why you told him?"

"Partly. It was Set's idea, actually. He doesn't like that his reincarnation is so opposed to magic. Wanted to shake him up a bit."

"Family sticks together." Yugi echoed.

"Exactly." Atem smiled warmly at him. "Speaking of, ask Mokuba why he asked you to duel his brother."

Everywhere that I go

I see another memory

"Oh? Well, geez, don't tell Seto this alright, he'd get so mad at me, but... I swear, the Pharaoh wanted me to do it." Mokuba answered, scratching the back of his head.

This was starting to turn into a bad joke.

"What do you mean?" Yugi asked, resigned to finding out.

"Just... I don't know how to describe it, I was just walking down the hall one morning, not really thinking much of anything, and... I felt the Pharaoh, heard him, asking me to schedule a duel between you and big bro, and... well I don't know about you, but when the Pharaoh asks me to do something, I listen, so I did... You don't think I'm crazy, do you?"

"No, after all we've been through, how could I? Thank you, Mokuba. I appreciate you doing that. I've enjoyed the duels."

"Hey, no problem, I miss the big guy too, it's nice to be able to do him a favor! And Seto enjoys them too, he's always in a better mood, after you duel, even when he loses. Again, don't tell him I said that, it kind of ruins his image, you know?"

Yugi laughed. "Yes, I know what you mean. Your brother... he isn't as mean as he makes himself out to be."

"I know, right? I'm glad someone else finally sees it. Now, if only he'd figure that out, then we'd be getting somewhere..."

And all the places we used to know

They're always there to haunt me

"Now do you believe, Yugi?" The Pharaoh asked. Yugi couldn't quite do it, despite his bold words previously. Couldn't call him by his name.

They were back in the Egyptian Palace, but standing apart from each other, on the balcony.

"I... Yes, I believe you spoke with Mokuba, and with Kaiba, I... know your spirit is powerful, it had to be, to be contained in the Millennium Puzzle for so long."


"I... this, this is the part I don't believe."

"This was my bedroom, does it not look authentic to you?" The Pharaoh joked.

"No... the..." Yugi trailed off, embarrassed, but then decided to steel himself, now was his chance, to get this over with.

"So this has all been real?"


"So you remember when I... kissed you? When I told you, 'I think I'm in love with you?' You understand how I meant it?

"I do."

"Do you... feel the same?"

The Pharaoh did not reply, and Yugi was sure the dream would end, but he willed it, even though he could barely stand, even though he felt tears come to his eyes - just let me hear the answer, whatever it is, please don't end without me knowing.

Then he realized silence was also an answer.

Maybe this was easier, because either way, he wasn't going to get what he wanted here.

Maybe, that was why the Pharaoh... Atem, his name was Atem - had done all this in the first place. He was letting Yugi go, but first he had to help Yugi realize there was something to let go of.

But now, he didn't want to be in the Pharoah's bedroom. He wanted to be back home, in his bedroom. Alone.

Out of the dream.


Out of the dream.

And then he was, awake, could hear the traffic of Domino City outside, even late into the night, he got up, looked out the window, watched the city lights, and tried to muffle his sobs.

At least this was the last time.

It had to be.

I walk around and I feel so lost and lonely

"I use the Magic Card, Ancient Telescope, which allows me to see the top 5 cards of your Deck."

Yugi handed them over, Kaiba quickly memorized them, returned them in the same order, before saying, 'Yugi, you're playing terribly."

This could very well have been a typical taunt of Kaiba's but in this case, it wasn't. Yugi really was playing terribly.


"... Did something happen?"

"Kaiba... do you know it took me eight years to put together the Millennium Puzzle?"

"A dismal effort. I was able to put it together in hours."

When Yugi was silent, Kaiba continued. "Well, to be precise, I had to develop the technology first, build the machines to execute my ideas, then program them. It was a conjunction of things."

Yugi smiled, remembering what the Pharaoh had said about about Kaiba never lying, what Mokuba, and even Yugi himself had said, about Kaiba being kinder than he let on.

"Do you ever wish... we'd never known? About our reincarnations? That I'd never solved the Puzzle?"

"I would still be prey to the darkness within me, if the Pharaoh had never exorcised it from me, and the world would also have fallen to darkness, so no, your dismal effort accomplished something."

"Yeah." Yugi replied flatly. Kaiba noticed.

"This isn't like you, Yugi. What about your beloved friends? Bakura would still be possessed by the Ring, Marik and his family would never have found peace, your friends consider the Pharaoh their friend as well. Not to mention that the Pharaoh himself would still be locked away in the Puzzle. You are the one who made all that possible."

"Never thought I'd be getting a pep talk from you, cousin." Yugi wasn't sure why he said it, they'd beaten this to death, and sure enough:

"We aren't cousins, we've already discussed this."


Kaiba set his shoulders before finishing, "Well, at the very least, improve your game for the next duel. I can't even count this as a victory."

You're everything that I want

Yugi had dreamless nights. Not restful nights, but dreamless.

And you don't want me

"Hey Yugi, up for a little trip this time?" Mokuba asked him cheerily, but wouldn't say where to. Yugi agreed anyway. He'd come to... depend on these visits with Kaiba, just like he depended on his visits with his other friends. It was strange, to think of Kaiba as a friend, but it felt right.

Turned out Mokuba was downplaying, because Yugi did not consider a trip into, maybe not outer space, but the upper reaches of Earth's atmosphere, a little trip.

He honestly had no idea how Kaiba had gone about building this, was intimidated by the whole thing, but something urged him to go ahead with it. Could add it alongside the KaibaCorp helicopter, and the Battle City Tournament's Airship as another showy but dangerous mode of transportation he'd been on with Kaiba.

The view was spectacular, he'd give Kaiba that. He never thought he would see the Earth from this perspective. It was humbling, exciting, terrifying all at once. Of course to Kaiba, it was another day at the office.

They sat down to duel, though Yugi was distracted, continually looking out the windows, confirming that he really was up here.

"I use the Magic Card Invigoration, which when equipped to an Earth Monster, my Battle Ox, increases its attack points by 400. Also... I dueled the Pharaoh." Kaiba added casually, yet proud.

"...What? In a dream?" Yugi asked, startled.


"Kaiba, what are you talking about?"

"I already told you. If they could use magic to send us back in time, I could use technology. My technology, my virtual reality simulators."

"... But you... actually did it?"

Kaiba grinned. "I did."

"Oh... um, how did it... go?"

"Yugi, is that really all you have to say, or is my genius so established you no longer find it worth congratulating?"

"No, I mean... it's very impressive Kaiba, I... I'm somewhat speechless."

The whole thing was quite overwhelming, yes, he knew Kaiba was working on it, but no, he didn't believe he'd actually do it, and the possibility of seeing the Pharaoh, not in a dream, but to really see him, gave him chills.

"Did you... find what you were looking for, by dueling him?" Yugi asked.

"In a way, yes, I did." Kaiba answered, and Yugi knew he would say no more, at least about his personal experience, but Yugi did have other questions he thought Kaiba would answer.

"How did it work? Did you... cause a commotion? What did the people think?"

Kaiba sighed. "It was somewhat like when we entered the World of Memories," and Yugi could tell this failure bothered him, but Kaiba continued, "I could walk wherever I chose, no one seemed to notice my presence. Except the Pharaoh."

"But... why would he agree to duel you, without knowing who you were?"

"That's the thing. He did know who I was, or I should say, he knew of me. It wasn't the same as speaking with him when he was here, when you and he shared a body, but he did know I was Seto Kaiba. It was like he'd been told about me in advance, like he was expecting me."

"How could that be?"

"Ask him yourself. It's why I brought you up here. To send you back."

Another downplay of Mokuba's. Yugi should really know that about him by now, and that's all he could focus on, because the idea of going to see the Pharaoh, after everything that had happened in his dreams, he... honestly didn't think he had it in him. He didn't have the Pharaoh's nerves of steel, nor Kaiba's. Really, to even attempt time travel was an enormous task.

"Thank you, but I'll pass."

Kaiba looked puzzled. "I thought you would jump at the chance to see him. I must say, I'm disappointed in you."

"It's... different, Kaiba, like you said. You have your relationship with the Pharaoh, and I have mine, and I..."

To Yugi's horror, he started to choke, his eyes filled with tears, even Kaiba looked alarmed, to save them both the awkwardness of Yugi crying while they were alone in space, Yugi hurried and finished his thought.

"I have no interest going to see him if he doesn't remember who I am."

Kaiba sighed. "Yugi, I will only say this once. I believe you should do this. In fact, I believe you need to do this."

"Fact and belief combined, huh, Kaiba?"

Kaiba looked confused for a moment, then his expression softened, only for an instant.

Yugi, maybe stalling for time, but genuinely curious asked, "Why would you do this for me?"

"To be rid of my debt to you, once and for all."

"I've already told you, there is no debt."

"There is. The Pharaoh and I, our type of strength is more acknowledged, more visible, more rewarded. I enjoy that power, that privilege, yet... I acknowledge your strength, your kindness that mainly goes unsung. You... in some ways, remind me of Mokuba."

There was probably no greater compliment Kaiba could give, and in some way Yugi couldn't explain, it was what convinced him to go.

I can't turn this around

Yugi took his time, as, in awe he wandered the streets of this ancient city. It was as Kaiba had said, no one saw him, he could even pass through walls, through people. Kaiba had given him a translator, but he actually preferred walking without it. The language sounded harsh to him, as he remembered from the last time he was here.

He walked through the bazaars, through residential streets, until, he finally worked up the courage to approach the palace. To his surprise, someone was there waiting for him. The High Priest, Set, who, after making sure Yugi was looking at him, simply turned and started walking. Some things never change, Yugi supposed, as he wordlessly made his way after him.

He expected to be brought to a throne room, that was what Kaiba had described, but as they were walking through a hallway, a voice called out, familiar, so familiar, yet speaking this foreign tongue.

He saw Set sigh, stop in the hallway, and indicate for Yugi to look ahead, and there he was, and Yugi took a step backward in shock.

He... really was Pharaoh. It was stupid, an obvious thing to think, Yugi had already seen him here, yet... this cemented it for him, and he looked so at home, just as he had in Yugi's dreams. Yugi fumbled for the translator, but stopped when he heard, unmistakably, "Yugi."

It... was not the same, as when they spoke together, the vowels were different, but it was there, his name. Kaiba was right once again. The Pharaoh did know who he was.

Yugi had prepared to say hello in his language, did so, awkwardly, clumsily, but the Pharaoh smiled, indicated for Yugi to follow him, said something to Set, then they were off, more hallways, Yugi was lost in here, couldn't fathom what all these rooms were necessary for, but understood why Yami's soul rooms looked the way they had, understood so much and yet there were so many more unanswered questions, after coming here, witnessing where he had been born, his city, his people, his home.

The Pharaoh led them to a room, and Yugi gasped. It was his bedroom, and it looked just as it had in the dream, the bed, the drapes, the balcony, everything. The Pharaoh stepped forward, took Yugi's hands in his for a brief moment, then, to Yugi's ever lasting shock, said:

"This is my bedroom, does it not look authentic to you?"

"What...? How...?" Yugi stuttered, not able to comprehend how this could be happening, this was not a dream, he was sure of it.

This wasn't a dream

"It's real." The Pharaoh added, only making things worse, as he stepped back, smiling, then continued:

"But it's time for you to go now. Oh, a message for Kaiba, this technology of his will not work again. It has served its purpose. He was aided by magic, and Set would like to remind him that 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.'"

The scene disappeared, and Yugi was again on the space station, in the virtual reality chamber. The doors out opened, to reveal Kaiba standing by.

"How did it go?" he asked.

Yugi, eyes wide, said the first thing that came to his mind.

"You're not going to like this..."

I keep running into walls that I can't break down

It was true, much to Kaiba's fury. He could still create exquisite virtual realities, but he could no longer travel into the past.

I said I just wander around

Another night, and surprisingly, another dream.

Back in the temple, Yugi waiting by the altar, yet there were changes. Yugi was not dressed in Egyptian garb anymore, but his own clothing, in stark contrast to his surroundings, and when the figure emerged from the doors, he no longer wore the mask of a jackal, but that of a lion.

It gave Yugi pause, he was so used to thinking of that man as the Pharaoh, that now he wondered, was this someone different? Yet it was the same, Yugi got up on the altar, and so did the man, Yugi asked for the Pharaoh's help, and the figure took off his mask, to reveal the Pharaoh, same as always.

"Do you believe me now?"

"The mask, why a different mask?" Yugi asked.

The Pharaoh smiled, but said no more.

With my eyes wide shut because of you

Yugi did some research the next day, and found an Egyptian Goddess who he thought the Pharaoh was invoking, she with the head of a lion, yet even the experts found her role to be complex and varied, not associated with any one thing, and sometimes contradictory things. Her power and ruthlessness were feared, sacrifices were made to appease her, yet she also led pharaohs into battle, was invoked in healing rituals, and possibly most confusing of all, she was associated with, or in some tales actually became, the Goddess of Love, Hathor.

I'm a sleepwalker

"Sekhmet." Yugi said, in the next dream.

"Yes, it is she." The Pharaoh replied.

"But why?"

"You have gone into battle with me, so many times. Battled me, so that my spirit could finally rest."

"I'm... glad. I'm glad you're at peace. That's what I wanted for you. That's what gave me the strength to battle you."

"You defeated the 3 Egyptian God Cards. There is no one else who can make that claim. Sekhmet honors you."

"But, why is she known as a Goddess of Love, of Healing?"

"Yes, she acknowledges the power of warriors, those who can impose their will on others, but she also acknowledges the power that comes when one fights for someone they love. And it was you, not I, who was victorious in that final battle, and you healed me in the process."

"But Pharaoh-"

"Weren't you going to call me, 'Atem?'"

"Atem, why... why do I feel so broken? Maybe I was able to heal you, but I don't know how to heal myself."

"That's why I'm here, Yugi."

"To heal me? Pharaoh-"

"Atem," He interrupted, more insistently this time.

"Atem, this only makes things worse! I feel like I'm losing my mind."

"Sometimes you have to, but only because you had to let go of something that was never real to begin with. Though Yugi, there is another reason, for the link between Sekhmet and Hathor. To fall under the passion of battle or the passion of love; both boil the blood; both are Sekhmet and Hathor's victims."


"What is it this time? I can hear you thinking, you might as well just say it." Kaiba came out with.

"I keep seeing the Pharaoh in my dreams." Yugi muttered.

"... And?" Kaiba asked impatiently.

"I... God, is any of this real? Did he really come to you, and say my grandpa had fallen? That seems true, but are all of the dreams real, or only some of them? I just... I don't know how much more of this I can take!"

"Calm yourself, Yugi." After Yugi had taken some breaths, Kaiba continued.

"I too... dislike what has been happening around us. It does not make sense to me, but... it is illogical to deny something just because you don't understand it, and in the case about your grandfather, I have to believe that is what happened, as much as it pains me. As you so pointedly asked me, "Do you really believe it's all a bunch of coincidences?"


"Yes, do you really believe it's all a bunch of coincidences?" The Pharaoh asked him that night.

Yugi did not have an answer for him.


"Ah, it's good to be back! Where it all began, am I right? Where's your grandpa? Nearly gave me a heart attack, when you told me he'd fallen. Wait till I get my hands on him, what was he thinking, getting up there like that! Gramps! Where are you?!" Joey yelled out into the shop.

Joey had been away, competing in tournaments around the world, doing quite well for himself, as Grandpa now kidded with him as he walked into the front room, closed for business today.

"Lower your voice, young man. Even I can hear you. Or has all that success gone to your head?"

"There he is! Nah, I'm still me. Same old Joey. God forbid I turn into somebody like Kaiba. But what were you thinking, old man! Giving Yugi all that trouble. But ah, what the hell, I forgive you. Who can stay mad at you for long, anyway? Get over here, give me a hug. Who I am kidding? I'm just glad you're okay."

I'm a sleepwalker

Grandpa had excused himself, and now Yugi and Joey were sitting up in his room, and Joey was right, this sure felt nostalgic, looking through Duel Monsters cards, Joey was showing him his deck, throwing ideas off of him, going through his cards, just as Grandpa had done for Joey when he first started out.

Yugi was rifling through Joey's spare cards but paused when he came upon the Flame Swordsman, triggering yet another wave of nostalgia.

"Hey, what have you got there?" Joey noticed, peering over Yugi's shoulder.

"Aw, it's my main man! Haven't seen him in awhile, huh. Kind of miss the guy. Maybe I should put him back in, what do you think?"

"I really can't say, Joey. It's personal, who you want in your deck, and sometimes it's different, at different times in your life. I've changed my deck too."

Still, Yugi would always associate this card with Joey, not only because of their memorable duel with Yami Bakura, seeing Joey dressed as him, but because to Yugi, he really did exemplify Joey. His warmth, his color, his nobility.

"You been dueling anybody lately?" Joey asked.


Joey blinked. "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you correctly, did you say you were dueling Kaiba?"

"I did."

Joey leaned back, a pained look on his face. "Oh man, I'm sorry Yugi, I'll call you more often, I promise, can't have you resorting to duels with him, it's just... wrong. How is Moneybags, by the way?"

"He made a time machine."

"What?! Okay, hold up. Back way the hell up, and walk me through this ..."


"No way, no fucking way. God help us, with whatever the hell this maniac is going to dream up next... Guess that's a little hypocritical of me, huh? I'm making a career with his 'Dueling Entertainment Technology,' but I really hate that guy sometimes, I would have loved to see the look on his face, when you told him it only worked 'cause of magic. The Pharaoh got him good. And that's great, you got to see the Pharaoh. How was that?"

"I..." Yugi wanted to say it was nice, what Joey was expecting to hear, but he couldn't, couldn't lie to his best friend, and he could feel his smile falling, saw Joey's fall in turn, and instead Yugi replied:

"I miss him. I miss him so much, Joey. I keep seeing him in my dreams, and I think it's real, Kaiba's seen him too, but I... don't know, I just don't know."

"Oh, Yug, Buddy, it's okay, it's gonna be okay. And what do you mean, you think it's real? Walk your pal Joey through that too."


"You know, I think it's real too." Joey replied, after Yugi had filled him in, leaving out the romantic aspects, then Joey continued. "I mean the Pharaoh, he's an intense guy, and... I think he would move Heaven and Earth to get to you."

Yugi startled. "...What did you just say?"

"He'd move Heaven and Earth to get to you. Why," Joey paused, looked uncomfortable. "Did I not say it right?"

"No it's... that's what Kaiba said, and it's just... you don't hear that expression all the time, it's just... weird."

"What?!" Joey exclaimed, "Ah, man, no way, Kaiba and I can't agree on something, that just ain't right!"

Let me out of this dream

"Hey Yug, guess what?! I saw the Pharaoh too. He sure is chatty!" Joey reported happily.

Yugi frowned, shaking his head. "... Kaiba said that too."

"What?! Not again! But anyways, he was saying that he's been talking to you about some of the Egyptian Gods, some lion faced woman?"


"And then he was talking to me about this other goddess, Hathor? Yeah, I think that was it, they show her as a cow sometimes, but guess what? She's a love goddess! So I was like, hey, Pharaoh, you trying to tell me something, like, is there love in the stars for ole Joey Wheeler here? Could you maybe work some magic from the other side, help a guy out? Also, could you maybe get Tristan away from my sister? Like, an anti-love goddess? Does anybody do that over there?

"I thought we'd get a good laugh, but the weird thing was he told me his people prayed to Hathor, to meet their true love, and he told me I could try it if I wanted, that he'd help me out, and I think he was serious, I mean... I guess he would be, it's his religion. The Pharaoh's considered a God too, right? It's way over my head. But then he said, and this, I gotta level with you Yug, I found this hard to believe, but he said you'd taken the Dark Magician out of your deck. That true?"

"It is." Yugi answered simply. He wasn't really sure why he'd done it. He still kept it in a special place, looked at the card regularly, but, he hadn't been able to bear having him in his deck.

"What?! Wow, okay, but he said he wants you to put it back in. Also wanted me to put the Flame Swordsman back in mine. Then he told me that I shouldn't give you such a hard time for seeing Kaiba, that you guys were cousins in a previous life and..."

"Family sticks together?" Yugi supplied, wearily.

"Yeah, exactly, how'd you know that?"

Let me out of this dream

"Do you believe me now?" The Pharaoh asked.

They were back in the Pharaoh's bedroom, at the palace, laying in bed, the Pharaoh atop him, though Yugi noted, he was still in his own clothing, while the Pharaoh was in his, metal jewelry flashing in the moonlight.

"Atem." Yugi said, no matter how strange it was to him, but Atem looked pleased.


"If I pray to Hathor, would she really bring me my true love?"


Now they were in Yugi's bedroom, though Atem was still atop him, Yugi was in his pajamas.

"I tried."

Atem leaned down, resting his forehead against Yugi's and replied, "So did I, and Hathor has answered our prayers."

"What do you mean?" Yugi asked, too tired to fight anymore.

"I'm here, aren't I?"

"But when I asked you before, you didn't respond."

"I didn't want to confess to you until you believed it was really me, not a figment of your imagination, though there are limits. I cannot come back into your world, there are laws even Gods cannot break. Yet I will move Heaven and Earth to get to you, in the way that I am able, if you'll have me."

"We'll just have to meet somewhere in the middle?" Yugi asked, but his soul wasn't in it, wasn't in any of this.

"What would it take to convince you, my love?"

Though Yugi's heart ached, at being called that by him, he replied, "The closer we get, the farther away you seem. Your place, on the other side, your culture, you speak of Gods I know little to nothing about, even your name, I can barely say it. I... don't know how to do this. I don't know how to do this with you. I don't understand."

Before Yugi could really process what was happening, Atem had leaned down, kissed him and it took Yugi's breath away, took almost everything away, how his normally controlled movements were not now, how heavily he pressed down on Yugi, how forcefully he moved his lips against his, and Yugi was shocked at the emotion it brought up in him, enough that he sobbed into the kiss, and reached up, could barely control his own movements either, couldn't even reach them up to Atem's face, only could weakly wrap his hands around his wrists.

Atem pulled away, only to ask, "Do you understand this?" Amethyst eyes flashing, as he reached for Yugi's hand, brought it to his lips, kissed his palm, the inside of his wrist, lingered long enough for Yugi to start shuddering underneath him.

"This requires no shared culture, no shared language, no shared time, only the passion that Hathor invokes, and the power of Sekhmet to take it. You may use other Gods, other words, but that doesn't matter, Yugi. This transcends all of our differences. It is the one thing all religions share. Love conquers all."

"So... you'll come see me again? Like this? In my dreams?" Yugi asked, tripping over his words.

"Yes." Atem said, tensing his arms, waiting for Yugi's answer.

"Then," Yugi replied, reaching up, as steadily as he could, put his arms around Atem's shoulders, could feel the heat it generated between them, felt himself start to shake, as Atem shifted, brought his knee to rest against Yugi's inner thigh, and braced his arms alongside Yugi's head.

"We'll just have to meet somewhere in the middle." Yugi said in closing, wishing he had been able to say that without stuttering, but he meant it this time, with all his heart, his soul, and he knew Atem knew it too, before they were lost to the fire.


End Notes: 1 - All the cards in the duels are from Yugi and Kaiba's starter decks.

2 - "Yugi" in Japanese translates to "Game"

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