Her Family

By LexiBell_King

2.7K 48 6

What if just after the war something unexpected happened? What if Draco Lucius Malfoy had a crush on a Gryffi... More

A/N - About the Story
End of Hogwarts
Catch Up
Build Up
Holiday Reunion
The Grangers
Family Drama

A Bigger Family

93 4 0
By LexiBell_King

"You think I could get a job? Part-time of course."

"Really Fred? What about your store with George?"

Fred shrugged. "We're still running it. But George and I agree. The store runs itself half the time. We want to be able to spend more time in the Muggle world and you and Blaise have helped pretty much everyone. So how about hooking us up? Please, Harry."

Harry sighed and nodded his head. "Fine. I'll give you guys a contract base job. You'll probably move to a different location every month, is that okay?"

"Yeah sure." Fred grinned.

Harry nodded his head again and turned to the book in front of him. He made a note of the agreement and sent Fred on his way. A few minutes after Fred left Blaise showed up. He was carrying a little girl in his arms and Harry smiled when he saw them. Blaise had returned from his trip to Australia with the baby girl.

"So are you going to tell me how you ended up coming home with a baby?" Harry asked as Blaise handed the baby to him.

"Not yet. I don't want to jinx it." Blaise shrugged. "I promise I'll tell you as soon as I can."

"You didn't get someone pregnant did you?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

Blaise laughed. "For the tenth time, no. I wasn't even gone long enough for that. Not to mention that I'm a happily married man. I promise I'll tell you. I'm just waiting for..."

Blaise stopped and frowned as he looked through his mail. Harry sighed and stood up. He snapped his fingers in Blaise's face to get his attention. Blaise ignored him as he opened the letter. He hadn't expected it to come so soon and always held his breath. It had been nearly 4 months and Teddy was back at Hogwarts.

"Hello! Earth to Blaise." Harry sighed.

"I can finally tell you." Blaise grinned and showed Harry the letter.

The baby had ended up with Blaise because of something that happened while he was fixing the issue at the resort. It was an accident that led him to the local hospital where a young girl had just given birth. The accident being that Blaise had just barely landed properly after falling from the roof of one of the buildings.

The site manager forced Blaise to go to the hospital and on his way out Blaise heard some people arguing. He wouldn't have paid much attention to it if it wasn't for the fact that Harry's words were ringing in his mind. He heard the word "baby" and acted on impulse. After awkwardly introducing himself he spent the rest of the day with the family.

By the end of the day he was given a new baby girl. The parents of the 15 year old girl who had the baby promised that they'd see to all the legal issues. Since then he had been waiting. Unknowingly holding his breath as he waited for the evidence that the baby was now his. Sure they had let him leave with the child but that didn't mean they couldn't change their mind about it and ask for the baby back.

Harry started laughing when Blaise explained the story. He hadn't really thought about much other than the fact that Blaise had shown up with a baby. Teddy had already returned to Hogwarts and Harry had wanted another kid. Blaise had literally delivered even though they hadn't really spoken about it completely.

"You're still okay with this right?" Blaise asked.

"Of course." Harry smiled. "You know, Neville, Ron and George just had kids too."

"You're forgetting about Pansy." Blaise smirked.

Harry stared at him dumbfounded. "What?"

Blaise frowned. "Pansy just had a kid."

"I didn't even know she was dating someone much less pregnant." Harry frowned.

"Seriously? She sent a letter." Blaise raised an eyebrow.

Harry shrugged. "Didn't see it."

Blaise showed Harry the letter. "We should really reconnect again. I feel like everytime one of us blinks, years have gone by."

Harry nodded his head in agreement. It had been over 10 years since all of them graduated. A lot had definitely changed in all their lives. He knew for certain that Ginny wasn't playing Quidditch anymore because of an injury. His conversation with Fred flashed through his mind. Things were definitely different now, if not better.

"When was the last time I actually thought about the war?" Harry mumbled to himself.

Blaise kissed him and smiled. "It has been a few years since I've heard you talk about that."


Top Left: Scorpius - 12
Top Right: Freya - 12
Bottom Left: Lukas - 8
Bottom Right: Evangelina - 2


Dear Draco,

I have forwarded all your latest fan mail to your home (i.e., directly to Hermione). Do not worry I used an owl and attached a letter for Hermione telling her what the bundle is. I have also destroyed all the risky mail as usual. Sometimes I feel bad for putting you in such a position but it has helped that you are famous for a good reason.

On another note. Blaise Zabini asked if you could do a shoot for him as a little favor. I know you want time with your wife and children but you can't be famous and decline every job. As such your next shoot will be in Australia at Blaise's latest resort. So when you're done in France I expect to see you in Australia.

I wasn't sure if you wanted me to write Hermione about that so I didn't. You're going to have to be away for another two weeks after the Australia shoot unfortunately because there's a third job waiting for you. I'll give you the details at a later stage (i.e., when you get to Australia). I have given you enough time off.

Your loving mother (and manager),
Narcissa Malfoy

Draco sighed and leaned back in his seat. His mother was right even though he hated to admit it. He hadn't taken a single job in a month and he couldn't continue like that. Sure, Hermione made enough money on her own that Draco didn't need to work – it was the same reversed. Neither Hermione nor Draco could really give up working. They both knew that and had spoken about it before.

Hermione might have hated being at work sometimes but being at home doing nothing was worse. Draco had witnessed that first hand when Hermione had been bed ridden before having Evangelina. Without the day to day routine work usually provided Hermione obsessed over the scar on her arm. She got so fixated on it and everything that had happened during the war that Draco actually feared for her life.

Draco himself couldn't stay away from work because he also had his own issues with not being able to keep himself busy. He could cope much longer than Hermione could but after a while he'd start crawling back into his mind. It had happened twice before they got married and Hermione had made him promise that it wouldn't happen again.

Draco pulled out his phone and dialed Hermione. He got an operation message saying that her number was currently in use. He figured that she must have been on the phone with a client or supplier. She was the one that used her phone a lot more than Draco. A. Few seconds after he put his phone down it rang.

"Draco Malfoy speaking."

"Hey hun. Sorry I couldn't pick up I was on a conference call."

"No problem love." Draco smiled a little. "I figured it was something like that."

He heard Hermione laugh a little. "Am I that predictable?"

Draco laughed. "Yeah a little bit. But that's not a bad thing."

"Were you calling because of work?" Hermione asked.

"Am I that predictable?" Draco sighed.

"Sometimes. You called in the middle of the day. I'm at work and the kids are with my parents so it wasn't that hard to piece together." Hermione sighed.

Draco nodded his head before remembering she couldn't see him. "Yeah. Well it's actually much later for me. Anyway, I have quite a few jobs booked for the next few weeks so I won't be back as soon as I had hoped. Probably another two months."

Hermione yawned. "I understand. Don't worry I'll let the kids know."

"I love you Hermione."

"I love you too Draco. See you when you get back."

"Bye love."

Draco tossed his phone onto the desk and stood up. He walked around the room for a moment and then laid on the bed. He'd be flying out to Australia tomorrow directly after his photo shoot. He knew he should get some sleep but he just couldn't. As much as he had to travel for work, after being with Hermione he could never get comfortable when he was alone. From what he heard he figured Hermione wasn't sleeping too well either.


"Mom? What's wrong?"

Hermione smiled and shook her head. She had been planning for over a week to go see the doctor but things just kept piling up. Draco had left the same day Scorpius and Freya went back to Hogwarts. Her suppliers had been screwing with her and she was not feeling too great. Now she had been reduced to staying on the floor in her bathroom.

"I'm okay Lukas. Just a little sick."

"Should I call dad?" Lukas asked.

"No sweetheart. I promise I'm okay. If you want you can come with me to the doctor later on." Hermione smiled a little more.

Lukas nodded his head. "Let's go now."

Hermione laughed a little. "My appointment is only for later. In the meantime let's just go relax in the lounge okay. I'll be right behind you."

Lukas pouted but nodded his head. He left Hermione in the bathroom and she dragged herself up from the floor. She tidied herself up before leaving the bathroom. Truth be told she had an idea of why she was so sick. Lavender, Luna and Pansy had all just had children of their own adding another member to their families. Harry had even gained a daughter. Hermione and Draco had celebrated their friends with maybe a little too much wine.

Yes, Hermione had a very clear idea of why she was sick. Going to the doctor only confirmed her suspicion. She was glad that her parents were looking after Evangelina as well. For the time being this was a secret for her and Lukas. Seeing his excitement towards the news had brought a smile to her face.

"Mom, you should tell dad."

"Not yet, Lukas." Hermione laughed. "Let's just get through the morning sickness, okay?"

"Okay! Maybe I can help like Scorpius always does." Lukas grinned. "I'll make you food when we get home!"

Hermione smiled and shook her head. "You don't have to."

Lukas pouted. "But I do. Dad always says that when he's not here either me or Scorpius must take care of the girls. Scorpius isn't here so it's my responsibility."

Hermione sighed. "Okay fine. Just know, you'll always be my baby boy."

When they arrived home Lukas made Hermione a plate of eggs, bacon and toast. Most of it was burnt but Hermione still accepted the plate. She smiled as she thought about Draco and all the things he was teaching the boys. How to be good men and look after their family. She always found it both amusing and sweet. Now she could see just how much it was working.

Lukas might have only been 8 years old but he was quite mature for his age. Now Hermione was pregnant again and she knew that all her kids, including Evangelina, would be the best older siblings anyone could ask for. She had always dreamt about having a big family, but she never imagined it being this big.

(1965 Words)

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