Keepers of Pokemon

By CMDobbs

623 139 14

Wilfride Beth Carter, a being known as a Keeper is lost in an alternate world, where she encounters these biz... More

Chapter 1-Why do novels always start with someone waking up?
Chapter 2- How they lost to a blueberry?
Chapter 3- A mouse that doesn't listen, a cowardice fox, and a caterpillar.
Chapter 4- The Rabid-chu
Chapter 5- The Pain of Steel Toe Boots
Chapter 6- The city that has a Rock infestation.
Chapter 7 - There is no Moon on Mt. Moon. Just bats and rats.
Chapter 8- When the motto is worse then the battle.
Chapter 9- The funny short chapter. No one will remember.
Chapter 10- Ash Ketchum Is A Dumb Name.
Chapter 11- When The Turtle Likes The Misery Of Others.
Chapter 13- No, I don't know where the cherry tomatoes are.
Chapter 14- The First Ambush.
Chapter 15- The Rabid-Chu Chase
Chapter 14- The Spelling Bulbasaur
Chapter 15- The Curse Of The Eternal Flame
Chapter 17- Breaking the Wheel

Chapter 12- What A Flushing Turtle!

29 7 0
By CMDobbs

"That was the stupidest thing I have ever ever seen you do?" Domino roared.

When she had caught up to the van after it crashed, Cassidy and Butch fled and several police officers arrived. Wilfride was sitting outside of the van with Flareon and a few other Pokemon while most of the other Pokemon took off in the woods.

"You saying, you stole the van after you saw Team Rocket stealing Pokemon with it?"

"I stole the Pokemon that were stolen. Yes."

The woman known as officer Jenny, scratched her head. "Well, since no one was really hurt and we got back most of the Pokemon who had been missing for weeks....I'll let it slide...Only because I don't know who to call, to even come lock you up in the mental institution where you belong,"

Wilfride smiled. "I'll take that as I can go,"

Domino ran up and crossed her arms, Pichu doing the same on Domino's head. "I told you to catch the Squirtle, not steal a van full of Pokemon, you crazy lunatic."

"One. That is mean because I did what you said. And Two. I saved a bunch of Pokemon...." Wilfride lowered her arms from her hips. "....Though I crashed the van....But, now all those Pokemon get to get returned to who they belonged to or they get to run away and start over...." Wilfride's voice trailed off. "..I feel like I am forgetting something..."

Domino glanced around. "Where is my Caterpie?"

Wilfride blinked a few times. Oh. That.

"You want the good news or the bad news?" 

Following Domino through the forest, an hour later, they finally burst back out of the forest and came to a hill. Flareon stood before them, pointing down the path with a green vine. Squirtle beckoned them to come closer and see for themselves.

They spotted a cabin at the very bottom of the hill. It looked cozy and warm inside the logs intricately stacked together to form a building, and the building possessed a bright red roof with a large P just above the front entrance. "There it is! The Pokémon Center!" Domino exclaimed. "We made it!"

"You don't have to yell." Wilfride muttered, rubbing the ear closet to Domino.

Domino jerked at her with a frown. "I'll yell if I want. I'm still mad at you,"

"Me? What did I do?"

"You got my Caterpie eaten!"

Wilfride went silent a few moments. "Oh, that," Wilfride looked at Squirtle. "Well, I got you this turtle."

"A Pokemon that refuses to let me catch it," Domino remarked, turning away. "Let's just get in the Pokemon Center before it starts to rain."

Domino stopped midway down the hill.

"Now what?" Wilfride asked.

Domino pointed to a small, Pokémon that had blue-green skin with darker patches laying on a rock in front of them. With red eyes with white pupils, pointed, ear-like structure on top of its head, and a short, blunt snout with a wide mouth. And a pink plant bulb.

"It's a Bulbasaur!" Domino gasped, clapping her hands together. "It's...It It looks sickly?"

Wilfride blinked. "Sickly?" She glanced back at the Bulbasaur and didn't see what Domino was saying.

"Looks fine to me,"

Domino shook her head and pulled up the Poke Dex where a picture of the same creature appeared only the one in the picture was larger and the bulb was green. "See, their supposed to look like that,"

Domino approached Bulbasaur, who didn't like the fact she approached it, giving a low growl as he eyed her closely.

"Yeah, it's too weak and sickly to be any use to me," She said. "I say we just leave it for the birds."

Weren't you just upset your bug was taken by a bird? Wilfride thought.

Flareon got on his to back feet and peered up at the Pokemon.

"What's he doing?" Domino asked.

Wilfride crossed her arms. "Not complaining, since it's the bravest thing I have seen him do,"

"Ah," Flareon sounded.

The Bulbasaur responded and the two seemed to get in a discussion.

"He's probably trying to find out what it's doing here," Wilfride guessed.

Flareon made another "Ah," sound then leaped up on the rock and showed the Bulbasaur his R mark.

Bulbasaur eyed it a few moments then stood up, revealing he's own R.

The girls glanced at each other with wide eyes.

"What are the chances we keep running in these Pokemon?" Wilfride asked.

"Slim to none," Domino remarked, her tone irritated. "But yet, we keep running into these R Pokemon,"

Wilfride took a step towards the Bulbasaur. "Do you think he was experimented on?"

Domino shrugged.

"Bulbasaur," The girls froze and looked down to the Bulbasaur was looking up at them with large eyes, no longer on the rock, but at their feet.

Domino blinked. "I don't know what he's saying,"

"He says he wants me to scoop him up," Wilfride said, then caught herself. She clamped her hand over her mouth a few moments. "Oh, my God,"

"You mean he wants you?" Domino asked in disgust.

Wilfride shot her a glare. "It's not like I'm hypnotizing them."

"I think you are," Domino stated. "Maybe not on purpose, but I think your Keeper connection is causing these creature to be drawn to you,"

"Well, that's not my fault....Is it?"

The Bulbasaur stood on two legs towards and leaned on Wilfride. "Bulba?"

"Just leave it for the birds and come on," Domino huffed and began to walk down the hill towards the Pokemon Center. Wilfride looked back to the Pokemon. "Don't you have a trainer or owner coming back for you?"

When the Bulbasaur shook his head, Wilfridesighed, looked up at the dark clouds forming and a flock of Spearow on the trees just waiting for them to leave the small thing. 

Wilfride glanced at Domino, then to the Bulbasaur.

"I'm not a Pokemon Trainer!" Wilfride said to it. "I won't be able to level you up and make your dreams come true." She gestured to the Flareon. "I couldn't get this thing to fight a blueberry,"

She eyed the small creatures big eyes, watching her. 

"Oh. Not the face." She moaned, looking away from it.  She then looked back slowly. "Oh....F-F-Fine! But you are her Pokemon, not mine."

Wilfride bent down and picked up the Bulbasaur, who smiled at her, reaching out to her. "You act like a baby...And look like a baby..." Wilfride locked eyes with the little thing. "Seriously, how old are you?"


Wilfride frowned at it. "Not the answer I wanted,"

When Wilfride stepped in the Pokémon Center it was warm and comfortable, and full of many other trainers who had been unfortunate to be out in this forest. By now, it poured buckets, sounding like rushed drumming on the windows. The wind howled and tried beating down the doors.

Wilfride took a few steps and spotted Domino sitting at a table, glaring at her.

After getting her Pichu treated, Domino went to go and fetch some dinner for everyone, leaving Wilfride sitting at the table with Flareon, Pichu, Bulbasaur and...

Wilfride looked up and saw the Squirtle approaching an old woman and her Dewgong from behind with a large blown up balloon in one paw and a sharp pin in the other. The woman and her Pokemon were sleeping and had noticed the little monster approaching.

"That little-" Wilfride flew up from her seat and darted across the room, scooping up the Squirtle right as he was about to pop the balloon in the woman's ear.

The pin hit the balloon and a loud Bang went off.

When the woman didn't even stir, the Squirtle frowned, crossed his arms and huffed. Letting Wilfride take him back to the table, who she set him back in the chair next to her as Domino returned.

"I hope you guys like soup because that's all they were serving in the cafeteria today," She said, setting down a tray with five steaming bowls on the table.

Flareon, Domino and Pichu started eating right away.

Wilfride looked at the Squirtle, who was still disappointed his plan didn't work.

"I should have known the hole digging was the least of your dark mind." Wilfride grumbled to the turtle Pokemon.

Domino looked up with a puzzled look. "Did something happen when I left to go get the food?"

"Nothing much," Wilfride said with a shrug. "Except our new friend tried to murder an old lady,"

Domino looked at the Squirtle, who grumbled and as he ate his soup. She sighed and looked at the Bulbasaur, who stood on the table, eating a salad that was given out with the soup.

Domino pulled out her Poke Dex and took a picture of the pokemon and looked at it. "Fascinating, maybe we can find a use for this thing after all."

"Why not just call it a dinosaur with a flower and call it a day,"

"I think Ivysaur and Venasaur already say that,"

Wilfride stared at her. "I don't know what those are." 

"Hey. You in the curls," Domino looked up as a group of Pokémon Trainers among them was a girl cherry-coloured eyes and dark cream pink hair tied in lavender ribbons, wearing a long, black shirt with puffy cuffs, a black choker in her neck, a long dark red skirt and black flats. She appeared to have an ego more enormous than a Snorlax. "Is that your Bulbasaur?"

"Were still deciding that," Domino stated, shooting Wilfride a glance.

"Well, would you trade for it?"

"Trade what?"

"I want the Bulbasaur, duh." The girl said. "I'm Darla, a top Competitor."

It disgusted Wilfride to watch her boast so much, but she managed to keep her mouth shut at the moment and look away.

"What do you want to trade with?" Domino asked.

"I have a Butterfree, Chansey and Sneasel I am willing to trade."

"I don't think I want something called a Sneasel," Wilfride muttered, not looking up from her soup.

"I thought you said you didn't care about this kind of stuff," Domino said.

Wilfride shrugged. "I don't. But I'm sure the walking flower does," Wilfride gestured to Bulbasaur, pawning at Flareon, just off the table. "It is his life you're trading."

Domino looked back to Darla as Wilfride noticed the Squirtle was gone again. She sat up in the seat, scanning the room.

"You have got to be kidding me," She snapped, getting to her seat, scooping the Bulbasaur.

"Hey, we were trading."

"Don't care!" Wilfride darted across the room, the Bulbasaur in her arms. Flareon on her heels.

Wilfride stopped when she saw the Squirtle walk into the bathroom, with belts covered in Pokeballs in its arms.

Wilfride ran in the bathroom, pushing open the wooden door and stepped inside, seeing the Squirtle was standing on a toilet with the lid up. He had a pink case in his paws, pulling metal ribbons out and dropping them in the toilet.

"What are you doing?!" Wilfride said, trying to keep her voice down.

The Squirtle looked at her and blinked.

"You little thief! Who did you steal all this from?"

Squirtle didn't respond, only kept eye contact, his paw reaching for the toilet lever.

"Don't you dare! No. No,"

The Squirtle waited a few seconds then Wilfride heard the toilet flush right as Darla's voice rang from the other room. "WHERE ARE MY RIBBONS????"

Bulbasaur raised its paw and shook it at the Squirtle. "Bulba...Bulba...Bulbasaur..."

Wilfride gasped. "Did you just flush that girl's life's work?"

Squirtle nodded with a smile.

When the door open Wilfride whirled around, expecting to find the snob standing there but sighed when it was Domino.

"Well, the trade is off." Domino muttered. "Turns out the girl lost her Pokemon and even her case of ribbons." She looked up at Wilfride.  "What up with you?"

Wilfride looked back to the Squirtle with wide eyes.

He flushed her...Oh my God. 

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