The Alphas' Passion

By lovelylittleIsabella

235 12 16

Melanie Diamond White is the perfect girl in everyone's' eyes. Great grades, beautiful yet modest, kind, shy... More

The Alphas' Passion
My lovely characters
Chapter 1 |Edited 12'1'17|
Chapter Two |Edited 12'3'17|
The truth. Although it hurts.

Chapter Three

11 0 0
By lovelylittleIsabella

A/N Da Betas^^^

Melanie's POV
Ughh, mornings. My hatred for them grows more and more daily.  But today was Friday, the best day of the school week.  To my opinion, Saturdays was the best day of the whole week. I threw myself off my bed and glared at my blaring alarm, 6:25 it read. I grumbled, crawling to my closet. 

6:40 am

I had a white lace long sleeve on, my black skinny jeans, white converses, my black leather jacket and black beanie. And my glasses, of course I have to wear them.

 I walk down the stairs fiddling with my earrings, another nervous habit. I have a cartilage, and two bottom ones. My brother and his besties, new and old, were there, in the best place on Earth. The kitchen. They are going to ruin my Friday, I already know. 

But maybe if I somehow slip by, I can get food and steal Mason's car. Technically ours but he drives more. But they probably knew I was already here because they were sniffing. I got on all fours and crawled and hid behind the counter.

"Oh stop trying to be sneaky its weak," Tom complains. I put my middle finger up at him and get up.

"Fuck you. Fuck you, you know what? Fuck all you," I spoke with a polite tone. Polite, my ass. I open the fridge and pull out a strawberry package. I place the strawberry at my mouth right when I was going to bite the strawberry.

"Weirdo," I groan and look towards them, mostly Chase who called me.

"What do you want?" I ask, annoyed.

"Do you hate us?" Chase asked, looking slightly nervous.

" No," I say, getting up. I grab my bag and walk out, leaving them to sit there.

 I didn't hate them but they continuously get in the nerves. It's so annoying, but seeing Chase like that was worse. He looked so.... vulnerable and he didn't suit it. But now I look at it in my mind, they all did. 

I hated it because seeing them like that makes me feel like a bitch. Of course I don't hate them but they always like annoying me or doing something to me. But I got to say, they can be really sweet guys and they can actually care.

 But they almost are never that way, never. Wait a minute, I'm walking to school? I thought I was but I don't know where the fuck I am. I groan and pulled out my phone and push Mason's contact.

"Ring..Ring... Ring... Ring..Ring..Ring..Ring..Ring," the phone kept going.

"Hey it's Mason here and sorry to tell you but you're in voicemail. Leave me a message or te-," the voicemail went off and I hung up. I then push Asher and Jace's contact but I got automatic voicemail. 

I put my phone back in my pocket and continue my journey to got to school. Even though I don't know where i am and my brother and best friends aren't answer my calls. 

Well if I don't know where I am and schools about to start, I'm not going. I keep walking but I feel a strange feeling. Like someone was following me. I turn around and see nothing usually, nothing new.

 I continue walking and I see a play area! I start running towards it and doing cartwheels. Don't you judge me, I see a judgement look on your face! Anywhoville I get to the play area and I got down on of the slides. It was fun so then I went on the swings.

 I allowed my mind to wonder and of course,  it went into deep thoughts. Where is my mate? I want him to be my first and last everything, but I don't see him here and I'm still damaged. I wonder if he will still accept me.

" Penny for your thoughts?" a random guy asked, taking the seat on the swing beside me.

"Oh, umm... I don't know," I cover my hands.

"I'm Chris North, you?" he asked.

"Ummm... Mel, Mel- anie, Melanie Whi-te, White. Melanie White," I stutter.

"So penny for your thoughts?" he put out a penny from his pocket.

"Sure. I'm waiting for my true love, my other half if you may. I want him to be my first and last everything. But I don't see the dimwit. And on top of that, something happened when I was younger that ruined a lot for me and ruined, me," I say truthfully.

"Well you don't always see them like you want to. But the way you feel with them is the true meaning. The dimwit may be right behind you, in front of you, the sides of you, but you won't know yet. You have to feel the tingles to know. And trust me, they will love you no matter what. It's your mate," he spoke oh so wise. 

Wait, did he just say mate?

"What are you talking about?" I freaked out.

"I know you're a werewolf," he answered simply.

"I don't know what you're talking," I panicked.

"Because I'm one too," he laughed.

 I actually breathed and punched him in the arm, "You got me worried!" 

He laughed again but winced at his arm, "Sorry Luna." 

I turn my head towards him and ask,"How did you know that?"

"Because the power in your voice," he asked oh-so simply.

"Ummm... Thanks?" I say unsure.

"It's fine. You want to be random with me?" he asked.

"Of course,"he takes my hand and entwined it with his. He looked at me like "Is this okay" and I nodded. Chris was really cute, he had  light brown hair and blue-gray eyes. And he was really nice and I didn't mind. I want to be friends with him.

"Hey Troye,"Chris waves to a guy that was heading in our direction.

" Hey Chris, Luna," the guy named Troye  said.

"Don't worry, he is one too," Chris reassures me.

"Well do you want to be random with us?" I ask kindly.

"Oh yes I do!" I grabbed his hand and we start skipping like maniacs.

1 hour later 

We played 21 questions but ended up asking more.

" Are you guys flexible?" I ask. They shake their heads and I giggle, "Well watch this."

 I go off on a cart wheel, do three front flips , and finishing off I do a back flip. 

"That was amazing," they start clapping and I bow. 

We continue walking and I ask them, " What pack are you from?"

 They fidget and answer, "We aren't from one. Our pack was killed?" It sounded more like a question than an answer.

 "Wanna see another trick?" I ask in a sweetly sickly voice. They nod and I pushed them down. "You lied! And I actually thought you were nice," I scoff.

"We lied because our Alphas' put us up to it. We are nice and we would love to be your friend," they whimper.

"Alphas?" I question.

"Yes. My Alpha is Blake East and Troye Alpha's is Brett Huff," they answer.

"Where are they?" I growl.

"Well they sent us in the morning. They told us the direction you went in and we followed you. I got off the car and went to you. They are around the corner," Chris whispered.

 I whisper something to them and we smirk. We continue walking until Chris pushed me up to a tree.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

 He smirked, "I want to be with you." I try moving but he is grip was unbearable.

"Well I don't," I whimper.

"You will," he grins evilly and Troye had disappear. He leaned in and I whimpered," Stop. Please stop. Stop. CHRIS PLEASE STOP!"

His nose and my nose touch, and from afar it looks like we are kissing and he was actually kissing the corner of my mouth. We hear growls and know the plan worked.

Suddenly everyone was here.


"WHERES TROYE!" Brett roared.

 They tried to get in Chris' face. Key word: Tried.

 I stepped in front of Chris and hissed, "I can handle myself assholes! This was a prank. They told me about you guys and how you told them what to do. I don't need you constantly to be with me. And then you watch from afar."

"Please, the only way we can ever become comfortable around each other is to actually have trust. Something that you guys keep lacking. Oh and why didn't my group answer my phone calls?" 

They look down and scratch their neck, "Because we told them that we need their phones and then ran away."

"Why can't you guys leave me alone?" I sighed, throwing my hands in the air. In seconds, Chase was in front of me and he grabbed my chin softly. 

"Because baby girl, we are hooked on you," he whispered. I felt something stuck in my throat, blocking any words I could say. 

 WHY ARENT YOU AT SCHOOL! my dad yelled through pack link. I wince and answered I got lost?

 He grunted and mumbled" Is it those boys? Mason's friends? Well I figure it out later, just go to Red Moon Pack house" 

"Hey Melanie what were you doing?" Tom asked, I suppose he noticed how my eyes dull over when I was linking my father. Chase let go of my chin and stepped to the side. 

"My dad pack linked me, we have to go to Blake's pack house," we all began to walk towards their car. But I had this unshakable feeling that I just couldn't get off. I needed to go. 

"I have to go, I'm sorry," I quickly escaping from them and distance myself.

I shift into my wolf since I entered the forest. Ace was constantly nagging me to shift so this was good for her. She was directing me where to go and I past by a little spot.

 It was a waterfall and I was dirty so I dove in. I swim around and notice there was a secret meadow with beautiful flowers and trees. I love this place but I must go. I go through the waterfall and shift in my human self. 

I run behind a tree, lucky to see a sweater, undergarments, and sweater. I slip into them, this was pretty comfortable. With me, my glasses always appear on my face after shifted. So yeah, but my hair was wet so that sucked. 

I continue walking where Ace was telling me to go and I see a huge house. But our house is bigger, knowing that this was only one of the many of the red Moon pack houses.

I might just be leading myself into my own doom. 


Hey guys! I'm backkkkkkkkk. I really hope you like this chappie. I'm gonna be updating every Friday so yeaaaaa. Anywhovilee, if you did like this chapter because comment and vote. It would mean the world to me. follow me if you wanna be updated with me or any of my other books or because you wanna be nice like that :)! 




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