I Think He Knows - Conrad Fis...


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"The Cousins, my favorite place on Earth. It was my second home. Every Summer, since before I was born, there... Еще

1//Summer House
Summer Dress
Summer Nights
Summer Heat
Summer Catch
Summer Love

Summer Tides

541 9 0

Myles was gone. After the fight he had gone back to the beach house, packed up his things and was on his way. It was hard. As much as I had fought myself on my confliction between Conrad and Myles, I wasn't expecting him to say all of those hurtful things about me. I was hard enough on myself but hearing it all from him hit different.

"How are you holding up?" Belly had asked as we sat in our room.

"Do you want the surface answer or the truth?" I asked trying to make the situation lighter. Belly gave me a look and I knew immediately it was time for us to finally talk. "I'm...not. I don't really know how I'm supposed to feel right now."

"It's not how you're "supposed to feel", Y/n. It's just how you feel." She said.

"I feel like shit." I admitted. "Myles said a lot of hurtful things. a part of me is wondering if they were true."

"Of course they 're not true. He was hurt and upset so he began speaking out of his ass." She said. "Yo deserve better than that."

"I still feel a little guilty. I mean, in a way I did lie to him." I said.

She asked, "How so?"

"He accused me of having feelings for Conrad." I said. "I denied it. The same way I did to you."

Belly didn't speak.

"I'm sorry the way things escalated that night. I got all defensive about it and I took it out on you. You didn't deserve that." I apologized.

"Hey, don't be sorry. I understand." She said.

"So, what now?" I asked.

"Now...I think you go talk to Conrad." She said.

"What?" I asked.

"You have feelings for him and I think he has them for you." She had said.

I stared at her a moment before going on to say, "What about you? I can't do that to you."

"Don't worry about me." She said. "Let's just say that I've recently seen someone else through a whole new lens."

"Who?" I asked, before it dawned on me. "Jeremiah?"

She smiled widely. "You like Jeremiah!" I exclaimed.

"Keep your voice down! Nobody knows!" She exclaimed.

"Why not? Go after him Belly!" I encouraged her.

"It's not that easy, Y/n." She said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"He's one of my best friends. I don't wanna ruin anything." She said.

"What made you realize you liked Jeremiah anyway?" I asked.

"Last night we had a long chat by the pool. He was talking about how he really likes this girl but they've been friends forever and he doesn't wanna take that leap and risk losing what they have. The last few weeks I've noticed him acting differently around me and he's seemed more flirty than usual." She explained.

"Belly, it's so obvious he likes you. Why haven't you acted on it?" I asked her.

"Because what if the girl he's talking about isn't me?" She sounded saddened.

"What do you mean? Who else would it..." I began to ask before I realized what she was inferring. "You don't think-"

"I don't know what to think." She said.


I decided later that a swim would be nice. The annual volleyball tournament was later today, and Taylor was coming, so I thought this would be a good way to relax before everything really got going.

"Hey." I heard as I set my towel down.

"Hey." I responded as I turned to face the Fisher boy. It was Jeremiah.

"How's it going?" He asked.

"It's going alright. I was gonna go for a swim actually." I answered.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked.

"Not at all." I smiled. Jere and I jumped in together. We swam and messed around for a bit before we both ended up sitting on the wall of the pool.

"I've been wanting to talk to you about something." Jeremiah had said as he handed me my towel.

"Me too." I told him.

"You first." We both said in unison. We laughed.

"Okay, I'll go first." I said. "I think you should ask Belly to the deb ball."

"Belly?" He questioned.

"Yeah! I think it would be so cute. Don't tell her I told you but she is so crushing on you." I told the boy.

"Belly likes me?" He asked.

"Yes! She thinks you might like her too. So, do you?" I asked.

"Do I like Belly?" He asked. "Y-yeah. I do."

"Oh, really? That's great! She's gonna be so excited." I exclaimed, relieved that Jeremiah did like her. "So. When are you gonna ask her to be her escort?"

"I don't know. Probably not until after the tournament craziness is over." He ran his hand through his hair.

"That's a good idea. You know how she gets with these things." I said as Belly has major competitiveness. "Well, I'm gonna go shower."

I got up to leave before I stopped and turned back to Jeremiah. "What was it you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked.

"Oh, its nothing." He said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yep." He confirmed.

"I'll see you later then." I said a little awkwardly. I wonder what it was he wanted to talk about.


I'm standing in the bathroom, door opened, as I finish doing my hair. I look myself over once more before I go to leave. Just as I exit the door way I run into someone.


"Sorry, I didn't see you." I told the tall boy in front of me.

"You're good. I should've paid more attention." Conrad moved aside and signaled with his hands for me to walk past him.

So this is it. We weren't gonna talk about what happened yesterday. We're just gonna pretend like nothing happened. I began to make my way to the stairs when I heard my name being called.

"Y/n, wait." He said. I turned to face the boy. "I'm sorry about what happened yesterday."

"Why are you sorry? You totally kicked Myles ass." I smirked. Conrad returned the notion.

"I'm sorry that loser treated you the way he did. You don't deserve that." He said.

I smiled at how heartfelt Conrad was being. He made my stomach do cartwheels.

"Are you excited for the tournament?" He asked.

"I'm actually not playing, this year. I don't have a partner anymore." I told him.

"You and Belly aren't together this year?" He asked.

"Nope. I signed up with Myles and Belly signed up with Taylor. So it looks like I'm out." I said.

"I could fill in." He offered.

"You would do that?" I asked him.

"Yeah, of course." He said.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Can-can I ask you something?" Conrad sounded nervous.

"Yeah, what's up?" I answered.

Conrad looked at me a moment before goin on to say, "Can I take you to the deb ball?" I was speechless. That was the last thing I expected to come out of his mouth. "I know you need a date now and I already know all the dances and everything. Its no problem, really."

"I um, I don't-" I started stuttering.

"Y/n, Taylor's here! We gotta finish getting ready!" Belly called as she and Taylor had went to our room.

"Can I get back to you? I have to finish getting ready." I told him.

"Yeah, yeah. Just let me know." He said.

"Yeah, I'll see you in a bit." I said before heading to the room. I sighed as I entered and closed the door behind me.

"Woah, what happened?" Taylor asked as my expression was quite noticeable.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just a lot going on." I said.

"Do tell." Taylor sounded intrigued.

"Um..." I panicked.

"Where's that boyfriend of yours?" Taylor asked.

"Taylor." Belly stopped her.

"Oh shit. I forgot." She said. "I'm sorry, babes. That really sucks."

"You know what happened?" I asked her.

"Well, yeah, Belly told me." I looked to Belly to see her annoyed with what Taylor was saying. "Oh, was I not supposed to say anything?"

"You told her?" I asked hurt.

"Belly tells me everything." Taylor said.

"I'm sorry. I told Taylor because I knew Myles wasn't going to be here anymore. I just wanted her in the loop so she didn't ask about him." Belly explained.

"See how that turned out." I said.

"Taylor, I told you not to say anything." Belly scolded.

"I'm sorry! I genuinely forgot." She defended. "Look, y/n, I honestly didn't mean any harm by it. I'm sorry."

"Girls, are you ready? We gotta head out." Laurel had called to us.

"Let's just go." I said as I was the first one to leave the room.


"Good afternoon! I'm Susannah Fisher, chair of the clubs community service board and I am delighted to welcome you to play it forward!" Susannah announced. Everyone cheered. "My mother used to say that if you're lucky enough to be at the beach, you're lucky enough..."

Eventually it was time to start and everyone gathered with their teams.

"You ready for this, Connie?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah. Stoked." He said.

"Don't let me down. We have to win." I told him.

"You just wanna beat Belly and Taylor." He read right through me.

"I also love charity." I said. "But, yes. So get your head in the game."

"Yes, ma'am." He saluted.

We went up against a few different teams, so far undefeated. Conrad and I beat Team Shayla, Team Capulets, and The beach bums.

"We are killing it!" I exclaimed as Conrad and I high fives and cheered for ourselves. "I think we could really win."

"Oh, it's in the bag, baby." Conrad had said followed by a whoop.

The teams dwindled down and it became a showdown. Team Y/n vs Team Belly. At one point Taylor had subbed in Jeremiah due to her spraining her ankle.

"Okay, you ready Connie? We can do this. Belly's obviously pretty good but I think we can take Jere." I said. "His weak side is his left side. If we can get a few spikes keeping that in mind I think we can nail him."

"You got it, boss." He joked.

"I'm serious, Conrad. We have to win." I told him.

"Okay, Belly." He smiled. "I'm sorry. Don't stress it. We got this, okay?"

I smiled and sent Conrad a nod of confidence. We were in the lead for the first chunk of the game and we're pretty confident in our chance. However, Team Belly soon caught up. It was all tied up. The next point would be game.

"We got this." Conrad had said as it was our serve. I prepped myself mentally and was ready to go for it. I met eyes with Conrad before looking back at the ball in my hand. I let out a deep breath before going for the serve.

The ball went over the net and Belly was able to prep the ball for Jere to spike. As soon as Jeres hand hit the ball, Conrad was already diving and able to save the hit. His dive prepped the ball for me to spike it on Jeremiah's left. That was it. That was the game.

"Con, we did it!" I said as everyone cheered. Conrad jumped up and ran over to me. He picked me up and spun me around as everyone continued to cheer for us.

"Whoo! Yeah!" Conrad cheered as he set me back down. My smile was the biggest it's been in a while. Belly looked furious. But that was just her competing side sulking.

"And the winners are, Y/n Y/l/n and Conrad Fisher!" Susannah announced into the mic.

Conrad grabbed my hand and raised it to bask in our glory. We made our way to the net to greet our opponents.

"Good game, guys." Jeremiah had said.

"Good game." I responded as we shook hands.

"Good game, Jere." Conrad had said as they did the same.

"I guess if I had to be defeated I'm glad it was you." Belly said trying not to sound so bummed. "Good game."

"Ohhh, I'm so proud of you guys!" Susannah said as Jere and Belly were now gone and it was just Conrad and I. "You make the best team. Did you ask her yet?"

"Ask me what?" I asked laughing but slightly confused.

"To be your escort. I told him to ask you since, you know... everything that happened. I thought it would be nice."

"Oh." Was all I could say.

"Aaagh, congrats!" My mom had said as she hugged me.

"You're not mad at me anymore?" I asked as we hugged.

"I'm proud of you. Let me be proud." She smiled.


Nicole had invited Belly, Taylor, and I to hangout on her boat tonight. It was a good way to relax after the long, tiring day. I also decided to let go of the fact that Belly had told Taylor about my breakup. It's not as big of a deal as I made it out to be. Taylor just always seems to brush me the wrong way.

"Put a finger down if you've ever made out with two people within twenty four hours of each other." Taylor said.

"Put a finger down if you've ever used a stuffed animal to... you know." Marisa said next.

"His name was Harry Bear Styles." Taylor said, causing us all to laugh.

"You had a name for yours?" Gigi questioned her leading to more laughter.

"Okay. Put a finger down if you've ever had sex." Dara had said next.

Belly and I were the only ones with all of our fingers still up.

"If you've ever been to third?" Dara went on. "Put a finger down if you've ever been to second."

This was the first one I could actually put a finger down to. Myles was very handsy during some of our more intense make out sessions.

"Put a finger down if you've ever made out with Jeremiah Fisher." Taylor said.

Belly's finger went down. "Belly, you sneaky bitch! When did this happen?" I asked my best friend in shock.

"It happened earlier today, actually. After the tournament. He also asked me to the ball." Belly cheesed.

"Shut the fuck up." Dara exclaimed.

"Sorry, Gigi." Belly apologized.

"No, it's fine." Gigi told her.

"We want the tea, Belly." Nicole said.

"I mean, there's not much to it. Jeremiah's my best friend and, um-" she started.

"So, how did it happen?" Gigi asked.

"Well, we were talking about the tournament and how frustrated I was a-and, it just happened. I was making out with Jeremiah Fisher."

I was so happy for Belly but part of me, like always, was jealous of Taylor. I will never understand why I'm so insecure about Taylor and Belly's friendship.

"Put a finger down if you've ever been skinny dipping." Taylor said.

"Put a finger down if you've ever been skinny dipping at Hoppers Cove." Nicole added.

"Is that a dare?" Taylor asked.

"Absolutely." Nicole confirmed.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" I asked before we all got up to leave.

We made our way to a dock towards the end of Hoppers Cove and did as we said. Everyone stripped, leaving their clothes on the dock, and jumped in. Skinny dipping was more fun than I thought it would be. We laughed and splashed and enjoyed our time in the water.

"Watch out for jellyfish." Gigi warned as she had just now joined us. She was still on the dock. "I do not want to have to pee on any of you."

"The other two girls are missing out." Taylor said as they decided not to join us.

"I know. I figured Dara wouldn't but Marissa?" Nicole said.

"Nicole, Conrad's texting you." Gigi called.

"Okay, coming." She said as she swam over.

So they were definitely still a thing then. Why was Conrad so confusing?

"Sorry, Y/n/n. That's gotta suck." Belly said.

"What? No, I'm fine. Conrad does what Conrad does. He's always been like that." I said.

"But, you and Jeremiah? I'm so happy for you Bells." I told the girl.

"Me too. I am absolutely living for you your growth this summer, Belly." Taylor said.

There's one thing Taylor and I will always agree on. How much we love Belly.

"Guys, I just thought of something." Taylor said. "Hashtag Team Jellyfish-er." Taylor's woods made me laugh.

"That is so dumb." Belly also laughed.

"But is so cute." Taylor squealed.

"What the Fuck?" I asked as I saw headlights and heard a car engine.

"I knew they were bitches." Taylor exclaimed.

"Wait, what's going on?" Belly asked.

"They took everything, except for your phone." Taylor motioned towards me about the phone.

"What? Why?" I asked as I made my way next to Taylor.

"There's a pretty incriminating text from Conrad." Taylor said, before handing me my phone.. "Here."

"What does it say?" Belly asked.

I read it out loud, seeing as I had already filled the girls in on what had happened. "My mom did ask me to ask you to the ball but that's not why I did it. I did it because I wanted to."

"Oh my god." Belly exclaimed. "Y/n, this is big!"

"I should've left my phone at home." I said.

"Dude, forget about that. What are you gonna say to him?" Taylor asked.

"I don't know. What do I say?" I asked.

"Well, do you wanna go to the ball with him?" Belly asked.

"I mean, yeah. But what if he's only saying this to make me feel better? What if Susannah told him to say something?" I conferred.

"What if, and hear me out, he likes you?" Taylor said a bit teasingly. "Look, I have my own issues with Conrad but there's no denying the chemistry that the two of you have. Just watching you play at the tournaments was enough to know there's something there."

"Okay, okay. I will think about what to say but we have to get out of here." I said.

"What do we do? We can't walk home naked." Belly said.


"This is so bad." Belly said.

"I knew those girls were shit." Taylor grumbled.

"What else were we supposed to do?" I asked as we came to the conclusion of covering ourselves with a boat cover.

"Why can't we just call Jeremiah? We're gonna get murdered out here." Taylor complained.

"No. Calling Jeremiah would be too much drama." Belly said.

"What about Steven? Or Josh? I can't walk two more miles." Taylor continued to whine.

"Okay, since we obviously have plenty of time to waste. What are you going to say to Conrad?" Belly asked.

"Ugh, I knew you were gonna bring it back up." I sighed.

"Come on, you gotta say something." Taylor said.

"I'm gonna talk to him in person. And I will report back to you when I do. I just have to figure out how to do it." I said. "That's it. I'm calling Jeremiah."

"Make sure he brings clothes." Taylor said.

We waited on a curb for a good twenty minutes before we saw two cars approaching. Both fisher boys were to our rescue.

"Oh, my god, are you guys okay?" Jeremiah asked.

"Conrad?" I asked confused.

"Nicole told me...about...um." Conrad said as he held up our clothes.

"I hope you told her to watch her back." Taylor snapped.

"Can you guys just hold this up for us?" I asked as we handed the boys the boat cover so that we could change behind it.

"So, Taylor and I will go with Jeremiah and you can go with Conrad." Belly said discreetly.

"What? No. I can't go by myself. Taylor, please come with me." I asked. As much as I couldn't stand her half the time, I was really hoping she'd ride with Conrad and I.

"You're gonna have to talk to him at some point, you know, by yourself." Taylor said.

I looked back to be sure Conrad wasn't listening."Not yet. Please, I'm begging you. I haven't thought it through yet."

"Fine." Taylor sighed.

"Yes, thank you." I said.

After we were all finished the boys went back to start their cars. I followed suit.

"Ready?" Conrad asked after I climbed into the front seat.

"Uh, we just have to wait on Taylor." I said nervously.

"Taylor's riding with us? And not Belly?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah. She likes your car more." I said.


I laid in bed unable to fall asleep. Taylor was on an air mattress next to us. She and Belly both had crashed almost immediately of getting into bed. I, on the other hand, could barely close my eyes. Suddenly, my phone went off. It was a text from Conrad.

Conrad: you up?

I debated on whether or not to respond but I thought back to what Taylor had said earlier tonight. I'm gonna have to face him at some point.

I met him on the dock. He was already sitting amidst the lit up area when I had arrived. He seemed to have been in deep thought before he had realized I was there.

"Hey." He said standing up.

"Hey." I greeted.

"I um, I just wanted to talk." He said.

"Okay." I responded.

"Look, I'm not so good with expressing my feelings, you know that. I just, I can't-I can't let myself get vulnerable with anyone." He paused. "But with you, I want to. I want to take you to the ball. I want to be the one you call when you need someone to talk to. I want to be the guy that's right for you."

"So be that guy, Conrad." I said stepping closer to him. "I can't keep doing the Will they won't they, it's exhausting. You either want to be with me or you don't."

Conrad said nothing. He stood there, speechless.

"Unbelievable. This is me trying, Conrad. But I can't be the only one putting out the effort." I said. I turned to walk away.

"Will you go to the ball with me?" He asked. "I promise, no more games. I really want to be your escort to the ball, if you'll let me."

I turned and faced the boy before giving him my answer. I looked him over a moment. I wanted to read his face, make sure he was genuine. He said no more games. He promised. Conrad has done a lot of things but he has never broken a promise, not to me anyway.


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