The Masters Secret Maid (dkbk)

By thebakuhoesimp21

4.5K 124 170

an omega verse story about Katsuki being an omega in this world, having to work for a powerful alpha as their... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Part 3

746 22 20
By thebakuhoesimp21

don't be mad at izu~

Katsuki was on his 4th page on the doc when he finally got writer's block, unsure of what to make his character do next, should she run away from the prince or try to build a relationship with him.

He could make her fall in love with someone else in the future or never at all, or marry the prince like he's asking her to. There were no omega, beta,or alpha dynamics in this book, making it fiction.

He truly wanted to make the character a strong female who could stand up for herself and didn't need a man to protect her, so running away sounded good, but that would go with her personality at all.

Maybe he could marry her and the prince in the future and then a war could break out showing how strong she really was, as well as her having to save her arrogant ass husband and maybe humble him some.

He wanted to save this for later though, think over every option she had, and put everything about her into the perspective of the choice he makes for her. He truly hoped it turned out good though.

The edit audio playlist finally ended, meaning it had been about an hour of writing and choosing what the characters are like and brainstorming ideas for the plot. It honestly hurt his brain quite a bit, so taking a break for about an hour or two would be in his best interest.

He still had to make lunch for the alpha, he already ate for his one time today, he couldn't eat again so he could stay thin. If the alpha kicked him to the curb for being too fat, his parents would kill him, with no remorse.

He lend back in the chair, sighing, closing his eyes. He had a migraine now from the writing, despite it he still did it, he did help him calm down if he writes for a half hour. He had nothing to do though, so he just kept writing, and writing.

He sat back up and closed the laptop, putting the headphones back in its case, and getting up. He grabbed his phone and rubbed his eyes. He gets a little sleepy if he writes as well, not that he minds.

He opened his door and went down to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. He drank a bit of it then set it on the counter, feeling the coldness leave his hand as he let go.

He didn't know what the alpha liked, and the alpha didn't want to be bothered right now, he had something important to do. He looked out the window, watching a few birds fly passed into the sky, guided by the wind.


Hearing Izuku speak startled him, making him let out a small squeak as he looked behind him. He let out a heavy breath as the alpha before him chuckled.

"You getting started on lunch or something?" The alpha asked with a raised brow, crossing his arms, making his muscles bulge. A soft blush covered Katsuki's cheeks as he looked the alpha in the eyes.

"I was, but I don't know what you like." Katsuki said, looking away, sorta pouting. Hearing a small chuckle, he looked back at the alpha, seeing a smirk and a dangerous look in his eyes.

"You can make us some katsudon." The alpha said with a playful smirk, looking the omega up and down.

"I'll make you some katsudon, I can't eat again today." The omega said in a matter of fact tone, turning around to start prepping the materials.

"What do you mean you can't eat again, it's not even 12 yet and you're super thin!" That alpha said angrily, unable to figure out why he wasn't gonna eat when he was so thin.

"Alphas want a thin omega, if I get too fat you'll kick me out! My parents will kill me without hesitation at that point!" Katsuki yelled, angry that the alpha was being so dull-minded.

"You holding me to the same standard as everybody else!?! By now you should know better than that!" The alpha yelled back, feeling his pride being struck by the omegas words.

"Oh come on, we haven't even been around each other for over 3 hours! How would I know you!" The omega said, facing the alpha angrily.

"And for all I know, your being nice so you can fuck me without hassle!" Katsuki yelled, pointing a finger at the alpha's face.

"AND WHAT IF I'M NOT!" The alpha yelled loudly, making the omega flinch back harshly. But the alpha was too angry to see, as he stormed out the kitchen to god knows where, leaving a now shaking omega to deal with the panic that had now settled in.

A tear fell down Katsuki's cheek, as he grabbed the counter and slowly lowered himself to the floor, more tears falling down.

He would never admit it, but being yelled at like that made him scared, really scared. He alway was screamed like that whenever he was punished, leading to being screamed at to be associated with being hurt.

He hugged his knees close, letting a small sob leave his mouth.

He heard footsteps coming back this way, they didn't sound angry this time though.

"Katsuki I-... Katsuki?"

He walked around the island when he heard a small sob, seeing katsuki huddled in a tight ball. It made him feel even more awful for yelling at him.

"Hey, it's ok, I'm sorry for yelling." The alpha said, rubbing the omegas back softly. Kneeling next to the boy as he tried to comfort him, only for him to start sobbing hard.

Izuku's heart hurt from the sight, he wrapped his arms around the omega, pulling him into his lap. The omega grabbed onto the man, crying into his shirt.

He had never been comfortable when he cried like this in front of someone, no one cared and told him to suck it up. But this one time, he could cry freely, and feel safe doing so.

The alpha rested his head on Katsuki's, rubbing circles on his back, loudly breathing so Katsuki could follow his breathing. The omega slowly calmed down in the alpha's embrace, feeling relaxed as a scent of calming and loving nature filled his nose, his cries slowly dying down.

The omega moved around so that he was straddling the alpha, wrapping his arms around the lower back of the alpha, and putting his nose right on the scent gland of the alpha.

The omega began to realize what kind of position they were in, and how lude it could be in a different circumstance. His mind went to the dirty things they could do in this position and he would be lying if he said he didn't want to.

He blocked those thoughts out his head and focussed on relaxing in the alpha's embrace, feeling a soft kiss on the top of his head. He brought his head out to look at the alpha, the alpha looking right back at him.

Neither was smiling, slightly scaring the omega when he saw this, thinking the alpha was mad at him for crying on him. He looked away, mad at himself for being so weak in front of the alpha, so helpless.

Katsuki felt Izuku's hand cup his cheek, wiping the tears that were on his cheek. "Do you feel better now?" He asked in a soft voice, making the omega feel worse, knowing he had mostly the wrong idea of the alpha.

"I'm sorry for what I said to you earlier, I-I-" He was stopped mid sentence when the alpha covered his mouth for a second to stop him from talking.

"I'm the one who should be apologizing, you were right, you don't know me and should be careful until you do. I should have never yelled at you in the first place either. I'm sorry for that, I'll try to get to know you and let you get to know me, alright?"

Katsuki felt a little smile pop onto his lips, closing his eyes as he nodded, feeling happy tears fill into his eyes.

"You wanna get more comfortable?" The alpha asked giving the omega a small pet in the head, surprising him with how soft they were, despite being spiky.

The omega nodded trying to get off the alpha, the Izuku stopped him, wrapping katsukis arms around his neck and standing up, keeping a hand on katsukis ass for 'support'. The action shocked Katsuki, and he wrapped his leg around the alphas torso as he gave the alpha the stink eye, secretly loving the feeling of big hand, even if slightly, touching an intimate part.

The chuckle the alpha released after seeing the stink eye was a dirty one, even if slightly, making the omega blush and give up the stink eye and just lay his head on the alpha's shoulder.

The alpha sat Katsuki down on the couch and grabbed a blanket before sitting down criss-cross and pulling Katsuki into his lap, wrapping them in the blanket.

"You know, I don't care if you have a good amount of weight on you, and if you ever feel you're getting too fat, I have a weight room. Just don't work out unsupervised, alright."

Katsui nodded, resting the back of his head on Izuku's chest, which felt very built now that he thought about it. He wanted to see his muscles bare now, but asking would be weird.

"I'll order some take out, anything you want?"

"I'll have whatever you're eating, I'm not picky." Katsuki said as he closed his eyes, feeling sleepy now that he was calm and in a warm embrace.

He fell asleep, content with the warmth and happiness he felt at the moment. A slight purr coming from him as he sleeps, warming the alpha's heart.

~slight time skip brought by katsuki sleeping so fucking cutely!!!~

Katsuki awoke to someone slightly nugging him, opening his eyes to see Izuku smiling as he was kneeling next to Katsuki.

"Morning pup, the food just got here, don't want it to get cold before we eat it." The small smile made the omega calm, he looked so innocent, but the omega knew better than that.

He sat up, wrapping himself in the blanket and rubbing his eyes, yawning. There were two bowls with chopsticks in them. They were filled with yellow and white rice with shrimp, peas, and veggies as well as some noodles.

There was sweet and sour chicken with the sauce covering the other things in the bowl, and as well as teriyaki pork on top.

"You can mix it, just don't spill it or you have to not only clean it up but go sit at the table, alright." The alpha said, already digging in, taking some rice in his mouth first.

The omega stirred the food and took a bit of the pork, chicken, and some rice covered noodles. Making sure to be careful not to spill it, as it seemed the alpha really liked a clean home, or maybe he just didn't want bugs.

The omega looked at the alpha for a few seconds before asking the question that popped up into his mind. "If... you don't mind me asking, what is your job?"

"I own a few hospitals company's, a couple law firms, I work part time acting or modeling, and my favorite is my company made just for omegas and what they need during home births and heats."

The omega was shocked, mostly because, wow thats a lot of places to own, but also the omega one. Did he care for omegas or did he just care for profits? Katsuki wanted to know that mostly.

Katsuki went back to his food, taking another bite as he thought, unsure of what to say to that. He watched his food for a bit, a bit more confused because he said it was his favorite business.

"What did you want to be?"

"Hm! Oh, um... I wanted to be an interior designer and run my parents' fashion business to help them. It's... silly to think of it now."

Katsuki smiled sadly, feeling a little embarrassed, knowing the alpha most likely was just curious and didn't actually care.

"I'll let you design the rooms for our kids, that is when we actually get you pregnant or plan to." The man said, smiling at Katsuki, a hint of a dirty side leaking in his expression.

"Yeah... ok"

They finished eating, katsuki cleaning the dishes and putting away leftovers, then turned to the alpha who was standing by the island.

"How about we go to my room?"

2128 words

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