By pinkgabriella

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Eleanor and Louis are married. It's been going great until about a month ago. Eleanor realizes she doesn't kn... More

Chapter 2

Chapter 1

227 17 7
By pinkgabriella

~*~*~*Eleanor POV*~*~*~

I shut the door of Louis and me's shared flat and walked to my car. I had told him I was going to hang out with Danielle, Perrie, and Jesy downtown. I obviously had different plans.

I checked my watch. 11:50. Just enough time to get to the Starbucks on time.

I pick through my purse until I find my gum and pop some into my mouth. I start walking towards the Starbucks and I begin to think.

I thought Louis and I were the perfect couple. I thought we were soulmates. I thought we'd end up growing old together and in love. But I guess that wasn't what fate had in store for us.

I sighed and jogged up to the entrance, checking the time again, 11:58. Perfect.

I scrolled through my messages until I found the photo Josh sent me of Harry. I looked around carefully, searching for the boy with the curly brown hair and green eyes. He was attractive enough, I thought.

I saw him sitting at a booth staring out a window and walked over and sat down.

Harry looked up at me.

"Are you my client?" He asked, staring.

"Um, yes and no." I said, sitting down. I needed to figure out how to explain this in a way the younger boy would understand.

"Well, you see," I began, "I have a husband. As in I'm married. And not cheating on him whatsoever. Anywho, you're actually for him. Does that sound weird? Oh god it does. Sorry for rambling. But as I was saying-"

"Wait," Harry chuckled, smiling down at the table and shaking his head, "So I'm for your husband, not you, correct?"

I nodded. At least he understood that part.

"Alright, continue." He said, sitting back, looking intrigued.

"Well, moving on," I said, "I've been married to my husband for 4 years now, and I'm starting to think I can't trust him. I'm also starting to think he's gay. So that's where you come in."

Harry nods in agreement to show he's understanding the story.

I continue with his job, "I'll need you to pretend to be a personal chef for our house. I'll leave for work, and if Louis tries to pull anything, tell me when I get home. This'll continue until I can confirm if he's trustworthy or not. Are you in?" I ask, biting my lip.

"How much you paying me?" He asks, acting as if he wasn't interested, when I could tell he was.

"£600 per visit." I said.

He sat and thought for a moment. I chewed my mint gum nervously, beginning to think this was a dumb idea, when Harry spoke.

"Alright." He said, smiling, "sounds like an adventure. When do I start?"

"Monday." I said, smiling and getting up.

I smoothed out my skirt, and shook Harry's hand, sending him a grateful smile.

"Here's my number." He said, scrawling out some numbers on a napkin with an old pen, "text me your address Sunday night."

"Sounds like a plan." I said, grabbing my purse and getting up to leave.

I walk towards the door as Harry pays the cashiers for his drink. I walked out the door, turning around and smiling at Harry one more time before turning the corner down the sidewalk.

I thought about Harry as I walked. He was pretty nice, for a first impression. He was rather attractive in my opinion. His hair was fluffed up and his eyes were sparkly. If Louis were to cheat on me with any guy, I'd expect it to be someone who looks like Harry.

I was kind of skeptical about him, though. What if he was actually planning to steal Louis away from me? I started to worry about us falling out of love, getting a divorce, one of us having to move out, never talking to my first love ever again. These thoughts scared me half to death. I was thinking this would all happen when I realized I was paying this Harry guy, so who was me to betray his temporary boss? He just simply did not have the authority to cross me.

I was back at the house, when I realized I might need an alibi. I pulled out my phone and wrote a quick text.

To: Dani, Pezz, Jes

Went out to see an old friend, but he's a guy, so of Louis asks I was with you guys downtown since about noon. Text you later(: xxx El.

I just completely lied to my best friends. But it was in the name of love, right? Sigh. This is all too confusing.

I searched my purse for my house key and unlocked the door, kicking my Sperry's off at the door.

"Lou!" I half-yelled, "I'm home!"

"Upstairs El!" He yelled back. I sighed. Probably in his study.

Louis worked writing songs and selling them. He's written quite a few UK hit singles for some top artists, so saying we have a lot of money is a bit of an understatement. Not to brag, but we're quite wealthy. In my opinion, Louis works too hard. We really don't need this much money. But in Louis' opinion we do. Everything we own is in his name, except my bank account with about 7 million and my Mercedes Benz.

I walk into his study quietly, hoping he doesn't notice me.

I close the door and looked around. Crumpled sheets of messily written lyrics cluttered the floor. The maroon walls were lined with dark mahogany book cases, covered in ancient looking red leather hardcover books, probably hundreds of song diaries. Louis sat in the corner, his red bendable desk lamp directed on his lasted work, hand working furiously, pen in hand, tongue sticking out of his mouth in the act of his nerves. In all honesty, he was truly the definition of adorable right now. I smiled lightly and walked over, wrapping my arms around him from behind.

"Hey, babe." I said, resting my chin on his shoulder, smiling.

"Hey, El." He replied, clearly not as enthusiastic, turning his head to give me a quick peck on the lips.

"What ya workin' on?" I asked, playing with his hair.

"Songs, El. And I'm really busy so if you could just leave.." He trailed off, pushing me away.

I sighed. " 'Kay, Lou. Just thought I'd come up here and give you some news." I said, pulling up a chair and sitting on it, backwards, "But if you want me to leave.." I said, standing up, knowing what he would do next.

"Wait!" He said, jumping out of his chair with the expression of a five year old on his face, "I wanna know the secret!" He said, looking like an adorable puppy.

"You mean news?" I giggled.

"Yeah, sure." He mumbled, "Now what's the secr- news. I mean news." He said.

I smirked, playing with my silver and turquoise Sephora bracelet, "Wellll," I said, clearly saying the 'L' too long, "I hired a personal chef. For the house."

His giddy and excited smile turned to a confused grimace. "Why, El? We're both perfectly capable cooks. Well, you are anyway."

"I dunno. Wanted a change, I guess." I mumbled, looking at my Greek Sandals, "He gets here Monday morning at 9:00." I say, leaving the room, barely catching a glance of his confused and angry expression as I closed the study door and stumbled down the hall to the bedroom.

I kicked off my sandals, pulled off my studded Topshop shorts, and pulled off my crop top, throwing on my purple onesie. I threw my hair into a French braid, lazily flopping onto our bed, wrapping my blue fuzzy blanket. around me.

"Monday is a new day. Monday will be a good day. Monday is a new day. Monday will be a good day." I mumbled over and over as I drifted to sleep

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