By AriYouGood

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IN WHICH: - ASTRA was born to be a hero and it won't take much convincing for the justice league to look... More

Chapter I - Independence Day
Chapter II - Fireworks
Chapter III - Breaking Loose!
Chapter V - Campfire Secrets
Chapter VI - Drop-Zone
Chapter VII - Meteor Shower
Chapter VIII - Schooled
Chapter IX - Raindrops on Roses
Chapter X - Respect.
Chapter XI - Infultrator
Chapter XII - International Super Spy
Chapter XIV- Cold Case
Chapter XV - Denial

Chapter IV - Welcome to Happy Harbour

240 10 3
By AriYouGood

| Star City
| July 17 23:17 PDT

KAMILA DIDN'T KNOW how or even why, but Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad had convinced her to try and help them convince Roy to join the team. She already knew where he stood, how he felt about the league at the moment and even the team itself. She tried to explain that to the boys, but they wouldn't listen.

Now, they were at one of Star City's shipping docs. She'd seen Roy dodge the shots being fired at him, and Kamila also saw the arrow he shot at the gun.

6/10, impressive but the flips felt forced she mentally joked.

"-Schoch the earth, boys."

That was her cue. Without another word, Kamila left her hiding spot and shot a small amount of electricity at the two thugs in front of her. Just a high enough voltage for their muscles to seize up, resulting in them dropping their weapons.

As she was helping Robin quickly tie up the thugs, Brick picked up a big chunk of the pavement and threw it at Speedy - Roy Harper.

He manages to get out of the way, allowing Kaldur to take his place and cut the stone in half. At the same time, Roy shot a smoke arrow to the man as well, temporarily blinding him.

"The cave is perfect," Aqualad said, "it has everything the team will need."

Kamila made her way up to where the boys were standing through the light on the floor to laminate the isles of crates.

"For covert missions! You know, spy stuff," Robin reasoned.

Once she reformed next to the group, Wally also sped up the wall. "And wait till you see Superboy and Miss Martian!"

The smoke eventually disappeared and Brick grabbed another chunk of pavement to throw at the group.

The group all scattered as Aqualad sliced through the concrete once again. Roy shot two explosive arrows at Brick, but they didn't seem to do much damage.

"Tell Arrow he shouldn't send boys to do a man's job" the red man yelled.

Kamila glared at the man, and with a boom of thunder appeared behind him.

"Lucky for you, they brought me along," she glared at the man, his hair started to stand up and the cloud above began to swirl. Brick's eyes widened as he looked at the girl, a spark of lighting flashing behind her eyes, though it could have been a reflection from the clouds above. Then, a bright light struck the man, barely six feet away from her.

When the lighting stopped, Roy fired another arrow, trapping the man in a sort of foam.

Kamila made her way back up to the boys, Wally stopping next to her.

"Do I seriously look like a guy?" Kamila pondered, a hand on her hip as she looked at the man in the foam "I mean, is it the short hair? Because there's no way I'm going back to fighting with long hair!"

Wally rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke, "I mean, maybe? The jacket isn't helping and you're not that girly-" Kamila sent him a glare through her mask "-but it suits you and you're the strongest girl I know..!?"

Kamila nodded at him and turned to face Roy and the others. She didn't see Wally let out a sigh of relief when she turned her back.

"So, Speedy, you in?" Asked the boy wonder.

Roy simply walked by him before stopping in between the shipping containers.

"Pass," he said, "I'm done letting Arrow and the league tell me what to do. I don't need a babysitter, or a clubhouse to hang out with the other kids. Your 'Junior Justice League' is a joke, something to keep you busy and in your place,"

He began to walk off into the shadows, but stopped to look back at the group, "I don't want to be part of it," he looked directly at Kamila, "If you change your mind, you know where to find me"

During a moment of silence, the group shares a look.

"Told you he wouldn't reconsider," Kamila said.


| Mount Justice
| July 18 11:16 EDT


RECOGNIZED, Kid Flash B-03


After the light from the Zata Beam faded away, Kamila, Wally and Robin rushed over to Aqualad, Superboy and Miss Martian who were standing in front of one of the holographic screens.

She could practically feel the amount of electricity that was powering the mountain - the Zatas, the main computer, and even the TV in the living room. It gave her a mental map of the mountain. She was able to sense what was currently plugged in, what was turned on, everything. It gave her a sense of control over her environment.

Probably because I can control the environment, she thought.

"Did you ask him? What did he say?" The ginger speedster asked.

Turning away from the screen, Kaldur gave the trio a small smile, "he is arriving now."

"Then what are we waiting for?!" Wally grabbed Kamila by the hand and sped over to the hanger.

"Wally, hold up," Kamila said. Wally slowed down to a stop and looked back at her, "We should wait for the others, they can't exactly keep up with you."

"Oh right, kinda forgot. I'm just really excited about the whole team thing! I mean, you've been working with Uncle Barry for a year before we even met. And think about it! Once we get our first mission, we'll be like the Justice League! A younger, cooler version of them!"  He joked.

Kamila smiled at his comment, subconsciously noticing he hadn't dropped her hand yet. Just then the rest of the team walked in and the bay doors opened behind them.

Red Tornado flew down to the ground in - you guessed it! - a red tornado surrounding the lower portion of his body. The hero's familiar electric signature was unique compared to the one that she felt throughout the cave. Like it was specifically engineered to withstand the amount of power he uses to create tornadoes for long periods of time - she guessed a few weeks without recharging at the watchtower, or mountain maybe.

"Red tornado!" Wally yelled over the loud winds.

"Greetings," the android's voice was completely monotone and sounded very serious, which Kamila honestly expected. He continued, "Is there a reason you intercept me outside the cave?"

"We know you're supposed to be here just to watch over us but-"

"-We hoped you had a mission for us," the Atlantean cut in.

"It is as Astra has said, mission assessments are The Batman's responsibility. I am simply here to monitor the team," the android answered.

Robin was quick to reason with the android, "but it's been over a week, and nothing-"

"You shall be tested soon enough," the leaguer raised a hand as he cut off the Boy Wonder, "For the time being, simply enjoy each other's company."

"His team is not a social club," the Atlantean stated.

"Perhaps not, but I am told that social interaction is an important team-building exercise. Perhaps you can keep busy by familiarizing yourselves with the cave."

Kamila understood what the android meant. The team needs to be able to trust each other. They can't do that if they've barely spent any time together in the first place. Sure, Wally Kaldur Dick and herself are friends, but she only knows two things about Miss Martian. She's green and she's been on Earth for a couple weeks or a month at most. Not to mention Superboy! The only thing she knows about him is that he's a clone and has major anger issues.

"Keep busy," Wally huffed as he rolled his eyes.

"Do he think we're falling for this?!" The youngest questioned.

M'gann seemed to light up, "Oh! I'll find out!"

She turned to look at the hero as he entered the cave, narrowing her eyes to look into his brain.

That's not gonna work, Kamila thought.

RECOGNIZED, Red Tornado,  1-6

The Martian let out a sigh as he walked into the mountain, "I'm sorry, I- I forgot he's a machine, uh inorganic. I cannot read his mind."

"Nice try, though!" Wally said.

"Wait so do you know what I'm thinking right now?!" Kamila asked as she stood in front of the Martian.

Her eyes narrowed for a second before she responded in a curious tone, "Who is... Taylor Swift?"

Kamila's face dropped and Wally's head snapped in her direction.

"How do you not know about Taylor-" Kamila was cut off by Wally's hand being placed over her mouth.

"She just got to earth like a month ago, KC!" The speedster said. He then let out a 'very manly' shriek of disgust when the blonde licked the palm of his hand.

The eldest of the group- Kaldur -sighed, "And now we tour the clubhouse." He said.

"Well, Superboy and I live here, we can play tour guides," the green girl shyly offered, directing attention towards  herself and the clone.

"Don't look at me," the clone said.

"We should all go, we are going to be spending a lot of time here, right?" Kamila reasoned.

Kaldur nodded in agreement and reiterated what the girl said, "Team building, we'll all go."

The Martian smiled at the blondes and turned back to the cave entrance.

"So, this would be out the front door..."


"... AND THIS WOULD be the back," the Martian said as the stepped out to a small ledge overlooking the water, "the cave is actually the entire mountain!"

"It was hollowed out and reinforced by Superman and Green Lantern in the early days of the league," Wally stated. Kamila was pretty sure Barry told him that, but knowing Wally he could have easily gotten hold of another one of his uncle. 's notebooks he kept early on in his superhero career.

Kamila once joked that Barry had a diary about his hero life when she found out. He stopped writing in them soon after to avoid being bullied by the 12-year-old. She smiled fondly at the memory.

"Why abandon it for the hall of justice?" The clone asked.

"The cave's location was compromised. I was still training at the time so I don't know much about it, but I think the Joker attacked it?" Kamila answered. When she started training, the league was still a hidden organization. Not public, and hidden in the very cave they were now standing in. After about two or three months of training with her power so she wouldn't accidentally cause a city-wide blackout - again - news of the Justice League was made public and the hall of justice was built along with (at some point) the watchtower.

"So they traded it for a tourist trap? Yeah. That makes sense."

"If villains know about the cave, we need to be on constant alert!" The Martian said with a newfound determination.

Robin grabbed her hand as he began his explanation, "The bad guys know we know they know about the place, so they'd never think to look here"


The boy wonder dropped her hand when Kamila placed one of her own on both his and M'gann's shoulders.

"He means we're hiding in plain sight," the girl simplified.

"Oh, that's much clearer..."

Off to the side, Superboy began to... sniff the air? What is he-

"Is something burning?" the clone said.

"My cookies!"

Kamila shared a look with the boy as the Martian flew off in the direction where she remembered the kitchen was. Knowing by the time the other girl made it to the kitchen the cookies would be burnt, Kamila focused her power on shutting the oven off from afar.

Once they re-grouped in the kitchen, Miss Martian had a confused look on her face when she realized the oven was already off, and that the cookies were only slightly burnt on the bottom and not completely charred.

"Uh, they're a bit burnt... but the oven was off when I got here?" The green girl rhetorically asked.

Kamila smiled, "yeah, that's on me. I mean, better than them being completely black right?"

"I guess, I was trying Grammy Jones' recipe from episode 17 of- heh, never mind."

Robin picked up a cookie and a batarang from his pocket, scraping off the burnt bottoms and taking a small bite. He slightly cringed at the taste, and gave the Martian a reassuring smile, "I'm sure they would've tasted great, they don't seem to mind."

Wally had two cookies in each of his hands and he hovered over the tray. Similarly, Kamila was sitting on the contour beside him with one already in her mouth.

"I... have a serious metabolism..?" The speedster tried, lowering one of his cookies enough for Kamila to bite it out of his hand, then glaring at the girl when she did.

"I like burnt cookies, they're not bad," she swallowed the cookie in her mount and continued, "Plus, you learn to eat everything you can when you work with speedsters."

"Uh... I'll make more?" She looked slightly confused, but still managed a small smile.

"It was sweet of you to make any."

"Thank you, Aqualad," she sighed.

"We are off duty, call me Kaldur'ahm." He paused momentarily, "Actually, my friends call me Kaldur."

"My name is Wally. See? I already trust you with my secret ID, unlike Mr. Dark Glasses over here. Batman's forbidden the boy Wonder from telling anyone his identity."

"Shut up, Wallence," Kamila joked.

"You shut up, Kamie"



"Don't make me hurt you, West," the girl glared at the speedster, causing him to back down from their short nickname calling battle, "My name's Kamila Carter, but my friends call me KC, or Kam."

Wally grinned, "I call her sparky, so feel free to use that- OW!" He was cut off by Kamila punching him in the shoulder. He grabbed the arm as if that would lessen the pain.

"I told you I'd hurt you!"

"You didn't have to punch me?!"

"I think I did!"

"Well, my name is no secret! It's M'gann M'orzz! But you can call me Megan, it's an earth name! And I'm on earth now!" She wore a bright smile on her face like she'd been waiting to be on Earth for far too long.

It's not all that great honestly -

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Superboy yelled, startling Kamila to the point where she practically jumped off the counter.

"What's wrong? I-I don't understand?" M'gann's voice was ringing in Kamila's head with a stabbing pain. This time, she actually did fall off the counter. It reminded her of Cadmus... but she didn't know why...

M'gann didn't seem to get the message and continued, "Everyone on Mars communicates telepathically?"

Kamila grabbed her head as if it would ease the pain and practically yelled at the Martian through the painful ringing, "M'gann! Stop!"

Kaldur was the next to speak up, "That may be the case on Mars, but on Earth, your powers can be an extreme invasion of privacy."

"Besides, Cadmus' creepy little psychic G-Gnomes left a bad taste in his brain," Kamila elbowed the speedster in the ribs.

"I- I didn't mean to-"

"Just. Stay. Out." Superboy spat out. His voice was laced in a venomous rage and he turned to storm out of the room.

After a beat of silence, M'gann hit herself on the head and spoke, "Hello, Megan! I know what we can do!" She flew out of the room without another word.

The founding team members gave each other a look, "might as well, right? Nothing else to do," Kamila said.

They followed after the Martian down the hall but were confused as to why she was coming back the way they came, "I'll catch up!" She said.


ONCE THE ELEVATOR doors opened, the team found themselves looking in the Cave's main hanger.

"It's my Martian Bioship!" Megan said, pointing to what looked like a giant red egg - the size of a garage.

"Cute! Not aerodynamic, but cute" Kamila rolled her eyes at the speedster.

"It's at rest silly! I'll wake it."

With a wave of her hand, the egg turned into an alien ship, causing Kamila's jaw to drop. Then the ship spun around and the back ramp opened up.

"Well, are you coming?"

"Oh that's sick..." Kamila muttered, following Megan into the ship.

Once they entered the main part of the ship multiple seats rose out of the ground, including one with two glowing orbs next to them. Kamila assumed that one was the pilot's seat and chose the one just in front of it, in the center of the space.

"Strap in for launch," the other girl said.

When Kamila sat down, two pieces of the ship crossed over her chest in an 'X' as a seat belt, "So cool!"

"Red Tornado, please open the Bay Doors," with that, they shot off into the air, doing a couple of spins and flying over the nearby town - Happy Harbour.

"Incredible!" Robin yelled, looking out the window.

"So, what's her name?" Kamila asked. M'gann gave her a confused look so the electric girl continued, "Y'a know, the ship? Because like... all ships are 'she's right?"

"Oh! We don't usually name our ship on M'arzz. So uh... I guess her name is just Bioship?"

"Still a cool name though, I mean it's better than Kid Flash-" Wally gave a weak 'hey!' In protest, "-you know, he gave me a list of names before coming up with Kid Flash? That's why I call him Flasher, 'cause he didn't know what it meant-"

"Kamie! If you don't stop I'll flash you-" Kamila and Robin broke out laughing. Wally seemed to realize what he said and his face grew red - brighter than his hair.

"Fast with his feet, not so much with his mouth," Robin joked, causing Magen to laugh along.

"Dude!" Kamila laughed even harder whipping a tear from her eye.

Once her laughter finally died down, Kamila noticed Megan looking at Superboy with a sad look on her face.

"He'll come around," the boy wonder said.

"He doesn't seem to like me much..."

"I wouldn't worry about it Megan, I mean, he's still new to the whole social interaction thing. Just give him time," Kamila gave her a comforting smile, which Megan returned with a grateful one.

Wally held up his hand as if she was trying to stage whisper to them, "You guys do know he has super hearing, right?"

Before the ship could be covered by a layer of awkward silence, Robin spoke up, "Hey! How 'bout showing us a little Martian shape-shifting?"

M'gann stood up from her seat, and slowly the clothing she was wearing changed into Robin's suit, along with her skin and hair to match his as well.  She then spun around towards Wally and transformed into Kid Flash. The only difference between the originals and M'gann's new appearance was... well...

"Hey Wally, can I be honest? You look hotter with boobs," Kamila said, shamelessly checking out M'gann as Wally. What? It's not that weird!

Wally was practically doing the same, "No... you are completely right... I'd be irresistible as a girl."

"Impressive," Robin said, clapping his hands and laughing at the other's conversation, "but you're not gonna fool anyone with those."

"Uh... mimicking boys is a lot harder, here!" She spun around again and this time looked exactly like Kamila did in her Astra costume... except for one thing...

"You're missing the grey prices of hair," Kamila stood in front of M'gann, pushing her hair back and letting it part to show the Martian the two prices of grey hair.

M'gann copied her motion, running her hand through her now short blonde hair, revealing the grey parts that weren't there before.

"Perfect!" M'gann laughed at her enthusiasm and the two looked at Wally, whose wide eyes were looking between the two, his face dusted with a light pink and his mouth opening and closing, only letting out a quiet 'whoa'.

"Like what you see Wallence?" Kamila put a hand on her hip, and M'gann mimicked her.

"Shut up," he corsages his arms and turns in the chair to face the window.

M'gann changed back to her usual self and the two girls sat back down in their chairs.

"What of your clothes? How do they change?" Aqualad asked.

"They're organic, like the ship. They respond to my mental commands."

Superboy scuffed, "As long as they're the only ones."

Before the mood could get any worse after his comment, Wally asked M'gann about density shifting.

" Can you do that ghosting-through-walls thing that Manhunter does?"

"Uh... no... density shifting is a very advanced technique."

"So... like Flash's phasing?" Kamila asked with a smirk. Noticing the slight confusion on Megan's face, Robin elaborated.

"The Flash can vibrate his molecules right through walls when Wally tried it?"

"Bloody nose!" Kamila laughed again.

"Dude! Come on!"

"Here's something I can do, camouflage mode!" Kamila looked out the window to her right and noticed that the wing was gone, aside from a small shimmer caused by the light hitting it.

Suddenly, Red Tornado's voice flooded the ship from somewhere unknown. "Red Tornado to Miss Martian. An emergency alert has been triggered at the Happy Harbour power plant. I suggest you investigate, covertly. I am sending coordinates."

"Received," the Martian replied, "adjusting course."

Robin scoffed and Kamila would bet money that he rolled his eye too, "Tornado's keeping us busy, again."

"Well, a fire led us to Superboy and To discovering Cadmus. We should check it out, find what... caused the alert...?" Kamila trailed off when she sensed the  power plant. Even though the cave had a lot of electrical wires and high-powered computers, it was spread out enough that it wasn't overwhelming. And the newfound turbulence wasn't helping her adjust as easily as she normally would.

"I think I found the cause" She could barely make out Superboy's (surprisingly sarcastic) comment as they were sucked up into the tornado.

Thanks to M'gann's fancy flying with the Bioship, they safely landed in the parking close by.

The group jumped out of the ship and looked at the chaos at the plant.

Now that she was closer, Kamila could sense the energy flowing throughout the building, under the pavement leading to the town, and even the charge of the civilian's cellphones as they ran away. She grappled her head and let herself adjust to the pain.

Wally walked up next to her and then placed a hand on her shoulder. His silent question are you okay? Was clear to the girl, and she simply shook the buzzing away and smiled at him.

"Robin," the eldest asked, "are tornadoes common to New England?" Looking around, she saw that the boy's wonder was nowhere to be seen.

His signature cackle was heard all around, and off in the distance, Kamila saw the boy flipping through the air.

"He was just here..?" M'gann said in confusion.

"Look!" Kamila pointed to the widows lining the top of the plant, which were exploding.

With that, they all made their way over to where the fight was bound to take place.


ONCE THEY ARRIVED, Kamila quickly checked to see if she had her extra mask on her, only to find a domino mask similar to Robin's. He must have slipped it in her pocket when he snuck away...

"Who's your new friend?" The clone asked, helping Robin up.

"Didn't catch his name, but he plays kinda rough!" He responded.

"My apologies," the android said, "you may call me Mr. Twister" True to his name, he let out two twisters towards Superboy, who tried to resist the pressure but I'd eventually get blown back into the wall.

After that, the rest of the team changed. Wally was the first to make it - and the first to be flung out of the building. Kamila didn't have time to react before both M'gann and Kaldur flew towards her. They both hit her and she was knocked off her feet and dazed.

Kamila could barely hear the groans coming from the other two teens as she shook off her dizziness. Eventually, she stood up and joined the lineup they made.

"-let's see if you're more turned once we kick your can!" Rabin yelled.

Kamila charged soon after M'gann dropped part of the ceiling onto the robot with Superboy. Immediately the two were flung back. She didn't see where the others landed, but she did feel power running through her.

What is wrong with me today!?

She must have landed in one of the generators because the buzzing from earlier was back tenfold. She stood back and saw that the robot was leaving in the direction Wally had been tossed.

Taping into her speed, a loud boom of thumbed was heard and she appeared next to Wally, who was about to fly into a wall if not for m'gann's telekinesis.

"You good?" Kamila asked, brushing off a bit of dust she saw on his face.

"Yeah, I'm good," Wally said with a nod.

"I thought you would have all learned your limitations by now," the robot said.

"What do you want?!" Kaldur screamed. The hostility in his voice slightly took back Kamila.

"Isn't it obvious?" He flew up into the sky, "I'm looking for a real hero"

"Oh that's it" Kamila went to raise her hands and send out a bolt of electricity, but Kaldur raised his hand to stop her.

"M'gann, read him mind, find a weakness"

"I thought I wasn't supposed to do that?" The Martian said in confusion. Robin was quick to jump in "It's okay with the back guys!"

Kamila knew it wouldn't work, the whole robot was just that - a robot. "You won't be able to-" Before she could finish her sentence, M'gann's eyes snapped open.

"I'm getting Nothing! Hello, Megan!" She hit herself on the head, "Mr. Twister is Red Tornado in disguise!"

Kamila knew she was wrong. She knew that it wasn't a tornado, their energy signatures didn't match up and it couldn't be a new body, because everything about the bot - its powers not being red, its voice box, everything - just wasn't his style. "M'gann, I don't think-"

"he's inorganic! And android!" She interrupted, "And how many androids do you know that can create tornadoes?!"

You'd be surprised...

To Kamila's surprise, the other boys agreed with the Martian.

"Red Tornado sent us here!"

"Yeah, right after saying we'd be tested soon enough. This is his test! Something to keep us busy!"

"Speedy called it, we're a joke!"

"Guys-" Kaldur let out an annoyed and frustrated scream.

"This game? So over," Wally said. He and the others - save for Kamila - walked towards Twister.


"We know who you are and what you want!" Rabin said. Cutting Kamila off again.

"So let's end this," Kaldur added.

"Consider it ended."

"GUYS!" Kamila raised her voice, "That's not Tornado!" The sky above got darker, lighting began to fill the clouds. With each strike, Kamila felt her powers buzzing under her skin.

"You thought I was Tornado? Ironic," He sent down a bolt of lightning headed straight to the three boys in front. She saw that Wally was the closest and pushed him out of the way. The bolt hit her instead of the ground, and although her clothes were smoking a bit, she was completely unharmed. Meanwhile, the rest of the team was shot back from the force, thankfully unharmed "My turn."

For the team down below, she was gone. Even Mr. Twister's sensors couldn't pick her up as she fired back her lightning bolt to the robot and used it for her to get inside his body in her energy form, and fry the circuits.

Down below the rest of the team, watching in amazement as Sparks flew from the robot. The clouds disappeared, and as Mr. Twister was falling toward the ground, another lightning bolt shot from him. Where it would've landed stood Kamila, the shoulders of her uniform jacket were slightly steaming but after padding down the smoke she was completely fine. Not too far behind her, the mechanical body of Mr. Twister fell to the ground.

"KC, that was crazy awesome!" The speedster finished, he sped over to Kamila and put his arm around her shoulders.

M'gann had a sheepish look on her face, crossing her arms over her stomach. "Uh, yeah that was amazing-" she was cut off by Superboy who punched the ground as he stood up.

"How does Kamila take down the bad guy to make what you did alright!? You tried to trick us into thinking Twister was Tornado!" The Kryptonian boy yelled. Kaldur stood in front of the Martian as if to protect her.

"She didn't do it on purpose!" He said.

"Yeah, it... It was a rookie mistake. We shouldn't have listened." Robin sighed, then looked at the wrecked body of Mr. Twister.

"You are pretty inexperienced, Right Kamila?" Wally looked over to the girl who had an angered look on her face. It wasn't directed at the Martian, it was directed at the boys.

"Oh, you're kidding, right? You're complaining about how she's inexperienced and how she thought it was a red tornado, but you all believe her! If she's so inexperienced, why did you believe her?" She shrugged off Wally's arm and moved to address the whole group, when she saw their slightly confused and slightly ashamed faces, she continued "You all believed her Because it was rational."

" And how did you know it was in a tornado if she was being so rational!?" The clone asked.

"Because I knew it wasn't him! Everything about that robot screams not a tornado. I could tell just by looking at his powers and his voice box! Not to mention his energy signature wasn't the same."

"If you knew why didn't you tell us!?" The clone was right in front of her now. he was taller than her - Kamila being 5'9" while Superboy was 6'2" - and he was definitely stronger than her, but they seemed evenly matched with a similar anger burning inside them.

"I tried to tell you guys! You kept cutting me off or ignoring me until it was too late!" Superboy went to speak again, but this time Kamila cut him off, "And don't blame M'gann!"

Wally usually notices small things about Kamila. Her habit of biting her nails if they aren't painted, the way she plays with her hair, all the things she thinks goes unnoticed. One of those things where the way her ears get red when she's angry or frustrated.

Off to the side, M'gann spoke in a small voice, "I- I was just trying to be part of the team.."

Kamila breathed out through her nose to calm down, being angry at them and yelling would get them nowhere. Then she looked at each person in the group, "Right now, we're barely a team. Speedy thinks the league won't take us seriously? Let's prove him wrong. To do that, we need to trust each other. To show Batman and all our mentors we're ready for real missions as a team, we need to act like one. No shifting the blame, no running off without a plan or warning, none of that."

Her words affected the team, especially those who went with her to confront Speedy.

"And how are we supposed to do that? We can't even work together without fighting each other! Even Twister thought we were a joke!" The boy wonder threw his hand in the direction of the robot, which was still smoking a couple dozen feet away.

"Well for starters, get that junk to tornado and tell him we defeated him after realizing it wasn't a real person," she pulled out her credit card from her pocket, "then after the debrief, we go to the carnival in town, eat a tone of food, win all the prizes, and get to know each other. "


ONCE THE DEBRIEF was done and over with (when Kamila went to the bathroom, the team told their den mother what really happened - he seemed... impressed..?) Red let them all go down to the pier and enjoy the carnival.

It was kinda unfair, given their skills and powers. Robin knew how to win all the rigged games and had amazing aim. Kaldur and Superboy won all the strength-based challenges with minimal effort. M'gann would use her telekinesis to make sure she hit the targets perfectly with each ring toss. With Wally's speed, he could easily hit the head of each of the moles he was trying to whack (he instead he kept one as a souvenir. He planned to put it next to the scarf he took from Twister's wreckage.)

Meanwhile, Kamila would be giving the toys they won to the younger kids, while also making sure the group stayed together.

I feel like a mom she thought.

M'gann threw another rock at the milk bottles stacked up on the table, exactly where Robin told her to throw it. When it hit, the bottles fell over and it was another giant plushy that they added to their collection. It was a light grey shark plushy with glossy black eyes and a white belly. A great white. Her favourite animal.

"Ha! Another one!" Wally laughed, "You rock Megan! Get it? Rock?" Kamila laughed at his joke, while the others rolled their eyes at the pun jokingly.

"Kamila, you should keep this one," the Martian girl said, "as a thank you for today. With everything, the cookies, the Twister fiasco, and coming to the festival... I think I speak for all of us when I say thank you."

Kamila gave the girl a small hug while holding the shark plush "Any time, Megs. And sorry about how I reacted to your powers, like the telepathy I mean.  I promise I'll get used to it if it makes you feel more comfortable talking that way."

"Me as well. Plus, a telepathic link could prove useful on missions. A more reliable source of communication." The other boys agreed with the Atlantean, and before they walked away to the next ride, Superboy stopped to talk to Megan. Hopefully to apologize.

Now, it was just Kamila, Wally, Dick and Kaldur, standing off to the side.

"Y'a know... this team thing might just work out," Robin said.

Kaldur nodded in agreement "Agreed, speedy was wrong about us."

A rumbling could be heard from Kamila's left. As always, Wally stood there at her side. "Ugh KC can we get food? I'm starving!"

The girl nodded and asked the other two boys to make sure M'gann and Superboy didn't get lost or something, and if they wanted anything to eat themselves.

The two walked in a comfortable silence, occasionally bumping their shoulders together. Kamila noticed the look on Wally's face. It was his 'words are hard and now I need to use them' face, the one he used whenever he had to talk about something he'd rather avoid. After ordering and eating enough food to feed an army, along with food for Kaldur and Robin in the bag on Wally's arm, she asked him what he was thinking about once they were walking back to where they left the group last.

"It's nothing... well, it's not but..." he ran a hand through his hair to push it away from his eyes, "I'm sorry Kam about how we weren't listening to you. That wasn't cool of us. I know how much you hate it when people don't listen to you because you're the youngest like, girl hero alive right now, and I kept cutting you off and... I'm just sorry."

Kamila grabbed his hand with her own and gave it a light squeeze as if to say 'It's okay, I'm over it'. "Wally, I know you didn't mean to. I don't think I was in the wrong, but I shouldn't have gotten that mad about it. I honestly think I was just pissed at myself for not being able to keep you guys from getting hurt."

He looked at their joined hands and turned slightly pink. In the bright lights of the carnival, it was almost impossible to see the change unless you were paying attention... and she was. "Still, I feel bad about it! I mean I-" he paused and looked her in the eyes, "I really care about  you okay? You know me better than anyone and I like to think I know you better than I know myself honestly. I know how much it was bothering you earlier and I'm just... really sorry."

She really wasn't phased by the apology or his touching words. Not at all, but this was probably the most valuable Kamila had seen Wally - including when she visited him in the hospital after the garage incident.

"Wally, I care about you too. I know you didn't mean it, and it's fine. I forgive you and the others, okay?"  She gave him a small smile, "You know me inside and out Wally, and you know I forgive easily. I promise it's okay."

"you sure? Because the only thing worse than you being mad at me is when you ignore my calls for like days because you're being petty, and that usually happens after I do something wrong..."

This dork

"Wally, I promise I'm not secretly mad at you." She started walking again, dragging Wally by his hand.

"Good, but uh... why are you dragging me beautiful?" he asked in confusion. At this point in their friendship, Kamila couldn't tell if he was saying it as a compliment or just as a nickname from when they first met.

"back to the team, Kid Dashing" She rolled her eyes fondly at him as he used his speed to be next to Kamila so she wasn't dragging him, "I feel like if I leave them alone for too long, Kaldur might go crazy."

"Whatttt how could being left alone with Robin and two aliens make anybody go crazy?" Wally said sarcastically with a smirk on his face. Kamila laughed and hid her face in her plushy. once he noticed the girl was hiding her face, he found,  "Why did you hide your face when you laughed just now?"

kamila's laughter trailed off "Oh, um, I don't really like my laugh that much. like around you Roy and Dick? yeah, that's fine, I've known you three for years, y'a know? Even then I feel like I laugh too hard or something when I'm with you and look like a joker wanna-be."

the speedster stopped and moved in front of her, flabbergasted  "What?! I love your laugh! you always have like, the brightest smile on your face and it shows off your dimples!"

She blushed ever so slightly at the comment, and raised an eyebrow at the ginger, "You really do pay attention, don't you Pretty boy?"

This time, Wally blushed. brighter than the flashing lights around them and his hair. "I- um- wha- Pretty boy?" was all he could manage.

"I'm trying to be creative! plus you're cute when you're flustered." she saw the rest of the team not too far off in the distance and resumed dragging the speedster. "there's the team, let go!"


Word count: 6637

This is probably the longest chapter I've written for a fic...

So school started. It's my second to last year of high school. I'm gonna cry. It took me over a month to even get around to writing half of this because of it.

I decided to change the end of the episode completely! Why? Cause I hate it! Also, I love team bonding filler.

Hope you enjoyed it! I'll try to post more often!

*Okay, quick side note because I was re-reading to plan out the next chapter and... why does my OC feel OOC? Like I'm reading this and going '...she would never say that.' LIKE I CAN CHANGE IT BUT I'M NOT??? Like towards the end, Wally was too Ngl but my own OC????

**I RE-WROTE THE ENDING AND NOW HAVE A PROPER PLAN FOR THE TIME LINE!!! GO ME!!!!! it's late now so imma coming back and fixing capitalisation tmrw or sum-

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