My Alien Soulmate

By Sarah__Leann

106K 3.8K 916

When Daisy was abducted by aliens and forced to work on their ship, she felt hopeless as she watched species... More



7.6K 142 36
By Sarah__Leann

"Move, filthy human!"

Staring up at the strange creature stood before me, I was in disbelief at what was happening.

I scurried forwards, catching up to the other two girls that had also just been taken by what I could only describe as aliens.

My head was pounding, most likely due to being knocked out and dragged into this spaceship, flying saucer or whatever the fuck this is.

The aliens led us to a cage of some sort. The two girls infront of me obliged and entered without a fuss but I refused to obey them, standing up for myself.

"Fuck you." I spat at the alien behind me. "Let us go!"

I balled my fists and spun around, lunging myself towards it.

Just as my fist was about to make contact with it's face, my body froze. It felt like what I'd expect paralysis to feel like.

My feet left the floor; I was floating.

The alien was visibly furious, my heart pounding in fear.

"How dare you try and lay your hands on me! A female of such species will not touch a man of Gladar!" His voice boomed.

Thick saliva coated his rotten teeth as he roared. The closeness we shared made my eyes water as the smell of his breath hit my nose. I held my breath, wishing for either death or distance.

The alien man held his hand up and as he slowly closed it, my throat felt like it was being squeezed.

"You will show respect, female. Is that understood?"

I blinked rapidly, still unable to move the rest of my body.

The pressure on my throat retracted as I flew backwards into the cage, my back slamming into the bars before dropping to the floor.

Gasping for air, I heard the aliens laughing, conversing in a language I didn't recognise. The cage door slammed closed as I looked up and my eyes locked with one of the aliens.

Their faces were light purple, excessively wrinkled with beady, orange eyes. They had matted black hair, similar to a poodle and were dressed in some sort of plastic looking armour.

Whatever they were, they were hideous yet terrifying but I held his gaze, hoping to give the impression that I wasn't fazed by them.

The three of them eventually turned and walked away without another word. Once they were out of view, I dropped to the floor, pulling my knees up to my chest, hugging them tight.

The other girls were trembling, tears streaming down their faces and we all sat wide eyed, staring at each other for a few moments.

"Do any of you know how we got here? All I remember was sitting in the park and then something hitting me on the head."

I looked at the girls, they looked older than me, at least ten years older, thirtysomething maybe.

"We were walking back from school after dropping our little ones off. I heard Gemma scream and when I turned around I saw one of the aliens dragging her. I rushed to help her but blacked out and woke up here."

"You're Gemma?" I looked at the other girl and she nodded.

Although we were all in the same situation, I felt bad for Gemma, she was still trembling, fear clearly consuming her. I sent her a sympathetic smile and turned back to the other girl.

"I'm Daisy."

"Hayley." She nodded.

Our minimal conversation fell silent so I scrambled to my feet and shuffled over to the cage door. If there was a way out of here, I'd find it.

I couldn't hear the aliens, or anything else for that matter so I pulled on the cage door but it wouldn't budge. It was warm to the touch but felt solid, like metal. Each bar was black, rubber looking, I'd never seen anything like it.

I kicked at the bars, hope quickly fading as they stood strong, they didn't even shake. We were well and truly trapped in here.

I turned to face Gemma and Hayley, their faces solemn and I felt helpless. I needed to get out of here, get us out of here, figure out where we were and what was happening.

It had been a while since being captured. Gemma, Hayley and I were all huddled together as the temperature had dropped significantly.

None of the aliens had been back to check on us and everything stayed silent the whole time we had been here.

"We need to make a plan to escape."

Looking at the girls, they both nodded in agreement.

"Maybe we should bide our time?" Gemma suggested.

"Chances are we'll be dead soon." Hayley said, tears brimming in her eyes.

"There must be a reason why we're here. If we can figure out why then that would be a start."

I rubbed my eyes, wondering what on earth the aliens would want us for.

"There coming." Gemma whispered, her arm automatically looping around Hayley's as she stared wide eyed as the aliens approached.

One of them marched right upto the cage, snarling. They all looked very similar but I'm sure this was the one that hurt me earlier.

I hadn't noticed that he was carrying a bunch of bananas until he threw them at us through the bars.


The bananas landed infront of us but none of us wanted to reach out and grab them.

My eyes met with the alien and he growled lowly when I didn't look away. He seemed to enjoy the power he held but my defiant behaviour seemed to rattle him slightly.

"You. Eat!" He growled, pointing his claw like fingers at me.

"Why did you take us?" I spat. "What do you want?"

"I said eat." His voice was low, threatening but I stood to my feet and took a few steps forward.

"What's the point if you're going to kill us?"

Although terrified, I had to try and get some sort of information from them. I could feel my heart thrumming in my chest and then the gate to the cage flew open.

Oh fuck!

"Come with me."

He stood by the cage, a smirk making it's way onto his lips. I slowly turned to face Gemma and Hayley, sending them a goodbye nod incase I was about to be sent to slaughter.

"This one's got balls." I overheard one of the aliens say as I tentatively walked out of the cage.

I followed them down a long dark corridor. The walls were bumpy, slimy looking and I tried to take everything in as we trailed around corners, passing through several doors before entering a bright white room.

It was so different from everything else, the complete opposite and I became uneasy when I was locked inside alone.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I screamed, pulling at the door handle.

Don't panic Daisy, keep calm. You're ok, I told myself as I took in a deep breath.

I turned around to inspect the room.

Nothing, absolutely nothing was in here, just four white walls and a brightly glowing ceiling.

What the hell?

Mist began flowing from the ceiling, similar to fine rain, the type that soaks you in seconds but this mist was different. Although it filled the room, I didn't have a single drop of liquid on me.

Once I was covered in the mystery mist, it seemed to get sucked into the floor and it was gone.

The door then flew open and the creepy alien walked in.

"What was that?" I took a few steps back as he approached me, slightly apprehensive about what was happening next.

"Decontamination is essential once you exit the holding room. Come, human."

I ran my hands through my hair, sucking in a deep breath before following him out of the room.

Two guys followed behind me holding something that resembled a child's water gun and I had to stifle a laugh at the thought.

Walking in silence while my mind had a billion questions was a tad irritating.

"Are you going to kill me?"

My ears were met with even more silence.

I stopped walking. If they were going to ignore me then why the fuck would I follow along like a good little puppy?

"Move, human." A voice from behind me boomed in my ears.

I crossed my arms in defiance, turning around to face the alien behind me.

"My naaaame, is Daisy! And if you want me to cooperate then I suggest you answer my question, Mr Alien."

I was astounded by my confidence. If I wasn't careful though, it would most likely land me in trouble. I wasn't usually so vocal but I was beginning to enjoy it.

"No, we are not going to kill you, Daisy." He muttered, clearly irritated by me. "Now, move."

I huffed, turning back around, jogging a little to catch up to the other guy. If only they had shorter strides.

So, if they weren't going to kill me, why else would I be here? Could I be an experiment? A pet maybe?

Walking into a room, my jaw dropped.

Oh fuck!


Hey lovely readers 👋 that's chapter one. How did you you find it?

I'd love to hear your thoughts as you read more so feel free to let me know in the comments 😁

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