Magical Moments: rini one-sho...

By Sunshineandflower17

242 4 33

A one-shot book for rini. I DON'T OWN HSMTMTS only my OG characters IF YOU ARE NOT READING ON WATTPAD YOU AR... More

The School's Favorite Ship
The Story Of Us
Valentine's Day Suprise
Fictional Boy

The Wedding Disaster

52 0 3
By Sunshineandflower17

(Nini is 19 and Ricky is 20. Also this one is a little long.)

Nini Pov:

I decide to leave my dorm and go to class when I bump into someone. Everything I was holding fell to ground and I almost did to, but something stopped me.

"I'm so sorry are you okay?" a boy with curly brown hair asks.

"I'm fine," I say then he lets go of me. 

I go to pick up my stuff then we hit our heads together trying to both pick up my stuff.

"Ow," we both say at the same time.

"I'm sorry again, I didn't mean to. I was just trying to help I'm sorry," the boy says almost so fast I couldn't understand him.

"It's okay,"

"Let me help you pick your stuff up,"

he gives me a few books I was holding, and we pick everything up.

"Thank you,"

"No problem that's the least I could do. I'm really sorry again my name is Ricky Bowen," Ricky says.

"Nice to meet you Ricky my name is Nina Salazar-Roberts," I say.

"Well, it was nice to meet you Nini, but I go to go. Bye!' Ricky says as he runs off to wherever he needed to go.

"IT'S NINA," I shout at his running figure and walk the rest of the way to class.


 Ricky Bowen the boy who stole my heart. Who knew we would see or well I should say bump into each other again and many more times. The name Nini stayed too, and I have gotten used to it. It has been 5 years since then. I'm 24 for now and he is 25. Today was my wedding day and I was getting ready in a little room with Kourtney, Gina, and Ashlyn. 

My elegant wedding dress that Kourtney designed was hung upon the Door with a hanger, the girls were in there dresses already and Gina was doing my hair. While Gina was doing my hair Kourtne was doing my makeup and Ashlyn was Painting my nails white since my hairdresser cancelled and I was going to get my nails done but never had time to. This was going downhill, and I was nervous but nothing else could go wrong right?

"Neens stop being nervous. Everything is going to go well as long as you love Ricky, and he loves you. That boy is head over heels for you that he would do the craziest things for you like go in the middle of the night to get you period products if you didn't have any and you need some. He would for your pregnancy cravings when and if you are pregnant and look crazy asking for the weird ones you crave or go all around the world to just see you for a minute and if he had 1 minute to live, he would only want to spend it with you," Kourtney said.

Well um...haha yea um... I don't think I need period products for a few months...

"Yeah, and he keeps wanting come to see you right now, but I keep telling him no and Red got him to go back to his room after Red dragging him literally," Ashlyn says.

"See nothing else can go wrong the hairdresser cancelling on was just on minor setback," Gina says.

Then someone knocked on the door.

"Ricky if it is you go away you can't see her yet!" Ashlyn shouts at the door.

"It's not Ricky its. It's me Ej, and I got some news,"

Ashlyn leaves to the room to talk to Ej.

"Hopefully it is good news, but I finished curling your hair. Do you want it half up and down or up completely or just down?" Gina asks me.

"Can you put it half up and half down please," I say.


Gina start doing my hair again and Ashlyn comes back in the room.

"Um guys something happened," Ashlyn says.


"Well, um the live music band you got cancelled because apparently there is this huge snowstorm that is going to come, and your ceremony is also outside so it has to be moved inside but with the storm it might have to be-"

"Don't say that. I'm getting married today no matter what. Why did Ricky have to propose to me last year in winter. We are right next to a beach too and yesterday the low was only 65° F (18.33°C)" I say the last part to myself.

"Ej told Ricky but we can get everything inside and Seb can play, Red can tap dance, and We can become your band and sing, and Ej has his guitar. Why can't it be postponed?" Ashlyn says.

"Because we are going on our honeymoon tomorrow morning all around Europe and it will over for a month and Kourtney will be on her fashion tour,"

"Girl I am not a model on that tour, and I am sure I can leave for a week. Plus, when you run most of it and over thinks and plan, I think I can take at least a week off. Also, Marissa my assistant can help too during that time," Kourtney says.

"What about you Ashlyn aren't you going to go to that live action role play place?" I speak.

"No because it got cancelled and I haven't gone there since high school which was almost 5 years ago," Ashlyn says confused.

"Well Gina has her business and go a spot to be a dancer on a tour,"

"Nini I would not have said yes to the spot on that tour if I wouldn't have been able to with my business and the tour isn't this January it isn't for another year and starts in March," Gina responds.

"What about Red and his Tap-Dancing shows? How will he be able to come,"

"Red's Tap-Dancing shows are when you are supposed to be when you are traveling through Europe on your honeymoon," Ashlyn says.

"What about Carlos, he is supposed to be on Broadway?"

"Not until summer" Gina says.

"What about Ej, Seb, Jet, Maddox and Val?"

"Nini why do you actually not want to postpone the wedding?" Kourtney asks.

"Well, what happens if I can't fit into the dress? I would feel bad since you made it for me Kourt and it is a one of a kind," I say.

"Nini I can make another one bigger if you are worrying about it and this dress is adjustable too," Kourtney sys.

"I'm still getting married today no matter what and you made the dress, so it is warm even if there is snow on the ground or really cold," I say.

"Well for right now if we wait it out then you should still get married today plus this is a huge house,"

Ricky and I decided to get a really big Airbnb house (more like a mansion) for the wedding as it was cheaper than a venue and had more space than the other outdoor venues we looked at. Then mansion was very beautiful and looked vintage but was kept off with really well and was right next to a beautiful beach. Plus, guest that we are coming out of town that couldn't get a hotel room could stay since there is over 9 rooms here. The wedding isn't big we just invited our close family and friends there had to be less than 50 people and for the most part but some said they were able to come last minute due to weather or their flights got cancelled and they wouldn't be able to make it in time.

"I guess and Kourtney can you go get me some carrots, peanut butter and applesauce please," I ask.

"Carrots and peanut butter?"

"Well yeah it is really good like the best thing in the world," I say.

"Okay?" Kourtney says confused and goes to grab me some carrots, peanut butter and applesauce.

Kourtney leaves and Maddox walks in.

"Hi Nini, how are you doing?"

"I'm good none of your cameras aren't working or something like that right because everything is not going right and that needs to go right,"

"Well um about that, people moving everyone thing inside for the ceremony misplaced the cameras I brought, and I can't find them,"

"Have you check the entire house,"


"Are you sure because this house more like mansion maybe they are in the basement. They have to be here somewhere,"

"I'll help you look for the cameras Maddox," Ashlyn says.

 Then the two leave to go find the cameras. I would have had Maddox be one of my bridesmaids, but she said she would be my photographer for the wedding. 

"It's going to be fine Nini nothing else can go wrong. Do you want me to go check on Ricky for you?" Gina says.

"Yes, please but wait one second," I say as I grab a piece of paper and a pen.

I start writing to Ricky about everything and what to do since this dress won't fit in 2 months and we wanted to announce the secret after the ceremony and during the end of the reception. I finish writing and fold the paper in half so you can't see what I wrote.

"Can you give this to him please,"

"Of course, I will be back soon," Gina says and she leaves the room as Kourtney is coming.

"I brought you carrots, peanut butter, and applesauce like you wanted,"

"YES," I say as I grabbed everything out of her hands.

I dipped the carrots in the peanut butter then I open up the applesauce and dip the peanut butter covered carrot in the applesauce.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING," Kourtney shouts at me with a disgusted look.

"I'm eating. duh," I say.

"You just dipped the carrot in the peanut butter then dipped it in the applesauce. I mean carrots and apple sauce maybe but not peanut butter in the mix. Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm nervous but this is really good you got to try it like now," I say while dipping a peanut butter covered carrot in apple sauce,"

"I think I'm good,"

"You will never regret it if you eat one. I promise it is a really good," I say giving her the peanut butter-applesauce covered carrot.

"If you say so. It won't hurt to try I guess," Kourtney says.

She puts the carrot in her mouth and then chew a little making a disgusted face.

"How was it?"

"Neens are you sure these are really good because it was really bad,"

"I'm serious this is really good something is wrong with you, but can you also go get me some cheese too because that's good dipped in a peanut butter too,"

"WHAT? Something is wrong I mean you are overreacting about the dress not fitting you if we post pone the wedding, you don't want to do it later and now you are eating weird food combos...are you pregnant?"

"Ricky and I were going to tell everyone at the reception but now you know, and you have to keep it a secret,"


"No," I say.

"How far are you?"

"3 almost 4 months and I don't want it to be noticeable that I am pregnant so that's why the wedding has to happen today, and I want to enjoy it a little more. Also, after our honeymoon it will be almost 5 months and do, I really want to be 5 to 6 months pregnant doing all this and have all of the stress and nerves?"

"We are going to make sure you are married by the end of the day for sure," Kourtney said.

Gina comes into the room with a piece of paper.

"Here Nini, Ricky seems a little stressed out but fine. He wrote you this," Gina said as she gives me the paper.

Dear Nini,

No matter what happens today, I still love you even if you have my last name or not. Everything will soon go well even if it doesn't seem like it so far, but we have all of our friends and family making sure today will go somewhat well. I know you want to wear the dress and the wedding being perfect but if we have to wait two months or two years, I will still marry you even if you were in a pajama and a messy bun. Don't stress yourself out too much okay and tomorrow even if things do go planned today, we will be on our trip through Europe.


Freaky Callback Boy


"Ahh! What are you doing? Did you just read all of the letter?" I say to Gina who was right behind me.




"It's fine but how is everything else going?"

"Maddox found on the disposable camera but not her professional one, Ej has his guitar and is prating some songs Ricky told him you liked and the one you two were going to dane to, Seb has his keyboard and is trying to learn the music for when everyone is walking down the aisle, Carlos is helping everyone organize things on how you wanted even if it is inside. Red is helping people move things inside the house and guest are arriving," Gina says.

"Okay we can do this is going well but what about the officiant?"

"The officiant hasn't called to say they are canceling or anything, so I think they are still coming," Gina replies.

"Well if the officiant isn't coming, we won't get married,"

"True but you can still have the reception,"

"I guess but I won't be Nina Bowen then today," I say sadly.

"Nini, I know you wanted this go well but you still will love each other even if you don't get married today," Gina says.

"Right," I say thinking about it all.

I decided to write some more to Ricky just like we did before. We went to study abroad during college in France. We met there and during holidays and summer when we went back to our homes, we would write love letters to each other. Well mostly Ricky did but I did send a few. He wrote the cheesiest stuff that would always make my day.


Kourtney and Gina knock on the door and come in with smiles on their faces.

"Nini everything is ready, and the officiant is here too. I know things aren't going hwo you wanted them to but if you want to get married today you will be able to," Gina says.

"Good and I got 30 minutes left until we need to get everything in order," I say.

"Yes, you need to get in you dress and before you leave to walk down the aisle I will help you with your veil," Kourtney tells me.

Gina leaves the room and Kourtney helps me with the dress.

"You don't think I look pregnant in this dress?" 

"Nini, you look beautiful and we can adjust it a little bit if you want the dress a little looser but you look beautiful,"

"Okay, thanks Kourt I just don't want to spoil it before we announce it,"


I was ready to walk down the aisle and since sadly momma d and momma C aren't able to come due to weather.  I had to decide who I wanted to walk me down the aisle and I choose Ej since he is like my brother. 

"Are you ready?" Ej asks.

"Yes," I say with a smile.

I was nervous but so happy to get married to the boy with the curly brown hair. An walks me down the aisle and stops right at the alter to look at Ricky.

"Don't hurt her or you'll regret it. You better take too care of her,"

"I promise,"

(Blah blah blah with everything and now it was time for our vows)

"Ricky Bowen I remember when we met. I was just trying to get to my biology class and bumped into you on the way. At that time I wouldn't of ever of thought that today I would be marrying the boy with curly brown hhairaur or for everyone to start calling me Nini isntead or Nina," I say.

"Nini, I am the luckiest man alive to be able to marry a wonderful woman. I love you with all of my heart and that will never change. I'm your freakg callback boy and your my freaky math girl," 

We go with the rest of thecermony and said all the kids.

"You may kiss the bride," the officiant says.

Ricky and I kiss and I feel lile I'm 19 with butterflies all over again, feeling electric and feeling fireworks .


(!!!!!THIS IS YOUR QUE TO PLAY SNOW ON THE BEACH!!!!!! It doesn't matter which one you choose to listen to)

We ran out of the house Ricky in his tux and me in my dress. It was snowing outside but it wasn't storming yet. We soon got to the beach and watched the waves. I was so different to see snow on a beach it was weird but really beautiful. (Sorry I don't want to curse even if it is the lyric)

"Snow on the beach is weird but really beautiful," I say.

"it is weird and beautiful but not as beautiful as you" Ricky says

"You're crazy honestly for thinking I am more beautiful but then agian this is why I love you," 

"Well I think your crazy for thinking that but I love you and who knew I wouldnt be able to live with out you,"

"I guess there is just an invisible string,"

"I guess. Do you want to dance " Ricky says. 

"I would love to," I say with a smile I couldn't contain.

He took off his jacket and gave it to me and we started slow dancing while we were getting covered in little snowflakes. 

"I love you Ricky Bowen," I say.

"I love you Nini Bowen," Ricky says.

We slow dance to the rest of the song and stayed on the beach with the snow and with everyone wondering where we went.


Hi everyone, 

I'm sorry that it is so ling and that it is bad.

I am also sorry that I haven't updated, life went crazy for a moment trying to work on myself but at the moment I feel like I came back stronger than a 90s trend but then 30 seconds later being like the The Archer, this is me trying or mirrorball but it is a work in progress. I start school soon too and feel I won't update much during the school year because school is really important to me right now and one of my top priorities. I will try to ATLEAST update once a month and if I don't you can come spam me about it.

ALSO, I HAVE NO CLUE IF PEANUT BUTTER - APPLE SAUCE COVERED CARROTS ARE GOOD. I was just trying to think of a weird combo that did not sound weird, I mean this combo is weird but if anyone has done this or is going to try it tell me how it tastes. I mean apples and peanput butter are good together and I would guess apple sauce and carrots are good but I don't know



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