My Broken Spiderboy (tasm! sp...

By riesespieces

178K 5.9K 1.6K

"Who's this?" Spiderman points to an old polaroid on my desk. I glance at it, before going focusing back on... More

The Spider
The Internship
Dropping In
Friendships Die
Empire State Building
I'm Fine
The Kiss
Hopelessly in Love
Nothing's Changed
Perfect Simplicity
No Sleep
Glory Days
I Have Too
New World
My Spiderman
No Way Home
The MJ Problem


3.3K 115 44
By riesespieces

I spent the next couple of days finishing up my internship at the hospital. Which significantly limited my interactions with Peter back down to his nightly visits. And even then I was usually too exhausted to talk, and usually just passed out on the couch as Peter told me about his adventures throughout the day. Finally, though, today was my last day, and it was only a half day it was more of a way for my boss and I to discuss what went well throughout the internship and what could be improved.

As I walked out of the office to grab my things from the locker room, I ran into MJ as she was doing the same thing.

"Happy holidays," she cheers. "We're finally free of this place."

I smiled, "Yeah, until we start our own practices."

MJ sighs, "Don't remind me. So do you have any plans for Christmas?"

"Not really," I shrugged. I'm sure May and Peter already had plans for Christmas, and I didn't want to intrude, so I was online for the holidays.

"Oh good," MJ smiles, "Well, not good. I wish you had plans, but that means you can come to my family's party. I'll send you the details; keep a lookout."

I throw my backpack across my back, "Thank you. Would you mind if I invited my boyfriend?"

MJ's jaw dropped, and she stopped in her tracks right before the door. "You mean to say I get to finally meet the man who you've been pining over this whole semester?"

I roll my eyes, pushing past her and laughing. She quickly jogs back up to me, a huge smile on her face as we walk onto the streets of New York together.

"So can I finally know his name at least?"

"Peter Parker."

MJ raised an eyebrow, silent as we continued to walk towards the subway. I didn't turn toward her until we got on the train, but I already knew what she was thinking. I had told her about how I used to be friends with Peter, and that ever since we drifted, I didn't dare get close to anyone else. Yet, here I was talking about the same boy with obvious love and admiration.

As we sat across from each other I finally spoke up. "Yes, it's the same person. And it's a long story, but we've both matured since high school."

"I'll trust you, but if he breaks your heart I'll break him."

"I don't doubt it."

As the train came to the next stop MJ collected her things and began to make her way out. "As I said, I'll text you everything, and I expect you to be there."

"Don't worry I will be."

Before heading to my house, I picked up some Chinese for Peter and me. It was getting close to lunch, and I knew Peter would need to eat soon. He had always had a big appetite, but being Spiderman had made it even bigger.

Just as I thought, Peter was already sitting on my couch as I made my way into my apartment. He quickly got up, to grab the food and we both sat down at the table to eat.

"So how was your last day?" Peter asked.

"Great, glad to finally have my life back. At least for the moment."

Peter reached for my hand, "Me too."

"Oh, and MJ and I got to talk for a little bit," I said, finishing up my food. "She invited us to a Christmas party."


"Yes. She wants to meet the boy I talk about so often."

Peter beamed, "You talk about me?"

I leaned over the counter, placing a small kiss on his nose. "Yes, you goof. Now do you want to go or not?"

"Of course, as long as you want to."

Once we both finished, we both headed over to the couch. I sat close to Peter, with my legs up on the couch, and leaning my head on his lap looking up at him. He played with my hair, as we sat there talking about our days. Him telling me all about the robberies he stopped this morning, and me telling him about what specifically my boss and I talked about.

A couple of days later it was finally time for the party at MJ's. May had found out and had quickly put together matching ugly sweaters for us to wear. Peter pretended to hate the idea, but when she came out with two sweaters that made the shape of a Christmas tree when we stood together, I could tell he secretly loved it. Especially when that meant that he would have a reason to stand next to me the whole time.

After taking a picture of us with Peter's old camera, May sent us on our way to the party. As we walked, I could feel Peter's nervousness radiating off of him. While he always enjoyed meeting new people, he always had some sort of mask that helped him out. Whether that was his literal Spiderman mask or he was hiding behind his camera. As we made our way to MJ's door, I squeezed his hand before knocking on the door.

MJ almost immediately opened the door, donning a bright red sweater that had a mirror duct taped to the front. "Y/n! You made it."

"Of course," I turned to the side as if revealing Peter. "MJ, this is Peter. Peter, MJ."

Peter stuck out his hand, "Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you."

MJ smiled and shook his hand. "Same here. Alright let's get in, the party is underway!"

I giggled, following her through the apartment. In the living room were all of MJ's siblings in cousins, who she told us not to worry about as we would be spending our time in the kitchen with the adults. In the kitchen MJ introduced us to her parents: Madeline and Philip. She also introduced us to her aunts and uncles, but I quickly forgot their names.

After all introductions were finished, Peter and I found our way to the end of the table talking to one of MJ's aunts (whose name I think was Anna) as MJ herself set up the first game she had prepared for the party.

"So you said you also did an internship at the hospital?" Anna asked, adjusting her arms so that her baby was comfortable in her arms.

"Yes, ma'am."

Anna turned to Peter, "So, how do you know MJ."

Peter glanced at me, "Well I actually just met her tonight. I'm just tagging along with my girlfriend."

Anna smiled, "How sweet. Well, I hope you both enjoy yourself, because now that you've been introduced to the family we hope to see you at more events."

"Oh, we wouldn't want to intrude on family time."

Anna shook her head, "Oh it's not like that. Actually, most of us are not blood-related. So you would fit in perfectly."

"Thank you."

Before we can say anymore MJ gathers the attention of the rest of the adults, telling everyone the rules of the first game. As the night progresses Peter becomes more adventurous, sparking conversation with anyone who might look his way. I smile as I watch him make his way around the room, and I sit next to Anna continuing to discuss how each of them became a part of the family.

At some point in the night, as everyone begins to say their goodbyes, I realize that I have completely lost track of Peter. I walk over to MJ as she tells John and Anna goodbye. Finally, she turns to me, with a small smirk on her face.

"Are you looking for Peter?" She asks.

"Yes actually, we should probably get going."

She takes my arm and leads me to the opening between the kitchen and the living room where her siblings are still playing with their new toys. She presses her fingers to her lips, letting me know to be quiet so as not to let them know that we are watching. Then she points over to the other end of the couch where I see Peter hunched over hiding. I make a move to go towards him, wondering why he would be hiding, but MJ pulls me back telling me to watch.

Her youngest brother, Lee, comes running around the hallway and jumps onto the couch and then onto Peter's back. "I found you!"

I smile, as I realize that Peter wasn't in trouble, but instead had found himself in the middle of a game of hide and seek with MJ's youngest siblings and cousins. I laughed as Peter rolled over, grabbing the little boy and tickling him. The boy's laughter echoed throughout the room, making Peter himself laugh right along with him. As Peter lets Lee go, I walk over to the two boys helping Peter up.

"As fun, as this looks, I think we better get home."

Peter nods and then bends down to pick up Lee. "Thank you for the game little kid, it was fun."

"No, I want Uncle Peter to stay." Lee pouted, running to MJ's arms.

MJ shook her head, "Not tonight. But we will make sure he comes again. Sound good."

"Fine." The boy jumped from MJ's arms and took Peter's hands placing something in his hand that I couldn't see and whispering something in his here. Peter nodded and ruffled the boy's hair.

Peter and I said our goodbyes to everyone else and made our way towards the subway. As we wait for the train to get to the station, I nudge Peter.

"Did you have fun?" I asked.

"Of course. Everyone there was super nice."

I nodded, "Yep, and it only took you one night to become an Uncle."

"Haha," Peter laughed, "You're so funny."

"I didn't mean anything mean. I thought it was cute," I explained.

Peter turned me toward him lifting my chin up towards him. "Of course you did."

"Yeah, you're good with kids," I said, placing a small kiss on his lips as the train pulled up, and then dragged him on.

Peter spun me around, kissing me again. "I guess we'll have to have our own then eventually."

I laughed, "Eventually, but not yet mister. You hear?"

"Of course, I wanted to get married first anyways."

I raised an eyebrow, "Already thinking about marriage are we?"

"Not yet, but it never hurts to dream," Peter teased.

"I like that dream," I sighed, leaning against Peter's shoulder and letting the peace of the evening fill the silence. It would be a while before we even discussed marriage, but Peter was right: I couldn't imagine getting married to anyone else but him. 


A/N- I would never advise writing without a plan, because if you don't your plot will decide the plan for you. Case and point in the chapter above lol. 

Anyways hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to comment and vote. 

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