BREAK, matt sturniolo.

By stars4matt

456 12 4

" I know we're best friends, but I think I wanna be more than that" "I've been feeling that way since I've kn... More

possible goodbye๐Ÿ˜Ÿ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ


62 0 0
By stars4matt

                (TW UNDERAGE DRINKING)

                             𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐠😫😩

         scarlet♥️; scarlet
ollie🐍; oliver
                           kenzie🤓; mackenzie




kenzie it's 12 get tf up

we're picking u up at 6:30 so u better b ready

I swear to fucking god wake up





if ur not ready by 6:30 I'm gonna kill you bitch

period scarlet😝😜


"WAIT, GUYS, I'M COMING" Mackenzie hears honking outside her house, she fell back asleep earlier so she's running a little late. She picks up her purse and runs out the door

"Nick..?? What are you doing here?" It was only supposed to be Scarlet and Oliver so she was a little confused but she was glad her best friend is here with her

"Oliver texted me asking if I wanted to come and I wouldn't miss your birthday for the world" Nick goes in his pocket and pulls out a box and gives it to Mackenzie

"Nick you know I hate gifts what the fuck.." she opens the box and stares at her new AirPods, she lost hers a few months ago when her and Matt went to the grocery store and she tripped and they fell out of her ears

"Thanks, Nick... I appreciate it. no more gifts or I'm jumping out of this car. She hates gifts cause it's so awkward when 4 people are staring at you with a smile on there face waiting for you to open it

"so you'll take gifts from Nick but not anyone else" Scarlet laughs and Mackenzie sighs with an unimpressed look on her face

"Dude we're fucking with you, don't worry no one else got you a gift" Oliver starts driving and Nick plays music cause he's on aux right now

"wait so what are we doing tonight?" Mackenzie turned the music down so they could hear her

"we're going back to my house and playing Truth or dare but if you don't do the dare you drink" Scarlet could see the worry on Mackenzie's face

"The last time I drank I got alcohol poisoning" Mackenzie laughs because that was so long ago and she's sure she'll be more mature now

"don't worry you know I won't be drinking so I'll keep an eye on you" Nick sipped Chris's drink when they were all at a high school party and he's never done it again. He hates the taste and doesn't wanna make a fool out of himself, he also likes the thought of being able to keep his friends safe. Mackenzie is even more relieved because she knows Nick won't let her do anything too stupid

"What do you guys want to drink " Scarlet opens her alcohol cabinet to let everyone choose

"give me everclear" Scarlet looks at her in confusion because that's the strongest alcohol she has

"Kenzie are you trying to die what the fuck" Nick is not impressed because that shit is like 96% alcohol and she could get so fucked up. At least he's here to keep everyone under control. Everyone picks out their drink of choice and they go to the kitchen table

"truth or dare Kenzie" Scarlet asks

"Bro why am I first" she groans. She isn't too worried though cause all she has to do is tell the truth and she's good

"Because you're the birthday girl so you get to do the honours" Scarlet smiles at her

"so truth or dare" She looks and Mackenzie and pours her a shot

"Truth," Mackenzie says

"do you like anyone?" Everybody looks at each other smiling because they already know the answer

"Yes" she smiles and everyone freaks out

"can't wait to hear this" they all look at eachother waiting for her to say it

"you didn't let me finish goofy, I saw this really cute guy at the grocery store yesterday and he was so fine" She looks at them and smirks and sees the disappointment on their face

"I knew you were gonna say some stupid shit like that" Oliver says unimpressed

"Because you guys think me and Matt are gonna be something when it's never gonna happen" Mackenzie smirks cause now there all so disappointed

"Scarlet truth or dare," Mackenzie asks

"Dare, but not anything too crazy," Scarlet says knowing Mackenzie Is gonna say fucking crazy

"I dare you to chug half a bottle of Everclear" Mackenzie pours the Everclear into a red solo cup and hands it to her

"No fucking way you're doing that scarlet" Nick takes the solo cup out of her hands. She takes the cup back and drinks it within seconds

"Now I can make Mackenzie do some crazy shit, after this, we're done drinking for the night so Oliver drink whatever right now" Oliver nods and grabs a twisted tea out of the fridge

"Dare or Dare Kenzie" Scarlet smiles and walks to the kitchen

"that's not how the game works stupid, but dare" Scarlet stumbles back with a whole bottle of Everclear

"I dare you to drink half of this mixed with ketchup" Mackenzie is disgusted cause ketchup is her worst fear

"Okay, that's where I draw the line. She could get fucking alcohol poisoning. Not fucking happening"
Nick grabs the bottle and sits on it so no one can take it

"yeah you're right, We should be more careful. Nick, could you please run upstairs and grab my charger in my bedroom?" Scarlet politely asks Nick cause she doesn't wanna get up

"yeah sure. Thanks for listening, I just don't want Mackenzie getting hurt" Mackenzie grabs the bottle and runs to the bathroom and locks the door
they all rushed to the bathroom and banged on the door

"Mackenzie come out right fucking now what the hell are you thinking"
she wouldn't budge... they hear her fall on the floor and the glass bottle smash, Oliver and Nick break in the door to see Mackenzie covered in throwup on the bathroom floor

"what the fuck is going on with you" Scarlet turns on the shower and puts Mackenzie in

"don't move I'm gonna get you clothes I'll be 2 seconds" Nick is standing at the door to make sure she doesn't get up and hurt herself even more. Scarlet gets back and Nick leaves the washroom, she undresses Mackenzie and cleans her off

"Talk to me about what's bothering you..." Scarlet says while drying Mackenzie off and putting clean clothes on her

"I think I like Matt" Scarlet stares at her in disbelief at what she just heard

"Are you serious Kenzie?" Mackenzie just stares at her then passes out on the floor and Scarlet calls everyone in the bathroom

"I'm calling Matt to come pick her up" Scarlet pulls out her phone and goes to the other room, Mackenzie crawls up to the toilet and throws up again and Nick holds back her hair

"He's on his way, we're just gonna all stay here tonight and Matt can take care of her" Scarlet gets Mackenzie's stuff together and puts it all at the front door

"I'm just confused why you're making Matt take care of her when literally four people are here" Nick sits on the couch and turns on Love Island

"Who cares Nick at least she's getting taken care of" Scarlet stays in the bathroom with Mackenzie

a few moments later they hear a knock at the door and Matt walks in

"Come Kenzie Matt's here to pick you up" Scarlet picks Mackenzie up and they both carry her to Matt's car

"you both wait here I'll go get her stuff" Scarlet runs back inside as quickly as possible so Mackenzie doesn't puke all over Matt's car

"Mackenzie what the fuck you swore to quit drinking," matt says pissed off cause she finally quit for a year after getting alcohol poisoning

"shut up Matt my head is pounding" She harshly leans over into the window and Scarlet puts all her stuff in the back seat

"Matt don't yell at her tonight she just really needs you" Matt rolls his eyes

"Whatever" he drives back to his house

"If I have to clean puke once tonight you owe me so much money it's not even funny" They both are sitting on the couch so she's somewhat close to the bathroom

"I'm sorry I didn't ask to come here" She gets off the couch and tries to walk over to the front door when she smashes her head on the edge of the TV stand. Matt rushes over picks her up and puts her in his bed rubbing the wound with a wet cloth

"stay here and don't move, I put a bucket beside the bed just in case you have to puke just please stop hurting yourself. I'm gonna run to the store and get you some Gatorade" Even though Matt is angry with her she knows it's his worry in disguise. She hates when he's mad at her but at least she's with him. Matt gets back from the store and gives her the Gatorade

"here and I also bought you some gravel so sit up so you can take this" She slowly leans up and Matt puts the pill in her mouth

"lean your head back" he lifts her chin and puts the Gatorade in her mouth

She watches Matt's figure as he leaves the room. She wishes he would just stay but her head hurts too much to think about it

"Mackenzie are you alright" Matt peaks in and sees she's finally asleep, he feels bad just leaving her in here alone so he lays beside her to make sure she's okay. She turns over and leans into matts chest and puts her arm around his stomach, he wishes this moment would last forever


sorry this took me 2 months to write I literally had no ideas

also I swear things are moving to fast js trust the process 🌝☝️


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