Stairways | A Surviving Summe...

By phoebewrites_14

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Ari x Reader In the Shorehaven community, you're Y/n, Marlon's sister. After a year out, Ari Gibson is back s... More

Part 1 - Summer's Arrival
Part 2 - Disqualified
Part 3 - Party
Part 4 - Quarters
Part 5 - Training
Part 6 - Work
Part 7 - Ari's house
Part 8 - The Teachers
Part 9 - The Surf
Part 10 - Panic
Part 11 - Jackson Bay
Part 12 - First and Last
Part 13 - Shame
Part 14 - Before
Part 15 - Safe Bet
Part 16 - Apologise
Part 17 - Night Surf
Part 18 - The Reef
Part 19 - Aftermath
Part 20 - 360
Part 21 - Heat
Part 22 - Jealously, Jealousy
Part 23 -Forgiveness
Part 24 - The Hold Down
Part 25 - VIPs
Part 26 - The Party
Part 27 - Happiness
Part 28 - Deception
Part 29 - The Board
Part 30 - Secrets
Part 31 - Together
Part 32 - Breathe
Part 33 - Guilt
Part 34 - Closer
Part 35 - Surf Trip
Part 36 - Nightmares
Part 37 - Trust
Part 38 - Marlon
Part 39 - Warnings
Part 40 - Secret's Out
Part 41 - Gone
Part 42 - Getting Ready
Part 43 - The Plan
Part 44 - The Before Times
Part 45 - The Jump
Part 46 - Stairway
Part 47 - Falling
Part 48 - Wake Up
Part 49 - Plans
Part 50 - Shouting
Part 51 - Crashers
Part 53 - Mood
Part 54 - Dare
Part 55 - Pizza
Part 56 - Thank You
Part 57 - The Ferry
Part 58 - In Time
Part 59 - Amends
Part 60 - Caught
Part 61 - Trouble
Part 62 - Break
Part 63 - Hints
Part 64 - The Airport
Part 65 - Simple
Part 66 - Season 1 Epilogue
Part 67 - Season 2 Prologue
Part 68 - Close
Part 69 - Selection
Part 70 - Pink
Part 71 - Baxter
Part 72 - The State Team
Part 73 - Wren
Part 74 - Espresso
Part 75 - Team
Part 76 - Lunch
Part 77 - Team Bonding
Part 78 - Meeting
Part 79 - Deception: Part 2
Part 80 - Fire
Part 81 - Distance
Part 82 - Break Up
Part 83 - Strangers
Part 84 - Frozen
Part 85 - Help
Part 86 - Talent Search
Part 87 - Sabotage
Part 88 - Byron Bay
Part 89 - Makeup
Part 90 - Photos
Part 91 - Reputation
Part 92 - Blame
Part 93 - Disgrace
Part 94 - Party Planning
Part 95 - Passion
Part 96 - Fight
Part 97 - Morning
Part 98 - The Board (Part 2)
Part 99 - Decode
Part 100 - Bad Time
Part 101 - Guilt (Part 2)

Part 52 - Alliance

1.1K 28 6
By phoebewrites_14

"Pops, what are you doing?!" Bodhi hisses, but Poppy throws her a dismissive look before going straight to Griff's side. Their hands are nearly touching as they stand side by side, forming an alliance.

"Poppy invited us," Griff says, shrugging. "I didn't think it would be a big deal."

"We can put our differences aside for one night, right Bodhs?" Poppy says, and her friend hesitates. You can't believe Poppy's putting her on the spot in front of all these people, on her birthday of all days.

Bodhi eventually appears to give in, probably for the sake of an amicable evening. "Why not?" she offers, and someone switches the music back on. But the atmosphere is weird - people have stopped dancing, and there's about fifty eyes all trained on the party crashers as they make their way into the party. Poppy doesn't leave Griff's side as they take a seat next to the campfire. When did those two get so close? And why on earth would she invite them?

"What are they doing here?" Ari asks you, and you shrug.

"Oh, c'mon guys. Can't we just have a little fun? For one night?" Poppy says, noticing the three of you watching her and Griff intently.

"We can have fun without them. Why would you do this?" Bodhi hisses. Her previous relaxed demeanour about the crashers must have just been for show in front of the rest of the guests - you don't blame her for being angry. She then sighs exasperatedly as she glances around at the awkwardly silent crowd of party-goers, all watching the scene play out in front of them. You don't blame Bodhi when she turns on her heel and makes her way inside with a huff.

The other Anchor Coves, including your brother, walk forward slowly. The atmosphere is strange though, as if all the fun had been sucked out by the crashers.

Poppy doesn't leave Griff' side - what the hell is going on between them?

You and Ari hang back at the bar, seemingly the only two in the group not caught up in all this drama. But when Marlon makes his way towards you, a nervous look on his face, you're reminded that you've barely spoken to him since Stairway.

"Hey." He nods to you both as you realise he's only come over to get a drink. Classic Marlon. Can't swallow his pride and fix things himself, even if it means being within two feet of you just so he can get himself a drink.

You watch as he grabs a bottle of something strong and irresponsibly pours himself a cup - a large one made for lemonade or Coca Cola, not alcohol.

"Maybe you should just drink from the bottle." You mutter, turning slightly and making to get the hell away from him.

"Maybe you should mind your own business, Y/n." He remarks, not even looking at you as he tips the cup back, basically swallowing the whole drink in one.

"What is wrong with you?!" You exclaim, suddenly unable to hold your anger back, which is multiplied by a hundred when your brother does nothing but shrug. "You haven't spoken to me for days and then you show up here and crash Bodhi's party! Don't you care about her at all anymore?!"

"We didn't crash. We were invited." He says simply.

"By Poppy? Didn't you think that was weird in the slightest?" You reply.

"I thought Bodhi would be cool." He shrugs with an unbothered glance at his teammates.

"Well she's not. So leave."

He sighs. "C'mon. We both know this isn't about Bodhi."

What's it about then?"

He shrugs, continuing to drink nonchalantly.

"I'm trying to fix things with you! Just tell me why you're not talking to me!" You exclaim, as Marlon looks around the party, unbothered. His lack of care is making you so mad as he continues to sip his drink. "Marlon!" You try to get his attention when it seems like he's had enough. He slams his drink down on the counter and takes a step towards you.

"Why can't you just forget about things for one night? Go and make out with Ari some more and stop being a bitch for-"

You don't wait for him to finish his sentence before slapping him across the face. Hard.

There's a murmur in the crowd as some people must have been watching.

Marlon doesn't say anything, just looks a bit shocked for a moment before giving you a glare and pouring another drink.

"Are you for real? Is that really not gonna make you listen?" You exclaim.

He shrugs again, turning to leave. You make to go after him, but Ari grabs your arm from behind, holding you tightly - probably scared you're about to attack Marlon whilst his back is turned.

"C'mon, Y/n."

"No!" You exclaim. "This is Bodhi's party, and he needs to leave."

"For Bodhi, or for you?" He says gently, and you realise he's probably right. "Let's just forget about all this tonight. Maybe Marlon's right about that."


"What are they doing?" You ask, watching as Griff has somehow managed to end up with Poppy's head in his lap as she giggles at everything he says. "He's not that funny. What is she laughing at?"

You feel Ari shrug from where you're sitting - his arm is around you as you're squeezed into one camping chair on the edge of the party. You rest your head down on his shoulder with your arms crossed, enjoying the comfort and safety he brings you. "Maybe she just really likes him?" Ari offers as he too watches Poppy and Griff.

"I mean, Poppy was the one who said Marlon was a traitor for going to Anchor Cove. Now she's going out with one of them?"

"They're not definitely going out."

You strain your neck to look up at him suddenly, a thought popping into your head. "Hey, have you seen Summer?"

Ari appears to think for a moment, before shaking his head. "No, not for a while now."

"I haven't seen her since the Anchor Coves arrived." You say, recalling how Summer dragged you to dance with her just before their arrival. You begin looking around, growing slightly anxious.

"You wanna go look for her?" Ari asks, leaning forward to meet you eye level, and you nod. Summer is supposed to be your friend, and you completely forgot about her - now she could be anywhere. "Hey, don't worry about it, I'm sure she's just gone for a drink, or round the corner somewhere." Ari offers, but his reassurances don't make you feel any better - there's a weird foreboding feeling in the pit of your stomach as you and Ari begin looking around the party. After a few minutes of intense searching, it's pretty clear Summer has left the party completely, meaning she could be anywhere by now.

"Let's try walking down the coast path a little way, see if she's down there." Ari says, and you begin to follow him out the drive in the direction of the ocean. There's a cool breeze coming from the sea as you get closer to the path, but your route is suddenly blocked as a girl darts in front of you.

"Where are you guys going, there's a party in there!" Poppy says, her words slow and slightly slurred - there's the scent of something sweet but sharp hanging around her and it's clear she's been drinking.

"Pops, we're just going to find Summer, then we'll be straight back, I promise." Ari says genuinely, but Poppy shakes her head childishly, with a wry grin on her face.

"Uh-uh," she shakes her head again with a mock-authoritative demeanour. "You guys are coming with me to get a drink and then we're going to dance."

"Poppy, we really need to find Summer," you say slowly. "Do you know where she is?"

She simply shrugs in response.

"Fine, go back to your boyfriend then." You say before you can stop yourself, the anxiousness about Summer getting the better of you. Poppy scrutinises you, her eyes narrowing.

"Griff is just a friend," She replies, seeming to sober up just at the mention of the topic. "And I know you guys are mad that I invited them all, but I just think this rivalry is ridiculous!"

"So when my brother wants to move to their club he's a traitor but when you want to date one of them we all just have to lay down and accept it?" You reply.

"Maybe this will help us form an alliance with them," Poppy says, and you and Ari share a glance. "So, inviting them was actually strategic."

"It was selfish!" You exclaim. "You didn't even think about how Bodhi would feel about it! If you'd asked her beforehand, instead of just inviting them without her knowing, maybe she might even have said yes."

"She wouldn't have." Poppy says sharply.

"Then you would have had to respect that." You reply coldly. Poppy looks at you for a moment, and you can't tell if she's taking in what you're saying or simply ignoring you completely.

"Whatever," she eventually says. "I saw Summer heading towards Stairway by the way."

"Stairway?" Ari turns to you. "What the hell is she doing there?"

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