Charmed: The Mighty Belthazar...

By OceanKuhn5

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Four sisters who discover their destiny. Four powers bestowed upon these newly discovered witches. Join us as... More

Characters first season
Something Wicca this way comes
I've got you under my skin
Thank You For Not Morphing
Dead man dating
Dream Sorcerer
Wedding From Hell
The Fifth Sister
The Truth It Out There And It Hurts
The Witch Is Back
Wicca Envy
Feats Of Clay
The Wendigo
From Fear To Eternity
Secrets And Guys
Which Prim Is It Anyway
That Seventies Episode
When Bad Warlocks Go Good
Blind Sided
The Power Of Three
Love Hurts
Author's note.
Deja Vu All Over Again

Is There A Woogey In The House

53 1 0
By OceanKuhn5

There's a small earthquake at the manor. It stops and Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Prim come down the stairs.

Phoebe groans. 'Oh god. Not another after shock.'

Prue sighs. 'Yeah, well, at least they're getting smaller. What was the main one? 4.3?'

'The radio said 4.5.' Piper says.

Prim shakes her head. 'Does it matter? Your niece or nephew hated it. Or liked it. They sure kicked up a storm.'

'There you go Grams. (She straightens up a picture of Grams.) Earthquakes give me the jeebies.' Phoebe shivers.

Prue smirked. 'Would that be the Phoebe Jeebies?'

'Oh, look it's the comedy stylings of Prue Halliwell.' Phoebe glares.

Piper rolls her eyes. 'You and Prim are the only Halliwells that actually likes earthquakes.'

'And I also love thunderstorms. What's your point?' Prim smiles.

'I don't like them, but I don't go running through the house naked screaming "run for your life" either.' Prue states.

Phoebe looks at her. 'Okay. That is such an exaggeration. I was wearing slippers.'

They walk into the kitchen. Prue turns to them. 'Okay, okay, okay. Does anybody smell that?'

Piper nods. 'Yeah, uh, I caught a whiff of it first thing this morning. I think it's coming from the basement.'

'Gas leak?' Prue asks.

Prim frowns. 'Maybe I stay out of the house until this, whatever it is, is fixed. It's not safe for baby Halliwell.'

Piper sighs. 'I don't know. I called someone to come out a check. They should be here any ... (Doorbell rings) Now. I'll get it.' She goes to get it.

Prue shakes her head. 'We're never gonna pull this off.'

Phoebe looks at her. 'Everything's going to be fine.'

Prue sighs. 'Yeah, until the house blows up. Look, this Bucklands VIP specifically requested for the dinner party to be here. Now, Claire may have prodded me into agreeing, but the point is I did agree, and, and...'

'Nothing has changed. Piper's gonna cook a feast. I will serve with grace. Prim will charm their pants off. And Claire will kiss your ass... (Piper clears her throat as she enters the room with the gas man) Trinomial talents.' Phoebe says.

Gas man greets them. 'Morning ladies. Wow. That's the smell? (Phoebe nods.) Doesn't really smell like gas.'

'Yeah, but if it is, we can't light the stove. No stove. No dinner.'

'And it's not safe for the baby.' Prim chimes in.

Piper rolls her eyes. 'Relax. If we have to, I could have it cooked at the restaurant and brought here. And Prim can just go stay at Andy's.'

Gas man nods. 'Well, let me check it out and see what's up.'

Piper smiles. 'Great thanks. The basement is thataway.'

'Okay.' The gas man walks into the basement.

'Look Phoebe. He's going into the basement, alone.' Piper jokes.

Phoebe glares. 'Don't even start.'

Prue continues. 'Yeah. What if, dare I say it, the boogyman gets him.'

Piper smirkes. 'I believe Phoebe pronounced it Woogyman, or was that just the buckteeth?'

Phoebe scoffs. 'Okay. I was five years old you guys.'

'Oh, so, what, now you're over it, which is why you haven't been down there in what? Eighteen years?' Prue asks.

'Come on guys, leave Pheebs alone.' Prim frowns.

Phoebe shakes her head. 'Okay, you guys were not there. It was real, it was ...'

Piper interrupts. 'A story. Grams told you she got rid of the Woogyman in the basement so you could sleep better.'

The gas man is looking around the basement. The light goes out and he turns on his flashlight. He sees a crack in the ground and kneels down to get a closer look. He grabs his screwdriver and sticks it in. Black fog or smoke rises out of it. It's the Woogyman. 'What the ... ?'

The Woogyman enters his body and the gas man becomes evil.

Piper is holding mail in the kitchen. 'Who's Chanda Lier?'

'Oh, there for me. I ordered some CD's.' Phoebe tells her.

Piper raises an eyebrow. 'Using a fake name to score some free CD's. Isn't that a little dishonest?'

'Is Phoebe's dark side rearing it's ugly head?' Prue jokes.

Phoebe shakes her head. 'I do not have a dark side thank you very much. And just because I protect the innocent, doesn't mean I have to be innocent all the time.'

'She's right. Where would the fun be if we weren't a little bad.' Prim smirked.

Piper smirks. 'Ooh, I don't know. Still believing in the Still believing in the Woogyman is pretty innocent. It's so cute too.'

'Yeah, well, you didn't think it was so cute when we were all sharing a room which kept you up all night.' Prue tells her.

Phoebe frowns. 'It was scary and it was real.'

The gas man walks out of the basement.

'So? What's the verdict?' Piper asks.

'Bad.' The gas man says.

Prue starts to panic. 'Bad as in destroy my entire dinner party or bad as in you can fix quickly, it'll just cost more than my entire education.'

'By tonight there will be no more problems.' He walks back in the basement.

'Okay, I'm off.' Prue leaves the kitchen.

'Yeah, uh, I gotta go too. I'm going to the wine store. Here, for you.' Piper hands Phoebe the mail.

Phoebe smiles. 'Thanks.'

'Well I'm gonna get outta the house for awhile. At least until the dinner party.' Prim leaves.

The shadow tells the gas man he wants Phoebe.

Prue finds out there house is on a spiritual nexus. And Piper meets a cute guy grabbing the same wine as her.

Phoebe walks down the stairs at home.

Gas man calls from the basement. 'Help me! Help me!'

Phoebe runs to the kitchen. 'Where are you?'

Gas man calls again. 'Please help me!'

'Uh, what's wrong?' Phoebe asks.

'I-I fell. I think I might of sprained something, my ankle. I could really use a hand down here.' He calls up.

Pheobe sighs. 'Right, a hand. I'm, okay. (out loud) Um, I'm coming.'

Pheobe touches a picture on the wall and has a premonition. In it Grams is standing at the top of the stairs

Little Phoebe calls her. 'Grams?'

Grams turns to her. 'Go back to bed honey. Go on.'

The premonition finishes. 'The Woogyman. (to gas man.) Uh, you know, I think I'm gonna just call somebody for help.'

'No, please. I need your help.' The gas man shouts.

Phoebe sighs. 'Okay. (She starts walking down the stairs.) Hello? Where are you? (He appears behind her. She quickly turns around.) I thought you said you were... (She turns around and sees the Woogyman floating.) No. I'm a good witch. You can't take me.'

The Woogyman floats inside Phoebe turning her evil.

Piper is trying to open the door with a handful of groceries. 'Don't worry. I can handle it all myself. It's me, the culinary pachyderm. (As she walks inside, she gets an electric shock from the door.) Phoebe! Maybe we should call someone to check the electricity too. (Kit runs past Piper and out the door.) Kit? Hey! Pheebs? (She carries the groceries into the kitchen. The gas man stands behind Piper and when she turns around she gets a fright.) God! You scared me. Is everything okay with the house.'

'It will be.' He tells her.

Piper nods. 'Good. Could I get E.T.A.? because I'm gonna have one very stressed out sister. Have you seen my sister? (He grabs Piper and holds her hands together.) Hey! Phoebe! (He tries to reach for a carving fork.) Pheobe! (Phoebe runs out of the basement and a baseball bat suddenly appears in her hand. She hits the guy over the head and knocks him unconscious.) Phoebe, he just....'

Phoebe consoles her. 'It's okay, it's okay.'

'I thought he was gonna kill me. I didn't even have a chance to freeze him. Where'd you get the bat?' Piper asks.

Phoebe shakes her head. 'I don't know, it just sort of appeared.'

Piper is confused. 'What do you mean it appeared? Like you opened a closet and found it? Or appeared like you thought bat and there it was?'

Pheobe nods. 'Yeah, door number two. I can't explain it, but something weird happened to me down in the...'

'What? Phoebe, spill. How'd you make the bat materialize?' Piper asks.

Phoebe shakes her head. 'Safety first, witchcraft later. We gotta call 911.'

The police and ambulance are there.

Andy sighs. 'This doesn't track.'

Morris looks at him. 'What's that?'

'I just got background on the gas man. He doesn't have a record, not even a parking ticket. A family man, church volunteer, Little League coach.' Andy explains.

Darryl shakes his head. 'When good coaches go bad, it makes me go by.'

Prue and Prim has just arrived home. Prim walks up to them. 'Andy? What's wrong? What happened?'

Andy rests a hand on her. 'Everything's fine. There was an incident a moment ago when the gas man was checking your house. Got a little rough with Piper. (Prue goes inside. Prim follows after. They get shocked when they walk through the door. They goes in the living room. 'Pheobe? Piper, your nor hurt, are you?'

Piper shakes her head. 'No, forget it. I'm-I'm fine. He attacked me and then Phoebe stopped him. Go on show her.'

Phoebe is looking at her nails. 'I told you, I can't do it now.'

'Do what?' Prue asks confused.

Piper expains. 'Phoebe has a new power. She thinks of something and "poof" it appears.'

'I just did it once.' Phoebe elaborates.

Piper looks at her. 'And it saved my life. I would think that you would be thrilled. You've always wanted an active power.'

Phoebe shrugs. 'Whatever.'

Prue is suspicious. 'Wait a second, time out. Our powers are supposed to progress, not grow at random. And if it did grow, I would think it would be premonitionesk. I smell the Book of Shadows. Did you do something?'

'Okay, I just saved Piper's ass. Where were you?' Phoebe snaps.

Piper tries to mediate. 'Phoebe...'

'Prue's just pissy because this time she didn't get to play Wonderwoman. I'm not in the mood to soothe your ego.' Phoebe leaves.

'What the hell was that?' Prim frowns.

Prue groans. 'Well, tonight's gonna be fun.'

'She'll be fine. Everything will be fine.' Piper assures them.

Phoebe walks down the stairs to the basement. 'Thanks for my new power.'

'You must not fail me again. You must use your powers against your sisters.' The Woogyman says

'Please don't make me do this. I don't want to hurt them.' Phoebe pleads.

'Phoebe, you are not strong enough to fight me.' The Woogyman tells her.

Phoebe's sitting on a chair filing her nails. 'It is almost time. Use your powers.'

Piper goes to turn on the blender but gets an electric shock. 'Ahh!'

Prue enters the kitchen. 'There is lava water spewing from the shower heads. Did you turn off the water heater again?'

Piper shakes her head. 'No. No, I... (She goes to turn on the food processor and she gets an electric shock.) Ow! Alright, the earthquake must of messed up the wiring or something. Try cooking a feast when your own kitchen is attacking you.'

Prim walks in, grabbing orange juice.

Prue sighs. 'Just relax. We still have an hour before...'

The door bell rings. Piper looks at her watch. 'It's 7.00. How can that be? The-the-the clock on the microwave says...' The clock on the microwave is flashing.

Prue frowns. 'Something weird is going on.'

Phoebe walks out of the basement. 'Is anyone going to answer that?'

Piper looks at her. 'Phoebe?'

Prue is confused. 'Wait, am seeing things? Or did you just come from the basement? Wait what about the Woogyman?'

'Guys, come one. Can we not start this again.' Prim sighs.

Phoebe rolls her eyes. 'It's just a story remember. (to Prue) You should probably finish getting ready.'

Phoebe open the door. Professor Whittlesey, Claire and Josh stand there. 'Welcome to Halliwell Manor. My name is Phoebe. I'll be your cruise director for this evening.'

Piper mutters to herself. ' Everything is fine. This is fine. (She pours flour into a measuring cup and misses.) This is utter disaster. I am a good person. What did I do to deserve this?'

She buries her face in her hands. The guy Piper met at the wine store enters. 'Prue told me to give this to the chef.' He's holding a bottle of wine.

Piper glares. 'You!'

'You two know each other?' Prim smirked.

Josh smiled. 'Most people call me Josh. I uh, well, I work for Professor Whittlesey.'

'Prim. Piper. (Whispers to Piper.) He's cute.' She smiles.

Piper glares. 'You're the plus one.'

Josh nodded. 'Last bottle. Uh, you have flour on your...right... uh...(Piper tries to wipe the flour off her face but misses half of it.) Perfect.'

Josh leaves as Phoebe enters. 'Are you planning on feeding the people in the living room?'

'Of course. Um, I've got...what have I got?' Piper looks around.

'What's in there?' She walks over to a large roasting pan.

Piper looks over. 'Duck medallion. But no, no. That's supposed to be part of dinner. Okay, now I guess it's an appetizer. Okay, go, go. Mingle. Mingle, mingle.'

The guests are mingling and Phoebe makes the food turn into a live Duck.

'Lightly simmering. (She turns on the stove and big flames appear.) Okay, okay. Sabotaged, I am being sabotaged.' Piper huffs.

Prim tries to calm her down. 'Relax, Piper. Let me help. Why don't we order some food from Quake?'

Phoebe enters the kitchen. 'What seems to be the problem?'

'There is something terribly wrong with the house. (Brown, dirty water squirts up out of the drain in the sink.) Oh my God, oh my God, call the plumber. (When Piper turns her back, a Knife appears in Phoebe's hand.) This is a complete and total disaster. (Phoebe stands right behind Piper.) Someone just kill me now and spare me the agony of clean up.' Piper exclaims.

Prim looks to the basement feeling a pull. 'That's odd.'

'Ask and you shall receive.' Phoebe says.

Josh enters and Phoebe's Knife disappears. 'Everything alright in here? (He sees the mess.) Do people pay you to do this?'

Prim shakes herself from her trance. She laughs. 'This isn't a normal dinner. Piper makes excellent food.'

Piper sighs. 'Phoebe could you please escort Mr. Congeniality out of here please, now. And get Prue, tell her it's and emergency.'

Professsor Whittlesey explains more to Prue on the Spiritual Nexus. Being that it's mythology, but believed that when a geographical point is equal distance to the five spiritual elements, it's a place of great power. The lights flicker on and off.
Prue goes to help Piper and Prim in the kitchen while Phoebe gives a house tour. Piper is on the floor throwing a little tantrum. Prim trying to work through the little shocks to get the food done. Prue walks in. 'Okay, aren't you the same girl who said and I quote "everything will be fine"?' Prue helps her up off the floor.

Piper nods. 'Yep.'

'And?' Prue asks.

Piper frowns. 'It's hot. I don't know what it is but it's like the house is possessed.'

Prue shakes her head. 'No, no, no. It is Phoebe and her new powers.'

'How can it be possibly be Phoebe? I think you want it to be Prue. But it's something else, I know it. I just don't know what.' Prim bites her lip.

Piper sighs. 'Look, I know she's been acting really weird lately but she wanted...I would argue if I could think of another option.'

Prue, Piper and Prim go to cancel the dinner, but saying they all have a reservation at Quake. Phoebe meanwhile takes the Professor to the basement. They all leave.

Piper turns to her two sister. 'Now what?'

'Interrogation.' Prue states.

Phoebe stands at the doorway. 'Are you looking for me?'

'What's going on, Pheebs?' Prim frowns.

Prue shakes her head. 'Why are you doing this?'

'Because he asked me to.' She states.

Piper raised an eyebrow. 'Who asked you to?'

Prue has had it. 'Okay, that is it. (She walks up the stairs.) We need to...' As she gets to the doorway the electricity prevents her from entering and she flies backwards when she touches it. She lands on the grass.

Piper runs to her. 'Oh, Prue. Are you okay? Phoebe, what's wrong with you? Why won't you let us in.'

'Let us help you, Phoebe.' Prim says walking slowly toward her.

Phoebe suddenly shouts. 'No, you can't, you shouldn't. You don't live here anymore! (In a demonic voice.) He does.' She closes the door.

It's now morning. Prue, Piper, and Prim are sitting on the step.

'If our powers can't get us into the house, what can?' Prue asks.

Piper stands up and grabs a brick. She throws it at the window but the electricity prevents it from breaking. 'That helped.'

'You know, yesterday I got shocked when I walked through the front door.' Prue tells them.

Prim nods. 'Yeah, you know at the time i barely felt it. I was too worried about Piper and Phoebe.'

'Me too. Do you think that's when all this started.' Piper asks.

Prue shrugs. 'Define this. Our house has turned against us and so has our sister.'

Piper shakes her head. 'This is more than just Phoebe. She said that he told her to do this. So, who is he and what does he want with Phoebe?'

Prue thinks a moment. 'Maybe that's the problem, we've been focusing on Phoebe. Maybe that's not the point.'

'Hello obvious. That's what I've been saying all along. Am I talking to myself?' Prim groans.

Piper ignores her. 'Than what is?'

'Location. Whatever has the house, has her too. And it's not letting us in for a reason.' Prue explains.

'And we can't get to the Book of Shadows to find out what it is. So we know nothing.' Piper says.

Prue smiles. 'Yes we do. There's someone that knows the house better than we do. Come on.'

Phoebe's dialing the phone and as she walks from room to room, the wallpaper falls of the walls and the window's glass break. 'Yes, I would like a pizza delivered to my home. Well, whenever you do open then. I don't care what you put on the thing. Just make sure someone delivers it. 1329 Prescott St. I'll be waiting.'

Outside a University. The police are taking Professor Whittlesey away. She tried to strangle Josh.

They're looking at maps in the office. 'Okay, to find a way back in, we have to know what we're up against. The professor said that a true spiritual nexus is equal distance from the five elements.' Prue says.

'So Earth, fire, water, wood and metal.' Prim lists off.

Piper nods. 'Okey-dokey. Equal distance. Here is the manor. Alright. (Prue puts a dot on it.) Uh, the Bay-water. (Prue puts a dot there.) Natural hot spring.'

'Okay that's fire. Wood? What was the park that mom used to take us to? Kenwood?' Prim asks.

Piper nods. 'Named after the type of tree that grew there when it was still a forest.'

'Okay, three out of five. Earth.' Prue says.

Piper snaps her finger. 'Twin Peaks. Highest point in the city.'

'And last but not least, metal.' Prue tells them.

'Tiffany's.' Piper jokes.

Prue smiles. 'Cute. Natural metal. Okay, fourth grade field trip we panned for gold. Where was that?' She points to a place and they put a dot on it. Prue joins the dots with a pen and it turns into a star.

'Our house was built in the center of a pentagram.' Piper realised.

'Of course it is. Makes sense.' Prim smirks.

Prue sighs. 'Looks like it's not just in a spiritual nexus, but a wiccan one as well. Which means it's a battle ground for good and evil.'

'And what happens when evil gets the house?' Piper asks.

Prue looks at them. 'It spreads. We'd have to check the Book of Shadows to be sure, but I bet that there's a reason why our family built the house there. To reclaim the spot for good.'

'And now I'm thinking evil wants it back.' Piper concludes.

'Well, that's too damn bad. It's ours, and it's staying that way.' Prim tells them.

Prue sighs. 'But it's taking Phoebe with it.'

Outside Halliwell Manor. Darryl and Andy get out of their car. Phoebe takes Andy into the basement while Morris deals with fighting neighbors.

Prue, Piper, amd Prim get out of the car and walk over to him.

'Hey, Morris. Neighbourhood watch?' Piper asks.

Darryl sighs. 'Had a woman brought into the station house today. Wasn't feeling too well, spent last night at your house. Professor Beth Whittlesey.'

Prue is concerned. 'Is she okay?'

Darryl shakes his head. 'Not at the moment. She's under observation. I'm occupied right now. Andy would like to ask you a few questions.'

The sisters walk over to the manor. 'Wait, if Andy is in the house and Paul was in the house, there must be a way for us to get in.' Piper tells them.

Prue sighs. 'We better hope so otherwise there's no way to get to the Book of Shadows. (The door opens and Andy's there. Prue and Piper hide behind a bush.) Freeze them.'

Prim stops her. 'No, Not yet.'

Piper waits till he is in the middle of the door then freezes him.

Prue is confused. 'What was that?'

'The house is letting him out, right? This is the only second it's guard is down.' Piper explains.

Prue nods. 'Good point.'

'Thank you.' Piper smiles, Prim nods.

They walk inside and see Phoebe frozen.

'Oh no. She's frozen.' Prim groans.

'Good.' Piper says.

Prue shakes her head. 'No, no, no. Remember our powers don't work on good witches.'

'Oh, that means she's ...' Piper finally gets it.

Prue frowns. 'We've lost her. Let's go get her back. Run.' They run up the stairs. Andy and Phoebe unfreeze.

The two neighbours are still yelling at each other. Morris is trying to stop them from fighting. Andy walks up to them, pulls out a gun, but Morris throws him to the ground taking his gun.

In the attic Prue's looking through the Book of Shadows.

Piper hurries her along. 'Faster would be good.'

Prue shakes her head. 'There is nothing here. We don't even know what we're fighting.'

Piper looks at her. 'Our sister.'

'No, it's more than that. Alright, when in doubt, start at the beginning. What happened first?' Prue asks them.

Piper retells it. 'Gas man attacked me.'

'While I was being drawn to the basement for some reason.' Prim tells them.

Prue sighs. 'Before that.'

Piper thinks. 'The earthquake, which is why the gas man was here to check the leak in the basement.'

'And before Professor Whittlesey freaked out she took her around the house including the basement.' Prue realizes.

Piper nods. 'Ohh.'

Prue looks at her. 'Noises don't help.'

'The gas man said that's where Phoebe was. And we know she's been down there.' Piper says.

Prue shakes her head. 'No, Piper, it was just a story.'

Prim scoffs. 'Why are you so sure? Monsters and demons from the past and future have attacked us. Why can't Phoebe's childhood monster be real?'

Prue doesn't believe it. 'The Woogyman in the basement?'

Piper 'Phoebe swore she saw something down there. And that's when Grams started telling us the story...' Piper tries to convince her.

Prue nods. 'Of how to destroy it.'

Piper goes on. 'And there was an earthquake that night too, remember? So maybe that's how it gets out.'

'We've been looking in the wrong place. How to vanquish the demon is in Gram's story, not the Book of Shadows.' Prim tells them.

Piper tilts her head. 'So it wasn't a story, it was a spell?'

Prue sighs. 'Alright, the Woogyman is a real demon, so Phoebe was right. Now how did it go?'

Piper tries to remember. 'Uh, something about a Woogyman and Grams fought it.'

'That's it? That's all that you remember?' Prue looks at them.

'Well, don't you remember anything?' Piper fires back.

Prue stutters. 'I-I-I remember that it was sort of like a rhyme, sounded like a children's song.'

'Well, we better figure it out fast or we're gonna have a whole lot...' Piper opens the attic door and Phoebe's there. Phoebe grabs her and pushes her outside. Phoebe walks in the attic and locks the door. 'Prue! Prim!'

Piper bangs on the door. A long sword appears in Phoebe's hand. 'Any fantasies about how you want to die?'

Prim crosses her arms. 'Hmmm, not lately. I've kinda been busy at the moment.'

Phoebe smirks and goes to hit Prim. Prim blocks the sword with wind, then used her vines to grab the sword. She couldn't bring herself to hurt her sister though. Phoebe takes that moment and backhands her out the window. Prim used her power to safely reach the ground. Phoebe grabs the sword back up.

Prue tries to talk her down. 'Phoebe, listen to me. This isn't you.'

Phoebe laughs. 'Give the girl a prize.'

Piper yells. 'Prue! Prim!'

'Look, whoever is doing this hasn't completely beaten you, otherwise we would be dead by now.' Prue tells her.

Phoebe smirks. 'Really?'

'Phoebe?' Piper calls out.

'Phoebe, you are stronger than him.' Prue tells her.

Piper continues to bang on the door.

Phoebe shakes her head. 'No, I wasn't. That's why he chose me. (In a demonic voice.) But now I'm stronger than you.'

She gets ready to swing the sword and Prue uses her powers. Phoebe flies across the room. Prue opens the door and they run down the stairs. Piper opens the front door.

Prue stops her. 'Piper, where are you going?'

'It's not just Phoebe we're fighting, it's the house, it's everything.' Piper tells her.

Prue shakes her head. 'Piper, don't! (Piper walks through the doorway and the electricity makes her fly through the air. She hits the ground hard.) Oh, God. Are you okay?'

Piper sighs. 'No, and neither are you. We're locked in this house and our sister's trying to kill us.'

'Could be worse. She could have actually killed us.' Prim speaks up.

'Alright, the answer must be in Grams' Woogyman story.' Prue tells them.

Piper nods. 'Which none of us remember. Wait how did you get back in?'

'I'm guessing she let me. We gotta keep trying Pipes.' Prim smiles.

Back in the attic Phoebe wakes up. She goes downstairs. She stops halfway when she hears Prue and Piper talking.

Piper sighs. 'There has to be a way out of here.'

Prue shakes her head. 'We have tried everything, Piper. Besides the only way to help Phoebe is from inside.'

Phoebe smiles and walks towards the basement.

Piper scoffs. 'Help her kill us, maybe.'

'Yeah, well we have to keep trying.' Prue states.

Phoebe calls From the basement. 'Prue! Piper! Prim! Help me!'

Prue looks at them. 'Do you think ...'

Phoebe calls again. 'Please, you gotta help me. Down in the basement.'

'Trap.' Piper says.

Prim bites her lip. 'Definitely.'

Prue sighs. 'Yeah, well, what else can we do?'

Piper shakes her head. 'We can not go to the basement. I vote for that.'

'Grams knew that this evil would come back so that's why she told us the story. She wanted us to be prepared.' Prim smiles.

Piper groans. 'Well, how do we remember the words? I never even believed in the Woogyman.'

'No, but Phoebe did. She knows the story by heart.' Prue tells them.

Piper laughs a little. 'Something tells me she's not in the mood to share it.'

'Alright, we know his source of power is in the basement. If we weaken him, we can weaken his hold on Phoebe long enough for her to tell us the spell.'

'How do we do that? We don't even know what it is or how to fight it.' Piper asks worried.

'Help! Please, I need you.' Phoebe calls out.

Prue, Piper and Prim walk in the kitchen.

'Okay. We have no choice. So, we're gonna need a ....' Prue starts.

Piper finishes. 'Light. (Prue gets a lighter out of a drawer.) No. The light. Grams's story, remember? She said something about using it to guide you through the shadows. Or was it to the shadow?'

Prue shakes her her head. 'That doesn't make sense, using a light to find the shadows? Shadows retreat from the light and they thrive from the darkness. Kind of like this.'

'Or in the basement. That's what we're fighting, you guys, a shadow.' Prim smirks.

Prue smiles. 'Okay, let's fight it.'

They walk down the stairs.

Piper calls out. 'Phoebe?'

'Oh, there, see that?' Prue sees the Woogyman.

Phoebe appears at the top of the stairs. 'What took you so long?'

Prue closes the door with her power. 'Come on, we don't have a lot of time. Okay, uh, freeze it.'

Piper tries to freeze it but it won't. 'It's not working. Can't you, uh ...?'

Prue tries to use her power on it but nothing works. 'My power's not working on it either. Prim you try. (Prim does to no avail. Phoebe pushes the door open.) Phoebe, you've got to listen to us.'

'You're in no position to tell me what to do.' She holds up a Knife.

'Remember Grams' story? The one about the Woogyman? About the light?' Prim calls to her.

'Come on Phoebe, try.' Piper adds on.

Phoebe shakes her head. 'I can't. Don't make me. I don't like the basement.'

'It's no use. Your sister's evil now.' The Woogyman tells them.

Prue ignores him. 'Come on, Phoebe. You've got to fight it. You're good. (Phoebe touches a picture on the wall and has the same premonition as before with Grams in it.) Phoebe, please, remember the story. What did Grams say?'

'Hurry, Phoebe, please.' Piper begs.

Phoebe starts chanting. "I am light, I am one too strong to fight, return to dark where shadows dwell, you can not have this Halliwell."

'Keep it going, Phoebe.' Prim encourages.

Phoebe continues. "Go away and leave my site, and take with you this endless night."

The Woogyman disappears back in the crack in the floor.

Piper checks on Josh.

In the attic Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Prim are cleaning up.

Prim sighs. 'So, Morris said that it was only a two week suspension.'

Piper frowns. 'It doesn't seem fair, it wasn't even Andy's fault.'

Prim groans. 'Well, what were we gonna do? Plead shadows?'

Piper changes the subject. 'Anyway, everyone seems to be back to normal but that doesn't erase their actions.'

'Yeah, well, I wish it did, it could get me off Claire's bad side, if she has a good one.' Prue tells them.

Phoebe groans. 'I'm beginning to wonder if I have a good one. (Prue, Piper and Prim stare at her.) Well, I am. I mean not any more so than anyone else.'

Prue smiles. 'Yeah, well the important thing is the good side won out.'

Phoebe shakes her head. 'Yeah, but I must have been more susceptible than either one of you three, otherwise he wouldn't of chosen me, right? Right?'

Piper sighs. 'You were the only one that was born in the house, that makes you more connected to it. That spiritual nexus thing.'

'That's exactly my point. I could go either way. Good or evil. Kinda freaky. I do have to tell you I am gonna miss that cool power though.' Pheobe tells them.

'Hey, I wasn't born in the house but it called to me as well. Which means I've got more bad in me than you.' Prim smirks.

Phoebe glares playfully. 'Yeah, and you were able to resist him.'

Piper speaks up. 'Um, if Grams put away the shadow and it came back...'

Prue nods. 'Means it can come back again. Okay, it's time. Every witch before us has added to the Book of Shadows. We need to warn who comes next. It's our turn.'

'Who should do it?' Phoebe asks.

Prue hands her a pen, they find a blank page in the book and she starts writing.

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