Haunt And Howl

By Levi5580

2.3K 104 0

Izuku is a human who was saved from a blood farm ran by vampires. Only to end up with a human who's hiding a... More

2: From Within
3: Off The Case
4: A Wolf Growls For Revenge
5: Coming Home
6: Hidden Memory
7: Dreaming
8: Petty
9: Clock Strikes Soon
10: Our Embrace
11: A Spell To Help
12: Your Heart And Soul
13: Broken Soul
14: Just In Time
15: Fight For Lovers

1: Start of The Hunt

407 10 0
By Levi5580

Izuku's pov:

It all started when I was twelve. The night was Halloween, and the clouds were heavy that night. News had spread that trick or treating was canceled due to the new mayor of our town.

Enji:"Trick or treating is the devil's charm on our children. Therefore, children are ordered to stay indoors. If anyone is caught outside. I fear for your safety."

We didn't listen. Kacchan and I went out with pillow cases in hand. Knocking on neighbors' doors trying to get candy. I was dressed in a patched sheet that my mom made into a cloak with a hood to cover my head but show my face. Kacchan was angry because his mom dressed him up like a wolf. I couldn't help but pinch the fluffy ears to pet them.

Baku:"Knock it off, nerd! We aren't here to have fun. Let's just get our candy and go home before we get caught by that asshole."

Izu:"But kacchan, trick or treating is supposed to be fun."

Baku:"Tch. You get the house across the street. I'll hit up this one."

Izu:"o... okay."

As I dragged my pillow case across the road. I had a feeling that we were being watched. When I turned around to knock on the door. A hand reached from the shadows. That's when everything went dark, and I dropped my candy.

Bakugou's pov:

After going to the last three houses on my side. I looked over and didn't see that nerd anywhere.

Baku:"Must've gone home. Damn nerd owes me candy for ditching early."

I cross the street. Only to step on something at the third house. When I looked down. I saw his patchy bunny pillowcase with candy on the ground. Then, the feeling of being watched made the hairs on my neck stand. I grabbed deku's bag and ran as fast as I could back home. When morning came. The news broke that deku and other kids were kidnapped last night. I couldn't help but feel a bit of guilt. If I had only stayed by his side. Maybe he wouldn't have been a target. Since the kidnappers only went after kids that were alone. Instead of doing nothing about it. I vowed to bring him back home. In college, I joined a school for the S.N.A.S.H. or supernatural association for saving humans. We investigate missing human cases that could have super naturals behind the attacks. It's there that I could investigate cases around the time deku went missing. Only to find cases of vampires feeding on livestock and a zombie haunting a graveyard.

Kiri:"Are you done looking in records yet? The boss wants us to investigate a mansion that reeks of human death and blood. Roumor has it that it's a vampire nest. Do you think you can handle your first case?"

I nod and grumble as I  stand up.

Baku:"Let's get this over with."

Kiri:"That's the spirit!"

We arrive at the four story home and push the squeeling gate open.

Baku:"Damn, haven't they ever heard of WD-40?"

Kiri:"Let's just make the report and give the fines as needed. Then we can go home."

I reach for the metal knocker on the door. Only to pull back when it stings.

Baku:"Fucking silver?"

Kiri:"Here let me."


KIRI:"Excuse me is anyone home?! I'm with SNASH and wish to speak with the head of household!"

The door opens and the smell of death comes our like a wave. That's when we're greeted by our mayor.

Enji:"May I help you?"

Kiri:"Sorry to disturb you sir but we-"

Baku:"You're house smells like shit and neighbors have complained to us about it."

Kiri:"Bro not cool."

Enji:"I'll be sure to clean up. You can leave now."

As that sketchy basterd goes to shut the door. I jam my foot in the way of it closing.

Baku:"Due to the nature of the complaint. We need to know the names of the victims who've passed on. That way we can give the news to their families. We'll also need you to relinquish the bodies for proper burials. Afterwards you'll receive a fine of $100,000 for every body. I'm sure an immortal sucker like yourself can afford it."

Enji:"I'll follow the proper paperwork and get it to you within the thirty days allowed."

Kirishima pulls on me to signal that we need to go.

Baku:"Very well. Thanks for your cooperation."

Once off the land. We talk freely.

Baku:"What did you see?"

Kiri:"Magical darkness was cast to hide the fact that humans are being tortured."

Baku:"Blood farming?"

Kiri:"Most likely. Which means we have grounds to bust them."

Baku:"That true sight of yours is not half bad for an extra."

Kiri:"I can't tell if that's a complement or an insult."

Baku:"Tch, I'm just glad we'll get some entertainment with this job."

Kiri:"Let's hurry back with our findings."

Baku:"Don't tell me what to do! Dumbass."

I pull a stake out of my pocket. Ready for the raid.

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