Secret Service

By gooniesneversaydie1

82.2K 3.2K 1K

Harry and Scott work for the Secret Service, head agents assigned to the protection detail for the Prime Mini... More

Coming soon
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen

Part Eighteen

5.2K 192 91
By gooniesneversaydie1

"What do you mean there's a crowd?" Louis asks.

He's sat on the hospital bed, dressed in sweats and a sweater, getting ready to leave the hospital three weeks later. He's still so sore but Sammy has said he's healing nicely and now that he's seeing the psychologist Kimberly regularly, Louis can continue his recovery in the comfort of home.

"Well, the media somehow got wind you're being released today, and people have turned up to see you and wish you well" James explains.

James and Drew, Harry and Scott are at the hospital, ready to escort Louis home.

"I know you had to release a statement but, how did they know I'm here?" Louis asks.

"This is the hospital where the royal family, and we get treated, it's just known by the public" James says.

"How's about you come see them from the window first baby" Scott says, trying to reassure Louis.

Louis gets up slowly and Harry and Scott help him over to the window. The hospital overlooks a huge park. The street and some of the park are filled with people, some even holding signs of well wishes.

Louis can't believe what he's seeing, why these people are here for him.

Louis looks back at James and Drew in awe.

"Why do they care about me?" Louis asks.

"They support our family kiddo, and you're part of our family. You being found is huge news and people love you" Drew says smiling.

"It's just so weird, like I understand why they all love you, but I'm kind of a ring in" Louis says.

"Louis, that is so far from the truth, a lot of those people out there remember you from when you were four years old, even younger. You were our little rebel, the one who never did as he was told, you stole the show when we went out in public, for being so mischievous and cute. The public have missed you too" James tells him.

Louis can't believe this, some of those people know more or remember more about his life than he does, it's just so surreal.

Harry moves and wraps his arm around Louis from behind, he brings him back against his chest and kisses the side of his head, Louis smiles cutely in response.

"You'll get used to it baby" Harry says.

Scott sidles up beside Louis's other side and swipes his fringe off his forehead.

"Everyone has been really worried and wanting to know you're okay" Scott says.

Louis nods and just watches the crowd for a while before Ben comes into the room to tell everyone it's safe to leave.

"Ready?" Harry asks as he moves back, he and Scott hold out their hands, Louis smiles and takes them gratefully.

"Do I need to say or do anything?" Louis asks.

"Since everyone has come out to see you, it might be nice to stand on the steps and wave, just quickly. Only if you're up for it though" James says.

"Yeah, I think I'm okay, will you all be with me?" Louis asks.

"Absolutely" everyone says.

Louis nods and they all go to leave, it's slow going as Louis is still so sore and bruised.

"Lou, do you want to walk out with Drew? We can just stay behind you" Harry says.

"Oh, if you want me to" Louis says a little defeated.

"Not because we want to Lou, believe us, but we don't think announcing our relationship like this is the best right now" Scott says with a slight smirk.

Louis smiles back and nods.

Drew holds out his hand with a wide smile and Louis returns it and holds Drew's hand tightly.

When security open the hospital doors Louis grips Drew's hand. The screams are wild, and Louis can't believe it.

They move to the stairs and Drew waves and looks down at Louis smiling. Louis looks at Drew and then the crowd and waves back. The crowd somehow gets so much louder when Louis waves back and he smiles at everyone.

There are people shouting and cheering and Louis still can't believe this is his life now.

Harry and Scott make their way to the car and security escorts James, Drew, and Louis to the back seat of the Van.

Louis is helped in by Harry and Scott and they all get into the van.

Cameras are flashing as they make their way home, Louis is still at a complete loss with the attention but he's trying to accept it all.

When they arrive home, Louis is taken to his room and met with the family inside.

"Now Lou, you need to be resting okay, it's still bed rest for a few more weeks" Andy says as he tucks Louis up in his king size bed.

"I'm so bored, can I at least start university soon?" Louis asks.

"Not for a few weeks Hun, but don't worry, you won't miss too much" Jo tells him.

"Oh my god" Drew then says as he's looking at his phone, hand over his mouth trying to suppress his smile.

"What?" Everyone asks.

"Well, the crowd at the hospital saw you guys in the window, there are pictures of you all over social media.... I'm pretty sure the cats out of the bag" Drew says.

Louis looks worriedly to Harry and Scott.

"It's fine darling don't stress" Scott tells him.

"But you didn't want to tell anyone" Louis says upset.

"What? No baby, we just didn't want to rush you, there's a lot going on and we didn't want to pressure you" Harry says.

"They are really cute pics though" Edward smiles as he looks at his own phone.

Louis blushes as everyone agrees.

"Well, we can just let it die down, or we can let them all know the truth" James says.

"But, like, won't that affect the polls, like will people hate you because in gay" Louis asks cautiously.

"What? Louis. No" James says sternly.

"Louis that's not even something you need to worry about" Drew says.

"And even if hate does come, we don't want those people supporting us anyway" James says.

"I just feel like I've come into your lives and completely turned them upside down, I don't want to cause more trouble" Louis says defeated.

"Louis, that is not even anything to worry about. We love you so much, we're so thankful you're here" James says.

"Even.... even if I'm not your son" Louis says quietly.

Everyone looks at each other and James sighs.

"We need to have a chat about that but Louis, you're mine and your mother's both biologically and emotionally. You're ours okay, and we love you" James tells him.

Louis is relieved to hear it and nods in acceptance.

"Now rest! We can talk about everything else later" Andy tells him.

They tuck Louis in, and he falls asleep feeling safe as he can feel, thankful for everyone.


"Louis William, get your butt down here now" Drew calls from the kitchen.

"I'm right here" Louis says as he walks in laughing.

Edward, Drew, Andy and Harry and Scott are sitting around the table waiting for Louis to join them.

"What have you been up to little rebel" Edward asks as Louis sits down.

"Nothing, sorry just my last assignment before I graduate" Louis tells them.

Louis is finishing up his degree in a few weeks, his last assignment due before he graduates.

Louis, Harry, and Scott are still together, they have a wonderful relationship. When they came out the public was so supportive and absolutely love following along with them. Louis has become extremely popular on social media, he's still a little uncomfortable but he's getting used to everything.

James was reelected as prime minister for the third and final time, he finishes up next year and Edward is running in the next election, with everyone backing him, his popularity is massive in the polls and hopefully he will take over from James.

The boys all still live in the estate with James and Jo, however they are traveling on a tour for the next few months and the boys have been assigned to look after Louis.

Louis has become so close to James and Joanna and even though he will always grieve Luke and Sophia, he's so glad he's found his real family, his brothers are his world and he theirs, it's like no time has passed at all.

"We're so proud of you darling" Harry says as he leans in to kiss Louis with a smile.

Louis beams back at Harry.

"What movie should we watch tonight then?" Edward asks as they all dig into their dinner.

"It's Louis turn to choose" Andy tells everyone and Louis beams while everyone laughs and rolls their eyes.

"I guess it's back to the future for the 100th time" Scott says fondly.

"Hey!!, You love me" Louis says back.

"We do, but we could change your movie choices up a bit" Scott chuckles.

"Fine, we can watch the third one" Louis grins cheekily.

Everyone laughs and Louis smiles. He loves his family and the boys so much. He can't wait to take on the next chapter with Harry and Scott and to take their relationship to the next level. He's so happy and can't get over how much his life has changed, and how lucky he is to have his brothers and parents in his life.


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